Practicing Patriotism Confirms Theories:


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Practicing Patriotism Confirms Theories:
Jews Will Be Jews--On Offensive, Placing Everyone Else On Defense
(Apollonian, 23 Dec 05)

Note it is standard patrioticalist hypothesis in accord w. reason and
all pertinent info, Jews suck as they're natural and necessary enemies
of gentiles according to their own Talmudist war-program. Thus the
patriot goes about honestly, like good and competent scientist, and by
means of observation conditioned within this basic, presumptive honesty,
he/she confirms or not the possible conclusions. Jews suck, indeed, and
I found out just how so.

Thus I'm afforded the opportunity as I'm consigned to living in a
homeless shelter (in Tucson, Az) to report upon social-type interactions
with Jews as I happen upon them. And I recently had opportunity to
observe upon this one Jew, "Si

mon," 70 yrs old, by his admission, and
still quite lean a
nd spry for physical shape, mentally still quite
alert, who was given a bottom bunk to my top.

Thus the conversation started first with another Christian who'd
reported upon Israel's recent preparations to attack Iran. The Jew
(whom I didn't know then was a Jew) eventually opined that, gee whiz, it
was Syria something, something--I forgot what exactly was predicate--but
to which statement I immediately rejoined we should absolutely nuke
Israel soon as possible.

The Jew responded thus, "now why do u say that?" And I rejoined
immediately, "well, because like they're our worst possible, conceivable
enemy, and we ought to nuke them soon as possible to save our very
lives--do u think that is sufficient reason?" (I mean like, why WOULD I
say something like I did?) Jew responded then, "I don't know what to
say"; I agre
ed I
had nothing myself further to say, figuring I'd said
quite enough, and the conversation ended. But the Jew hated me surely,
he then would only look at me with very narrowly focused kind of
highly disapproving type glance.

A few days later after said Jew had checked out of the shelter, I came
across him at an office where we picked up mail, and the Jew passed me
again, looking the obligatory daggers at me. After I'd passed him I
heard the word, "jerk," spoken in that same street-wise contemptuous
manner, only slightly toned down a little--just as such a Jew might well
act as they're such scummy puke and naturally anti-gentile especially
towards gentiles who detest and fear such a criminal and murdering
enterprise as state of Israel.

CONCLUSION: Thus I was able to confirm that natural antipathy of Jews
towards disobedient and disloyal gentiles, these Jews who are so
obviously loyal to Israel and fel
low Jews
before the US or any gentiles.
What else to expect? Thus I applied science, sociology, dialectic, and
rhetoric, exposing yet another stinking scummy Jew, may they be cur
Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian