Pre-school TV Programme features Lesbian Mums

William of the White Hand

Junior News Editor
A political storm has erupted in Australia over the showing of two lesbian mums on the pre-school children's show "Play School". The acting Prime Minister lashed out at the ABC for exposing youg children to same-sex parenting. Vicki Harding and her lesbian partner, Jackie Braw, the "two mums" of Brenna, 8, don't understand what all the commotion is about. In their world, two mums and a sperm-donor gay father make them a perfectly normal, nuclear family.

Vicki Harding has hit back. She said that the segment and her children'
books written with funding from the NSW Government and councils were less offensive than the average news bulletin. "There are no images of torture or war or violence or poverty!"
estingly enough no mention at all was made of Australia's highest profile lesbian couple - Dr Kerryn Phelps/Jacki
e Stricker - and their highly dysfunctional family. Dr Kerryn Phelps, a J*w, is the former president of the Australian Medical Association. Her partner, Stricker made the pages of this weeks Australian Jewish News bemoaning the prime minister's reluctance to approve same sex marriages which she said was reminiscent of Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa.