The Truth Behind the Christ Myth



Christianity, in particular, has been guilty of teaching its followers to regard life on this planet as a transitional event to be endured by keeping one's mind focused on the spooky world beyond the grave. It is thanks to Christianity that the Western civilization was plunged into the Dark Ages for it extinguished the torch of knowledge and reason, which had been passed down through history by previous civilizations, a torch that only very recently has been rekindled.

It is thanks to its doctrines, which have its roots in the teachings of Saul of Tarsus, that so much damage has been done to the spirit of man and contributed in no small manner to the historical and present slavish att
tude of the masses who are incapable of rising against the crushing yoke that has been placed around their necks by the oh so very human 'principalities and powers' that make their lives a living hell on Ea
rth. And all religions
seem to look after their shepherds far better than their flock.

And so I came around full circle, and this work reflects my present belief ' that the Bible is nothing more than a collection of stories, some with a historical background (in some cases distorted), others borrowed from much older sources and presented as pertaining to Hebrew history, and others still, which are wholly fictitious. (See this article)

The title "The Pyrrhonist Bible" is taken from Pyrrho (c.360 to c.272 BC), the Greek philosopher who introduced pure skepticism into Greek philosophy. The word is synonymous with "unbeliever, skeptic, agnostic".


Truth Be Known by Acharya S.