14 Afro 'Migrants' Get Their Broccoli-Like Aveoli




MADRID, Spain (Reuters) -- Fourteen African migrants drowned when their boat sank as they tried to reach Spain's Canary Islands on Saturday, and a search was under way for a nine-month-old baby, police said.

Another boat reached shore, a spokesman for the Civil Guard police said, and a total of 46 migrants arrived safely in Fuerteventura, the most easterly of the islands.

39;ve picked up 14 bodies," the spokesman said, adding that the migrants were from sub-Saharan Africa. "They are still looking for a nine-month-old baby."

The Canary Islands are less t

200 km (125 miles) off the coast of northwest Africa and each year thousands of would-be immigrants try to cross the Atlantic
stretch in boats that are not seaworthy.

Moroccan immigrant group ATIME estimates that some 4,000 people have died since 1997 crossing the Atlantic Ocean to the Canary Islands and the Strait of Gibraltar to southern Spain.

In November last year, at least 35 people died when a ship packed with African migrants sank off Spain's southern coast.

Some 500,000 illegal immigrants a year enter the European Union, according to European Commission estimates. Illegal immigrants detained in Spain are often deported to their country of origin.

14 Afrovandal 'Migrants' Get Their Broccoli-Like Aveoli Saturated & a Detour To The Great Beyond...in Hell

That had a poetic ring to it, Chain Immigrants! :lol: