Press suppresses racial identity of white teenager



Greaser cr*p-animal

Update on a story posted on 23 August.

Reporter Minnie Roh snottily defends not revealing race of the victim:

The story was about a construction worker who alledgedly beat a girl for ignoring his whistle.â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š  What color she is - is not important to why she was beaten up.

The rest is not long. Read it. You'll love it.

Original story for refernce.

First of all, the reporter tells us 3 times that the girl was 15 years old. Why does the reporter deem it important to repeat this fact 3 times? Wouldn't the story be more interesting if the one of the reference to the girl age was replaced with her race? And why tell us the victim's gender?

Informing the public of the victim's gender provides information that other member of the public may find useful to avoid becoming a victim of a similar crime. Most females will instinctively use this information and avoid placing themselves in harm's way.

Informing the public of the victim's age provide information that parents may be able to use to protect their children.

So, it would make sens

e to inform the public of the race of both the
perpetrators and the victims so the information can be used to take preconscious measure.

What would whining feminist say if the media did not report, or intently tried to hide, the gender of the victim?

Consider these to statements:

A Jogger was brutally sodomized and then beaten to death with a baseball bat by vicious attacker.

Versus :

A 14 year old White girl with blond hair and blue eyes was savagely sodomized and beaten to death by a giant North America nigger with big lips, very dark skin, pungent body odor, a gold tooth, last seen wearing his pants around is knees, a large gold chain, his baseball sideways, and a pair of $500 athletic shoes.

I think the public would prefer to have the second statement.