Patriot Patience, Refugee Heroism


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Patriot Patience, Refugee Heroism
(Apollonian Nov. 05)

Gamesmanship, or being a "player"--this is what I've been working on lately as patriot-refugee-journalistical. Hey u know, I have to blend-in too. Thus I try to understand things cultural and sociologic as I imagine Ernst Zundel would be forced to calculate. Ernst should stand up against the putrid neo-Pelagianist disease which is the root of not only his sufferings but that for all patriots, German and American, all Western and Christian.

For if we patriots are to act in logical manner we must be consistent, and Pelagianist (based on "good-evil" fallacy-delusion) heresy will not do to best compliment true Christianity with all necessary forthright and upfront rationalism, as I so much advocate in previous essay regarding Ernst's situation, submitted two days ago, among other things, an
application of "New Testament (NT) Conspiracy theory.

Yesterday I faced this guy accross the chess board, made out of cardboard, with our little plastic pieces. In the (homeless) shelter where I'm presently staying, here in Tucson Az., u see, the chessboard doesn't have a chess clock to go with it. So in order for the games to be any fun, to have any interest for the players at least (both of them), the guys have to abide by a certain "ethic" to make their moves reasonably quickly--otherwise we get what I got last nite.

I don't even know his name though he's been there at the shelter for some time, probably as long as I've been there (over a month now, unfortunately). Anyway this guy is white, short and fat--that perfectly pudgy doughboy type--and what he does is quite straightforward, actually: he just sits there and stares at the board for minutes on end. When he finally moves and it's my turn I fairly quickly make my move, and this
y then commences to sit and sit and stare and stare yet some more at the board.

Its a ruthless strategy, indubitably. He just takes way too much time. So the result is the game sucks, there's no real fun to the game. If we played by the clock this guy would have lost long ago--but that's just it: we don't have a clock, so my friend is determined to take full advantage.

The guy took so long on his moves, once I got distracted and looked back over my shoulder to watch the movie playing on the TV screen, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith. I looked back at the board, and dig this, I caught this short, fat, little pukeball watching the movie. When he caught me looking at him, he without having made his move for which it was still his turn, he rather smiled at me in satisfied manner. He had a fairly good position on the board, I guess, and he was so beamingly happy--I was touched almost. But I let him know hey, he's not allowed to watch TV till he makes his st
move, all right?

So what I finally did last nite--after I'd gotten into a putrid position in all m
y impatience, down a pawn playing black--I left the board and walked away and then just didn't come back. I only wonder how long the little sh*t sat there waiting for me to return. I went to my bunk actually and turned in for the nite. It was after nine, and lites were out anyway.

See, that's how it is at the shelter. People don't want to consider they must save their very lives against the Jews and "Sadducean" (like Falwell, Robertson, Limbaugh, et al.) co-conspirators. People are too busy perfecting their "gamesmanship," like the little fat-guy puke-brain was doing last nite. I guess u might think this is a little comical and pathetic at the same time, and so surely it is, though I found it tedious and irritating. Hey, I've gotta be a gamesman too.

Over on battlefront Zundel, Ernst Zundel is still pondering his own (leg
al) strate
gy evidently, to judge fm the letter he wrote to the guy in Texas, dated in 24 Oct. 05, this year. Pls see my essay on the subject, sent day befo
re yesterday, titled "Ernst Should Counter-attack...."

The revisionist-philosophic-cultural issue must be, as regarding Zundel, that reality (hence truth) must not be trumped by moralism, no less than for any lying foundation. For this primary reality is objective and deterministic, not moral, or subjective, or Pelagianist. In order to be "moral" as in Kantian, neo Pelagianist inspiration and style, one must deny objective reality in order to then impose one's chosen "morality." The elders of our society especially must face this analytic as I describe. If we can get the youth to gradually grasp the principles, we're doing even better then.

This cultural front then is where Zundel is being defeated by means of the Jews-media and the "elders" who insist upon "morality"
trumping real
ity and truth, Zundel being far too "game" for them, playing by their rules too willingly. Ernst must rather seize the initiative and trash Pelagian moralism such as German Transcendental Idealism, and
the corruption of the elders. Thus it's more "moral" for the elders to impose their stupid contrived "reality" (hence "truth") to effect of tolerating holohoax. It's a stinking lie, fraud, and hoax, but hey, after all, it's for a good purpose--like "morality."

But it isn't "good" to contrive good, as in Pelagian heresy; it's rather hubristic, putrid, and insane. One must first acknowledge objective (hence God-given) reality. For "morality" is always mere means, never a proper end, ends determining what then is appropriate means, hence "good."

CONCLUSION: Ernst Zundel shouldn't rely upon or aim at merely being a "player" and good "gamesman" for
the Pharisees, ne
o-Pelagians, and other foul conspirators; rather he should strike best for himself, people, and culture. It's Pharisaic subjectivism and narcissism, hence Pelagian idiot moralism, so enthralling to the elders, which is the enduring problem for all the "West," now so pathetically in Spenglerian "decline." Ernst must
take due observance--he can't rightly blame anyone if he accepts the same subjectivist, Pelagianistic premises. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot