White School Kids Receive Pro-White Leaflets

Rick Dean



UK: White School Children Receive Pro-White Leaflets
News/Comment; Posted on: 2004-04-12 08:28:31 [ Printer friendly ]

Teachers warn multiracial atmosphere too volatile for message.

Multiracialist teachers are warning that ethnic tensions in schools are being aggravated by the rise in pro-White political parties, reports Sean Coughlan for BBC News: The National Union of Teachers' [often referred to -- even by its members -- by its acronym 'NUT'; logo shown -- Ed.] annual conference heard that the British National Party was 'recruiting' a
ong school children. Teachers said racist leaflets were 'poisoning the atmosphere in schools.'

When such leaflets appeared in schools, the levels of 'racial violence' increased, said delegates. The

tish National Party (BNP) belie
ves that the native Britons are a sovereign race that has the right to live separately and govern themselves.

The pro-White party wishes to retain Britain as the homeland for the native Welsh, Irish, English and Scots.

Multiracialist Maureen Skevington spoke of the "enormous fear" that the BNP had created when it stood for local council seats -- and the relief when candidates were defeated.

Multiracialist Bryan Beckingham told the conference that the threat of pro-White parties must not be "swept under the carpet."

Whenever their recruiting leaflets appeared, he said, "racial violence increases in schools."

Although multiracialists have agitated for violent attacks on Whites who oppose their agenda, t
he pro-White BNP has a strict policy of non-violence. See the National Vanguard article, UK: White Leaders Undaunted by Coordinated Violent Attacks for information on the threats and assaults
White activ

Like the proverbial party-goers who, out of po
liteness, refuse to notice the 10,000-pound elephant in their host's living room, White multiracialists, out of a perverted sense of morality, refuse to see that it is multiracialism itself which is the main cause of racial conflict and violence, not a book or leaflet published by someone trying to solve those problems. Multiracialists also refuse to see that the ultimate result of their "morality" will be genocide and cultural annihiliation. The BNP, the National Alliance, and others who expose their delusions cause them pain -- so, like an alcoholic who rages against his spouse or physician when asked to give up the bottle, they attack the messenger. -- K.A.S.

i think the USA should have not multicoltiralism (sh*t i don't even knwo how to spell this one) but US must have multy political party like it ok to have pro white and communist party not just two partys wich have almost no different then each other

The British National Party (BNP) believes that the native Britons are a sovereign race that has the right to live separately and govern themselves.

The pro-White party wishes to retain Britain as the homeland for the native Welsh, Irish, English and Scots.
Quite so. The White Brits are the racially indigenous peoples to that real estate.

Maybe if we shipped them a few millions of our self-loathing, so-called
quot;White, but really 'part-Indian' " youth (how many times have you heard that?) , they could fire up the White Racist pro racially-indigenous movement in Britain.