Apo essays for Jul 2018


Guest Columnist
Understanding Worth FAR MORE Than Mere "Beleeeeeeeeeef"
(Apollonian, 1 Jul 18)

Here's, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQU83Lfdi8w , a useful, if not entirely informative, or even accurate guide for PHILOSOPHY of New Test. and indeed, the whole Bible. The person speaking and expostulating, N. T. Wright, is an ignorant, lying moron--if he isn't lying, he's just abysmally stupid when he says there's no philosophy or even philosophic drama to New Test.

For verily, New Test. is a philosophic drama and even dialectic btwn Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. the satanic subjectivists, the lying Pharisees (JOHN 8:44), dramatizing how the Pharisees work, hating truth (= Christ) and willing to conspire to kill and murder truth, as we see they do so successfully, esp. when the people are over-populated w. scum, filth, puke, suckers, goons and morons, as they are.

For HOW can there be such thing as truth unless there's OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality--against the Pharisees and their putrid subjectivism/satanism, by means of their "midrash" (interpretation)--see RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Wright further blunders idiotically if he thinks the story/fable/myth of New Test. requires absolute historic accuracy, which isn't even subject to verification in any case--so miserably does he fail to get the real pt., the philosophic lesson of Christian truth vs. satanic lies, Jews leaders of the satanists, this satanism founded in subjectivism and "midrash," as we see.

The utterly stupid, brainless scum, NT Wright, says in the last minute of the vid that most important is whether there really was a Christ--RATHER than what he tells us in the text of New Test. Wright says if there was no Christ, then gee whiz, but he'd have to give up his idiot religion.

So u see: this stupid piece of excrement, NT Wright, quite well demonstrates what's wrong w. establishment Christianity, totally missing the entire philosophic pt. to it all, Christ assuring us of basic, necessary philosophy and metaphysics, the objective reality--AGAINST the foremost enemies of humanity, satanists and Jews.

Only additional pt. I'd make regarding the present failure of establishment Christianity is the idiot emphasis put on "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'." For again, as I've noted, it doesn't matter WHAT u "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeev," because beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin' DOES NOT MAKE IT TRUE--which the stupid scum are taught by other stupid scum, taking away the entire proper meaning of New Test.

"Believing" is simply a description made by outsiders about serious Christians vs. non-Christians which is given great emphasis esp. in Gosp. of JOHN, the word, "believing" (or "belief") being used in the Gosp. about 99 times

Thus TRUTH (= Christ) merely needs UNDERSTANDING--forget "beleeeeeeeef," which is cheap--understanding is only thing that does one any good.
Below essay by ap submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/l-todd-wood-america-really-did-have.html#comment-form

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Currency, Economic -Collapse All Part Of Spengler's Western "Decline," Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 2 Jul 18)

WTF?--for goodness sakes, can't u ever figure-out the top, absolute existential (practical) power, not only for the world, but for Jew S A, is the central-bank criminal enterprise, tolerated (as they're sooooo incredibly stupid) by the mass of over-populated morons, called "people"?

Central bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring INFINITE "currency"--NOT NOT NOT real money which must be commodity-based (like gold/silver), hence FINITE in amount. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking, use their search engine.

And Jew S A--used to be USA--has long been utterly corrupt, satanic empire, the top satanists ruling, behind the central-bank. So it's just matter of the usual charade of "good-Jews" ("neo-cons" on the "right") vs. "bad-Jews" (of "left," "liberals"). And Trump is totally owned by Israel/"neo-cons"--observe his bosom-buddy, Giuliani, one of the top 9/11 principals, for goodness sakes.

Obola has LONGGGG been exposed as ineligible, not "natural-born" citizen, good gravy.

See: as reality is objective, it's necessarily determined in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and history is CYCLIC, and like Roman empire of yore. Jew S A has over-produced tooooo many, over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, suckers, and fools, all filled w. HUBRIS, esp. idea they're "good" (which doesn't exist in determined reality) as the Pharisees and corrupt, hereticalist Judeo-Christians (JCs--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) so piously teach.

So naturally, in such corrupt conditions the Pharisaics and satanists (extreme subjectivists, who make themselves God) thrive and dominate in the continuing "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler--this is what's going on--"END-TIMES," as predicted in New Test. "Book of Revelations."

So we need drastic, revolutionary change, but which won't happen without first disaster and catastrophe to removing some of the dead-weight of over-population, and motivating the rest of the survivors.

We need REAL MONEY--which by itself dis-empowers the satanists (a)--and (b) reversion to original sovereignty of the states, removal of present Jew S A centralized dictatorship, to include removal of United Nations too, naturally. Unfortunately, none of this will happen without first turmoil, disaster, and economic collapse, I'm afraid--esp. currency-collapse.

And perhaps most of all, we need real cultural change, thus return of the REAL, hence anti-semitic Christianity, founded upon the OBJECTIVE reality, only basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanist lies (JOHN 8:44). Israel-first Trump, and Obola before him, are just parts of the large satanic charade, that's all. Get a clue, fools.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/l-todd-wood-america-really-did-have.html

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Removing "Deep State" NOT NOT NOT Like Removing Bad Tooth
(Apollonian, 4 Jul 18)

"[K]ill the deep state"?--u mean remove Jews?--impossible for Trump, absolutely un-thinkable, inconceivable. Trump's very purpose is "Israel-first," above all, and nothing other--this has been known fm Trump's very first statements. Don't forget Trump's false-flag way back in April 2017 when he used pretext of "chem-attack" for bombing, Tomahawking Syria.

"[K]ill the deep state"?--then one must "kill" that engine of prosperity (ho ho ho ho ho), the central-bank, which churns-out nearly INFINITE "currency"--not real money which is necessarily FINITE (limited in amount--see Mises.org for expo, use their search engine). Were Trump to even begin to imagining removal of central-bank, Jews-media, owned and operated by central-bank powers, would roast Trump un-endingly, there'd be false-flags, etc.

ONLY thing which will remove deep-state (hence Jews and their central-bank instrument) is the real, hence anti-semitic, Christianity (worship of TRUTH = Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6, affirming OBJECTIVE reality) by the presently over-populated goons, scum, filth, puke, morons, suckers, and TV-addicts among "the people," which is impossible without many, many, many of them being killed-off, which will require FAILURE of central-bank, thus HYPER-INFLATION, up-coming, soon enough.

Observe, just for example, foremost supporters of Israeli terror-state are the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) scum, liars, and heretics who say Christ was Jew, who are legion--who are notorious Trump-supporters. Jews control ENTIRE "Christian" establishment, Cat. and Prot.--all of them, without exception.

Don't forget Trump's buddy, Giuliani, Mayor of Jew York on 9/11. Jeff Sessions took MAJOR funds fm Israeli interests--that's why u have DOJ (Justice) actively stone-walling, Jew, Rod Rosenstein, stalling, subverting Congress--why hasn't hitlery been indicted?--think she ever will be?--hoho ho ho ho ho.

Central-bank is literally legalized counterfeiting, and the puke, called "people," cannot for the very life of them grasp diff. btwn "currency" and real money--never have, never will.

US Dollar and "petro-dollar" will only gradually give way to the new gold-backed Yuan (or any genuine money standard), so there will still be great struggle, turmoil, and disasters to keeping people terrorized, confused, ignorant, de-moralized, and mis-led.

Thus I keep telling folks, only the REAL Christianity will adequately guide the survivors of the people, and that means serious anti-semitism--anti-satanism, hence anti-subjectivism. And if u're NOT anti-semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker. If u're not anti-semitic, u're just a satanist or dupe thereof. It's truth vs. lies; Christ vs. satanism; humanity vs. Jews, Jews leaders of satanists, satanism.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Jim Fetzer July 4, 2018 at 8:54 AM

Yes. I voted for Bill twice and for Barack twice as well. When it came to Hillary, there was no real choice. We live and learn. I am optimistic that Trump will actually kill the Deep State. Major revelations from the DNC server out today, 4 July 2018! How appropriate!

BuelahMan July 3, 2018 at 3:35 AM

Allow me to point out that Fetzer was an Obama Maniac.
Fetzer was a Drumpfter.
B'Man warned everyone about both of them BEFORE they were sElected.
Who has discernment and who does not?
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/new-york-times-article-attacking.html#comment-form

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Sandy Hoax Covered-Up By Lots Of Lies, Liars, Like "Albert Mather"
(Apollonian, 4 Jul 18)

Yet ANOTHER large, crucial factor that "albert mather," the lying shill, leaves out is the incredible, tremendous power of central-banking which pumps-out whatever masses of "currency"--not REAL MONEY, needed by criminals--legalized counterfeiting (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking). Hence the country, USA, is dominated, controlled, and ruled by CRIMINALS running a criminal enterprise, central-banking.

Running hoaxes like Sandy hoax is easy--all u need is FINANCING, given by central-bank. Look how criminals killed JFK and then covered it up--look at 9/11 conspiracy run by Zionists and Jews--see Bollyn.com for 9/11 expo.

Observe now how the Congress, Pres., and Sup. Ct. have all been corrupted and affected by masses of legally counterfeited currency, bribery, and extortion. Look at present DOJ (Justice) and FBI have been corrupted, covering-up gross crimes of traitor hitlery Clinton, working to frame Trump.

"Albert" the Jewwy liar doesn't tell u how EASY it is to bribe, extort, and THREATEN most players to STFU and just not say anything, like the EMTs, neighbors, et al. Police, state cops, state bureaucrats are well known to be easily bribed and extorted--we saw this happen when the corrupt state cop, Paul Vance, publicly THREATENED anyone giving info on the hoax, Vance a known and proven liar. And there have been more than one mysterious death having taken place, not to mention gross destruction of evidence.

It isn't "wild, fantastic conjecture" to see Dave Wheeler playing two roles in Sandy hoax, including "sloppy sniper"--and there are MANY, many other slips and anomalies indicating the hoax, evermore obvious and glaring--just ck Fetzer's outstanding work, "Nobody Died at Sandy...," hoax.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------

Albert Mather July 4, 2018 at 12:26 PM

Riddle me this Mr. Fetzer. How do you reconcile the implausibility of your theory. Let's just stop and consider WHO would have to be "in on it" to pull of something like what you imagine...
The Newtown Cops
State Cops
The State of Connecticut
Doctors and Hospitals
Morgue workers and Morticians
Board of Education
Facilities committee
The Mayors office & most Municipal employees
Dozens and dozens of "crisis actors"
All those kids in the pictures
The families and friends of all those kids in the pics that went nationwide!
The crisis actor that had to show up at funerals as family
The Newtown Bee
The people who planned and orchestrated the entire thing.

(realizing many of these people like the police ,mayor,neighbors had been in place for years and years.... like sleeper cells!!!)

Of course there would be more ....but you get the point.ALL would have to be IN ON the fact that this was a hoax... and NOT ONE EVER TALKS ....for years.

It is such an incredibly implausible conspiracy with nothing but wild fantastic conjecture and easily debunked memes like many for propose as fact... To my mind only a delusional child could deny all these glaring inconsistencies & buy into this BS .
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/07/usury-fighters-manual-just-published.html

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Hoffman, The Moralistic Monstrosity, Golem
(Apollonian, 6 Jul 18)

In this case, Hoffman, here, the passive-aggressive golem for Jews, subjectivists, and Pharisaics-moralists, puffing his buddy, Daniel Krynicki, we merely have one incompetent charlatan, pretending he's "researcher" or "scholar," trumpeting for another, neither of whom, evidently, can even begin to saying what is USURY (a), and (b) where they get their info.

For Hoffman and his buddy, evidently, lies when he says usury is charging of interest on loans--WHERE does he get this?--the pathetic, passive-aggressive psychotic, Hoffman, cannot and will not say.

And of course, Hoffman KNOWS NOTHING about the subject of economics, much less money and banking. Hoffman merely speaks as one who falsely asserts the Bible says charging of interest on loans is a "sin" which God forbids--which all is a lie, and which Hoffman cannot substantiate.

So WHAT on earth, one rightly wonders, is the "leg" Hoffman is attempting to stand upon?--very simply, Hoffman wants to demonstrate his moralism, "morality," and "moral" virtue--that's all, Hoffman the Pharisaic, liar, and passive-aggressive psycho. Thus Hoffman pretends to building his case for his lies and lying about "usury"--which he cannot even demonstrate for definition. Such then is Hoffman the gross pathetic, horrific monstrosity, pretending he's Christian and virtuous.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted to comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/new-york-times-article-attacking.html#comment-form

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Poor "Albert": Goyim Won't Play His Game
(Apollonian, 6 Jul 18)

What?--but albert, what about MY "analysis," sucker?--which u just ignore--typical of u Jews, eh?--not wanting to give attn. to the big scam u're running, legalized counterfeiting, literally, by means of ur central-banking criminal enterprise, whereby entire country is in thrall to criminals like u, organized by top satanists and Jews.

And u can ck out the numerous exposings of central-banking, as at Mises.org (use their search-engine), also in works, like "The Creature from Jekyll Island," by G.E. Griffin, and "The Mystery of Banking," by Rothbard.

Then there's New Test. which relates the story of Jew conspiracy to kill Truth and Christ. And don't forget US Declaration of Independence in which Jefferson noted the conspiracy by King and Parliament against American colonies, colonists--do u think that was wide-ranging "conspiracy"? Ho ho o ho hohoho

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "albert"-------------------------

Albert MatherJuly 6, 2018 at 3:40 AM

I'm real. Anonymous. I like how none of my analysis of all the logical impediments is addressed . Just Ad hominem and even MORE idiotic conspiracies about "who he really is". Way to make my points.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/patrick-j-mcshay-media-disinformation.html#comment-form

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Theory And Practice Of ZOG Satanism And Dictatorship
(Apollonian, 7 Jul 18)

I. Practice--The Weapon/Instrument: The Central-Bank

Of course Jews-media is liars who lie, working for their masters and owners, the MONOPOLISTS who issue the CURRENCY (not real money) at the central bank of Jew S A, the US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed")--see Mises.org for expo; use their search engine.

So what's a dictatorship?--it's a MONOPOLY, right?--and what do u think the Fed is? Is it then any wonder this horrific monopoly gains evermore hold and control over everything, all politicians and judges for politics?--"big Pharma," the Jews-media; they have control of edjumacation--everything--how could they NOT control everything when they can put-out nearly ENDLESS currency?--financing anything and everything.

So that's their practical/existential weapon, the central bank, but then what is their weapon in theory, the abstract, psychologic, "ideologic"?--that would be the SATANIC mentality/consciousness

II: Ideology/psychology of Satanism

Necessarily and concomitant w. the practical/existential weapon of the central-bank is the ideologic/psychologic--that satanic mentality borne of HUBRIS, esp. when a culture and society becomes mature and established, the people of that culture now corrupt and hubristic--they want to pretend they're "good" and "morally virtuous"--even though there's no such thing as "good-evil" which philosophers have yearned for but NEVER discovered for solid criterion.

So the people are programmed by satanic masterminds at top fm the beginning and birth that they must be "good" and "politically-correct," etc., never discovering there's no such thing--that they don't have a perfectly "free" will, that they can't be "good" or "evil."

Thus the hubristic and now over-populated people fail to grasping reality must be accepted, and that they're not God, capable of changing this reality--that they don't have a perfectly "free" will.

Thus the corrupted culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler becomes so filled and dominated, suffused w. this gross HUBRIS, that the culture and society becomes SATANIC--all built upon (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, idea that reality is product of consciousness/mentality--ESPECIALLY in way of "good-evil" and as propounded, for example, by Immanuel Kant; Bentham's Utilitarianism is another example.

Thus the satanists by means of this subjectivism imagine and BELEEEEEV now they're God, creator of reality, but it doesn't stop there, because the top satanists are and MUST BE collectivistic, colluding and co-operating upon a common expression of this satanist view, to making it practical and most effective--as in way of CENTRAL-BANKING, thus taking control of the whole society, exterminating any opposition, leveraging all the more isolated, "individualist" satanists among the population.

Thus u have Jews, the leading Satanists, most integrally "connected," organized, collectivistic subjectivists--doubt it?--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com to finding-out about Jew "midrash" (interpretation) by which they say Torah is only what they say it means--and which logic then extends to every aspect of reality, making themselves God.

Thus Jews rule, even though they're so few, out-numbered by goyim, yet they're far more ORGANIZED and "connected" by which such organization they absolutely DOMINATE the goyim.

And remember, Jews couldn't do all this cultural domination by themselves--they need the greater numbers of goyim helpers and less-organized satanists to help them and enforce their rule--look at the legion of "Judeo-Christian" goons and morons among goyim who support terror-state of Israel.

III. Conclusion

Thus the world, and the people need the real, anti-semitic Christianity as of Gosp. JOHN 8:44, Christ = TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which upholds the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality (for how else is there such thing as truth?), hence the DETERMINED reality of absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly "free" human will, and no "good-evil"--we're all sinners.

But now it looks like the satanists, led by Jews, presently control things, so disaster and catastrophe must take place, removing excess, over-populated goyim, victims of this satanism--and the survivors must take heed.

Thus humanity must REMOVE the central-banks and re-assert 10th Amendment of US Constitution and sovereignty of states, esp. in way of NULLIFICATION--there's no "good-evil" which is for children and dogs, and the real Christianity is vehicle of OBJECTIVITY of reality, hence necessarily anti-semitic (anti-satanic).
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/patrick-j-buchanan-never-trumpers-are.html#comment-form

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Buchanan: Just Another Jew-Friendly Traitor
(Apollonian, 8 Jul 18)

Pat Buchanan is full of the same Jew-friendly balderdash as Jewwy flack, Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com, babbling the same Jew-friendly, Jew-oriented crap and lies.

For this, now today, is the same era of Jew dominance which began definitively w. rise of Rothschild central banking monopoly after Napoleonic Wars era and French Rev. Ck Mises.org (use search engine there) for expo on central-banking, which issues INFINITE "currency," in place of REAL MONEY, which is FINITE in amount, central-banking currency defrauding and despoiling the people w. constant inflation, legalized counterfeiting--but which finances endless warfare, "perpetual war for perp. peace." Get ready for the latest false-flag coming-up which will be trumpeted by Jews-media to fomenting yet more war against latest enemy of kikes.

And this now, today, is still same era of Jews and central-banking fraud generating endless warfare and lately, since the 20th cent., the rise of world dictatorship of United Nations (UN) and the Israeli terror-state. USA is now Jew S A., and we see absolute satanism continues to rule.

And what is this satanism?--it's basically extreme subjectivism by which consciousness/mentality is held to be origin/creator of reality--which top collectivistic subjectivists always win, dominate, and rule--the Jews, most successful, most organized, most effective GROUP-THINKERS, manipulating everyone else; see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

Buchanan pretends "trans-nationalism" is ended?--but what does this moronic liar say about states-rights, nullification, and the 1860s war btwn north and south?--wasn't that definitive beginning for this present "trans-nationalism" and world-dictatorship pushing for genocide of Agenda-21 and -2030?

Thus folks have to realize the battle isn't merely against "trans-nationalism" (or "globalism," whatever)--it's against that more basic and still rising and powerful SATANISM and extreme subjectivism that's always the problem, still is the main problem as u see Trump pushing Israel-first, as Jew S A continues to succumb to this putrid satanism/subjectivism, Jew dominance, and central-banking conspiracy, all led and directed by Jews, Israel, and satanic masterminds, never doubt.

And it seems hopeless there can be any salvation without first horrific disasters and necessary die-off and removal of hordes of over-populated morons and Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) suck-alongs to Jew and satanic masterminds--for only then can human-kind hope to recover after great trial and tribulation which has to happen to purge the present raging satanism and hubris which continues to prevail in this continuing "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Don't forget: Christianity is worship of TRUTH (= Christ, see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all--against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). And if u're NOT anti-semitic, then u aren't Christian, sucker. Western civ. is NOTHING if not anti-semitic.
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/david-ray-griffin-memorandum-for.html#comment-form

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What Does Griffin Really Hope To Find-Out That We Don't Know?
(Apollonian, 8 Jul 18)

For goodness sakes: is Griffin a moron, or what? He (Griffin) can't figure it all out?

So what we have is an utterly corrupt, Jew-friendly, Jew-serving culture, thoroughly satanic (extreme subjectivism, mind/consciousness creating reality, etc.), degenerate and suffused in HUBRIS, filled w. over-populated scum, filth, puke, goons, fools, and suckers--who are encouraged to being that way--though of course, not all people are, though too many are.

So we just need wars, famines, plagues, etc. in order to get rid of the excess scum--face facts. Unfortunately, it's difficult to control this necessary de-population of scummy, stinking puke, called "people."

Presently, we have satanists, Jews (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo) being most organized, most collectivist, hence most effective and successful satanists, controlling all the others, at top conducting wars for Israel and globalism, as we see, moving the mooooselmen into Europe, fomenting war w. the goons there, Christianity, the real thing, lost and waning, satanism (extreme subjectivism) ascendant, so far, though there's up-coming period of starvation and disaster imminent, so it's still not clear which way things will go, though it doesn't look good w. economic and currency collapse up-coming for the West, where I live, as luck has it.

Thus I simply continue to preaching the REAL, hence anti-semitic (anti-satanic) Christianity, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), all ethics following fm the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian), hence determined reality, as Christ himself never tired to pt-ing out.

And note as long as West stayed anti-semitic (in accord w. objectivity and Aristotle), it was anti-satanic and actually advanced and thrived until the "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, after Napoleonic wars, when we got rise of Jews, statist centralization (1860s war in USA, now the Jew S A), socialism, central-banking (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking), and then communist world dictatorship against which we struggle presently.

So, along w. real Christianity, we need real MONEY (which is FINITE in amount), not (infinite) currency, states rights, nullification, de-centralization, etc. Still, present satanic (Jew) hegemony must be dis-credited by means of necessary disasters, plagues, famines, wars, etc., unfortunately. Life sucks.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/james-tracy-alex-jones-actual-malice.html

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It's Allllllll About Jews, U See--Just Don't Mention Word, "Jew," Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)

Idiots, morons, and scum need to grasp and understand the game that's being played against the poor, stupid people--it's same old "good Jew" vs. "bad Jew," but just leaving out fact it has to do w. kikes. And underlying, it's really all about "good vs. evil."

Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is essential for people who beleeeeeeeeeeeeeev in children's "good-evil." Ajax is replacement for the old Rush Limbaugh, u see.

Thus we have Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) and Trump on the "right" pushing Israeli terror-state, Israel-first, and "neo-cons," fronting for Judeo-Christians (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) pretending they're for "Christians," pretending Christianity is just another form of Judaism, but leaving out the actual Jew Satanism (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaism, Talmud).

And u'll note Ajax Jewns is constantly repeating over and over how he's against eeeeeeeeee-vil, insisting his enemies are eeeeeeee-vil. Ajax is "all about" "decency" and "goodness"--people can't get enough of this idiot children's crap.

Thus Ajax Jewns is more secularistic-style leader of the JCs, w. "Christian"-styled allies, along w. Jews like Mike Savage, and other "neo-con" -style Jews and JCs.

And so this Jewwy "Christianity," featuring "good-evil" of Ajax is what is now opposed to the "bad Jews" of the "left"-"liberals"--just be sure not to call them "Jews," as of Mike Moore and Bill Maher, MSNBC and CNN, get it?--"good Jew" vs. "bad Jews," just don't call them Jews, ho ho ho ho ho ho

And truly, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) has every right to lie along w. all the other Jewwy, satanic liars, doesn't he?--why not?

And u have to realize that Ajax has to fudge on the Sandy hoax issue--he can't go all the way and say it's true, otherwise he'd be on side of the gun-grabbers, Bill Maher, and Mike Moore.

By same token, Ajax can't say the truth, that Sandy hoax was just a total, farcical, moronic hoax, ho ho ho ho ho--and that's why he's "controversial"--thus he helps ZOG maintain the Sandy hoax fraud while not all-the-way endorsing it, pretending to upholding "gun-rights."

So it's ALL Jew, ALL THE TIME--even while not saying so, not mentioning the "Jews" too much, u see. This way Ajax can pretend he's being "persecuted" for his free speech by the "leftists" and "liberals," while NEVER mentioning the central-bank instrument by which Jews and satanists absolutely dominate the society, culture, and economy.

Thus Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) stays being the main topic of conversation, Jewwy lickspittle and liar, supporter of Israeli terror-state, standing heroically against leftist Jew puke like Mike Moore and Bill Maher--and this then is how Jews keep the brainless goyim "entertained" and distracted--and don't forget about those Thai kids in Thailand trapped in the cave filled w. water, suckers.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/patrick-j-mcshay-media-disinformation.html#comment-form

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Richard, Filled W. Chutzpah, Lies Like Only Kike Can Lie
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)

Sorry "Richard Holden DVM," buddy (see below-copied), but u're just the typical, usual Jew-friendly, Jew-serving liar, aren't u? And ur "technique" isn't really that unusual for Jew lies and lying, Jews the master satanists and liars (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44).

Ur purpose, Richard the Jew-serving liar, is easy to see, dis-info and confusion: first, u set urself up as critic of Jewwy establishment, noting the "zionist" wars and zionist financiers, liars, etc., pretending "zionists" are somehow different fm Jews, then to be friend of the people, eh?

