Re: Al Sharpton: Obama belongs on Mt. Rushmore more dan dat ole cracka Teddy Roosevelt


Senior Reporter
Re: Al Sharpton: Obama belongs on Mt. Rushmore more dan dat ole cracka Teddy Roosevelt

Al Sharpcoon Friday evening on MSNBC.

ABBY HUNTSMAN: You look at Reagan (most likely a jew), he ended the Cold War. I think they have to have a legacy that changed America. Obongo was the first jiggaboo HNIC. That is something that will always be remembered. (As the end of what was once the United States of America)

AL SHARPTON: And he "stopped" two wars (and created many new wars and illegal invasions of innocent nations) and the whole question of "finance reform" (destruction) on Wall Street and (raping) health care. I mean, he has done some concrete (s'hitty) things. I can, again, the reason I raised Teddy Roosevelt (a jew related to FDR) is that a lot of people could say that Teddy Roosevelt was more of a character than a transformative president. I can name, literally, things that HNIC Obongo has done. (Destroyed what was left of the former United States) Now, I’m going to say that if Teddy Roosevelt is the measure (of jewishness in our former White House), I think it strengthens the case for HNIC Obongo. (yes, he's the measure of the very worst the jews can force on us.

