"Nazi Persecution of Homosexuals 1933-1945"


Xuxa the White

Sophia, what do you think really happened to the fags during that time in Nazi Germany? I have only heard the Holocausters' side of it!
Hey Xuxa,

Glad u are interested.

In the upper eschelons of the party were many bi-sexual and

homosexual men.

They kept the face in public of a form considered best for the mass as the

mass had been for so long conditioned by christianlty,

that J*w tool of destruction of ARYANS,

to hate homosexuals.

The party allowed private sexual play and discreet indulgences

among those who had proven their character.

Openly acting in ways that were abhorrent to the people was forbidden.

Rohm sealed his fate by his caprices baltantly paraded for the

populace to witness.

Also to solidify Hitelrs posit

Hitler knew that everyone does not progress at the same pace and

j ew CONDITIONING was already powerful due to the RELIGIOUS B.S.

they had been propagating for three thousan

ears already.

So Hitler designd the FRONT FACE of the party to reassure the po

and in private, freedom to be ones own person was encouraged.

It nurtured creativity.

Thruought history bi-sexuality and homosexuality have ALWAYS

been with us for vey good reasons.

In the beginning of our physical sojurn here when we first acquired bodies,


We still contain both male and female WITHIN

but during that cycle we were more as a spheroid form with a less prononced

genetalia as we simply divided our spherical self in two.

These resultant two parts also could divide.

Over time we were losing the inner balance of male and female energies

so as we divided physica

sometimes one of the two got more of the male energies and the other less

other times the opposite.

Our bodies begn to show more of one sexual character than the other.<b
this progerssion it was found that the ones who were result of divisions

who had more of one energy than the other could not divide, ie
were UNABLE to reproduce. Like mules.

It may be that somehow in looking for Spiritual balance the more male was

atttracted to the more female and vice versa

and they discovered they could MATE in physical sex and reproduce with the

male being releaed from the difficult part of reproduction.

There are those who believe that a CONTROLLING ENTITY who was present on

this planet and wanted us for slaves

deliberately altered our genes so we wolud seperate and have to physically mate to reproduce

thereby institutinng the pathways of sexism; the FIRST ism layered

onto us to divide
and conquer.

Once this was done to us,

ADAM and EVE and the necessity of sexual intercourse for reproduction,

our genetalia grew and women were given extra organs to g
estate a

This served the purpose of keeping the males from reuniting with thier more

Spiritual side and keeping the females busy bearing offfspring to create more

slaves and slowl
y weakening females as thier bodies over generations grew

weaker from gestating many offspring.

Weakening the whole RACE in the process.

We all are bi-sexual by NATURE and are slowly returning to our original form

a sphere of both male and female which was self reproducing.


All SERIOUS Occultists KNOW this.

Hitler was an Occultist as were most of his higher officers.

They knew the common people were not ready for all of this so

it was to be kept secret as it has been for centuries.
r>The Nazis believed that as people were gradually prepared for knowing more

they would be able to introducs schoolig to help them realize we truly are GODS !

the Nazis had to rebuil
d , ingratiate the masses, make many more

childen who were taught some truths , starting with civic and economic,

care of the Earth and animals.

The teaching would progress in steps as people showed an ability to absorb
the teachings.

This is why an inner cadre was necessary.

Those who showed they were ready became part of the core group

who were "In the know".

Everyone else was still only ready to see the immediate devolution.

New jobs, new housing, new schools, new roads and railroads, new ways of commerce,

a step by step of helping people to get out of FEAR mode imposed by J*ws

and more open to psychic growth.

Hitlers perfect man was more than the tall blonde physically fit German <

He saw far into the future when we would regain our purer form and

be both energies BALANCED in one body.

He saw the need to PROTECT the masses fro
m such knowledge
s until they

were ready
to handle the TRUTH.

Many ancient mysteries teach these theories and are readily available in books

that can be found online.

So to synopsise your query:

in the ranks open homosexuality was forbidden .

It was recognized and evaulatd by higher ups.

If the mans whole
persona was superior he was promoted .

If he was just another lowbred pervert he was drummed out.

The Nazis looked at the WHOLE being and accepted that a person not afraaid of

sexual experimentation was the sort that made strong leaders.


such as sex obsession which is what we see among most gay people today ! !

Keep in mind homosexuality which is healthy and crea
tive has been corrupted

by the j ew and turned on us as has been so much of our culture !

And that a great number of political and/or military lea
ders in history were

homosexual or bi-sexual

And many Queens were bi-sexual and often had miad-servants join in with lovers

or kings in sex play.

IMO homosexuality is a step toward bi-sexuality.

And a mentally healthy place to be once we are washed free of J*w twisting of wrong use of sex and its layered guilt.

There shold be NO guilt about sex or the human bod

These are all j ew constructs as part of the religious CONTROL MECHANISMS.

For a man to love a brother in a healthy way will lead, in mentally healthy men,

to pleasuring that loved one.


It is simply two people who care for each other giving each other pleasure

much as inviting that loved one over
and preparing a lovely dinner

or going to his home and helping cut the grass or paint the tool shed.

It is ONLY preverted under J*w dominance
as is prostitution, whic
h should be decriminilized.

ofessional sex workers ae earning a living by doing what they do best, GIVING PLEASURE TO OTHERS.

All of this applies to women of course and where is the person who does not know

what goes on in nunneries, hareems and sororities ? ;) ;)

Or what goes on on ships that go out to sea for months and why some sailors keep reenlisting ??

Homosexuality and bi-sexuality abound an

S were created AGAINST all our

ANCIENT philosophies, we were victims of sexism and we lost the creative

energies of women which were su
bverted to childbearing onl

This produced generations of NEUROTIC

who in turn produced generations of neurotic people easier for the tyranny to control.

All of these mentally unhealthy views come from male created religions


the tyranny needs boy babies to be born who are trained to hate and kill and

grow up to be good little cannon fodder as we are now seeig in the middle east.

The semitic mind ( arab included )is willing to give up its own by the thousands to destroy us.

They keep women as sex and breedig slaves as do religious J*ws.

As part of thier program to dsestroy the SUPERIOR RACE,

sexism was the FIRST tool and by far the most effective.

As ARYAN women get mentally free the semitic race will escalate the wars and


They plan to rule the world and to do so the ARYAN race must be destroyed.

The J*w prop
aganda will support the view th
at all homosexuals were murdered

by the Nazis.


The people that rose to emminence under Hitler did so becase they were judged on MERIT

and a lot of homosexuals have great merit and are very dedicated to our ANCESTORS WAYS'

Thus they rose to higher positions.

They did not recruit or corrupt as their sexuality was only a PART of who they were,


They were whole people of high character and were judged by this standard not

their sexal practices any more than one of the party members who enjoyed

sexual games of dominance and submission were castigated for these practices

as long as they did not go about in public preaching such preferences and NEVER

did any one homosexual or S/M prac
titioner seek preferential tratment or special


and would have denounced within the party anyone who did.

r>Sex practices are healthy as a par
t of our whole.

They are only destructive when turn
ed into some sort of cult and ask

for special treatment.

The Nazis were famously tolerant more so than many of the masses were

comfortable with so had to go slowly to allow a couple of generations to die off

and younger, more accepting people to grow up.

Too bad we have lost the flowere of our enlightenment and 60 years of growth.

The Universe is based on PERFECT BALANCE,

Know that it will out in the end. :D

The J*w perversions of all our NATRUAL proclivities will not stand up in the long haul.

The more people like you get info
rmen and help others to become open to our

past golries and how we accompolished,

wherefore caem our great powers,

the sooner we get on with throwing
off the yoke of J*w supression of human

sexuality and
the attedant guilt that keeps
us from progress !

There are many good books over hundeds of years discussing the power

available in being sexually open


Only that to become informed and not judge by the wrong yardstick.

Homosexuality is not BAD.

Only the way the J*w has twisted it and poisoned our minds to layer on more guilt.

So many will accept two women giving each other pleasure and many men even seek to be witness,

yet these people condem physical loving between men.


Because the tyranny has taught for so long that MEN must not indulge.


Beause the tyranny wants REPRODUCTION !


their great god of human suffering who demands human b
lood as scrifice to

maintain their
power !

NOT their blood if it can be avoided but no qualms
if necessary.

Kill the GOYIM who still hold the ANCIENT WISDOM that can and wi
ll defeat them.

Get knowledge and it will help us to see what was and must be again.

Love all ARYANS who are practicing self control and responsibility

no matter what they prefer behind closed doors or to eat at dinner or watch in the movies.

As did the Nazi Party.

So the J*ws had to destroy them and all their future generations.

They were instituting the personal growth that would eventually free all

of Europe from the mental chains of religions originated in the east !

Hasnt worked yet and it will never. :lol:

Although many more will die because of this
war that has been going on for a

million years.

Joy will be found in understanding where our gr
eatness actually sprang from.

SEEK. :lol: