War between the Generations




In my area which has more J*WS than Tel Aviv many

elder people

are just what u say !

I am 67 yrs old and know many more like me who

do not want or ask for handouts and think social security

needs to doled by NEEDS and not age.

There are many VERY wealthy J*WS here who get evey drop

of SS and medical

coverage and also pensions from jewish organizations

supported by our tax dollars.

Just as many ARYAN people are still working or gone back

to work of necessity a they will not take dole money.

Please dont judge all older people by what some are doing,

just as we d

want to say " all WHITE MALES ARE......"

Bless your heart Sophia,

No wonder you live scared, considering who you are surrounded by!
Bless your heart Sophia,

No wonder you live scared, considering who you are surrounded by!

While certainly not all elderly fit the profile I set out, regretfully, too many do. I spent years managing retirement homes and I have to tell you it my just be the experiences I had there led me to call them the greediest generation. And the generations following mine already hate us. They're the ones who love the n-ggers and the queers and think that money is free.

It's really sad with no end in sight.
I dont live scared awyattmann

I am one of the most

"out there" confrontational persons you will ever meet.

In my youth I hung out with Mafia guys ( learned a LOT!)

and the reason they allowed me to be so close is because

they said I had the balls of ten men.

I did not like your avatar because I have seen these guys up close

all too often and I cannot stand them.

I avoid them as they will bait a woman of any color.

All nigs, male and female and kids, will dog and bait a

WHITE WOMAN with grey hair.

I go anywhere I want and other people ask me if I am

sure I want to go here or there and i
have no fear

BECAUSE I KNOW when I can handle myself and

when I cant.

Single old ladies out in the streets in Brooklyn have to

face hard challenges every day.

I had
teachers !

They are all either dead or doing time now so my old crowd is gone

I dont have any bulldogs to run to if I get hassled.

I keep a lower profile than earlier years, very prudent.

But I dont back down unless its a drug crazed fool.

I live in an upscale area and will go out at night to walk

along the Bay, just not on weekends when all the silly tourists are in.

Week nights are great and all the piers are well lighted.

Some of the yachts are a few million each and the luxury crusiers a lot more.

as are the fishing ships.

Many have a night man sleeping aboard

On the land side is all restaurants and botiques and busy till 2 or 3 AM

I will come back by 11 or so

This is safer
than many areas of America.

Too many Russians

There are parts og Brooklyn I wont go inot as the majority are

like your previous avatar.

I have balls yes, but I am not

Oh ,YES ..........

I am NOT an anomaly in Brooklyn

there are many conservative ballsy women here!

You would not want to run into any one of us
angry.! :angry:

A lot of us are arms trained and some have weapons.

And some of dont need them, WINK ! ;)
I can tell you at 32 years old I don't have many friends my own age to speak of because many are like you say. They love n-ggers and queers and want something for nothing. I can understand your feelings from working in the retirement homes. I have a relative who works with the elderly. She has seen both sides. Right now she works with many poor elderly whites and they are much nicer than those who have become spoiled and demanding.