And now u un-mask urself, pretending u're all set-up now as most patriot of the patriotic, defending Jews--"leave the [kikes] alone," says the lying liar, flunky for the Jews, Richard, the lying liar who lies.

Funniest lie u tell, above, is about the "wonderful Jews and their normal families...," ho ho oho ho--for there is no such thing as "wonderful" kike, sucker--and all u need do is to find-out about the very RELIGION and tenets of those filthy, dirty monsters, called kikes--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Thus the Talmud is definitive for "religion" of Jews, followers, BY DEFINITION, of original Pharisees, hereticalist exponents of the "Oral Law Tradition" (see Gosp. MARK 7:1-13) and "midrash" (interpretation) of Torah, which original Torah Christ defended AGAINST Pharisees and Jews, sucker--these are the facts.

(a) Thus Jews hold it as fundamental religious tenet that Christ was rightfully executed and killed by Jews for blasphemy and heresy--this is explicitly what Jews are all about, Richard, the liar who lies for Jews and satanists.

(b) Jews also hold, as religious tenet that Mary, putative "mother of God," mother of Christ, Christ being God the Son, according to our dear Christianity, was a prostitute and "hair-dresser," who mated w. a Roman named "Panthera," of whom Christ was the issue.

(c) And Jews are at war against all humanity, whom they call "goyim" and "Amalek," who must be exterminated, as religious program, Jews making themselves co-equal w. God, only the rabbis' pronouncements, as in Talmud (but also other rabbinic works too), being what is true for any subject, beginning w. Torah.

(d) And satanism is DEFINED as making oneself God the creator, as by means of philosophy of (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM, holding mind/consciousness to being the creator of reality--as, for example, in philosophy of Immanuel Kant.

(e) Jews then simply take control of the satanified and corrupt culture of gentiles by means of Jews' notorious and well-known collectivism, Jews most organized and "connected" for a common collective subjectivism, upon which they all co-operate and thereby DOMINATE, lead, control, and manipulate the legions of far more numerous gentile satanists, goons, scum, and suckers, who are just as notoriously, miserably isolated, dis-organized and un-organized.

(f) That, above, is how Jews operate and soon enough taking-over the corrupted and degenerate culture of the West and Jew S A (used to be USA). Jews don't originate the corruption; rather like maggots and disease, they take advantage and take-over by means of it, leading and guiding it along, as we see.

(g) And all HISTORY demonstrates and memorializes this Judaic disease and the way gentiles fail in their corruption, inexorably giving way to Jew disease, monstrosity, and catastrophe.

(h) Definitive weapon/instrument of Jew disease in existential practice is rise of central-banking (see Mises.org), literally legalized counterfeiting, now in the hands of Jews, this central-banking issuing nearly ENDLESS currency, not real money, by which Jews buy everyone and everything.

(j) Beginning w. the central-banking monopoly, Jews buy and control Jews-media, "big-Pharma," the "military-Industrial-complex," etc.--thus they CONTROL EVERYTHING, sucker.

(k) And now in accord w. Jews' Zohar (fm which we get words, "Cabal" and Kaballah), Jews work to exterminate and genocide humanity in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030, and look, Richard, at how well it's all being done by means of the poisoning of the food, vaccines, water, etc.--even the air is being poisoned by means of "chem-trails," all in accord w. general satanism, and top satanic master-minds, the Jews, most organized and cohesive.

There's no "good" Jew, Richard, no more than there's "good" psychopath, and u're now exposed for lying liar, dis-info agent, and defender of Jews the topmost satanists, Jews the leaders of the larger satanic movement that's presently destroying the world, civilization, and mankind. And fact is, u're probably a Jew urself, eh Richard?--ho ho ho ohoh oho--u sure do lie like only a kike can lie, I'd say, w. all ur putrid chutzpah--"wonderful kikes," ho ho ho ho.

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied by "Richard"-------------

Richard Holden D.V.M. July 8, 2018 at 7:36 PM

I wish I could focus on the extreme minority of Jews and solve this fiendish Agena with one stop shopping, but Occam's Razor solutions are sadly simplistic. Within ALL WALKS OF LIFE there exists the Satanic Age Old sell out to temptations of Riches and Fame in exchange for Silent Allegiance. It is true Jews are affected but they are no more than the other groups. My life long experience with wonderful Jews and their normal families heads me in the proper direction. Within wonderful men's groups, wonderful religious branches, Women's associations, everywhere I look for great programs, I find them.

But, the Satanic Infiltration is awesome in scope. Only through a year of TransVestigation research have I begun to imagine the face of the parasite. I have seen the extent of the Agenda. Spilling out the Usual Suspects of that research would do you a disservice. I only will suggest your own similar awakening experience.

It ain't just Jews.
It ain't just Catholics.
It ain't just Christian Zionists.
It ain't just Free Masons.
It ain't just Democrates.
It ain't just Never Trump Republicans.
It ain't just Mormans.
It ain't just World Councils of Churches.

The Puppet Eugenics Farm accepts all parents who want a leg up for their children. It does even make a little logical sense considering the Satanists run the Show Business Cabal. It is just that on the Satanic Level, every ****ing thing is Show Business.

Genital Mutilation Marking is at very high levels, the more mutilation the more Allegiance to the Cabal. Complete flipping of appearance is a ticket to the Satan Lotto.

Step right up and see the bearded lady.

Gawk away at the cleavages on the Red Carpet and also on the Tarmac I surmise.

Children raised as Puppets for their own good is your Parasite Larval Incubator.

The Cabal loves their larva and spreads them around where ever controlled opposition is needed. Learn the markers. Practice your observational skills. Leave the Jews alone as a Scape Goat and instead look the Goat God Bathomet.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/christopher-bollyn-memorandum-for.html#comment-form

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Induction, Objectivity Indicts, CONVICTS Jews, Satanists
(Apollonian, 9 Jul 18)

This is another incredible, great article by Bollyn w. crushing, smashing, over-whelming INDUCTIVE evidence, which induction is stock science and legal investigation procedure. Gather the evidence, and now look at likely suspects--Jews, foremost criminals and satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com).

So what's next step?--kikes of Israel are OBVIOUSLY number one suspects--or at least among the topmost, eh?

So now, in science and logic, including for legal investigations, the LEAD SUSPECT MUST start "talking turkey" and begin explaining why they shouldn't be suspected and indicted (formally accused) and put-up for trial as culprits.

But is that even conceivable in this age of Jew dominance?--suspecting the kikes?--isn't that anti-semitism?--ho ho ho ho ho. And indeed, that's kike's only defense, isn't it? The over-whelming evidence pt.s to Jews, but no matter, u can't suspect or accuse Jews as that's anti-semitism, right? What a brilliant defense, eh?--ho ho ho ho ho.

But then again, isn't that just CONFIRMATION of the necessary and indicated accusation/indictment?--the FACT that Jews actually don't deny they're guilty, do they?--they just say u can't do it (suspect or accuse them) as it's anti-semitism. According to kikes, it's "immoral" to observe evidence and suspect and indict kikes--regardless the facts of reality, ho ho ho ho.

And when u stop to think about it all, we begin to realize the horrific TRUTH--kikes DID 9/11, and they essentially ADMIT IT in their back-handed way, don't they? "Sure, we did it, u scummy goyim, but what are u gonna do about, maggots?"--ho ho ho ho ho ho oho.

Cui Bono?--WHO BENEFITED fm 9/11, suckers?--it was Jews, wasn't it? Thus stupid goyim of Jew S A started wars against Jews' enemies, created refugees, and now they're invading Europe and West, eh?--Jews love it, don't they?

So HOW does this Jew criminality and dominance in-ur-face CONTINUE to prevail?--is it because it's a satanistic age, suffused in (extreme) subjectivism and moralism, the corrupt people pretending and insisting upon "moral" virtue above any other value, elevating moralism/Pharisaism above truth, facts, reality, honesty, integrity, and even life itself?

Thus as moralism/Pharisaism is necessarily founded upon SUBJECTIVISM, foundation is laid for satanism, which is simply extreme subjectivism, consciousness/mentality creating reality, making oneself God the creator--Jews being most adept, successful, organized, and "connected" collectivistic subjectivists, thus dominating the far more isolated, dis-connected, dis-organized subjectivists among stupid goyim.

Observe further, the Jew "midrash" (interpretation) ideal of Talmud which elevates subjectivism, the very method of Judaism by which they rule and dominate the moronic, corrupt, stupid goyim, and which such "midrash" and "Oral Law Tradition" Christ condemned in New Test. in the name of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which truth has no meaning without the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality.

So gentiles must re-capture the REAL Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ), above all, including the implicit, necessary anti-Semitism. And if u're not anti-Semitic, u ain't no Christian, sucker.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/patrick-j-buchanan-never-trumpers-are.html#comment-form

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"Get Picture"?--Buchanan Is Gross Failure, Loser--Face Reality
(Apollonian, 10 Jul 18)

What?--question is DO U "GET THE PICTURE"? Note Trump is a liar: it's Israel-first for him, NOT USA. And Trump has done nothing to expose Sandy hoax; he went along w. the "chem-attack" false-flag supposedly by Syria in Apr 2017, and used it as pretext for his Tomahawk strikes. Trump also went along w. the "Las Vegas shootings" false flag of last Oct. Doubt there will be MORE false-flags, done by Israel, approved by Trump the Israel-serving TRAITOR?

And Israel essentially ADMITS they did 9/11, and effectively says, "sure, we did 9/11, u scummy, cowardly, abysmally stupid goyim filth, so what are u gonna do about it?" Ho ho ho ho oho

And what then and now does that weakling Buchanan do or say?--he just keeps sucking-along w. Israel and kikes, doesn't he?

"Scoring pt.s against" kike murdering monsters?--what we need is a simple awakening, or re-awakening of the REAL, hence anti-semitic Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) first and foremost.

And this Christian re-awakening to the real thing must entail the real Christian PHILOSOPHY within the literature, which is affirmation of the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary foundation for TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (= Christ)--AGAINST satanic lies (JOHN 8:44) and Jew/Pharisaic/Talmudic SUBJECTIVISM, foundation of lies, and essence of Jew ideal/principle of "midrash" (interpretation) by which they lie and construe Torah (and anything else) anyway they see fit to serving their satanic, murdering purposes--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Talmud, Judaism.

As long as the West was actively, consciously anti-semitic, it thrived and prospered. But unfortunately Christianity became evermore MYSTIC and subjectivistic as time passed, and by time of French Rev., we see distinct beginning of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, this as Jews began to visibly dominating w. their putrid, criminal central-banking scams run by Rothschilds.

"Plugging away"?--ho ho ho ho, u need to face simple facts, reality that Buchanan is TOTALLY worthless, useless, and counter-productive as he EQUATES Christianity and Judaism ("Judeo-Christian"--which is contradiction in terms).

Christianity is meaningless unless it's understood as ANTI-SEMITIC--get a clue. Buchanan is gross, miserable failure and loser, and the fact ought to be faced.

--------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------

Anonymous July 9, 2018 at 6:38 PM

Media people too often have to make choices that determine whether or not they will retain said programs. Talk nasty to the jews and you go out the back door, good-bye. Disagree and out you go. Criticize and out you go. Get the picture?

Likewise, listen to a person who does not pass the Hitler test. It makes me sick to hear these people call ol' Adolph the worst guy who ever lived. The media person just flunked the Hitler test and to me, that's bye-bye.

Can we denigrate media people if we catch them sucking up to the jews? If it's blatantly obvious, the answer is "no". It they are trying to obscure their feelings, the answer is "yes", they flunk. Buchanan has not committed a mortal sin with his suck up routine. He's trying to survive, AND we are cognizant of that, so let's let him keep plugging away, hopeful that he can score a few points against the jews sometime in the future.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/rap-sheet-352-acts-of-media-approved.html#comment-form

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satanism Will Prevail Long As People Are Stupid, Worshipping Lies Like Central-Bank
(Apollonian, 11 Jul 18)

Sure, this all may be true, as the writer, Nolte, says, but don't doubt Trump himself is all in on it--or at least those Jews and neo-cons who control, fund, and finance him (Trump), like the Jew, Sheldon Adelson.

Keep the stupid goyim fighting one another is obvious and age-old stratagem, men against women, old vs. young, diff. races, etc.--extreme cog. dissonance. After all, the central bankers (see Mises.org, use their search engine) own the Jews-media, all politicians and judges, everything and everybody.

And in a corrupt society in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, fomenting such chaos and anarchy works, the stupid, over-populated puke, called "the people," overwhelmingly impelled by HUBRIS and eventually, like now, outright atanism--extreme subjectivism, mind/consciousness held as creator of reality, basis of non-existent "good-evil" and/or moralism-Pharisaism--whence stupid, brainless scum, like "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) scum and heretics say Christ was Jew.

