Sleep Deprivation: The Great American Myth



Sleep Deprivation: The Great American Myth

People who get only 6 to 7 hours a night have a lower death rate than those who get 8 hours of sleep.
From a six-year study of more than a million adults

Many Americans are sleep-deprived zombies, and a quarter of us now use some form of sleeping pill or aid at night.

Wake up, says psychiatry professor Daniel Kripke of the University of California, San Diego. The pill-taking is real but the refrain that Americans are sleep deprived originates largely from people funded by the
drug industry or with financial interests in sleep research clinics.

"They think that scaring people about sleep increases their income,
" Kripke told LiveScience.

Thanks to the marketing of less addictive drugs directly to consumers, sleeping pills have become a hot commodity, especially in the past five years. People worldwide spent $2 billion on the most popular sleeping pill, Ambien (zolpidem), in 2004, according to the BioMarket, a biotech research company.

Earlier this month, it was reported that some Ambien users are susceptible to amnesia and walking in their sleep. Some even ate in the middle of the night without realizing it.

Global sales for all sleeping pills, called hypnotics, will top $5 billion in the next several years.

The number of adults aged 20-44 using sleeping pills doubled from 2000 to 2004, according to Medco Health Solutions, a managed care company. S
leep problems are commonly reported in the elderly, but the increase in spending on sleeping pills was highest in this period for 10-19 year olds, possibly due to an association with medication for attentio
n deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Sleep on this

Still, more sleep is no guarantee for overall health, and more sleeping pills might not bring on either.

A six-year study Kripke headed up of more than a million adults ages 30 to 102 showed that people who get only 6 to 7 hours a night have a lower death rate than those who get 8 hours of sleep. The risk from taking sleeping pills 30 times or more a month was not much less than the risk of smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, he says.

Those who took sleeping pills nightly had a greater risk of death than those who took them occasionally, but the latter risk was still 10 to 15 percent higher than it was among people who never took sleeping pills. Sleeping pills appear unsafe in any amount, Kripke wri
tes in his online book, "The Dark Side of Sleeping Pills."

"There is really no evidence that the average 8-hour sleeper functions better than the average 6- or 7-hour sleeper," Kr
ipke says, on the basis of his ongoing psychiatric practice with patients along with research, including the large study of a million adults (called the Cancer Prevention Study II).

And he suspects that people who sleep less than average make more money and are more successful.

The Cancer Prevention Study II even showed that people with serious insomnia or who only get 3.5 hours of sleep per night, live longer than people who get more than 7.5 hours.

And there are questions about the effectiveness of sleeping pills. A study by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical
School found that a change in sleep habits and attitudes was more effective in treating chronic insomnia, over the short- and long-term, than sleeping pills (specifically Ambien).

Night of the living dead

Until 15 years ago, sleepi
ng pills were mainly addictive barbiturates (such as Seconal, Halcion, Qualude) and sedatives called benzodiazepines (Valium and Dalmane). For this reason, they were less popular and less prescribed. That changed in the early 1990s when Ambien, which is less addictive, came on the market. It acts on the same neural receptors as a benzodiazepine, but is safer. It is the only hypnotic drug Kripke recommends and then, only for fewer than four weeks. Other new hypnotic drugs are safe but ineffective, he says.

Most sleeping pills are recommended for short-term use, but lots of people take them frequently and become dependent upon them to fall asleep. Most
sleeping pills, especially when taken over long periods of time, stay in the bloodstream, giving a hangover the next day and beyond, impairing memory and performance on the job and at home.

A time-release version of Ambien (Ambien CR) bound for the market and designed to prevent waking after 4 hours when the drug normally would wear off, along with one
of the newest pills on the market, Lunesta, or eszopiclone, (designed for longer-term use) might be even more harmful in this way, Kripke says.

Hypnotic drugs have dangerous side effects, Kripke says. For one, they reduce fear of risky behavior, such as driving fast. Ironically, that could result in the inability to see that the sleeping pills are doing more harm than good over time.

A recent study published in the British Medical Journal showed that the risks of taking sleeping pills (benzodiazepines and other sedatives, in this case) outweighed the benefits among peo
ple over 60 in a series of studies carried out between 1966 and 2003. The pills helped people fall asleep and they slept more, but they were twice as likely to slip and fall or crash a car due to dizziness from the pills than they were to get a better night's sleep.

Even the safest hypnotic drugs have strange side effects, as the alleged Ambien sleepwalkers showed.

And one over-the-counte
r approach, the hormone melatonin, was found by scientists at the University of Alberta, Canada, to be ineffective in treating jet lag and sleep trouble associated with medical problems. Studies also show it is associated with skin blanching in frogs, gonadal atrophy in small animals, and obesity in some mammals.

Are you sleeping?

The real number of Americans with sleep problems is unclear because the same figure70 millionappears on National Institutes of Health docu
ments from 2006 and from 1994. This catch-all category reportedly includes insomnia, jetlag, sleepwalking, bed wetting, night terrors, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy and disordered breathing during sleep (called apnea).

The National Sleep Foundation, the source of many sleep surveys and statistics, has financial and institutional ties to sleeping pill manufacturers, according to the Sacramento Bee ne

Sleep problems could be increasing, Kripke says, but there is no evidence for this. If they are increasing, it could be a result of less exposure to daylight (due to cable TV, the Internet, indoor gyms) and increasing obesity, which causes apnea. But he still recommends against taking sleeping pills in nearly all cases and in favor of improved sleep habits.

"Sleeping pills usually do more harm than good,&quot
; he says.

Improved sleep behavior and attitudes do more good than sleeping pills for the treatment of insomnia, experts at a recent National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference agreed, says Daniel Kripke of the University of California, San Diego. The changes he recommends:
  • Do not take sleeping pills. This includes over-the-counter pills and melatonin.
  • Don't go to bed until you're sleepy. If you have trouble sleeping, try going to bed later or getting up earlier.
  • Get up
    at the same time every morning, even after a bad night's sleep. The next night, you'll be sleepy at bedtime.
  • If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep, get out of bed and return only when you are sleepy.
  • Avoid worrying, watching TV, reading scary books, and doing other things in bed besides sleeping and sex.

    >If you worry, read thrillers or watch TV, do that in a chair that's not in the bedroom.
  • Do not drink or eat anything caffeinated within six hours of bedtime.
  • Avoid alcohol. It's relaxing at first but can lead to insomnia when it clears your system.
  • Spend time outdoors. People exposed to daylight or bright light therapy sleep better.
Sleep Disorder? Wake Up and Smell the Savanna

You would think the country is in the grip of an insomnia epidemic given the rising popularity of sleep drugs. Over the last five years, the use of hypnotics has increased by an astonishing 60 percent, according to IMS Health, a research company.

Is the state of sleep in America really that bad?

Plaster about two dozen electrodes to your face and head and tape some more to your chest and legs. Give yourself two to three feet of wire on each, and attach the other ends to the wall next to a bed, so they tug tightly when you move. Make sure the bed is in a room that you've never seen before, something that looks like a hospital room disguised as a hotel room. A kind of Soviet-era bugged spy box for information gathering, with a video camera, pointed at the bed, blinking silently from the ceiling.

Then turn out th
e lights and go to sleep.

I'm not a very cooperati
ve lab rat, but this would describe a typical night at a sleep clinic, where data is gathered on how you sleep. This describes my night at the Center for Sleep Medicine at the Mount Sinai Medical Center in Manhattan. I woke up the next morning at 7 with someone misting my head. That softens the glue on the electrodes. On the subway ride home I looked like an escapee, discs of plaster crusted on my skull. Just another alien abduction.

I have joined the national discussion on sleep, a statistic in what is being called an epidemic of sleeplessness, or the growing perception that in bed, extracurriculars aside, we're not being our personal best.

It is a discussion being conducted in doctors' offices, at dinner tables, on Web sites like and, and in chat rooms, where people call themselves "midnightclyde" and "sleepymoon."

"Nutrition, physica
l fitness, now sleep," said Dr. William C. Dement, director of the Sleep Disorders Clinic and Research Center at Stanf
ord University, of the modern history of the American obsession with wellness.

Dr. Dement, who basically founded the idea of sleep medicine, is, at 77, the Sandman. He said the only periods during which he ever recalling losing sleep were when applying for grant money. "Twenty-five years ago everyone started jogging, worried about fitness," he said. "Now sleep is having its moment. Ninety percent of your waking health is dependent on your sleep."

Since 1970, when Dr. Dement founded his clinic, the nation's first, sleep has spawned university departments, associations, journals, conventions, academies and foundations like the National Sleep Foundation, which declared last week National Sleep Awareness week, ending today with daylight saving time, when we lose an hour of sleep by the clock whether we normally snooze with the gods or not.
br />Like many others, I complained to my doctor of poor sleep, and of tiredness during the day. He prescribed a sleep evaluation, to be conducted at a sleep clinic

With baby boomers again leading the charge (I'm 54; you lose your natural gift for sleep as you age), sleep has become a commercial industry. In addition to pills (more popular than ever), breathing masks, nose pillows, hypnotic podcasts, aromatherapies and specialty bedding, there are sleep clinics like Mount Sinai's, which are proliferating.

With a tantalizing promise of self-improvement, like a day spa crossed with a night class, accredited facilities in the United States have tripled in number, to 963, in the last 10 years. (There are roughly 900 more unaccredited centers.) Sleep doctors warn that a shortage of trained, certified personnel like the technicians who administer the overnight testing could be sleep's next crisis.

"Think you have a sleep disorder?" asks the American Academy
of Sleep Medicine, which accredits sleep centers, at its Web site, "Find a sleep center near you!"

Dr. Stasia J. Wieber, director of the Comprehensive Center for Sleep M
edicine at Mount Sinai, said of evaluations: "A lot of people do it because their friends did it. But we only do an overnight sleep study when it's indicated. Everyone leaves with a diagnosis, but not everyone gets thrown into the lab. A physician has to order the study."

The overnight evaluation at Mount Sinai costs $1,500; most insurance companies cover it.

I arrived at 8 in the evening with an overnight bag, filled out a form on my sleep habits to determine my overall sleep "hygiene," then changed into my nightwear (tattered workout clothes) and sat in a chair watching "Armageddon" without sound on a corner television while a technician worked behind me, wiring my head.

Mount Sinai also evaluates pediatric sleep disorders. Do
wn the hall, someone sang a lullaby, with the soft disembodiment that foreshadows horrible events in movies. On the television Bruce Willis said goodbye to Earth, his finger on the bomb.

Lights out. During the night, as I traveled between wakefulness and sleep, se
nding back streams of data like a space probe, the technician appeared and disappeared, adjusting my wires, and exiting my consciousness in a ring of light --the door to the corridor --like a spectral visitor, a goblin that only the sixth-sensed see. He monitored my voyage from a desk somewhere in the clinic, taking notes as I sped through the blackness.

The next morning, miles from a cup of coffee, my head damp with mist and dotted with what looked like old toothpaste, I filled out another form, asking, among other things, what I had dreamed about.

"I dreamed I was wired to a bunch of wires, in a threatening tangle, that pulled me back to a wall every time I tried to escape," I wrote, truthfully.
<br /
>"Perhaps it was not a dream," the technician said, reviewing my responses, with a graveyard humor that was also chilly and serious. Working nights will do it to you.

During an office visit with Dr. Wieber two weeks later, I was told I have sleep apnea. I stop breathing 16 times an hour a
s I sleep, which she explained is considered moderate.

When you stop breathing, because of an inadequate passage for air between your tongue and the back of your throat, your body sends a message to your brain that something is going wrong, and your brain, in an emergency response, wakes you up. You lose sleep. And you are at increased risk for heart attack and stroke, studies have shown.

Medically, the first line of defense is a machine with a mask called a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) device. Then there is a Clockwork Orange-like dental device, which is not effective in every case, explained Dr. Wieber. And there was a surgical procedure, for select cases.

Rock, hard place.

The CPAP (pronounced SEE-pap) mask was simpler and showed great success, she said. But it meant snorkeling your way down into the deep of sleep, more scuba diving than sheep counting. Every single night. And you look like Dennis Hopper in "Blue Velvet," to yourself and anyone else. I freaked out.

In a subse
quent telephone conversation, Dr. Wieber assured me I was not alone.

"It's hard to wear a mask every night," she said, adding that for patients who are hearing of apnea and its treatments for the first time, the mask "might come as a shock." But she added that 70 to 75 percent adopt it, and compliance is good.

"For people walking around tired all day, it's a no-brainer," said David Schneiderman, 44, chief operating officer for a commodities clearing corporation in New York, with assurance. Mr. Schneiderman, who was diagnosed with apnea in 2002 and who wears a CPAP mask every night, recalled his
wife and daughter telling him that before he was evaluated, he slept like a man in a cartoon.

"The dresser drawers would pull out and push in, from my snoring," he said. Now, with his snorkel-like CPAP in place as he prepares for bed, "my daughter comes in to kiss me goodnight: 'Goodnight Darth,' she says." Mr. Schneiderman added that he slept so well that he could no longer nap during the day.

a recognized threat, is the tip of the iceberg, say sleep doctors. There are more than 80 identifiable sleep disorders, including restless leg syndrome and classics like insomnia.

"People think if you have apnea you die," said Dr. Thomas Roth, director of the Sleep Disorder and Research Center at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, who is cynical about the nation's discussion on sleep and the fashionable interest in the subject, and recited the rest of the wives' tales that have garnered the greatest media attention. "If you have ins
omnia, you're neurotic. If you don't sleep a lot, you're macho."

Dr. Roth, like many sleep specialists spoken to, believes the awareness of inadequate sleep, or the importance of good sleep hygiene, is still developing.

"Go to every school in the state and see how many have taught one word about sleep," he said. "My daughter's high school hygiene and health textbook? One page. That will be hard to justify to kids, because they don't sleep well either."

In a study
released on Tuesday the National Sleep Foundation reported that more than half of the teenagers polled, ages 11 to 17, said they got less sleep than they thought they should, and a third suspected they had a sleep disorder. Only 7 percent of the parents polled thought their children had problems sleeping, though 28 percent of the teenagers said they fell asleep in class and were too tired to exercise.

More than half said they had driven while drowsy during the l
ast year. Caffeine and electronic games, computers, personal telephones and televisions in the bedroom were culprits called out in the study: familiar to teenagers, but absent in their parents' suppositions about how much, or how well, their children sleep.

"Changing human behavior is a very difficult challenge," said Dr. Roth, who expressed pessimism about people's ability to embrace better sleep habits when, like eating or exercise, changing them went to the core of how people liked to live. He compared the epidemic of sleeplessness to th
e national epidemic of obesity, which is worsening.

And then there is blissful denial. If only that could help you sleep. "Ninety percent of the time, people with sleep problems think they're champion sleepers, and that they're just somehow too sleepy," said Dr. Meir Kryger, director of the sleep disorder clinic at St. Boniface General Hospital in Winnipeg, Manitoba, of his adult patients.

"It's a
strange business," he said of sleep.

Tell me about it. Just not before I turn out the light.

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Sleep - our new obsession

Sleep, or rather our frustration at not having enough of it, is the new health obsession. Worries about diet, pollution and exercise have given way to new anxieties about insomnia. We are told that the nation is building up a 'chronic sleep debt' because our modern lifestyles don't allow us to spend enough time in bed after a long day.

It is a new sort of epidemic, with millions being spent on sleeping pills to 'cure' those who can't drop off at night. Interrupted sleep is now one of the most common complaints aired in the GP's surgery. Everything from parenting problems to diabetes and career setbacks are blamed on a 'sleep disorder pattern' which is fuelling an industry of therapists, drugs and devices.
r />Now a new book by Britain's leading expert on the subject sets out our real relatio
nship with sleep. It argues that most of us get quite enough, and that the present generation enjoys a better-quality night-time than our ancestors ever had. Instead of obsessing about sleep debt, we should realise that the key to feeling energetic and focused in the morning is what we do in the waking hours, not whether we are getting enough time with our heads on a pillow. Even those who wake up frequently at night are probably getting sufficient sleep.

Professor Jim Horne is the experts' expert when it comes to sleep research in Britain, and his views will annoy some people because he does not pander to the idea that we are all chronically deprived of sleep. But he celebrates the fact that we know so much more now about 'Nature's soft nurse' than in the past, and that it's there to enjoy: we should stop being so hung up on it. Sleep is now something, finally, we can understand. As morni
ngs become lighter and Easter approaches, many of us find ourselves waking early. Long before the alarm clock go
es off, you're opening your eyes, reacting to the combination of early sunlight and the April dawn chorus. But how is the body able to fine-tune itself so exactly to the seasons when we live in such a hectic, technology-driven world?

The last 10 days would suggest that we are hopelessly out of synch, given the plethora of stories warning of the dangers of sleeplessness. The New York Times said that insomnia was pushing thousands more people into taking prescribed drugs for the condition amid concern that younger people are finding it particularly hard to doze off. The British Association of Counselling is reported as saying that 12 million people have at least three bad nights of sleep a week. Then the RAC warned that sleepy drivers were responsible for 20,000 crashes last year.

Horne wants to change the tone of the debate, arguing that the human body adjusts to different s
leep patterns with great agility. This is because our lives are governed by a body clock which affects not only the timing of sle
ep but also the different levels of alertness or lethargy. These 'circadian rhythms', which govern our moods and energy levels, are set by the body clock, which in turn is synchronised by sunset and sunrise, and also by more modern cues such as artificial light, the alarm clock, even the daily addiction to a particular TV soap.

But this timepiece, which in prehistoric times would allow us to rise early to have the best chances of survival and hunting, can be shifted by our own irregular lifestyles. For example, a very bad night's sleep will affect your level of alertness so that by 10am, when you would normally be awake and highly receptive to people around you, you will still be in a sleepy phase. Afternoon sleepiness is an entirely natural phase of the body clock, and is the human way of getting through the day. 'Some people think that because they feel
tired in the afternoon something is wrong with them, but that is not at all the case,' said Horne. 'It's a natural dip in the day.'

The after
noon siesta is still common in hotter countries but is something that might benefit people in cold climes too. Winston Churchill was a proponent of the afternoon kip, and stuck to this routine during the Second World War. Later he wrote: 'You must sleep some time between lunch and dinner, and no half-way measures. Take off your clothes and get into bed. That's what I always do. Don't think you will be doing less work because you sleep during the day. That's a foolish notion held by people who have no imagination. When the war started, I had to sleep during the day because that was the only way I could cope with my responsibilities.'

Throughout the ages, humans have regulated their sleep according to their working lives. Five centuries ago Britons enjoyed something known as 'fyrste slepe', an early evening
nap. Supper usually followed, then a period of prayer or talking. People would then stay awake until the early hours of the morning, then had a five to six-hour sleep.

'It seems to me that a n
ight of between seven and eight hours' sleep is a fairly modern western development, which is clearly linked to industrialisation,' said Horne. 'Human beings are very adaptable, and we should keep that in mind because we tend to think of these hours as sacrosanct, when in fact we are far more flexible than we like to think.'

The reality is that we probably sleep more now than our ancestors did 100 years ago. 'Increasingly you hear people talking about us all having a chronic sleep debt, and that you have to catch up with it, but I'm not sure that is true,' said Horne.

'Think back to what life was like in Dickensian times. People were working 14-hour days, six days a week, and there was no lie-in on a Sunday as you were up for church. At night they would
return to bedrooms they would share with children, to beds infested with bugs, in a noisy environment. The great majority of people were not getting eight hours of uninterrupted rest. But they didn't think about it in that way, or if they did
feel tired they kept quiet.'

What exactly is sleep? The myths and beliefs that have surrounded the time we spend dead to the rest of the world have always mattered to successive civilisations. Aristotle thought it resulted from the warm vapours rising from the stomach after a good meal. But that was 2000 years ago, before we had EEGs (electroencephalograms) to measure the brainwaves we emit in sleeping hours.

Sleep is far more than an absence of body movement or a closing of the eyes: it is to do with the profound changes that take place in the cortex, the part of the brain that controls all the higher functions - the intellect, the imagination, social responsibility and love. By looking at the brainwaves that emerge from this region using
an EEG, scientists can study the different stages of sleep. The process may seem continuous but is actually broken up into 90-minute spells. What tends to happen is that, soon after you nod off, you will go into a deep sleep. The brainwaves alter in their height and
number, and move from becoming 'small ripples to large rollers', as Horne puts it. 'These deep waves, affecting your levels of consciousness, enable the body to block out external noises and movement and to maintain sleep, and will make up between 10 and 20 per cent of a night's sleep for a typical adult. It usually happens in the first half of the night.'

Much research has gone into the stage of sleep known as REM (rapid eye movement) first identified in 1955. The name is rather a misnomer, because during this time the eyes are mostly not moving at all. The rapid jerky movements under the eyelid first described by Professor GT Ladd in 1892 were associated with dreaming. In fact, the most vivid and intense dreams do
occur during the REM period, but in the rest of sleep you also dream, although the images tend to be milder and more reflective.

Dreams are created in the cortex, but REM derives from a much deeper part of the brain which seems less connected with thought processing and more to do wit
h memory storage and wakefulness. 'Some have compared this stage to a screen-saver on a computer - it's the mode into which the brain can retreat when it is in a state of non-wakefulness,' said Horne.

'We know that sleep looks after many, many processes which affect your personality, your memory, your thoughts, your feelings - really everything that makes you human and able to function. The many studies on sleep deprivation show us that these fragments of who you are start to break down once you take away essential rest.'

What is exciting new interest - and what few of us realise - is that the amount of deep, beneficial sleep you get really depends on the amount of time you hav
e previously spent awake. It seems the deep waves are crucial for enabling the cortex to recover its powers, or 'recharge' before it can cope with the next day. A fairly new discovery is that there are very slow waves within this deep sleep that appear to be particularly important for the brain and affect the workload tha
t the cortex can deal with during waking hours. But someone who regularly sleeps for just five hours can enjoy the same amount of deep sleep as the person who has nine hours a night - and there is no research to suggest that one is less alert or energetic than the other.

We think of insomnia as a modern condition, as a state created by the internet and constant news coverage and 24-hour cafes. The film Lost In Translation, starring Bill Murray as an exhausted actor unable to sleep in his Tokyo hotel, conveys the sense of weariness with modern pressures. His exhaustion is expressed by the boredom and frustration of his situation, and a desire to escape.

But is it
really anything new? 'The hurry and excitement of modern life is held to be responsible for much of the insomnia of which we hear; and most of the articles and letters are full of good advice to live more quietly and of platitudes concerning the harmfulness of rush and worry. The pity of it is that so many people are obliged to lead a life of
anxiety and high tension.' This statement comes from the British Medical Journal but was written in September 1894. It entirely conveys what most people feel is the truth now about life in Britain.

Everyone has had the experience of trying to go off to sleep, only to find that their mind is still buzzing and that the more they try, the harder it is to find rest. But Horne's research in Loughborough has shown that most people don't take that long to doze off. The period of time measured from the 'lights out' moment to nodding off is around 10 to 30 minutes, although in 25 per cent of cases it can take longer than that. There is an intere
sting difference between the sexes. After the age of 50, men report falling asleep much faster - averaging about 13 minutes compared with 22 for women. It appears to be older women who have most problems in getting off to sleep.

Most of us go to bed between 11pm and midnight, although women tend to go somewhat earlier than men. There are, however, people who surviv
e well on five hours' sleep and also those who need nine hours. The average daily sleep over the past 40 years turns out to be between seven and seven and a half hours, across the West. What is more, the human being's ability to sleep in virtually any circumstances is well documented in history. The phrase 'hangover' does not come from some alcohol-related source but from the bedtime tradition in Victorian workhouses. Workers lined up along a bench and a rope was tied from one end to the other, allowing them to sleep by draping their arms over the rope which they 'hung over' as it supported them.

who has carried out research on thousands of volunteers at his sleep laboratory, believes that, although around one-quarter of the population may feel they get insufficient sleep, there is very little firm evidence to support this. Tests measuring cognitive performance show that when people have lost two hours a night, it does not affect ability to perform tasks. 'Much of the insomnia is self-diagno
sed, and it's easier to take a patient's word for it and prescribe tablets than to sort out whether they are really sleep-deprived,' he said. 'When a whole society starts to think it has a chronic sleep debt, then you are going to increase the problems. A lot of sleepiness is more imagined than real.'

But there are many who argue against Horne when he questions the whole idea of a sleep debt. Professor Russell Foster, an expert in circadian rhythms at Imperial College London, said: 'A few days of not getting enough sleep won't harm you, but there is a cumulative effect tha
t you see, and there is evidence that it can affect your cognitive performance. I think western societies are increasingly 24/7, increasingly sleep-deprived and increasingly reliant on stimulants. Why is it that the second most traded commodity after oil is coffee beans? Because we can keep ourselves awake for longer. The problem comes at weekends when we then want to relax but find it hard, so we use alcohol and sedatives to do
so. Yet sleep is more important than ever to us, because in Britain we don't have a manufacturing base any more, we are reliant on our creative processes, and for individuals to come up with really novel ideas and decisions, they need to enjoy regular, good-quality sleep. There's no getting away from it.'

The struggle to get enough sleep is one of the most common complaints of modern life, and like everything else it therefore demands 'a quick fix'. More than Ô�Å¡£20m a year is spent in Britain on sleeping pills, but these are short-term therapies which usua
lly stop working after four weeks and can be difficult to withdraw from. The older benzodiazepine drugs have left thousands of people dependent on them, although they carry side effects and do nothing to sort out the problems of insomnia.

Back in the Eighties, when doctors worked gruelling 90-hour weeks, there were many accounts of accidents and errors made by clinicians who were too tired to think properly. The results of such long hours witho
ut rest led to a big change in working patterns, and finally to the European Working Time Directive, which now means that no one must work more than a week without a break.

One doctor who remembers what it felt like to be so tired is Sarah Marwick, who now works as a GP in Birmingham. 'Like all junior [doctors], I had to work shifts in Accident and Emergency for six months, and I felt constantly drained, and a feeling of jet lag the whole time. I felt under par continuously, which made me very stressed and irritable. At the end of a 36-hour shi
ft I felt I was drunk. I couldn't concentrate, felt like I had to work hard and really think to get words out.'

Marwick, who shared her experiences with other doctors on the online forum, found that on a number of occasions she would be asked the next morning about something she had done the previous night at the end of a long period on call, and she would have no recollection of it, or even having been to the ward, or giving intravenous dru

'But the scariest time was when I fell asleep while driving home after a weekend on call. I was sitting at a traffic light in the city centre and I must have dozed off. A man had to come and knock on the car window and wake me up, and he said he had been beeping his horn and I had not moved for a good three minutes. It could have been fatal.'

For doctors at least, those long working hours have been reduced, as they have in other professions with new European rules. The irony is that, as our working hour
s lessen, we feel more tired than ever, perhaps because of all the other tasks that we impose on ourselves in our spare time. In the desperate desire for more sleep, an entire industry has grown up around the problem - university departments, journals, academics and clinics as well as a 'National Sleep Awareness Week' are there to make us aware of the problem. And so are the breathing masks, the nose pillows, the aromatherapy solutions and sleep clinics.

Even the people who started the resear
ch in laboratories, such as Jim Horne, are aware of the dilemma. One of them is Dr William Dement, who runs the Sleep Disorders Clinic at Stanford University in California and founded the concept of sleep medicine decades ago in the US. 'Nutrition, fitness and now sleep,' he told the New York Times recently. 'Twenty-five years ago, everyone started jogging and worried about their fitness. Now sleep is having its moment.'

Perchance to dream

Sleep is an altered state
of consciousness, as opposed to an unconscious state. It allows the brain to undergo a complex recovery process, and as the brain 'winds down' into sleep mode, you physically become less aware of the surroundings.

Sleep is the regular state of natural rest observed in all mammals, birds and fish, and is characterised by a reduction in voluntary body movement.

The circadian rhythms which govern the body clock, and hormonal and environmental factors all affect your ability to sleep.

Sleep appears to perform a restorative functio
n for the brain and body, and we know this because of the many symptoms of personality and behaviour change which are seen when humans and other animals are deprived of it.

Sleep is also a time for healing and growth. When you go into deep, or slow-wave sleep, growth hormone levels increase, and changes in immune function occur. In babies, sleep is essential for processing new information about the environment.

One process kn
own to be highly dependent on sleep is memory. REM (rapid eye movement) sleep appears to help with the consolidation of spatial and procedural memory, which is the long-term memory of acquired skills essential for surviving in the modern world.

But another view is that sleep serves an evolutionary function in simply protecting people during the hours of night, at a time when roaming around would place the individual at greatest risk, according to some experts. Organisms don't require 24 hours to feed themselves and meet all other necessities, so they are safer asleep and out o
f harm's way.

They sleep, therefore, at times that maximise their safety, given their differing physical capacities and their various habitats.