Non-White Illegals Attacking Whites on Paris Streets During Protests



Gangs of criminal non-White youths, masquerading as students in France protesting against employment laws, have started attacking Whites at random in the streets of Paris.

The situation has become so critical that the British Foreign Office has issued an official warning to its citizens to avoid Paris because the city is now too dangerous. Gangs of criminal non-White youths, masquerading as students in France protesting against employment laws, have started attacking Whites at random in the streets of Paris,

The situation has become so critical that the British Foreign Office has issued an official warning to its citizens to avoid Paris because the city is now too dangerous.

Gangs from housing projects are often a mix of youths from Ar
ab, African and French backgrounds, experts say.

have been set alight, shops looted and gangs of non-White invaders, many with masks, men swinging baseball bats and wooden planks have had running battles with riot police who have used water cannon and tear gas.

Pictures flashed around the world show a new Paris racked with racial division, illustrated by photographs of an elegant woman in high heels set upon by youths in the trendy Esplanade des Invalides.

The non-White savages harried the defenceless woman like a pack of wolves, oblivious to watching police and photographers. One ripped her handbag away while another rifled through her pockets. She was then hurled to ground as the non-White mob taunted her.

Some hotels around the famous Left Bank of the River Seine --usually full of romantic couples strolling hand in hand --have boarded up their windows up as armored vehicles with water cannons patrol the streets.

A friend
of mine got robbed and I got tear-gassed, said Pereira, a student at Albert Schweitzer High Scho
ol in Le Raincy. In scenes recorded by television cameras, swarms of hooded, masked youths infiltrated the march Thursday in an upscale tourist district in the heart of Paris, beating and stomping the marchers, stealing their cellphones and money, and torching cars.

The mayhem recalled last year's riots in outlying, immigrant-dominated housing projects --for good reason, police say. Many of the marauders at the Invalides and in similar incidents elsewhere were not students, but unemployed dropouts from the projects, they say.


It's just a matter of time till our little illegal-immigrant problem turns violent. I'm sure the French never thought they'd be getting beaten by illegals.

<a href="http
://,0,724685.story?coll=la-home-world" target="_blank">
The title of the story at the above LA Times link "Rift Emerges Among Young Haves and Have-Nots in France" is a friggin' joke!