

Senior Reporter
miscegena′tion n. interbreeding of races, esp. of Whites with non-Whites.

Picking up nigglet at the daycare
I'm sorry to sound like an idiot...but why did you have the picture of the wiggeress pointing a gun at her half-caste Vandal niglet? Also, why did she do that, if she was
mother of the Vandal niglet?
I only have one specimen for my Wigger Hall of Fame. Why they do what they do is a complete mystery to me
If I remember right this Wiggeress "done gone off"!!! and the SWAT team put her outta her misery but I think the Lil Niglet got spared I don't no all the details; :rollpin:
Hail Eric the Red. Your horns are upside down. Nigglet can put his mollah in the Niggy Bank.
Thats how miscegnated parents play with their kids.

They learn that style of play from the n-ggers they mate with.

This kind of training is endemic to the nig society.

Witness how they grow up to kill and pistol whip with one hand?

they cant let go of their crotch with the other.

They have a superstition that if they arent sticking their

wanger into a ho, it will fall off or get away,

so they have to hang onto it for all they're worth.

See how mom shows the kid to shoot/kill with ONE HAND ?

Takes practice, she's a good ho mom, starting the niglet real young.

