Satanism And Racialism...


Religiously and philosophically, many of those in the racialist movement are blatantly anti-Xtian, choosing to align with the Northern European pagan pantheon. (The World Church of the Creator, a racialist organization, is also a fully legal religion, praising the self as a "Creator" and standing as one of the more fervent haters of the Judeo-Xtian ideology in the racialist camp.) Vampiir Kremator of the band Maschinezimmer 412 summarizes one difference as thus: "Satanism is more of an ideology while Odinism is more spiritual." (- from "Worm Gear" magazine; Issue 4, p.18.) Runes (ancient divination tools of these Northern Euro-cultures) have shown an archetypal/aesthetic and/or symbolic significance to Odinists, Satanists, Nazis, and racialists; sometimes for similar reasons, sometimes not. The war culture of the ancient Norse people is a shining testament to the glory of s
uperior human traits such as intelligence and performance
, akin to the cornerstones of Satanic virtue and certain racialist ideals.

I say certain because, in all fairness, every grouping on Earth will attract different types, and not all measure up to high standards. Below the true Satanists of quality are the wannabes, no-brains, conformists, and music subculture-obsessed that any extreme group will find clinging to its legs. So it is with the racialist movement, though seemingly more tolerant of their leeches:

"We have National Socialists, and people who hate National Socialism. We have people who honour the American flag, and others who burn it. We have people that believe in the niceness of White Pride, and others that seethe with hatred and call themselves White Supremacists. We have people that are conservat
ive in their opinions, while others are radical and revolutionary. Some of us want a small piece of America, while others want to conquer the world for our kind."
(- from the Resistance Records website)

One of those revo
lutionaries in the racialist movement is Universal Order head, James Mason. This National Socialist expresses a fondness for the writings of LaVey (and had reprinted, in the Xtianity issue of Mason's former newsletter SIEGE, a section of "The Book of Satan" from LaVey's The Satanic Bible) though not a fan of encouraging law-abiding behavior:

"Well, I think Anton LaVey advocates good citizenship - using your intelligence and not laboring under any superstitions - but at the very bottom of it, be a goo
d citizen. And I don't advocate being a good citizen - I advocate subverting society... there's a lot of common ground [between groups]. You maintain a certain kind of standard that's only going to attract a certain kind of person. With him, it's Satanism. With us, it's with the swastika."
(- from "OHM Clock" magazine; Issue 3, p.9)

So, again, it's a matter of taking what you agree with and discarding that which is against your individual nature. Or against nature in genera
l, for that matter. Much is why both racialists and Satanists typically take an anti-Xtian stance: because the Xtian religion (and most of the other "major" religions) is truly anti-nature. (This, again, figures into Nietzschean philosophy, as well as the writings of Ragnar Redbeard. Conversely, this excludes the amass of Ku Klux Klan members, many of whom subscribe to the Xtian Identity movement: a group who
believes that the White Race is the chosen people of their god, and that the J*ws are descended from "Satan." The largest racialist group to personify this mindset is Aryan Nations.) Both (especially Satanists) despise the allowances given to people who invariably display parasitic behaviour upon society. Intelligence and performance are the standard and immutable rule in Satanism, whereas race criteria come into play (sometimes, in addition to our checklist items) with racialists. Consider the following for either philosophy:

"...we have an obligation to the Nature of which we are a part
to participate as effectively as we can in its eternal quest for higher levels of development, higher forms of life. This obligation has been recognized and expressed by our poets and philosophers throughout our history... Nie
tzsche told us that our first responsibility is to help prepare the world for the coming of a higher type of man. George Bernard Shaw wrote that we are obliged to serve the Life Force in its striving to know itself more fully (i.e.: to achieve higher levels of consciousness)."
(- from the National Alliance website)

Particularly for the aforementioned group, the hierarchy racialists ascribe to this human worth is (perhaps, surprisingly) not just measured from race to race, with the White Man on top. Concerning whites, this uncredited racialist author agrees:

"They [whites] come in many forms. From the overeducated, liberal media prostitutes that grovel before their Ashkenazi masters with offerings of anti-White propaganda; to the soul
less materialist
men and women... right down to the semi-retarded rural and urban dwelling dirt, there are undoubtedly legions of clamoring fools and character-deficient low-lifes that masquerade as White due to their pale pigmentation... we White Racialists only respect White people that deserve respect, and hold in low-esteem Whites who deserve our contempt. If anything, our recognition of the abundant supply of White losers only reinforces our belief that all men are not created equal."
(- from the Resistance Records website)

Spread to a more inclusive plane, those are truly beautiful, misanthropic words any Satanist could appreciate (and their attribution to Social Darwinism is well implied). Not entirely amazing, this is not the media picture painted side-by-side with the dominant PC-rhetoric in current rotation, from the corporate cable news channels to the "hippest" zines (both illusively priding themselv
es on "objective" reporting).

And it's this insecurity of the herd and its reflective media
that cloud the perception of the nucleus of any being who strives for higher ground. Satanists and racialists are vastly and vehemently shunned by certain parts of society (though, Satanists may get substantially less of this backlash, depending on situation, location, and people). One could say that we are even feared - and for good reason - though not for many of the propagated "horrors." Herein lies a difference between many racialist groups and us: Racialists, understandably so, do not want to be the minority (either racially or ideologically); Satanists, knowing that we are a minority, are quite happy (and often, quite giddy) to be such and, in many cases, encourage the human dross to steer clear of us. For some Satanists, it becomes unproductive to promote otherwise.

To facilitate the elements of attempted (and defensively projected) fear and ostracism toward us (the collecti
ve us, mind you), the mainstream media enlist their core troops from what seems to be some centralized propaganda departmen
t and direct them to those they can cash in on the quickest: Satanism and racialism are two of the more popular; the more convoluted the definition, the bigger the paycheck. (Just ask Jerry Springer.) Both of us, as if by some incredibly unoriginal group of ad execs, are portrayed as "gang members" (oh, you haven't read the Xtian-aimed-at-law-enforcement propagandist pap trying desperately to peg Satanists as "gang-related?" It's out there, believe me), "hate criminals," and generally of a mindless and uncontrollably violent nature. Resistance Records writes in adequate defense to these claims:

"Television is saturated with violence, and our young people spend en
dless days playing video games like Mortal Kombat... [in addition,] Hard Metal, Gangsta Rap, `anti-racist' hardcore like Rage Against The Machine, and several other genres of music, are laden with violent images and concepts... but they are afforded artistic license to speak their minds and rise up the Billboard charts with virtual
ly no opposition... to those that claim that White Racialists represent an image that is any more violent than the rest of this demented society, look them straight in the eye and declare them a hypocrite."
(-from Resistance Records website)

Of course, these terms used - hate crimes, in particular - are thoroughly subjective. Hate is fine in this country... as long as its forms fall neatly into the anal-retentive pegholes of social acceptability and political correctness. (And there are comparative levels on which the herd are allowed to judge religions. For example: Xtianity is somewhat oka
y to pick on; and perhaps moreso with the passing years. However, Judaism is verbotten. Can't scrutinize that religion; after all, "they" had a holocaust, don't you know. Let it be known that this Satanist is fully unrepentant in his understanding that these religions, in a core sense, are two sores on the same infected whore.) "Smash the racists' right to have websites" is okay. "Smash affirmative a
ction" is not okay. If I read the meter correctly, any unorthodox racial viewpoint publicly expressed (especially in our obsessively sensitive American culture) elicits a more emphatic condemnation than murder. Severe, but you get the idea. Free speech is for the fresh-breathed. Democracy is for the pretty people.

And neither of us is, in the largely social sense, pretty. We take that unto ourselves to some degree and, in the Satanist's case, use it to our best advantage, knowing full well an unswerving human truth: Society without its devils (even its White dev
ils) is an unchallenged society: weak, non-analytical, complacent and delusional; and I mean sizably moreso than it already is. Just as Satan, the accuser, will always (yet, sometimes covertly) swing the social pendulum in the other direction every once in awhile in the name of balance, so will racialism ferret out race issues that may be worth looking at, regardless of those who (in cowardice) would rather not discuss anything related to such
"sensitive" topics (e.g.: race, gender, class, etc.) for fear of offending someone, presumedly anyone. In this world of say-nothings and safe smiles, I'd rather offend than pretend, at my discretion; the very fire behind both Satan and swastika.

Is Satanism In Your School Yard?
The New Federalist

Then there is Anton Szandor LaVey. "In 1966 the San Francisco sorcerer founded the Church of Satan as a medium for the study of the Black Arts and as an ethical statement repudiating the religious hypocrisy of conventional society. ..."The Church suffered periodically from petty crises and scandals among the general membership, and finally Anton LaVey lost confidence in its organizational viability. In 1975, he made a decision to redesign it as a non-functional, insincere showcase for his personal glamorization and financial income. This decision was emphatically rejected by the majority of the Priesthood, who immediately resigned from the Church in protest and denied its legitimacy as a true Church of Satan hence forth. The senior initiate, Michael A. Aquino, invoked the Prince of Darkness in quest of
a new Mandate to preserve and enhance
the more noble concepts which the Church of Satan had conceived and outlined. That Mandate was given in the form of The Book of Coming Forth by Night--a statement by that entity, in his most ancient semblance as Set, ordaining the Temple of Set to succeed the Church."

LaVey, a former circus lion tamer and San Francisco Police Department crime photographer, founded the Church of Satan in 1966. LaVey's Church of Satan thrived on the drug-rock counterculture of the late 1960s and founded "grottos" in most major cities around the United States. LaVey is probably best known for his appearance in the role of Satan in the satanic movie, "Rosemary's Baby." Such Hollywood celebrities as Jayne Mansfield (the victim of an automobile crash that LaVey claims was the result of a "curse" that he cast on Mansfield's manager), and Sammy Davis Jr. counted themselves among Lavey's satanic cohorts.

Another Lavey intimate,
movie-maker Roman Polanski, was the husband of actress Sharon Tate. Tate was murdered b
y the Charles Manson "family" in one of the earliest and most celebrated incidents of satanic ritualistic murders. Manson had been in and around the Bay Area circles of LaVey just prior to the murder spree, which he described as the launching of "Helter Skelter," a mystical string of brutal ritualistic murders that were to trigger a race war in the United States that would bring about the coming of the Anti-Christ. Although no one ever explicitly linked LaVey to the Manson cult murders, in a moment of candor, LaVey told the Washington Post in February 1986: "Satanic rock lyrics, satanic movies, even the satanic murders ...all grew from the Church of Satan." In fact, Lavey's Satanic Bible was,by the early 1970s, an underground bestseller, with an estimated 500,000 copies sold in the United States alone.
