Save Us From Judicial Oppression, Please


Official Poster for email reporters
Save Us From Judicial Oppression, Please
(Apollonian, 20 Dec 05)

To Rich ( observe below-copied story fm news, 21 Dec 05 demonstrates how oligarchs want to put pressure on the people. We should support the people telling the gov. what to do in present situation, below described. People and law must prevail over oligarchal tools like such totally corrupt judges.

The question then is how to encourage what action--but it's actually quite simple: we make people prove our plan can be outdone for simplicity, clarity, ease. Finally (1) the volk must agree it only doesn't work as criminal traitors deliberately insist and contrive. (2) The people will complain in some way whence the oligarchs will act too ruthlessly like the totally power-mad communist dictatorship they've actually got.

Bush is just front-decoy convincingly p

retending he's so stupid as he's kill
-crazy, as he's crazy about "Judeo-Christianity" (JC) by which stupid goyim (but less and less, surely) pretend they're "good Christians" sucking along with murdering Pharisees and Israel. (3) People will despair, but we heroes of INFORMATION will revive them, teaching the Spenglerian historical cycle and how it works, for one example.

Another tack is New Testament (NT) Conspiracy theory-template by which we identify and plot the conspirators then and now--it's simple.

The key is we Christians must simply remember to do all the little things in detail. To get the state legislators to do their jobs and send real Senators to Washington DC surely isn't much more trouble than e-mailing and calling people on the telephone.

Thus we see state legislators actually have tremendous potential power, esp. according to the US Constitution. So what does it take for them, legislators, to do their jobs
the people? Jews are criminal conspirators and must disarmed and interned, obvious

CONCLUSION: Thus we continue to do all the little things in the manner appropriate to details, like getting a proper US Senate. Of course we must have honest elections; the primary example for us should be the American founders, and we work according to contract emphasizing state and local gov. Hence we de-centralize at the same time as we stress Christian aesthetic parallel to perfect reason and logic and NT Consp. theory. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot

-------below copied fm site, 21 Dec 05---------------------
Jail Threat Ups Ante for NYC Union Heads AP - 1 hour, 36 minutes ago NEW YORK - The city and state stepped up their pressure on striking transit workers Wednesday in hopes of forcing them back to work, and a judge said sending union leaders to jail was
a &quo
t;distinct possibility." State Supreme Court Justice Theodore Jones, who is hearing several l
egal issues related to the strike, directed attorneys from the Transport Workers Union to bring president Roger Toussaint and other top officials before the court Thursday to answer to a criminal contempt charge. He said he may sentence the union leaders to jail for refusing to end the strike, calling such a scenario a "distinct possibility."

Transit Strike Could Deliver Blow to NYC Economy at NPR
Contingency plan at | Shut down plans at TWU Local 100
Commuting guide at N.Y. Times