Patriot Strategic Necessity: Smash The "Sadduceans


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Patriot Strategic Necessity: Smash The "Sadduceans"!
(Apollonian, Nov 05)

Without question the best website there is presently at the moment on the Internet is as it so directly ATTACKS THE VIEWER'S FACULTY OF INDUCTION (inductive logic by which particular instances lead then to conclusive generalization).

The large message, brilliantly persuasive, conveyed by this site is Bush, actually a mere stooge, "neo-con" Jews, and traitors are following a deliberate and actually carefully scripted plan of classic Orwellian "perpetual war for perp. peace" for the immediate benefit of Israel, pure and simple. The information presented in such integral detail is overwhelming for the striking and unmistakeable message conveyed, and we're in most immediate and urgent danger.

Thesis: (1) We must take most urgent cou

ntermeasures entailing the immediate and emphatic invocation of C
hristian antisemitism--no real and honest Christianity without utmost antisemitism; no antisemitism being and amounting then simply to no Christianity--"to be or not to be," sheep separated fm goats finally and most definitively.

(2) The point and the trick is to counteract the phony Christians and traitors, the "Judeo-Christians" (JCs) and "Sadduceans" of modern-day like Falwell, Robertson, Franklin Graham, and others, including such as Rush Limbaugh (who actually seems to be a Jew, as it turns out).

Any so-called "Christian" not willing to be antisemitic is simply an ignorant and cowardly scum--and is no true Christian at all in reality. Christianity then confirmed by way of thematic antisemitism, the indicated antisemitic measures must be taken most urgently. Death to Judaism (hence Talmudism), and death to the Fed (Federal Reserve Bank counterfeiting scam/fraud), so integr
al a
nd instrumental to the Jew success.

Note the sublimity of the indicated Christian strategy keep
s the activity in question strictly political and NOT military--and even before that, the matter is simply one of INFORMATION and principle for which Gosp. of JOHN well serves as criterion, as ch. 8:44. No wonder Jews hate freedom of speech and especially the unfettered I-net.

For we patriots can well react and even strike back most effectively, in our way, against this foul Judaic subversion by means of emphatic information to apposite individuals and groups, especially among Christians, the true Christians who then have the opportunity to affect in turn those close to them.

Note not merely incidentally, Christianity most sublime is actually aesthetic perfectly parallel and consistent with purest reason and logic--the true Western genius which will work for us as are simply wise, calm, and virtuous, but also dutiful and alert to exigencies.

The objectiv
e urgenc
y of the situation will simply make itself evermore apparent and undeniable as the Jew-Zionist-"Sadducean" takeover
and usurpations continue, for they've now and actually long-since embarked upon a course for which there are no compromises possible. The Talmudic Ritual Murder of 9-11 was actually presaged by the attack upon the USS Liberty in 1967. (Simply do a google or yahoo search.)

The Jew-Zionist-"Sadducean" enemy must now "kill the King" (real Christianity) or itself perish. All Christians must face the grim reality, and Christian reason is only aided and strengthened by means of starkest and most direct honesty.

For though the Jews rule, at least for the moment, they can only ultimately succeed as they rely upon their traitorous, low-life flunkies and co-conspirators, the JCs and "Sadduceans," this in accord with classic New Testament (NT) Conspiracy theory-template. For one must never focus solely upon Jews, as we'
ve learned,
who thrive upon persecution which they've made their religion, and by which they deflect and divert for their masterminds, the (Fed) "bankers"; rather, one must
attack also and simultaneously at their JC co-conspirators, like the "neo-cons" and Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), who make way for them, running interference, sowing confusion and discord among honest and real Christian rank and file, so often naive and all-too-trusting.

Thus Christians and true Westerners familiar with its greatest literature remember the foul NT conspiracy which sought to kill Christ and God along with truth: the very same analysis holds true to this day as it has throughout history. Jews, "Sadduceans," lawyers ("scribes"), and elders are the culprits as we see, just as in NT times. And "conspiracy theory" is essential, thematic, and integral to culture and greatest literature of the West.

For as has been noted by many, "Judeo-C
t; is a gross, putrid farce, a crass, stinking contradiction-in-terms as "Jews" are not at all the same as the ancient Israelites, but rather the professed followers of the Pharisaic murderers of Christ and truth (as of
Gosp. of JOHN, esp. ch. 8). Check for fullest and most incisive details. The simple truth is Jews are anti-Christs perfectly in accord with their thematic Talmud, and if they're not anti-Christs then they're not Jews--by the necessary definitions and meanings of the terms.

The only slight problem is the website (again, gets fast and loose with slight problems of reference and citations for which in some places, not merely too few, assertions are made which are not backed up or founded in either reality or even likelihood. For example, the site claims Ben Klassen, Richard Millar, George Lincoln Rockwell as well as others are Jews, these claims not substantiated. The real problem then is the truthful and verifiable a
ssertion of Jew-nes
s of others is then made questionable, at least potentially in the minds of so many otherwise honest students and citizens who are novices to the essential racial-cultural problem regarding Judaism and Talmudism, and might not be to
o competent or confident in judging the real truth by means of ready scholarship.'s attitude evidently is "prove they're not Jews," which is actually legitimate under the circumstances, though still needlessly complicated and which would be most simply obviated by means of more careful scholarship. But "no one's perfect," and nonetheless the scholar, like myself, must admit the artistic genius of the website which amounts to most effective, incisive, and compelling slide-show presentations integrally detailing the murderous Judaic-Zionist-Israeli manipulation, subversion, conspiracy, and general skullduggery by which the US is essentially overthrown as Constitutional republic and made mere catspaw
for Judaic-"Sadduc
ean" imperialist conspirators.

And don't forget the Jew "Scooter Libby," indicted "neo-con" conspirator, the author of The Apprentice in which a female child is "coupled with a bear," the bear prodded with a stick for desired psychologic treatment--there
really can be no doubt to the anti-Christ nature of the Jew-JC conspiracy we're up against. (Again, just do a yahoo or google search.)

The site,, rightly warns, in its way, against the possible numerous snares and traps consisting of endless deception on part of "patriots" in name only--but who really in so many and fundamental ways will back-up and support the Pharisaic-Talmudic enemy when the chips are down. For the beginning fundamental issue then is metaphysical: Christian OBJECTIVE VERSUS Pharisaic SUBJECTIVE. And too many so-called "patriots" presently profess, even openly and up-front, their brainless identification with
such putrid subjectivity i
n form of heretical and delusionary (neo-) Pelagianism featuring the fallacy of "good-evil."

For there is no "good-evil" in the God-given and determined universe, the Pharisees a mere disease-of-opportunity in the Spenglerian "Decline of the West," taking advantage of gentile and Western hubris (as in pretension to
such heretical Pelagianist "good-evil"). Thus does God and nature eliminate and cull the gentile herd grown too hubristic, degenerate, and corrupt. We patriots merely strive for a Spenglerian resurgence and end to "decline...."

CONCLUSION: Thus in the present situation so dire for true patriots and Christians, champions of Western culture, freedom, and reason, the necessary strategic imperative is so simple and clear: smash the Jew disease by means of its carrier and facilitator, the "Sadducean"-JC component of the conspiracy. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

onian, combat-scholar/theologia
n, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot