Apo essays for Dec 2018


Guest Columnist
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://jamesfetzer.org/2018/11/pai...-actors-and-other-hilarious-misfits/#comments

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Problem Is Satanism
(Apollonian, 2 Dec 18)

Ralphie ralf--what happens when a "successful" civilization continues to reproduce offspring who don't have to work and fight as hard as the original heroes, founders, and pioneers? Do u think it would be similar to Romans?--the people suffer evermore HUBRIS (look it up). The civilization corrupts and "declines," according to Oswald Spengler, "Decline of the West."

History is CYCLIC, and USA is now Jew S A, captured (psychologically) by the master exploiters of HUBRIS. Indeed, Jew S A is now positively SATANIC society. Ever hrd of "agenda-21"?--pop. reduction--that's what they're going to do, and stupid people are notoriously subject to victimization of that sort--it's what's happening, the people now submerged in cognitive dissonance.

Observe people are ALREADY being murdered on massive scale by means of legal drugs, like fentanyl and others, not to mention GMO foods, poison vaccines, poison glyphosate herbicides, etc., and now they're going to introduce "5G" electro-magnetic effects which are understood as quite destructive and harmful--but no one cares--and that's the penalty for not caring--U DIE, sucker--it's way of the world, only in little more elaborate guise. It may be "disgraceful," but never forget humans are sinners--it's way cookie crumbles.

Trick is how to extricate humanity, at least for those who might survive. One easy, obvious recourse is to get more anti-Semitic (anti-satanic)--which was magnificent religion, called "Christianity," given us by Romans and Greeks, and which served Western culture and people for well over a millennia. Isn't it genius how the Satanists have prejudiced the suckers soooo brilliantly against Christianity and anti-Semitism?

So WHAT exactly is Satanism?--well, it's really very simple: it's extreme subjectivism, idea reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself God, the creator. Cognitive dissonance is designed to divert people fm simple ideas and solutions. Lots of fools and scum are going to have to be culled, evidently, I'm afraid.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Ralph B. Seymour says:
November 14, 2018 at 3:47 pm

This is what the US has devolved into.
And the stupid population believes this foolishness.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://jamesfetzer.org/2018/12/dr-...er-sues-professor-james-fetzer-and-publisher/

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December 5, 2018 at 1:28 am

Newsflash: "Pozner" Has Now Made Himself Legitimate Object Of Legal Inquiry, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 18)

Well Fetzer, surely u can understand how all humans of rational mind can easily sympathize w. u for ur persecution and harassment at hands of this criminal monster, known as "Pozner," as we all now witness the criminal abuse of the legal system to attack and attempt to injuring a citizen, among other citizens too (like Wolfgang), who've done nothing wrong, indeed, has only done excellently for un-covering pertinent and most informative facts on the Sandy hoax case which was psy-ops intended to terrorize and deprive citizens of rights, etc.

And surely now u see the horrific and satanic effects of that criminal enterprise known as "central-banking" which provides the funds/funding for this legal abuse and assault upon u personally and all the citizens, including Wolfgang Halbig and even Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com). Thus the criminals and satanists make use of legalistically counterfeited funds (literally) to paying lawyers filing these abusive law-suits which now cause u to have to paying for lawyers, etc., the obvious object, if nothing else, being to exhaust u of ur funds which u're not allowed to simply create by means of printing or digitalizing through computer keystrokes--it's also frustrating and demoralizing for the citizens.

Problem of course is in persuading judges and juries which is practically impossible due to the ABSTRACT nature of money and banking, what money is (distinct fm mere "currency"), and why it has to be that way.

BUT there is a clear way for explaining and exposing the facts regarding the necessary (and illegitimate) MONOPOLY nature of the central-bank which gives the criminals the upper-hand and overwhelming advantages for bribing politicians, lawyers, and judges, controlling the "Jews-media" and edjumacation system, and thus to brain-washing and confusing the people in all the various ways.

Don't forget, the central bank is the MOST POWERFUL monopoly there is or COULD BE within the human imagination, creating a MIDAS-like power for humans in the creation of credit and currency (not real money--which would otherwise require alchemistic methods)--making these mortal humans into practical GODS w. nearly miraculous power for creation of nearly infinite funds. Thus we see created the Big Pharma monopoly (or cartel-system/complex), aside fm the "Jews-media" monopoly, and recently, we've all been alerted to the power of big-"Tech," originally seeded w. tax-payers funds, for the control and treatment of communications among the people--actually very closely co-operating w. the traditional "Jews-media."

So in consideration of these simple, afore-mentioned facts as I note above, u should consider counter-filing a class-action suit against "Pozner" and his cohorts, as these lawyers of his have to have provided their names, u demonstrating for the court as is easily done, Pozner's by now well-known, tried and tested tactics of harassment and abuse against ur straight-forward honesty and substantial competence in presenting the truth and verifiable facts and information relevant to this Sandy hoax case. For "Pozner" is un-questionably perpetrating a veritable FRAUD upon the court, not to mention the people of the United States.

For example, u've ALREADY debunked and exposed Pozner's fraud regarding the death certificate for his fictional son, "Noah"--u've actually done more than enough as ur share for the full exposition of the Sandy hoax which it is Pozner's obligation to PROVE and demonstrate, in all truth. Pozner has by now made himself extremely vulnerable.

I suspect that if u merely gathered ur thoughts and knowledge of the details for this outrageous case of legal abuse on part of "Pozner," even if only for a few moments, u and competent legal counsel could construct a solid argument which would hold up quite well in court regarding Pozner's actual legal STANDING for these outrageous frauds he's ALREADY perpetrated, including for example, the harassment of that excellent lady ("Kelly," I believe is her name) fm he mid-West, who ran a maid-svc business, and had numerous conversations w. Pozner, who told Pozner to his face (over the phone) she didn't believe him, etc.

For we really are now at the pt. where "Pozner" has made himself AN ISSUE ALL ITS OWN, quite apart fm the Sandy hoax itself, having harassed, threatened, and intimidated so many people, u, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), James Tracy, Wolfgang, and others too--he's caused real, palpable, and legally demonstrable, substantial "emotional distress" for so many.

By all means u should think over these items I've brought-up herein--what right does "Pozner" have to causing such abuse, harassment, and distress against the people, including urself, who've done such excellent and honest work for the truth and proper information of the citizens?--why shouldn't the actual and pertinent facts regarding specifically now this "Pozner" be brought out and forward for the consideration of a candid public?

Take good care, and be sure to keep-up ur outstanding good work. I suspect u basically have already won for all the smashing excellent facts we presently know because of u; we only now need to take advantage of Pozner's gross chutzpah and hubris and make use of his making himself a living, breathing element of this large fraud and hoax which "Pozner" attempts to putting over the great and good people of the United States and world, not to mention urself and other heroes, like Wolfgang, James Tracy, et al.


December 5, 2018 at 2:02 am

"Pozner" Cries Out For Investigation, At Least
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 18)

Ah, I just now read-over the previous blog u posted w. excellent material and exposition by Alison Maynard--this is just ANOTHER perfect example of the legal fraud upon the court, harassment, and abuse I noted on part of "Pozner." For WHY did Pozner not appear for his deposition?--esp. if his lies about harassment, etc., were true? Further, note Wolfgang was required to go to considerable expense and effort to defend himself--why shouldn't his expenses have been paid by Pozner? Note these are very substantial and serious considerations and hence arguments to be laid before a court--u'd only need competent counsel. Pozner seriously needs to be investigated at the very least. Pozner has made himself genuine, substantial element of this large fraud known as Sandy hoax, and he would now seem to be extremely vulnerable.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/what-lies-behind-the-malaise-of-the-west/

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Racism Is Virtue Of Loyalty, Pride
(Apollonian, 14 Dec 18)

Newsflash, jadez--who obviously IS NOT white, but imagines he can intimidate white folk--note racism is VIRTUE of LOYALTY to people, race, ancestors, and culture, and PRIDE thereto--ck any dictionary.

Original USA, destroyed in 1860s, now unfortunately the Jew S A, enslaved to Israel, was EXCLUSIVE product of white genius and culture which now the non-white races imagine they can parasitize and expropriate--get a clue, fool.

And if u're not "racist" (loyal) to some particular race, like "white" folk, then u're simply racist (loyal) in favor of the mix-race concept in general, that's all--u merely want to uphold the mix-race above and against whites and/or any other particular race. U'RE RACIST (loyal, in favor of the mixed-race) NO LESS; u just don't have the intelligence or courage to admit it.

"Pesky refugees"--actually, they're invaders and enemies, but it's good pt. u make--for just how and why are they soooooo "pesky," eh?--ever asked urself that? I submit the "peskiness" is the satanic culture manipulated by Israel, Jews, satanists, free-masons, and their dupes, like for example, the homosexuals.

But u're surely right about one thing: if whites would strive to having larger families it would surely be an improvement; after all, if we love our race, then more should be pro-created, right? Don't worry, jadez, buddy, satanic, putrid Jew S A is doomed, and we whites are going to institute and enforce STATES-RIGHTS, vindicating those southern heroes of 1860s--isn't it clearer now for u to understand? Ho ho ho ho ho.

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "jadez"------------

jadez says:

December 14, 2018 at 12:05 pm GMT

poor pat…still longing for the days of nixon when racism wasnt as overt as it is today.
never fear….he still has those pesky refugees to keep the fires burning.
if only those white folks would just have 10 kids each family…none of this would be happening.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Marx Was Horrific Failure, Dupe; Hitler Heroic, But Tragic Savior Ambushed By Fate
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 18)

I think Durocher rather fails for his analysis/assessment of Soral, and it certainly wasn't Marx who defeated dear unc' Adolf and those heroic Germans.

What actually defeated Hitler and Germans was Jew S A Lend-lease and the tremendous, decisive aid that Jew S A was able to give to Britain (UK) and USSR, esp. in way of FOOD which USSR desperately needed, along w. trucks and jeeps transportation--this transportation revolutionizing the Red Army for motorization and mobility which enabled Russkies' victory over an otherwise superior German military force, pure and simple.

IT WASN'T MARX THAT DEFEATED HITLER. Hitler and Germans simply did not realize the tremendous productive capacity of Jew S A and its effect in bolstering, even rejuvenating the Red military effort. For otherwise, Hitler and General staff rightly thought they'd delivered death-blows--they just under-estimated Jew S A supply and logistics. The great German envelopment tactics of '41 and '42 gave-out in attrition, the Russkies now too quick, agile, and mobile w. all the Jeeps and trucks they had fm Jew S A.

Otherwise, the large cultural force in play was globalist, socialist world-dictatorship of United Nations (UN) vs. the honest, patriotic nationalist ideal of Germany, Germans terribly out-numbered, but Marx was surely not responsible for that globalist victory either--rather, it was the tremendous capitalist productive output of Jew S A.--yes, even though that capitalist structured economic power was harnessed in socialist form and motivation, at least at top leadership levels further extended down through the bureaucracy, including public edjumacation.

In the larger view, Oswald Spengler provides best context and grasp of CYCLIC "Decline of the West," Western reason and individualism, founded upon Aristotelian objectivity, thus spiritual health declining in Judaic SUBJECTIVISM and Talmudic MIDRASH (interpretation), this upon the specific, putrid, mystic moralism, Pharisaism and altruist collectivism giving rise to guilt-complex and virtue-signaling which everyone so indulges in this moronic day and age.

For note racialism is founded in DETERMINISM, absolute cause-effect, which necessarily follows fm objectivity. But fm time of Rousseau and the Scottish "moral sentimentalists" of Smith and Hume, then through German transcendentalism beginning w. Kant and Kantian Pharisaism, Western culture and reason were doomed. And note further, Christian culture had also been horrifically subverted by the Jew Rothschild take-over of Vatican finances in 1824--as such take-over had earlier triumphed over Western economics since the Bank of England criminal enterprise of 1694 featuring fiat-currency.

Don't forget Marx upheld the out-moded "labor" theory of value which was decisively replaced by "marginal utility," the pt. being that "value" is subjective. It doesn't matter the great labor I might put into making of mud-pies--they're worthless, regardless all the labor and work I did. What determines value is SUBJECTIVE in accord w. DEMAND of the market. And labor is most affected by the product of the mind and the tools which are placed in workers' hands by the entrepreneurs and capitalists--as the Austrian school teach (even though so many of them were Jews, yes, I know).

So what we see fm history is that Hitler did magnificently for leadership and revisionism of the utterly corrupt Versailles treaty, Germany traduced by the British-French-Russian conspiracy to start WWI--see Docherty and MacGregor's "Hidden History," the Entente conspiracy well known and exposed by the mid 1920s--EVERYONE knew how thoroughly CORRUPT was Versailles treaty--which conspiracy of lies is still carried on today by the Jew-centric, Jew-oriented history and edjumacation in the idiot factories called "public education" and popular culture.

Observe how Austrian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, then Austria and Germany were attacked. Note how historical events and circumstances of WWI are so mysterious and unknown today, esp. in comparison w. the factoids and details of WWII and the glorious Bolshevik revolution, etc.

So much for Soral and Durocher who try their best, surely, but are merely instructive for their failures. Marx merely carried-on the putrid moralist tradition of Scottish sentimentalists, Rousseau, and then German transcendental nonsense and mysticism which gave us modern statism, fascism, and genocidal socialism of present-day Agenda-21, -2030, "population-reduction," and world dictatorship.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/anapolitano/at-the-direction-of-the-president/

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U ALWAYS Knew It--Don't Lie And Say U Didn't
(Apollonian, 15 Dec 18)

All of this related above by Napolitano [u have to see the citation, above, and ck into it for this essay to make sense] has always been known and foreseen by "deep-state" and the Jews who are in the midst of it all, as usual.

BUT, note Trump is not without his defenses and resorts, like, fact he was/is operating against arch-criminals and traitors, the Demon-rats, and without doubt these Demon-rats are AT LEAST as guilty in other things as Trump. Jews/Satanists always knew it and loved it--BECAUSE now they get to manipulate things to their advantage. And things can always get to be all nice and patched-up, don't forget--all u need do is to promise the Jews a few things, never doubt--they'll make it all nice and good.

Thus now u KNOW w. absolute certainty more false-flags will ensue, for benefit of Jews, Satanists, and Israel, the object being to getting Jew S A into more war, Jew S A and it's abysmally dumb people, the goyim, suffering and dying for benefit of Jews/Satanists, naturally, as usual, of course.

