Nevada: New political party 'White People'!

Tyrone N. Butts

APE Reporter

'White Peoples Party' forms in Nevada

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) - A new political group, called The White Peoples Party, whose goal is to eliminate affirmative action and other government programs that help minorities, is trying to form in Nevada.

The organization has filed with the secretary of state's office as the first step for qualifying to have candidates on the 2006 ballot.

Republican and Democratic parties "pander to the minorities," says Michael O'Sullivan, head of the party that won't allow J*ws or minorities to join. He anticipates a lot of criticism, but said politicians have been catering to blacks, Hispanics, gays and other minority groups.

Allen Lichtenstein, counsel to the ACLU of Nevada, said there's nothing illegal about creating the pol
itical party - but federal and state law prohibit it from keeping out minorities and J*ws.

"It is not going to fly," said Lichtenstein. "It (the political party) has to be open to all qualified voters."

To qualify as a political party, the organization must gather 7,914 signatures or 1 percent of the number of people who voted in the three congressional districts in the 2004 election. The signatures must be submitted by Aug. 11, 2006.

Directors of The White Peoples Party include O'Sullivan as chairman, Duane Vick as secretary and David Thomson as treasurer. All are from Las Vegas.

O'Sullivan is a member of the Las Vegas chapter of the National Alliance, a white separatist group that paid to have a "Stop Immigration" billboard put up in Las Vegas earlier this year.

n st
yle='color:red'>Lichtenstein said if O'Sullivan and his group want to help the white race, "it should help the state and citizens create a multi-ethnic society and lea
ve bigotry in the past where it belongs." </span>

But Lichtenstein also said he would defend the right of the party to operate - providing it doesn't discriminate against non-whites and J*ws as party members.

Lichtenstein said if O'Sullivan and his group want to help the white race, "it should help the state and citizens create a multi-ethnic society and leave bigotry in the past where it belongs."

Memo to Lichtenstein: Go to HELL.


White Peoples Party leader an ex-felon

White Peoples Party leader an ex-felon

LAS VEGAS (AP) - The leader of a fledgling Nevada political group dubbed the White Peoples Party is an ex-felon who has been running halfway houses without proper licenses, a newspaper found.

Michael O'Sullivan, leader of the effort to create the political party in Nevada, was convicted of burglary in Illinois in 1982, and aggravated battery, robbery and burglary two years later, the Las Vegas Sun reported Tuesday.

O'Sullivan, 41, has been arrested several times in Las Vegas since 1988 on misdemeanor charges including obstructing a police officer and failure to register as a felon, Las Vegas police spokesman Jose Montoya said.

"I totally acknowledge that I&

#39;ve had a lot of misdemeanors,"
O'Sullivan told The Sun.
"It's not something I'm particularly proud of. Twenty-two years ago I got into trouble. But I've turned my life around. I live a good, straight life, and I help a lot of people."

O'Sullivan said he has been clean and sober since Feb. 10, 1989. He said his three Vision House facilities provide recovering alcoholics and drug addicts of all races a place to stay while they get their lives back on track.

He said the state Health Division's Bureau of Alcohol and Drug Abuse lost the license applications he submitted in May 2003.

Health Division officials denied paperwork was lost, and said they were beginning an investigation to determine if O'Sullivan was operating a transitional living facility or halfway house without a license.

Paul Shubert, a Health Division facilities surveyor in Las Vegas, said O'Sullivan paid an application fee to operate
ee f
acilities for recovering for alcoholics and drug addicts in Las Vegas. But he didn't submit required document

"He allowed his application to expire," Shubert said. "He never provided all the necessary documentation."

Shubert said state law requires documents including a local business license, fire marshal report, three letters of recommendation and a floor plan.

Robert Benz [White-hater], the president of a homeowners association in a neighborhood where one of O'Sullivan's Vision House facilities is located, filed a complaint that touched off the state investigation.

He [White-hater] called it inappropriate for a convicted felon affiliated with the National Vanguard, a white supremacy group, to run a halfway house.

State law requires halfway house operators to be of reputable character. The state cannot discriminate against O'Sullivan for
his poli
tical vi
ews or deny a license based on a felony conviction more than seven years old.

O'Sullivan is listed as the chairman of the White Peoples Party, a political group that wan
ts to end illegal immigration and affirmative action.

Last month, the National Vanguard filed documents with the state to create the party, and the group is collecting signatures to become an official political party.

The Nevada Public Safety Department is investigating a parole and probation complaint by residents of one of O'Sullivan's halfway houses, said Kim Evans, department spokeswoman.

"We're investigating whether its appropriate for the offenders that are under our watch to live there," Evans said.

The gewsmedia and niggerlovers didn't waste much time smearing O'Sullivan's name in the public arena. O'Sullivan is doing good things for his community and these race-traitors are just
out to get
him. Stay S
trong White Man!

We need more whites like this man, willing to actually DO something to help our weakened race rather than just talk about it!!! :Cheers: to this gentleman!! Gotta hate the smear of the jews who hate that kind of action!


White party leader speaks

White party leader speaks
White People's Party leader Michael O'Sullivan says UNLV students sympathize with his cause, tells his side of the story

White People's Party leader Michael O'Sullivan speaks on his political views.

The saga of the White People's Party on the UNLV campus began last February when a number of stickers advocating a white separatist group, the National Alliance, were posted around campus. This disturbed students and faculty, who felt that these kinds of messages were racist, hate-filled and had absolutely no right to be placed on a university campus.

In an investigation of this event, The Rebel Yell contacted the leader of the local group of the National Alliance in or
der to understand the motive behind placing the posters on campus and to learn about other activities that the group had planned for the near future.

The National Alliance declined being directly involved with the posters, attributing them to individuals who are supporters of the group who did it on their own independent will, beyond any orders of the local organization.

National Alliance unit coordinator Michael O'Sullivan told The Rebel Yell in that same report that the group "has quite a few college students who are members or supporters."

Cynthia Luria [ADL Jewess], Nevada regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, said in July that the National Alliance sees college students as "fertile ground for recruitment" because
young people are passionate and still somewhat impressionable.

Luria cautioned studen
ts and members of the public to be on guard for messages of hate disguised by socially and culturally relevant issues, explaining that the education leve
ls of the group are impressive.

"These are not your blue collar, generally ignorant people," Luria said. "They are college professors and people in the business background."

After the original report appeared in July, the group changed its name to the National Vanguard and became much more politically active in the community. The members began attending protests, buying "stop immigration" billboards and engaging in massive grassroots efforts to drum up publicity and get out the message about their opposition to immigration, integration and socialization of people who are not of European decent.

They stepped up their activities again soon thereafter.

In July, th
e local organization of the National Vanguard, led by unit coordinator Michael O'Sullivan, made headlines again. <b
>O'Sullivan filed paperwork with the Nevada Secretary of State to form the first political party defined by race in the state of Nevada: the White People's Party.[/b]

Since filing the paperwork
for the party, O'Sullivan has come under a lot of pressure from state and federal officials inquiring about his day job. The state health department has investigated how he runs his halfway houses, and metro police have monitored him and his group since pro-white fliers littered a diverse Las Vegas neighborhood last spring. Throughout all of this, O'Sullivan maintains optimism about the outcome of the questioning of his party's the activities. As a result, the White People's Party has gained national news attention.

Two weeks ago, National Alliance stickers saying, "Bring our troops home and put them on the Mexican border," were
posted on the west side of the CBC-A building. They summed up the mindset of the White People's Party.

Scores of editorials, articl
es and broadcast news spots have covered O'Sullivan and the formation of the White People's Party. Throughout all of those, O'Sullivan's side of the story has gone, by and large, untold.
Here, O'Sullivan tells his story in his ow
n words.


The Rebel Yell: What exactly is the White People's Party?

Michael O'Sullivan: The White People's party was formed because neither of the major political parties represent the interests of white people; they openly speak of representing the interests of minorities and the many other special interest groups and they flatly renounce the idea of representing the interests of white people. So in a day when whites are becoming a minority in the country and across Europe, we need to have political representationthis is wha
t the White People's Party was formed for.
We have a lot of stuff coming up in the near future. Next week [we're submitting] some initiatives [to] change t
he Constitution here in the state of Nevada and that should give us a lot more clout, because one of the things we realize is that even if we run all our candidates, we may not necessarily have a majority to take over the state house. So by doing the initiative process,
we'll be able to take our platform directly to the people. Then they can vote.

RY: Have you been actively trying to get initiatives onto the ballot?

M.O.: Yeah, we'll be filing here shortly. I can't say specifically what it's for, but we will. In the next week, we'll be filing the initiative process to make some changes to the Constitution.

RY: Speaking of initiatives, you're required to get 7,419 signatures to become a political party here in Southern Nevada. Have you reached that goal?

M.O.: Well it's
hard to know how many signatures we've had because we have so many people out there collecting signatures, and we've had many of them ask for additional signature pamphlets. Those
have 200 each, so we've been doing pretty well. We have volunteers all over the state to help, and we'll have some pretty big drives coming up in different public events that we felt will yield thousands per event, and 7,000 signatures is a small number. The actual initiatives require 80,000 signatures to qu
alify but the 7,000 is a cakewalk. We're doing very well in the state.

RY: Have the new responsibilities that you've taken on as chairman of the group posed different and interesting challenges to you?

M.O.: Yes, they have. One, I work for a living. I run several businesses in town as well as a political party. Basically, I work for a living and there isn't much time to have fun, but I enjoy my work, I enjoy what I'm doing and sometimes we have to make personal sacrifice
s to do what is right for the greater good.

RY: Are you ready for the responsibility for dealing in the sometimes dirty nature of Nevada politics?

M.O.: There won't be anything dirt
y on our side, and I am dealing with a lot of corrupt people who work in the government who have stated that they will give me a hard time for my political attitudes, which I can't disclose at this time, but there are state and government agencies who feel that people with my political opinions should not be in business in the state. But tha
t's not constitutional, and I'm not going to let people stand by and abuse my civil liberties.

RY: Would you call yourself a visionary compared to your peers in the National Vanguard?

M.O.: No, actually, I wouldn't. I would say that most everything I'm doing at the political level really comes from the joint efforts of the National Vanguard and the people I've met through them. [There have been] discussio
ns of becoming more proactive in the community and these are not necessarily my ideas. Most pro-white people have been basically beaten down and discouraged from participating in the political process and that has to chan

RY: Are the White People's Party and the National Vanguard trying to be advocacy groups representing the best interests of white European Protestants?

M.O.: We've never mentioned religion. We're not a religious based organization. You can be any religion you want; the National Vanguard stays out of religion. What we're doing is working for our in
terest. We're losing ground. Whites have been ethnically cleansed from the inner cities of America. There's thousands and thousands of white women raped each month by blacks, according to FBI crime statistics, and there's been no outpouring in the news about that as a result of racial integration. We've lowered our academic standards for five decades in America to accommodate ra
cially integrated schools to the detriment of everybody on earth. If we don't do something about the demographic changes taking place in our country, we'll be living in a third-world slum. We have areas like Zimbabwe and Haiti to
show you what happens when whites give up and it's not a pretty sight. The difference is now that we're running out of places to go to. We [have] built suburbs after suburbs to get away from the third-world invasion that was imposed on us and never voter approved, and, if we continue to give up that territory there will be no place to go. There is no place for a white person to go and be free fro
m the violent third-world people allowed in our country.

RY: Recently, you've come under a lot of scrutiny because you started the White People's Party and are a member of the National Vanguard. Have you been personally threatened or received death threats as a result of your beliefs?

M.O.: There is none. Newspapers try to take a lot of t
hings and put them together and try to make a story, but basically in a lot of ways, all of it has been extremely beneficial.

I've had hundreds of people contact me directly asking what they can do to help, asking can they join, where ca
n they sign up and can they help collect signatures.

For a long time, in my business life, I would never bring politics up; I would keep them out of business. I just ran my business but kept the politics out of it. Now it's been all over the front pages of the newspaper and TV, day after day, and that's not an option. The amazing amount of support that has come in is amazing.

RY: What do you hope to accomplis
h with the White People's party?

M.O.: In the short run, we hope to make it okay for white people to be proud to be white and vote for their own interests instead of being fearful and looking over their shoulders because they are looking out for their own interests.

RY: You mentioned
earlier that you used to keep politics and business separate. How did you manage to keep your political views from affecting your business and personal beliefs?

M.O.: You know, you have to obey the laws you live under no matter what. Everybody has obeyed laws they disa
gree with. Everybody has disagreed with the law but found themselves obeying it, and that's the way it is. So for me to obey and follow the laws regularly in the real estate industry or any other industry that I'm involved in, it's a no-brainer. You have to do it, and that's the way it is.

RY: What do you have to say about allegations of mismanagement in the operations of your halfway houses?

M.O.: It's all false. There has been no co
mplaint, no operational complaint, against [any] of the businesses I own, so it's all just a lot of hype with no substance.

RY: Would you mind talking about a supposed FBI probe against you?

M.O.: [The probe] does not have anything
to do with me. I have read in the newspaper that a Japanese man has received National Alliance literature and a week later they found a dead cat near his house, and it appears that it's associated [with the literature]. I have no knowledge of my name being anywhere near that, and there is no crime
alleged ["â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š¦] it's a complete farce. I am doubtful there is any probe. I have never heard of it, and the news accounts of it are ridiculous.

RY: Since getting involved in politics, what have you noticed different in your personal daily life?

M.O.: I look at myself a lot more, and I judge my own conduct. I'm constantly looking at my conduct to see if it is in any way contradictory to how I believebasically, watching out to see that I'm living out what I believe
instead of talking it or anything else that this is part of my life, analyzing and looking at it.

For instance, I no longer tip non-whites whenever I go to a place where there are non-whites working. I
no longer tip them. It may see mean at first, but I do not want to do something that may encourage a non-white person to enter or remain in this country.

RY: There are laws that say that the White People's Party is not allowed to discriminate against minorities wishing to enter the party. What do you do i
f minorities actually wish to join your party?

M.O.: We regularly have minorities, especially Indians and blacks, that come up to us when we're collecting signatures that to ask to join or sign the petitions. What we do is, anyone who is a registered voter can sign our petition to put us on the ballot and our platform is pretty clear about what we're looking out for. There are a lot of people such as blacks and Indians that are more upset about immigration than white people because the
y are losing their jobs.

We do get a lot of support from non-whites, and let me make it clear that the White
People's Party and the National Vanguard, for that matter, are not one of those organizations who want to abuse minorities or oppress them.

We don't want anything to do with them whatsoever.