



Michael Kelly, IVâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡°

Grand Master (Emeritus) of the Order of Leviathan

Immortality is an aspiration which is not unique by any means
to the Order of Leviathan.
It is alluded to in one form or another by almost all occult philosophies.
Nor is the Order of Leviathan the only Temple of Set Order
to deal with this question.

What may be unique is the way in which we approach the question,
both in terms of our openness to new ideas and general lack of dogma,
but also the quality
of those best possible answers we have so far
surmised from our researchers.

Firstly we have to consider what is it that may be immortal in us?

It can't be our physical bodies, for they don'
t even last for the duration
of our earthly lives;
every cell in the body is replaced
every few years.

The body I have now is almost totally different from the one
I had when I joined the Temple of Set.

Granted, there is a continuity nonetheless, for the cells
are not replaced all at once, but as a gradual change.

Even so, there is no cure for ultimate physical death,
and even if one was to be developed I wouldn't mind betting
most people would not receive it or even be allowed to know of it.

So immortality must be of the mind, if at all.

Can the mind exist without the support system of the body?

There is no proof that it can.
The greatest evidence that it may be able to do so
is through the practice of Magi
c to cause Change in the outside world.

If Magic works - and I know it does, you must test this for yourself
and not take my word for it -
then here is evidence that the mind can act upon the world

without having to employ the "middle man" of the body.

Of course, this does not necessarily mean that it can survive
outside of t
he body for any length of time, but it is a piece of evidence
that points in the right direction.

The other main evidence comes from the other type of Magic -
that which causes Change within the Self.

The Principles of Self-Creation and Isolate Intelligence
which have been discovered by the Initiates of the Temple of Set
strongly suggest that the awakened psyche must be able
to survive physical death because it is a self-sufficient system.
This again requires personal experimentation.

So what is this mind that lives on?
Based upon the above, we must rule out the ordinary personality
day to day concerns, for these are pure biology.
Much of our mental activity is, when analysed,
a pre-programmed product of the meat machine,
comprising basic instinctual reactions and social condit

Many of our more inspired thoughts and feelings
are also ultimately bound to immediate circumstance
and lack eternal purpose.

That which remains is true Self-consciousne
But this consciousness may not necessarily be awakened,
so even now we may find nothing but vague dreams or dissipation.
This is why Setians seek to seize and actualise moments of Xeper -
of Coming Into Being -
those times of power in our lives when the moment of
Willed Change occurs and no barrier is insurmountable.

By remembering these times of Xeper and reliving them,
by taking conscious measures to create real and lasting change
in consequence, we recognize the overall sequence of
Willed events and begin to understand the unique "flavour" <b
r>of our own Essence, apart from its workaday trappings.

This is the process known as Remanifestation.

Its ultimate goal is Self-divinity.

The above is a very trimmed down descriptio
of an ongoing process of Initiation, but the point is this:
by applying this knowledge instead of just theorising about it,
the Initiate of Leviathan is able to draw close to his/her Essence now.

Immortality is not some vague conc
ept which happens after death,
it is an ageless State of Being,
and one that can be sought and experienced now.
We know we are immortal, because we already have tasted immortality.

The further intensification of that experience and catalysis
of the process is a continuing Work of the Order,
enacted on an individual level by the Quest for individual purpose,
or the True Will as Aleister Crowley described it.

Why is the Order of Leviathan in particular so focused upon this question?

This has to do with the natu
re of Leviathan Itself,
the ageless Principle of the Order,
as described elsewhere on this site.

The History of the Order
Leviathan appears as a monstrous primordial sea-creature in the Old Testament's oldest known work, the Book of Job. The serpent or dragon image resonates throughout the world, touching other cultures and peoples: among them, Apep of the Egyptians, Tiamat of the Akkado-Sumerians, the Greek Typhon, the Midgard Serpent in Norse mythology, and the belief in dragon currents in Chinese cosmology. The common universal elements of this Serpentine Archetype - power, wisdom, renewal/rebirth, and liberation - led to its incorporation i
to the teachings of the Pre-Christian Gnostics and Hermeticists from which the Medieval/Renaissance magicians received their inspiration.

Leviathan's hold over Black Magi
cians has been a strong one. Its name ringed the Ba
phomet used by the Church of Satan as the serpent that encircled and defined the Goat of Mendes. Medieval grimoires name Leviathan as one of the greatest Princes of Hell.

The Order of Leviathan was one of the Temple of Set's earliest Orders, created in the year XVII (1982) by Magister James Lewis, when then-High Priest Ronald K. Barrett decided that Masters of the Temple should found orders to focus their teaching. It has grown and developed through the intervening years, and from studying its principles, Magus James Lewis Uttered the Word Remanifest. In XXXI (1996), Magister Michael Kelly became the Order's second Grand Master. In XXXV (2000), the office of Grand Master passed to Magister Bruce Ware.

INTERVIEW: Rev. Michael Boe of the Leviathan Grotto
conducted by Matt G. Paradise for Not Like Most #5

Controversy surrounds them. Local residents want to (provide a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury) them. Generalizations vainly attempt to touch them. And Rev. Boe wouldn't have it any other way.

Rev. Michael Boe, head of The Leviathan Grotto and publisher of the Satanic publication, The Raging Sea, claims their base of operations in Santa Cruz, California: home of their famous boardwalk (showcased in the movie, "The Lost Boys") and the epicenter for much of the bleeding hard-on liberalism that is only rivaled by its Bay Area big sister. Sata
ism, by its mere presence amongst this flock, has stirred quite a cauldron-ful of caustic criticism, and proving that many in the herd still refuse to think on anything but a 2-dimensional level. We spoke to Re
v. Boe on the subjects of fascism, Hi
tler, the Internet, feminists, and more (ironically, on Hitler's birthday). Listen up.

NOT LIKE MOST: You and I (though, separately) discovered the title Satanism and LaVey's books at thirteen, and both for the sincerest reasons. Many of the true Satanists I know also gravitated to Satanism around the same age (though, many of the fakes do, too, but they fade away quickly). Do you feel there is some significance to this?

REV. MICHAEL BOE: I think that by the time individuals hit thirteen years of age, their hormones have begun to stabilize, their ECIs are locked in, the maturation process has begun to crest, and abstract thinking abilities begin to solidify. It is a stage of development which determines our disposition as adults. I think many Sa
tanists mature earlier than the rest of their peers as was evident in my own experiences. While the other kids in school were content to show off their new skateboards, I was already locking myself in my ro
om reading through my extensive collection of boo
ks. I was secure with my own being, therefore I didn't feel the need to elevate my own sense of self worth through the mindless consumption (and subsequent bragging) of trendy consumer products.

NLM: The Leviathan Grotto utilizes certain symbology, both in its rituals and its publication, that has been linked to Nazi ceremony. Describe some of the benefits of this exploration and its quality of revealing the ignorance in the symbol-scared sheep.

MB: The Nazis are, to this day, considered by most to be the embodiment of evil incarnate. So are we. The power of the symbology utilized by the Nazis is still evident. Nothing will make sheep start bleating louder than flashing a swastika and we take advantage of that from time to time. If someone r
eads our publications or some of our propaganda fliers, and begins calling us Nazis, we immediately know that they are incapable of deeper thinking, seeing beyond the "obvious." It is a litmus
test of sorts. The manufacturers of the ideology which became known
as National Socialism understood the need to motivate the masses and knew the power which lies within the twisted angles of certain symbols such as the swastika. Viewing video footage of the Nuremburg rallies confirms that these spectacles were more magical in nature than political, even if those in charge didn't realize it at the time. What power was being wielded which could mesmerize thousands of people? We have been exploring this for some time now. Indeed, it is well documented that the Nazis were attempting to bring about a revival of their collective pagan heritage and their studies into the occult were well known. By the time the war was in full swing, almost every Christian symbol had either disappeared or was replaced with a rune
or some other symbol. When Germany lost the war, research into this area was abandoned as a serious topic of study. We have picked up where they left off...

NLM: You embrace a form of fascis
m, though not the one the herd may accuse you of. There is something inhe
rently Satanic and nature-based about it, and it is practiced within your group...

MB: Some 'intellectually challenged' individuals have accused us of being white supremacists due to our interest and study of the occult practices of the Third Reich. So be it. We are prejudiced certainly, but our prejudice is based on intelligence, not skin color or ethnic background, and we are unwilling to continue arguing this point with people who do not have the mental faculties to absorb what we are saying. The fascism we embrace is one that is found in the very core of nature and we work within natural law. It is a concept one either understands or does not.

For the Reverend Michael Boe and other members of the Leviathan Grotto, running with Satan isn't just weekend sport--it's a way of life

Rings of Fire: The Church of Satan's Reverend Michael Boe (left), Silvia Medeiros and Brynn Cobb discuss the couple's upcoming nuptials. In the foreground is the "Wolf Hook," which is used by the organization on its stationery, publications and plaques. It represents the balance point between good and evil.

The real Church of Satan, the one f
unded by Anton Szandor LaVey, expressly forbids harming children or animals. There are no pacts with the Devil, no orgies, no demonic Halloween revelry, not even real Satan worship, because Satanists--real
Satanists, mind you--are atheists.

So why bother? What do Satanists get
out of Satanism?

The answer can be summed up in a single word: elitism. Satanists are incorrigible snobs. Their superior intelligence--which they're happy to point out--combined with their hauteur sets them above the "meeklings," as they call the rest of us.

Declaration of Indie Pendants: Reverend Michael Boe displays a Baphomet, a registered trademark of the Church of Satan. The two upward points are
thrust in defiance of heaven, and the three lower points are trinity denied. The goat head represents the carnal nature of man, while the Hebrew lettering at each point spells Leviathan.

Although Boe makes it clear that guests are unwelcome
at Grotto ceremonies or rituals, he lets slip several juicy details.

For example, for some rituals they use a naked woman for an altar,
both because she symbolizes Mother Earth and because
she helps to incite sexual energy--"the best energy," he adds.

It's a potent image, to say the least,
and one that splashed across the pages of newspapers
early in the Church of Satan's life cycle
when a photo of a nude
oman half-covered by a leopard skin
and serving as an altar in a ritual leaked to the press.

It called up visions of orgies and sacrifice.

Nothing, according to Boe, could be further from the truth.

In fact, lust rituals, which are meant to harness sexual energy,
are usually conducted
in private because they involve masturbation.

That's understandable, but again it's surprising.

Satanists are reserved, almost prudish,
when compared with their reputations.

As I learn more about Satanism I'm reminded
of an old Aquarian Tarot deck I once bought at a garage sale.

The 15th Major Arcanum, usually called The Devil,
depicts the usual image of a demon with a hapless man and woman
in thrall as a symbol of bondage to the material.

In this deck, though, the card is called The Thinker.

Perhaps Satanism is truly a religion of the mind
and not one of depraved yearnings, as most people bel

Of course, where that path leads is a matter
of speculation on which nearly everyone has an opinion.


Satanists, they say, are born, not made,
and Boe says he's a
lways been this way,
even as a young lad in Catholic school.
Not surprisingly, he holds some pretty strident opinions.

Regarding drug use, for example:

"I don't
associate with people who do drugs.
Anyone who does drugs is obviously into self-destruction,
which is the antithesis of what Satanism is all about."

About atrocities committed in the name of Satan:

"It's just hype. Kids on drugs watch talk shows and think,
'So this is what Satanists do.'
Then they go out and do what they see on TV."

On stupidity:
"Our prejudice is based on intelligence.
We don't like stupid people, we don't tolerate stupid people."

And on social services:
"I don&
#39;t see why I am forced to support welfare wenches
who spit out a baby every year to get their check."

For all his scathing diatribes, Boe's manners are impeccable,
his clothes pressed, his speech precise

Where are the excesses recommended in the mission statement,
"Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence"?
Where are the flagrant trespasses against the Seven Deadly Sins?

Satanists, I'm beginning to think, really aren't much fun at all.

Basically, Satan
ists are a tightly disciplined lot
who disdain anything resembling loss of control.

They value intelligence and individuality above all else.

They hold fast to a belief in social Darwinism,
a philosophy that has resulted in their name's association with neo-Nazism.

Theirs is a restrained hedonism that manifests itself sexually
and, I decide, watching the Reverend Michael Boe
cutting daintily into a gelatinous slab of rare porterhou
se steak,

Blood and grease swirl across the plate into a limpid pile
of rice pilaf, and the vegetables sit by untouched
next to two oily slices of half-eaten Texas toast.
To this wreck of
carnage and oil the Right Reverend
applies himself with the utmost care, pinky fingers raised,
crisp napkin at the ready.

Yes, the potential for trespass against
at least one Deadly Sin exists, for these,
I muse, are the habits of a gourmand under a tight rein.