Can anything be done?--only very little, like the real Christianity, hence ANTI-SEMITISM, Christ = truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). For Christianity, the real thing, upholds OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, necessary foundation for "truth," don't forget.

Meantime Satanists, led by Jews, will continue to prevail long as their central-bank, legalized counterfeiting scam, keeps pumping-out intrinsically worthless CURRENCY, not real money, and the over-populated goons and suckers keep accepting it as they do, the poor, brainless scum.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/jerry-kroth-two-us-soldiers-overheard.html

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The REAL Tragedy Of JFK
(Apollonian 12, Jul 18)

Surely a great part of JFK tragedy is the "learned helplessness" induced upon the people who largely understand the gov. lied and continues to lie, beginning at least w. the "Warren Report" which DENIED conspiracy--public KNOWS it was conspiracy. So public KNOWS gov. and elements of establishment, like Jews-media, are lying liars.

Beyond this un-questionable conspiracy idea, things get vague for the public knowledge. Another thing covered-up is the great power of Israel which ensued fm the assassination, esp. w. ascendency of LBJ (Johnson), who was a Jew, descended fm Jews--that ought to say a lot right there.

But the goons, morons, scum, suckers, fools, and filth who are vastly over-populated among "the people," are also trained to suppress anti-semitism and other natural and healthy impulses, like racial loyalty--all part of the cultural "learned helplessness" induced upon them in guise of "morality," the poor, brainless morons.

But I submit for the public's knowledge one thing ought to be understood about the ULTIMATE human and economic power which had to have signed-off on the JFK assassination, and that's the central-bank, US Federal Reserve (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking).

And the people ought to know that central-banking is a criminal enterprise, literally legalized counterfeiting, by its very nature, the issuing of INFINITE CURRENCY, not real money. For only real money, commodity-based (like gold/silver), protects the people while currency is a fraud and steadily impoverishes the people.

Observe then how ABSTRACT these connections are for the people to be able to grasp and understand--it's HOPELESS that all or even most can possibly understand as the temptation for idea of INFINITE currency seems to be too strong and compelling.

Thus the ONLY thing that will benefit folks in long-run will be collapse of the present central-bank and currency system--BUT which will entail horrific economic consequences, including un-employment and even, in some cases, STARVATION. In such dire economic circumstances then, the real facts about JFK assassination will seem merely mundane and even quite irrelevant.

Such then is the tragedy, I submit--if only the stupid, brainless scum could possibly look just beyond their very stupid noses--but they won't as they're trained too well for a suicidal "moralism," utterly false and deadly, all founded in subjectivism and wishful thinking, these brainless scum imagining thus they're "morally virtuous" thereby, poor doomed fools. There's a lesson to be learned, esp. about false moralism and Pharisaism, but it also isn't easy.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/fake-leonard-pozner-solicits-twitter-to.html#comment-form

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satanic Order And System MUST Be Understood
(Apollonian, 12 Jul 18)

Fetzer: the only thing that can happen w. Twitter (and others, including their satanic co-conspirators) is the FULL PENALTY to TREASON--but they don't think that will ever happen. And indeed, it isn't clear exactly when or how these criminals will be brought to account.

For only public executions serve as the necessary deterrent--the idea of SURE justice--which nowadays is mere joke to legions of over-populated, HUBRISTIC, satanic fools, scum, suckers, goons, and morons who now dominate the degenerate culture/society/economy in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

For as there's "strength in numbers," Twitter imagines they're just a few among many, many others who came long before them, the Central-bank (US Federal Reserve) having now been around for over 100 yrs, putting-out nearly INFINITE currency (not real money) which steadily drains away the value of the currency already circulating--it's how the process works--see Mises.org for expo; use their search-engine.

Such INFINITE currency soon enough takes-over the entire culture, buying, owning, and controlling all politicians, judges, the Jews-media (including Twitter), EVERYBODY and everything--don't u get it? And anyone not going along is subject to assassination by crack-heads of "the mob" who can be bought amazingly cheap--even Ron Paul has to watch-out.

So the satanists of satanism (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is created by consciousness/mentality, making themselves God, the creator) inevitably come to dominate every mature and past-mature culture/civilization/society, all in accord w. the CYCLIC nature and course of history, the best expositor of this surely being Oswald Spengler, in "Decline of the West."

It's important to note then the SIMPLE philosophic (though it's false philosophy) nature of satanism (extreme subjectivism) which merely hides itself within a "religious" cloak, replete w. mumbo-jumbo and fancy, elaborate ceremonies--like in Kubrick's movie, "Eyes Wide Shut." The philosophy at root of satanism remains extremely simple--subjectivism, by which one makes oneself God.

And it's this satanism which dear Christianity, worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) was instituted to combat--for such satanism (see JOHN 8:44) can never be totally removed, it cropping up over and over, esp. as cultures and civilizations succeed and prosper--they inevitably produce HUBRIS among the people, and satanism arises over and again.

And even establishment "Christianity," Prot., Cat., Orthodox, all of them, itself has been taken-over by these modern satanists--as of the Vatican--as we see. So-called "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) "evangelicals" are among greatest supporters of Israeli terror-state.

Finally, remember the satanists of the central-bank at the top can roll-out and produce, almost miraculously, practically ANY amount of currency--and this is what's happened w. Twitter and others--u want a million dollars?--no?--how about a billion? And if they don't play-along to doing as the institutionalized satanists demand, assassins will simply be hired--see how it works?--it's fool-proof long as the currency is still accepted by the people.

So it's ultimately this satanism u and "the people" are up against, Fetzer; u need to figure this all out--"Twitter" is mere particular manifestation. History teaches us the satanic system is fool-proof, and continues to work until it finally falls of its own weight, as in way of currency-collapse and hyper-inflation. Patriots can only help this process of eventual currency collapse along, in way of precipitating it and preparing and informing the people as it happens.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/john-kass-how-to-maintain-republic.html

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"Originalist," U Say?--What About Original States Rights?
(Apollonian, 12 Jul 18)

Kavanaugh is NOT "originalist"--he's just another Jew-serving, Jew-oriented neo-con who used to work for Clinton and Bush, and was in charge of the Vince Foster investigation cover-up, AND the Ken Starr cover-up for numerous other crimes of Clinton(s), don't doubt.

But we do need reversion to the REAL "original" American union ideal which included states rights which the CSA (Conf. States of America) so heroically fought for in the 1860s.