And we really and truly ALREADY knew all of this long, long ago, truth be told--because this is how things are in Jew S A, the dog wagged by the proverbial tail, slave of Jews and Israel, as usual, as always.

But regardless, never forget--worst thing we can all do is to being anti-Semitic, u know; we must not observe or consider facts as to why practically everyone is anti-Semitic (even some of the semites), why our ancestors always taught us to be anti-Semitic. And don't forget the holohoax, u crude gentile vermin.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/#comments

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Jew Lies And Glorification Of USSR Persists
(Apollonian 15 Dec 18)

Parisian Jew (see below-copied): u seem to miss the pt. I'm not a fan of the American socialists, traitors to their race, and New-Dealers who allied w. Jews, commies, and did the bidding of Jew murderers against humanity to setting-up world Agenda-21 genocide and dictatorship.

What u don't want to face is simple, obvious fact it was GERMAN heroes who had the Russkies all but crushed--get it?--not Americans, but Germans, buddy, led by heroic unc' Adolf and magnificent NSDAP who re-emphasized what Jews are really all about--and which Jews desperately continue to lying about to this day as we see u doing for them.

Were it not for American supply of lend-lease, first the Brits, then the soviets would have been miserably kaput. It was ONLY American supply and aid that "ally" mass-murderers of UK and USSR survived in the first place. Without Jew S A the war would have been OVER in 1941, pal, ho ho ho ho.

It never, ever, ever was the plan for Jew S A to supply too much of actual military force in the Jew-satanist effort to make genocidal United Nations (UN) world gov.--it was the economic and industrial back-up and supply which was absolutely CRUCIAL for that military force--not terribly different fm the strategy of WWI twenty yrs before. T-34 tanks were useless without soldiers kept alive by food fm the Jew S A.

U say, "...truth was known by everybody in Europe...," but u just babble the typical Jew lies, and u give no references. U don't even grasp the basic strategy which was world gov. dictatorship of UN above all, the model being USSR, Jew S A merely providing finance, manufacture and supply, and then the police force after war was over to help enforce things.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-------------------

Parisian Guy says:

December 15, 2018 at 9:11 pm GMT • 200 Words

Hitler was defeated by soviet armies. They had thousands of russian made T34, patriotic soldiers (more than 10 millions died, against around 0.1 million from US), and smart generals.

The lend-lease, the trucks and jeeps, and blahblah…. Their effect is a myth. That’s a meme which has been propagated as soon as the USSR went down around 1990 (thus, there was no more powerful voice to contradict the lies).

Americans can’t stand the truth: they did almost nothing, waiting comfortably for Europe to be completely devasted, then coming near the end to reap the bounty of the winner.

This disgusting behavior had to be hidden by myths such as the truck/jeep meme.

The truth was known by everybody in Europe after the war. Of course the British gave more responsibility to UK for defeating Hitler, as Russians were doing for their side. But almost nobody thought that America was the one who defeated Hitler.

Then gradually, the american (hollywood) propaganda rewrote the history, and the american made myth became the believed truth.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/

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What Are Real Circumstances Of Freedom?--Avoiding Omnipotent Gov., Heeding Reason, Honesty, Rule-Of-Law
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Digital: u're the one making "assumptions" and question-begging, buddy, don't doubt. U obviously never hrd of rule-of-law and sanctity-of-contract by which the middle-class has ALWAYS lived and thrived fm ancient times through Renaissance Italy, and then pre-1860s USA whence local and state gov. prevailed against the gross centralization and "globalist" statism which now seeks to consolidate for purpose of Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide.

And real patriots are ALWAYS "libertarian," including the German heroes of NSDAP, but who observed socialist "internationalist" and globalist circumstances then, not un-like today, and who determined upon perfectly justified martial-law resort for gov. preached by unc' Adolf, considering Germany was attacked and blind-sided by the Entente conspirators, traduced and slandered for responsibility of WWI by utterly corrupt Versailles treaty--so much forgotten in this day as I earlier noted.

Simplest history demonstrates most excellent security of world economy of the gold standard, including even after 1860s prior to world-gov. genocidal era beginning in 1914--triumph then of moralism-collectivism of Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Marx.

People KNOW they're in trouble when gross criminals, Jews, and satanists take-over, featuring literal legalized counterfeiting of central-banking, these criminals and satanic psychopaths preaching the very same sort of statist dictatorship and excuses as u do, though u don't have the wit to realize it.

For the libertarian ideal is to AVOIDING the very "macro-economy," as u put it, which can only be effected by omnipotent gov., as hist. has demonstrated. And the "fairy" u pretend to knowing all about isn't free-market, but rather the benevolent statist dictatorship u defend and extol, like the pathetic, patronizing fool u really are, eh?--u only kid urself, buddy--try to getting a clue.

--------------------above by ap in response to below "digital"--------------------

Digital Samizdat says:

December 15, 2018 at 5:31 pm GMT • 100 Words

Austrian School? Wow. Are we like the only country on earth where even the National Socialists are closet-Libertarians? Neo-liberalism sucks, and Classical Liberalism–alas!–is just a fantasy. Personally, I think a certain amount of state planning (and in some cases, outright state-ownership) is perfectly defensible, even necessary. Call it NS, call it Fordism, call it Ordo-Liberalism, call it dirigisme, call it what you like. It’s essential to keep control over the economy to make sure that, among other things, (((certain special interests))) can’t get hold of it and f*ck your people over.

Don’t ever assume that just because you aren’t running the macro-economy, nobody else is. Somebody will always be running the show. If you’re lucky, they’ll be drawn from your ranks and they’ll give a hoot about you and yours. I’d trust people like that much more than some ‘free’ market fairy.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/

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Jews Leading Subjectivists, Satanists, Controlling Establishment Christianity
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Parisian Jew; regarding lend-lease, the facts speak--it doesn't matter what "polls" say, which argument of urs is mere version of fallacy of argument-fm-authority. I'm "proof," u say?--I stick to the obvious facts, and draw the clear, indicated conclusion soviets were beaten till resuscitated, rejuvenated, and actually primed by American aid and supply, especially of simple, basic food, and then the transportation.

Stalin and Russkies themselves URGENTLY asked for tanks and planes when Harry Hopkins first talked to them, so deficient they'd become, such losses they'd suffered. By end 1941 Russkies had already gotten 200,000 tons of American-produced supplies through the Brits (before Jew S A even officially got into the war)--Jewwy Wikipedia says they got 360,000 tons.

Jew "power"?--all u have to do is look at Israel, the "tail" wagging American (and everyone else) "dog." Jews obviously control finances and the world fiat-money and central-banking systems. But then HOW do Jew exercise that control? Note psychologically Jews control an extremely powerful segment of "Christian" population in Jew S A, called "Judeo-Christians" (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo), or "Christian-Zionists," about half of all evangelicals, perhaps numbering up to 40 million here who strongly support Israeli terror-state. Jews heavily influence and intimidate ALL establishment Christian churches throughout the world beginning w. "vatican" satanists and child-molesters.

But most of all, Jews are Talmudists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com), by definition, hence satanists, Jews being extreme subjectivists ("midrash"), which subjectivism holds reality is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, making themselves God, the creator--satanists. Further Jews are most COLLECTIVIST subjectivists, leading group-think practitioners, Jews most dedicated, most organized, most committed, most cohesive such subjectivists and group-think artists. Thus Jews control, lead, and manipulate practically all the other subjectivistic and satanists among the goyim who vastly out-number Jews--this satanism is crux of their psychologic power. And note satanism is also secular philosophy--extreme subjectivism--parallel to "religious" Talmudism--it doesn't matter if a Jew says he's "atheist." Thus Jews are most organized CRIMINALS and psychopaths, as we see in Israeli terror-state. Q.E.D.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Parisian Guy says:

December 16, 2018 at 5:20 am GMT • 200 Words

U say, “…truth was known by everybody in Europe…,” but u just babble the typical Jew lies, and u give no references.

Quite recently, statistics had been published about the question “Who defeated the nazi?” It was a compilation of poll results in several years and several countries. It showed without any doubt that the majority, which was at first answering USSR, became gradually answering USA. And, as I said, it was noticeable, but not unexpected, that the opinion in each country was chauvinistically biased.

I have not recorded that paper, and I cannot give you the reference. My best guess is I saw it in Russia Insider, maybe a month ago. May be I’m not the only one here to have seen it.

Anyway, you are a kind of proof, by yourself, that the basic facts have been replaced in the memories.

BTW, I would like to know where is, according to you, the limit to jewish power. I got the feeling that you see no limit.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/

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"Parisian" Reveals Himself
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Parisian Jew says, above, in reply to "Christo," "Not sure what the reliability of your source is." Then he adds, "One cannot say this american source is unbiased." So evidently, the Jew fm Paris pretends the soviets are Gospel truth.

Jew fm Paris replies to me as if he himself was actually present in Moscow and witnessed Hopkins talking to Stalin, "What they actually asked for was what had been promised: intervene in Europe far before 1944." And the pt. is Parisian Jew always wants to pretend and insist the Jews and bolshies speak truth and most reliably--everyone else is suspect, but not Jews and bolshies.

Golly gee, Parisian, but how is it we suspect u're Jew? Ho ho hoh o ho.

Then Parisian goes gushing to "digital," "Thus France had no motive to teach an History which would hide the USSR lend-lease, if it had been material." "Material"?--what's that supposed to mean?--that it simply asserts and repeats the communist party line, as pushed by Parisian?

So tell us Parisian: is there an OBJECTIVE standard?--and what would that be?--tell us.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

48.Parisian Guy says:
December 16, 2018 at 2:28 pm GMT • 100 Words

Not sure what the reliability of your source is. For instance, it pretend that USSR used lot of US made planes, and went upto copy without permission the design of the Boeing B-29. But the B29 was not operational before the summer of 1944…

One cannot say this american source is unbiased.

My point is: all this story did not went public before the demise of USSR. If it was true, it would have not wait for so long. It looks like that story was not to sustainable before the USSR voice went mute.

There are other cases where USSR story has been rewritten after its death.

50.Parisian Guy says:
December 16, 2018 at 4:09 pm GMT

Stalin and Russkies themselves URGENTLY asked for tanks and planes

What they actually asked for was what had been promised: intervene in Europe far before 1944.

52.Parisian Guy says:
December 16, 2018 at 4:37 pm GMT • 100 Words
@Digital Samizdat

the principal beneficiary of the lend-lease act was not the USSR, but rather the UK

Thanks for getting the point with comparative datas.

That’s so true that lend-lease for UK was regular teaching at schools in France, but Lend-lease for USSR was never mentionned.

France was allways neutral or pro-US, depending the time or the matter. Thus France had no motive to teach an History which would hide the USSR lend-lease, if it had been material.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/#comments

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"Parisian" Knows All About Lend-Lease, But Sooooo Little About The Wars, Hmmmm
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

"I know that controversy about who wanted war. There is the same about the start of WW2. I have no opinion. For instance, i’ve also read that US/UK were very actively trying to convince Stalin that Hitler was secretly wanting to attack USSR as soon as he could. So Stalin planned for a preemptive attack. My guess is we will never be able to know the truth with certainty." -Parisian

Well, we KNOW Hitler wanted peace w. UK (Brits) and French, and he was willing and expecting to fight USSR, bolshies, and Jews--along w. rest of West. Little did unc' Adolf grasp how Jews and satanists had already captured West w. their central-bank instrument and were now conspiring and consolidating genocidal world dictatorship by means of League of Nations and next United Nations (UN).

And we KNOW UK made an offensive treaty w. Poland against Germans, the Poles intending and conspiring to take Danzig, threatening the Germans w. war if they did not accede. Before that treaty Roosevelt planned and prepared for war against Germans right after his first re-election in 1937. See "The Forced War," by David Hoggan.

And remember how it all started in 1914, Russians conspiring w. Serbs against Austria-Hungary, Serbs assassinating heir-apparent ArchDuke, the Russians conspiring w. France and UK against Germany, then mobilizing against Austria, starting the war deliberately and according to conspiracy w. UK and France. See Docherty and MacGregor, "Hidden History...."

And of course the utterly corrupt and mendacious Versailles Treaty blamed Germany for the war which was started by the Entente conspirators, taking much territory and re-distributing it, causing much consternation and revision which unc' Adolf was successfully correcting--w. tacit approval of the world which became aware, by mid-20s, of the Entente conspirators of WWI. See works of Harry Elmer Barnes, and Prof. Sidney B. Fay.

So we see UK and France were the real conspirators MOST responsible by far for out-break of the wars, using and duping the Poles in the second, and including Jew S A which additionally instigated the second war and guaranteed the bank-rolling, financing, and supplying of the criminal psychopaths behind League of Nations and UN, genocidal world dictatorship, UK, and France, and in due course, the mass-murdering Bolsheviks of USSR. Q.E.D.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/what-lies-behind-the-malaise-of-the-west/#new_comments

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Multi-Culturalism IS Satanism, Don't Doubt
(Apollonian, 16 Dec 18)

Well, whatever, but for sure, things DEFINITIVELY went wrong for Jew S A in 1860s, specifically 1861 when Lincoln the mass-murderer conducted genocide against the people, the morons of northern Jew S A (or very soon to be totally Jew-dominated) denying the sovereignty of the states w. right to secede fm the subordinate union, the union properly only the servant and agent of the states.

For remember: SOVEREIGNTY IS INALIENABLE, a basic principle, and union ONLY held "delegated" powers fm states which were duly withdrawn fm that union by the Confederacy (CSA).

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." -10th Amendment. Note secession was NOT prohibited--and couldn't have been, as states of the Articles of Confederation would never then have voted and ratified.

One could go back to 1830 when the psychopath Pres., Andrew Jackson, threatened courageous state of S. Carolina w. war if it attempted to secede or even to nullification of the grossly un-fair federal tariff--nullification, remember having been expounded by none other than Jefferson and Madison and practiced by various states several times.

One could go back to 1819 McCulloch vs. Maryland which entrenched the criminal enterprise of the central bank (BUS)--literally legalized counterfeiting.

Note in 1824 the Rothschilds bankers took over "vatican" finances, sucking the vatican into that horrific criminal "banking" conspiracy.

And don't forget the magnificent "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, who and which posed the CYCLIC theory of determinist (absolute cause effect) history in which satanism (extreme subjectivism, making mentality/consciousness the God-like creator of reality--satanism) comes evermore to rule and control the world, in this latest case by means of moralism of absolute, God-like "free" will, beginning definitively w. Immanuel Kant, moving to absolute state of GWF Hegel, then to pure communism of Marx and the revival of fascism, etc.

Regardless, I'd say 1860s was decisive destruction of USA, now Jew S A, which became definitively imperialist in 1898, leading to League of Nations world dictatorship and present genocidal Agenda-21 and -2030 United Nations of today.

But people are waking-up--look at the "yellow vest" movement going-on now in Europe and France. I don't see how it's possible for Trump and his fans to deny the logic of the old Confederate principles of states-rights against the globalist genocide and dictatorship. All we need now is for more folks to grasping necessity and virtue of NULLIFICATION, states-rights, and real money of gold and silver. See TenthAmendmentCenter.com.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

dfordoom says: • Website
December 17, 2018 at 1:14 am GMT • 100 Words

If I could pinpoint where the things went wrong for the west – I would say it happened when they invented the idiocy of multiculturalism.

It happened before that. From around 1960 up to the early 70s you had the Pill, abortion legalised, divorce becoming steadily more socially acceptable, more and more women entering the workforce (which meant employers no longer had to pay men enough to support a family), the ludicrous expansion of higher education, the toleration of the drug culture, the toleration of homosexuality, the toleration of promiscuity, the beginnings of the tidal wave of porn, the collapse of all traditional social norms, the steady decline of Christianity.

The culture changed radically. It created the conditions in which ideas like multiculturalism could thrive. The people of that pre-1960 world would not have fallen for a dumb idea like multiculturalism.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/emargolis/paris-is-burning/#comments

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Yet Definite, Clear, Simple Principles, Ideals By Which To Operate, Advance For "The People"
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 18)

I quite sympathize w. ur pessimism, BUT things ARE indubitably "happening," u can't deny. First: look now at the Trump victory of stated theses, "nationalism" vs. globalism, then the Brexiteers, and now the "yellow vests"--there's un-questionably a coalescence/convergence of patriots and nationalists which will soon enough engulf Christianity and Western civilization--which is significant. These ideals also operate in such as Italy and Hungary too.

But for the moment, and as Trump has brilliantly established, there are compelling anti-theses, nationalism vs. globalism, and this is quite significant by itself, which all people can comprehend.

Consider further what Kelly Ann Conway, Trump's cabinet-level assistant, has given as alternatives for American politics, for the moment, regarding gov. shut-down over funding for border wall: open gov. vs open borders--this is excellent and poignant alternatives for all people--I suspect Trump will benefit quite a bit.

Don't forget Trump's nationalism vs. globalism is perfect and exact parallel to 1860s Confederate states-rights ideal vs. the centralized state dictatorship--what is sovereign? Trump has sure and certain winners if he only plays it right, his only problem being he's so subservient to Jews and Israel, his one weak-spot.

Eventually, as American economic conditions continue to deteriorate, the debt problem becoming evermore dire and critical, the dichotomy of anti-theses will come down to most BASIC Christianity vs. satanism, hence Judaism, and continuing slavery to terror-state of Israel getting Jew S A to fighting wars for Israel, with the concomitant heavy spending, taxation, etc.

Hence for we, the people, we only need continue w. ideas of states-rights, nullification, and real money system consisting of gold/silver--against the genocidal big-brother of monolithic, central gov. of Wash. DC which oppresses the people in favor of Israel/Jews, aside fm globalist genocidal imperialists. But for the short-term, Trump can win well enough w. nationalism vs. globalism, consistent w. Brexit and "yellow vests."

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------------

TG says:
December 8, 2018 at 10:19 pm GMT • 100 Words

Nothing will happen. Nothing will change.

The rich are too powerful. The protestors will eventually be driven down and worn down and exhausted, just as they were in Greece. Macron will reign for quite some time, it doesn’t matter if his approval rating is 1%. During this time he will deliver to his wealthy patrons and the average French worker will continue to lose ground. Likely in the next election Macron will lose overwhelmingly to some populist white night – of the ‘left’ or the ‘right’, it doesn’t matter – who, immediately upon taking office, will betray all of his or her promises and do exactly as they have been paid to do.

End of story.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/

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Pierce Only Suffered FM Prejudice Against Christianity, Too Great Emphasis On Collectivism
(Apollonian 17 Dec 18)

Indeed, Pierce was bull-dog (see below-copied), like dear unc' Adolf, who kept his eye firmly fixed upon target Jews and never compromised, never pretending there are "good" Jews, like there are "good" psychopaths, or good child-molesters.

BUT Pierce had similar draw-backs and weaknesses as Hitler, in his anti-Christianity, which dear Christianity, at least in the very early days of the West, was just as un-compromising and cogent against Jews, even more effective and victorious, for hundreds of yrs, which further, most effectively coupled Jews w. satanism--which is demonstrable fact, satanism being extreme subjectivism, the idea reality is created by mentality/consciousness, making the subject to be God the creator--satanism which doubles as secular philosophy (in form of subjectivism) parallel w. religious sentiment/theology. Fact Jews say they're "atheist" doesn't change essence of their satanic nature.

Pierce fell into this trap w. his German transcendental moralism as of Kant, including that fatal collectivism which is foreign to both West and Christianity. Thus Pierce failed to gain sympathy of numerous Christians, too easily forsaking those good people, who KNOW and sense something is wrong w. devilish, infernal Jew monsters, but can't quite put proverbial finger on it for strict rationalist analysis.

Pierce too easily associated and identified Christianity w. Pharisaism/Talmudism when they are absolute, polar opposites, featuring TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), the decisive pt. being that truth requires an OBJECTIVE reality as criterion against Jew lies and subjectivism. Pierce presumed Christianity was necessarily MYSTIC, like Judaism, which was fatal mistake and assessment, and which alienated Pierce fm too many fellow gentiles, esp. Christians who would otherwise have hailed him for his many great observations and insights.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Svigor says:
December 17, 2018 at 4:41 am GMT • 100 Words

In this respect, they is quite like William Pierce’s legendary American Dissident Voices broadcasts in the 1990s and early 2000s.

Pierce was a badass. He did a lot to legitimize WNism for me, way back in the day. More psychologically than intellectually. Hearing an obviously very intelligent and charismatic man hold forth on the Judenreich broke through barriers for me.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/#comment-2701070

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Think First Before Running Proverbial Mouth
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 18)

Epigon: u ought to take ur own advice, Jew. "Invasion was stopped"?--well, activity came to a halt during the winter as matter of course, in winter-time, in 1941, but then resumed in the southern theatre in 1942 until Stalingrad battle. Then offensive operations began again in Spring 1943 in the "Citadel" operation.

And UK (Brits) relayed material to Murmansk even before Jew S A got into the war before Dec. 1941. By 1942, well before Stalingrad battle, soviets got lots and lots of essential lend-lease stuff, ESPECIALLY FOOD, which they desperately needed.

So, u kinda' look a little stupid and ignorant, don't u, Jew?

"Sucker-punch" or not, it was either do it or be sucker-punched, eh? And Victor Suvorov (Rezin), author of "Icebreaker," confirms Stalin's/bolshies' plans to attack Germany, the airfields up at the front-lines, along w ammo-dumps, etc.

As I noted, lend-lease was absolutely CRUCIAL to Brits and indeed the entire WWII effort, Jew S A providing financing and supply--Brits and soviets wouldn't and couldn't have survived without it. Lend-lease was fundamental STRATEGIC pillar of the entire WWII strategy fm the very beginning, even before the actual out-break of warfare in 1939. U need to think first, before running ur Jewwy trap, I'd say, though u don't really seem to be too good at thinking, ignorant as u obviously are.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

Epigon says:
December 17, 2018 at 1:06 pm GMT

You fail at basic knowledge and common sense.

Before any meaningful Lend-Lease shipments arrived, Axis invasion of USSR was stopped and the precious “sucker-punch” and veterans of 1939-1941 campaigns were expended.

Do yourself a favour and start reading actual books on WW2 before sperging out in comments sections.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/what-lies-behind-the-malaise-of-the-west/#comments

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Eloquent Jew (In His Way) Shows Why Jews Are Sooooo Cherished By Humanity
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 18)

Good gravy, "corvinus," we see u're just another Jew liar, spewing ur stupid Jew lies, the Jew parasite living off the remnants of the original gentile Constitutional achievement, pretending u Jew monstrosities understand the gentile instruments and culture better than the gentiles, eh? But thanks for ur brilliant lecturing, buddy, ho hoh oh oho.

And in typical Jew/satanic style u just question-beg making ur idiot assertions without substantiation. So do u have any exposition saying what multi-culturalism is, what Satanism is, and why they're NOT same?--no, just the usual, typical Jewwy lies and assertion.

And once u start ur stupid Jew lying, u just keep it up w. more assertion and question-begging. Wasn't it Lincoln who called for volunteers, and wasn't it the Yanks who marched into Confederate territory for first battle of Bull Run? South wanted independence, sucker; slaves were secondary, and it was North which went to war. These foregoing are simple, verifiable matters of fact, Jew--and the readers of this site can decide for themselves, right Jew?

Stupid ignorant Jew then moronically babbles about sovereignty of individual, hohoho ho, making no sense at all. But the union had no sovereignty--only DELEGATED POWERS, that's all, delegated by the only sovereign entities, the states, dumb Jew. Ever hrd of "United States of America"?--the states are sovereign, nothing else. Those sovereign states then withdrew those delegated powers, idiot.

Then the stupid Jew says secession has been "settled," ho ho ho ho--like the mugger who knocks his victim out and takes victim's wallet, and then says, well ownership of this wallet is "settled," eh Jew? But the victim could get up, draw his pistol and deal w. the mugger, right?--and then it would be "settled" again, and this time, permanently for the mugger, right Jew moron? South will rise again, sucker.

Then Jew tells us about Jackson being states rights advocate who said nullification was un-Constitutional--more question-begging and lies. And how could Jackson be for states-rights if he contradicts Jefferson and Madison and lies, saying nullification is un-Constitutional? Stupid Jew doesn't explain, just issuing more of his stupid lies and question-begging.

Then the brainless Jew pretends to pronounce upon the criminal enterprise of central-banking and fiat money which is OBVIOUSLY mere legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org, use their search-engine)--when the Const. itself plainly says only gold/silver can be legal tender, etc.

Such is the argumentation of our dear Jew here, "corvinus," folks, full of the typical Jew presumption and chutzpah, the recipient of gentile charity, pretending to know better than gentiles about the gentiles' culture, Constitution, and history. Is it any wonder these Jew monsters and satanic liars are sooooo hated by all humanity of all races and cultures, all throughout history?

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

Corvinus says:
December 18, 2018 at 12:02 am GMT • 500 Words

“Multi-Culturalism IS Satanism, Don’t Doubt”

It’s not even remotely similar.

“Well, whatever, but for sure, things DEFINITIVELY went wrong for Jew S A in 1860s, specifically 1861 when Lincoln the mass-murderer conducted genocide against the people, the morons of northern Jew S A (or very soon to be totally Jew-dominated) denying the sovereignty of the states w. right to secede fm the subordinate union, the union properly only the servant and agent of the states.”

There was no mass murdering. The southrons wanted to keep their slaves at all costs. The North (and southerners) said no. The southrons foolishly went to war and lost.

“For remember: SOVEREIGNTY IS INALIENABLE, a basic principle, and union ONLY held “delegated” powers fm states which were duly withdrawn fm that union by the Confederacy (CSA).”

Sovereignty of each individual was inalienable as it collectively fought to preserve the Union–which included southerners.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” -10th Amendment. Note secession was NOT prohibited–and couldn’t have been, as states of the Articles of Confederation would never then have voted and ratified.”

Secession has already been settled.

“One could go back to 1830 when the psychopath Pres., Andrew Jackson, threatened courageous state of S. Carolina w. war if it attempted to secede or even to nullification of the grossly un-fair federal tariff–nullification, remember having been expounded by none other than Jefferson and Madison and practiced by various states several times.”

Actually, it was Jackson who was courageous. The will of the people by way of Congress instituted a law–a tax on imports. South Carolina opposed on states rights grounds and “nullified” it. Jackson, himself a states rights advocate, said that nullification is unconstitutional. When South Carolina threatened to secede, Jackson was prepared to send in troops. A compromise was reached–the tariff remained, but gradually decreased.

“One could go back to 1819 McCulloch vs. Maryland which entrenched the criminal enterprise of the central bank (BUS)–literally legalized counterfeiting.”

A state bank taxed a federal entity. That is unconstitutional. There was no “legalized counterfeiting” as a result of that court decision.

“Regardless, I’d say 1860s was decisive destruction of USA, now Jew S A, which became definitively imperialist in 1898, leading to League of Nations world dictatorship and present genocidal Agenda-21 and -2030 United Nations of today.”

Do you look for Jews underneath your bed and in your closet every night?

“All we need now is for more folks to grasping necessity and virtue of NULLIFICATION, states-rights, and real money of gold and silver. See TenthAmendmentCenter.com.”

So are you going on a recruiting tour? Do you have cities and dates lined up? Are you doing any pan handling along the way?
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/#comments

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Jews Simply Refuse To Accept Any Reality But Their Own Private "Idaho"
(Apollonian, 17 Dec 18)

<blockquote>For anyone who has read to this point, I have a question: why the obsession over Jews and/or Jewishness?</blockquote>

Why the "obsession" w. diseases like black plague or typhus or any other horrific, deadly anti-human disease? We humans desperately look for a solution against u Jew monsters. But consider simply our Lord and Saviour, Christ Jesus, for what he had to say about u:

"43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies."

Above quotes are fm New Test. Gosp. JOHN chpt 8, verses 43 and 44. U scummy, psychopathic filth, called Jews, even lie to urselves, pretending u just can't unnastan' us gentiles, can't understand Christ whom u murdered and gloat over having done it in ur filthy Talmud--see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com.

But I'll say this about u Jew monsters: it's surely true that there get to be tooooo many, over-populated gentiles, as presently, I suspect, so u're the God-given, biologic device by which the gentiles are killed-off and culled-out. Otherwise, u Jew monsters, pretending u're God, REFUSE to accept any truth or reality apart fm what ur rabbis announce is the official Kosher truth, officially and ceremonially arrived-at in full accord w. Kaballah and Zohar, no doubt.

U can ck comment # 44, above, where I answer ur compatriot fm France on a similar question he asked me--interesting he had nothing to say about the answer I gave him, ho hoh oho

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Charles says:
December 17, 2018 at 9:46 pm GMT • 200 Words

An earlier comment stated that The Unz Review is the best English-language site, bar none. I mostly agree. Another point made was that Unz will publish anyone’s viewpoint, including essays on completely taboo subjects (questioning the Holocaust, race/IQ correlation, et cetera). He will also publish people who are antithetical to most of his own readership. This demonstrates his desire for facilitating true free speech, which is an idea long-abandoned in American MSM.

For anyone who has read to this point, I have a question: why the obsession over Jews and/or Jewishness? I know the standard answers will include international banking, influence in culture, over-representation in media, control of…you get the point. MY point is – when is the last time you saw a Jewish flash-mob overrun a convenience store? How many policemen have Jewish Lives Matter murdered? Granted, a Jew (Soros) indirectly or perhaps directly finances murderous, destructive groups in the USA. THEY seek the destruction of US society – that is a plain fact, if you pay attention to what they say and do. But “world Jewry” is not a monolithic entity; it is in fact the opposite. I will also say that if (a thing which cannot happen) the USA could emulate in some ways the State of Israel, the USA would be a lot better off.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/what-lies-behind-the-malaise-of-the-west/#comments

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Is The Jew A Little Tooooo Clever?--Jew-Meter Is Buzzing And Beeping
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

Ho ho o ho--watch the Jew squirm, folks.

1. For IF u were Jew, then u'd lie, right?

2. And u're a dumb Jew too, we see. Ever hrd of INDUCTIVE LOGIC?--it means details add up, and if u walk, talk, act, and think like a Jew, u very well could be a Jew, and after enough evidence, it's best to assume u're Jew unless u can PROVE u're not--this is how science and legal investigations work. And I say u're a Jewwy Jew lying and question-begging w. most putrid, stinking chutzpah as any Jew.

3. Besides, it's sufficient for my arguments' sake to observe for folks u argue like the typical moronic Jew, ur arguments the very same things and sort of things Jews would use.

4. So ur arguments are Jewwy, if nothing else, sucker, ho ho ho ho--just more inductive evidence, u see.

5. So I consider I've well-enough demonstrated my case--we'll let the readership decide, eh? Ho ho ho ho oho

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

Corvinus says:
December 18, 2018 at 3:54 am GMT • 600 Words

“Eloquent Jew (In His Way) Shows Why Jews Are Sooooo Cherished By Humanity”

Actually, I’m an eloquent American mutt–Polish, German, and Dutch. No Jew blood in me. Your Jew-O-Meter is on the fritz. Take to Goebbels and Sons, I hear they do great work.

“Good gravy, “corvinus,” we see u’re just another Jew liar, spewing ur stupid Jew lies, the Jew parasite living off the remnants of the original gentile Constitutional achievement…”

Again, I ask, do you look for Jews underneath your bed and in your closet?

“So do u have any exposition saying what multi-culturalism is, what Satanism is, and why they’re NOT same?–no, just the usual, typical Jewwy lies and assertion.”

Actually, you were the one who made the charge, so it is up to you to offer proof in support of that assertion. Besides, would any evidence to the contrary change your mind, or would you simply call anything and everything I provide a “Jewish conspiracy”?

“Wasn’t it Lincoln who called for volunteers, and wasn’t it the Yanks who marched into Confederate territory for first battle of Bull Run?”

Actually, both sides were eager for a fight, and considering that southrons had fired upon Fort Sumter and began the hostilities, the North took decisive matters.

“South wanted independence, sucker; slaves were secondary, and it was North which went to war.”

Indeed, there were many factors that led to the Civil War, but preserving slavery for the South was front and center.

“Stupid ignorant Jew then moronically babbles about sovereignty of individual, hohoho ho, making no sense at all.”

Of course individuals have sovereignty. Natural moral law is derived from human individuality, and the premise of equality implies individual sovereignty. For if one is not sovereign, some other person has the moral authority to be a master. Individual sovereignty is moral equality taken to its logical conclusion. The concept of “self ownership” is the same as individual sovereignty. People therefore may exercise their individual sovereignty in a collective fashion–the people as a sovereign body are thus capable of wielding specific powers.

“Then the stupid Jew says secession has been “settled,” ho ho ho ho–like the mugger who knocks his victim out and takes victim’s wallet, and then says, well ownership of this wallet is “settled,”

Non sequitur.

“South will rise again, sucker.”

It is 2018, not 1958.

“And how could Jackson be for states-rights if he contradicts Jefferson and Madison…”

Jackson was an ardent supporter of states’ rights. He believed that there were strict limits to the federal government’s authority under the Constitution. He even supported the state of Georgia in its jurisdictional dispute with the federal government over the Cherokees. Jackson, however, rejected Calhoun’s theory of nullification. Thus, in this specific case, federalism trumped states’ rights.

“when the Const. itself plainly says only gold/silver can be legal tender, etc.”

It’s more complicated than you think.


“Is it any wonder these Jew monsters and satanic liars are sooooo hated by all humanity of all races and cultures, all throughout history?”

It would appear that anyone and everyone that dares to question you is a Jew. If that be the case, you have serious mental and emotional issues. Do you need help? Would you like to know more, citizen?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments,

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Face Basic Facts About Jews, Necessity Of Surviving As Humanity
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

People should realize the best, easiest, most direct way to affect and treat terror-state of Israel is in acting upon and against Israel's rabid fans and supporters among the gentiles and "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) and/or "Christian-Zionist" network who number nearly HALF of all "evangelical" Protestants in Jew S A., numbering about 40 million souls--THIS IS THE WAY to under-cutting Israel terror-state.

All it takes is (a) people preaching the real Christianity, Christ = TRUTH, truth, truth. Christianity is worship of truth (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), not idiotic "love" or moronic "faith" of beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin', or "good" (which doesn't exist), or "peace."

Don't forget Jews HATE Christ, saying Christ was blasphemer, heretic, and sorcerer, Jews having lobbied and extorted the Romans to kill and execute Christ, as Jews' filthy Talmud records and verifies.

Further, aside fm Christianity, note it's useful to understand the Talmud for what it is, hatred and war against all the rest of humanity, not only Christians, though Christians are held up for special hatred. See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for best Talmudic expo.

Talmud upholds Jews as entitled to murder and enslave humanity. Talmud preaches a philosophy of extreme subjectivism by which mentality/consciousness is the origin and creator of reality, the Jews moreover practicing a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and sublime group-think, this extreme subjectivism then making Jews literally the creators of reality, co-equal w. God--satanism. And Jews are most organized, cohesive, dedicated, and committed of all satanists.

Why wouldn't people naturally hate Jews?--after all, Jews are most dedicated haters of humanity, all history being witness. Hatred of Jews, which Jews call "anti-semitism," all by itself, is a virtue and useful practice of humanity just as it is good to prevent and eradicate disease simply for sake of general protection of humanity.

Thus Christianity (worship of truth) should be seen for what it is--MOST EFFECTIVE ANTI-SEMITISM of all time, having put Jews in their proper place for nearly a thousand years.

People shouldn't fear "anti-semitism" which is really no different fm anti-disease, anti-death for humanity. It's either Jews or humanity, folks.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/pbuchanan/what-lies-behind-the-malaise-of-the-west/#comments

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Moron Doesn't Suspect The Half Of It All
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

<blockquote>Yes, you’d start with Jews of course but I just have that feeling you’d, with pleasure (did I say “pleasure”) keep going.</blockquote>

Ur statement (above) just goes to show what u know, right? So are the Jews psychopathic criminals and murderers?--a disease, like typhus and black plague, designed by God/nature to remove, eliminate, and de-populate the over-populated gentiles who emulate Jews--who make way for the Jews--like urself?

So something has obviously to be done about Jew disease, no doubt, but HOW to doing that? After all, Jews pursue satanism (extreme subjectivism), they being foremost satanists (because they are most collectivist among satanists, most organized, dedicated), why they so dominate over all the other more half-baked satanists/subjectivists among the goyim who so much out-number Jews, but yet must accept leadership of Jews, foremost satanists.

So to ever actually deal w. Jews, one would FIRST have to treat w. the general satanism, which anti-thesis to satanism is the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, not idiot "love," or "faith" of beeleeeeevin', or non-existent "good," or peace.

So u see, Petey pete, I can't be too concerned about fools and weaklings like urself or ur buddies here like TTSSYF; I'm sure u're just another of those insignificant zeroes who is most likely to "fall by the way-side" in the natural course of things. Good luck, sucker, hoh o ho ho

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

peterAUS says:
December 19, 2018 at 3:57 am GMT • 300 Words

….the readers here can judge things for themselves, don’t forget, hoh oo ho hoho

Glad you mention that.

Disclaimer: I have Corvinus on my ignore list and don’t hold the owner of this site in very high regards re certain…anyway.

And, in spite on both in the disclaimer above, I do agree with TTSSYF:

…. simply having too much malicious fun…

and I am writing this comment.

You appear to be one of that small but vocal group of ….interesting….characters around who simply can’t do that in real life but they really, really need it.

I guess it’s just a matter of time when, due to lack of hard moderation, that group becomes so large and simply disgust the rest out as it’s the case in the most of Internet “pubs”.

That’s why I do respect the owner’s setup (that ignore list in particular) so the exchange of viewpoints and information can still go on.

Granted, your types are quality here and do add value to our understanding of the world around us. We see you here and can, with ease, imagine how many of you are within our real life areas. Sort of…hehe….keeps us in touch with some……interesting..parts of human nature. Makes us aware, even keeps us sharp.

I mean, imagine what would you guys do if you had real life power over other people. Yes, you’d start with Jews of course but I just have that feeling you’d, with pleasure (did I say “pleasure”) keep going.

Anyway..hehe..I can imagine your reply. Could you please put “Jew” less than, say, 10 times? 9 should be sufficient.

apollonian says:
December 19, 2018 at 2:35 am GMT • 100 Words

Apologies for wasting time and effort here, talking to a zero like urself, but I made mistake w. the “disagree” button when I should have hit LOL, ho hoo ho. I explained to “corvinus” about “evidence,” but it makes no impression on zeroes like urselves, as so often, ho hoo ho ho ho

“[A] new line of attack or taunting”?–no, u poor, pathetic creature, it’s been used forever as expression of contempt for someone like urself, ignorant and Jewwy, who expresses Jewwy thought-patterns and mentality, utterly useless and otherwise un-worthy of any further response. And note, sucker, the readers here can judge things for themselves, don’t forget, hoh oo ho hoho

--------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------

TTSSYF says:
December 18, 2018 at 11:20 pm GMT • 100 Words


I don’t think I’ve ever agreed with any of your comments, but here I take your side and advise you to ignore the baiting you’re getting from this nut job. I had the same kind of reply to a comment of mine at another website. A commenter kept insisting (in very ugly terms) that I was a Jew, and nothing I wrote would convince him otherwise (although I suspect he knew better but was simply having too much malicious fun by ignoring my replies and continuing to taunt me as being a Jew). It seems to be a new line of attack or taunting for some people, like this nut job.

Corvinus says:
December 18, 2018 at 5:01 pm GMT • 100 Words

“1. For IF u were Jew, then u’d lie, right?”

LOL. Again, anyone who dares to question you, or who you believe does not fit into your little world, automatically qualifies as a Jew. It is irrational. You have no basis of fact, no evidence. It’s comical and sad at the same time.

Again, do you look for Jews underneath your bed and in your closet?
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/gdurocher/alain-soral-marx-s-hitler/#comments

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Literature Of Christianity, The Real Philosophic Core
(Apollonian, 18 Dec 18)

One merely needs understanding Christianity as philosophy, this based in New Test. which is LITERATURE, not essentially diff. fm Homer's Illiad and Oddysey--literature serving as vehicle for an internal PHILOSOPHY. For note, historically, people first appreciated and rec'd philosophy in guise of literature and religion.

Worst thing ever happened to Christianity was it was turned into such putrid, filthy MYSTICISM, the people taught that "faith," which is properly only LOYALTY, is idiot beleeeeeeeeeeeeevin', this beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin' now presented as something that creates reality--and I'm sure it is this mysticism that so much offended such as Pierce.

So u only have to appreciate the actual literature and story line: Christ preaching, re-stating, and clarifying the Mosaic law of Old Test. to the people, Christ especially then, additionally, taking issue w. the Pharisees who Christ said were heretics, who St. Paul said were "grafted-out" of the real "Israel," the true people of God.

Thus the Pharisees, foremost subjectivists, satanists, and LIARS (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) had Christ killed, Christ, God the Son, being TRUTH itself (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), Pharisees so much hating truth, but truth not capable of being destroyed because it's necessarily founded upon a genuine, OBJECTIVE reality. Thus truth (= Christ) resurrects, and the joke is on the satanists (hence Jews). Such is the lesson of New Test. Thus the people can justly have confidence in the truth.

Further, the ETHICS taught by Christ, most revered by Christian people, are then founded upon that basic OBJECTIVE reality in accord w. logic, etc.--this ethics being what people MOST appreciate about Christ and New Test.

So u can see the real Christianity is eminently rational and logical, as noted by St. Thomas Aquinas, for one, but the corrupted "vatican," in order to appeal to the mass of goons and "people," turned it into that putrid mystic mish-mash of mumbo-jumbo which understandably offended Pierce who failed to appreciate the actual literature and philosophic core to it all.

---------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Svigor says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:38 am GMT • 100 Words

Christianity is fine. You can pour (enough of) what you like into it to make it do what you want. I can sketch out a muscular, WN version of Christianity just fine. TL;DR version: Judaism is the basis of Christianity and Judaism is racist as ****, so universalize the racism such that every Christian people gets their own, racist flavor. Simple.

I don’t have much patience for one-true-wayers, of any kind. I.e., the annoying Christian-hating ****s who happen to overlap mightily with LARPING nazis. Don’t have much use for the Christian WN one-true-wayers, either, but IME they have fewer boots on the ground. Either way, I’d read both groups out: intolerance for other Whites = **** you, we don’t need you.

Svigor says:
December 19, 2018 at 4:46 am GMT • 100 Words

As for Pierce, IIRC (it’s been many, many years) he suffered from the same misapprehension that many other hard-core WNs like Covington do; he attributed more conscious malignancy to Jews than was plausible. I suspect part of this is projection: Pierce and Covington were high-minded, thoughtful white men capable of levels of introspection that just aren’t available to most Jews (Jews are especially deficient in the ethnic sense). They projected that level of capability for self-review onto Jews, when I just don’t think it’s in evidence. Jews really are wired differently than we are. Pierce and Covington mistake astounding levels of selfishness and callousness for high levels of maliciousness.