For observe these fed judges nowadays running rough-shod against states rights, esp. in states' attempts to require voter-ID--not to mention other depradations. Oh well, pay-backs will be a mother-hubbard, eh?

Present power of these fed judges is ridiculous, and it's how US has become an oligarchal dictatorship. Thus the un-Constitutional "nation" since the 1860s has indebted the citizenry into virtual slavery, and secession is one good way out of this fraudulent debt.

And when the puke say "Civil War" (of 1860s) "settled things" regarding state sovereignty, note it's like the mugger taking someone's wallet and then saying because he prevailed for the strong-arm, that then "settles" who's real owner now of the stolen wallet--the war ain't over, suckers.

And remember sovereignty is inalienable, the only thing states DELEGATED to the union were certain specific POWERS, not not not sovereignty--all one needs do is to read the 28 words of 10th Amendment:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

Thus the union is INFERIOR to the states, union the SERVANT to the states. And note the people of the northern states were against slavery BECAUSE THEY WERE AGAINST BLACKS--and wanted to send blacks back where they belong--like in Africa.

Note further, the 14th, 16th, and probably the 17th amendments were not Constitutionally ratified--just simply ck the history. And the all-time great exposition of states sovereignty is by Abel P. Upshur, "A Brief Enquiry into the Nature and Character of our Federal Government...."

So we only now need a simple movement founded in the original, hence anti-semitic, anti-satanic Christianity (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), truth necessarily founded in the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality, against satanist (extreme) subjectivism, the idea that consciousness/mind creates reality.

Then the criminal central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, must be removed, real, commodity-based money restored, along w. the REAL "original" Constitutional understanding, including esp. states rights, state sovereignty, and nullification.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/mueller-issues-fake-indictment-brits-in.html#comment-form

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What?--"Indicting" Russkies?--May As Well Indict The Devil, Eh?--Ho Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 14 Jul 18)

WTF?--so TRUMP's DOJ (Justice dept.) is indicting--who?--Russkies?--for what?--for doing their job and getting info (or whatever) fm their enemy, Jew S A?--ho ho oh ho ho.

Simplest analysis shows anyone Russkies were only doing their job--how stupid is it for Jew S A to be "indicting" them?--Russkies will only get medals fm their people for jobs well-done, eh? Hoh o ho oh ho

Important thing to understand is Trump is totally controlled by Israeli-terror state, neo-cons, et al., in the great game of "good-Jews" vs. "bad-Jews," the pretended bad ones being Jew world order "lefties" and "liberals." Just don't mention the word, "JEW," and that it's all a game Jews are playing to keeping the stupid goyim occupied, diverted, distracted, and confused.

Note also, the basic game being played is founded on the "good vs. evil" delusion/fallacy--as there is no "good-evil," though it is beleeeeeeeeeeved by so many dumb, brainless, over-populated morons, scum, filth, puke, fools, goons, and suckers, called "the people."

For Trump is the Pres., right?--and so he controls DOJ, Rosenstein, et al., right? And if u ck Judicial Watch (JW), u find JW complains about stone-walling fm Trump's DOJ and FBI for handing-over documents and info. And this stone-walling is because Jews and neo-cons CONTROL DOJ--NOT Trump, who is beholden to such as Sheldon Adelson, the Jew gambling billionaire.

And the only power above Adelson is the central-bank criminal enterprise (see Mises.org, use their search-engine), legalized counterfeiting, literally, pumping-out oceans of nearly infinite CURRENCY, not real money, which currency impoverishes the people, diluting the value of the currency, and owns and buys everything and everybody.

And satanic central-bank's ultimate purpose is clear--GENOCIDE and mass-murder, according to Agenda-21 and -2030. So apparently, satanists and neo-cons are just saving the stupid American goyim for last to be genocided--all in accord w. their satanic ZOHAR ("Cabala"), not to mention Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo).

So American morons now know a lot more about Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide, and they understand existence of satanists, but they still MUST realize exactly WHAT satanism, at root, actually is--extreme subjectivism, holding mind/consciousness as creator of reality, hence making themselves God (a), and (b) that the master-minds of this satanism are the COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, hence Jews, most organized, cohesive, and "connected," w. most practical "group-think"--who run that practical satanic instrument, the central-bank, US Federal Reserve.

So we need the REAL, hence anti-semitic, anti-satanic Christianity (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), Christ = TRUTH (JOHN 14:6), truth then requiring OBJECTIVE reality (Aristotle) as necessary criterion. Then, we only need real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver being best, states-rights, and nullification (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com).

Un-fortunately, people don't get motivated as general rule until they start seriously suffering, like esp. fm economic collapse and starvation, and that's already started and getting ready to hit big-time w. coming recession that can't be avoided. Satanists and Jews hope then to start a war to cover things up and muddy the proverbial "waters"--and that sort of diversion/distraction is what this latest indictments of Russkies is all about, no doubt.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/dc-dave-youtube-censorship-really-hits.html#comment-form

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Satanists Making Use Of MONOPOLY, Suckers
(Apollonian, 14 Jul 18)​

Observe, Jew-tube now operates as in-ur-face MONOPOLY, saying it's their "private-property" when fact is Jew tube and their Google parent were first built by means of TAX-PAYER funds and gov. subsidies.

So this is fraud by Jew-tube, pretending they're private prop.--when they're actually, simply tax-payer funded UTILITY, obligated to the tax-payer and citizenry, and they're now defrauding the citizenry and tax-payers. Penalty is TREASON, and it is truly gruesome punishment--so it might take awhile before retribution is brought.

But note further, Big-Pharma, which is in business of killing people (and they know very well what they're doing) w. the deadly drugs and vaccines pushed by establishment medical monopoly, is COERCIVE monopoly by the various means, just like ALL the other monopolies--HOW do u KNOW this (about monopolization) for certain?--just look at the top MONOPOLY of them all, which has EXCLUSIVE right to issuing the currency (not real money), the central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting of US Federal Reserve. See Mises.org for definitive expo on central bank; use their search engine.

And as people observe, SOME of them understand that w. every new issue of wave after wave in this evermore nearly INFINITE ocean of "currency" that's evermore put-out, the newly issued currency DE-VALUES the currency that already exists in circulation. It's all called "inflation" for obvious reasons.

And HOW is it central-bank has right to ripping people off as their currency is devalued by the new issues of the new waves of currency?--see the fraudulent, criminal nature of legalized counterfeiting and central-banking? Just ask urself WHY is counterfeiting held to be a crime?

Thus this central-bank inevitably owns and controls EVERYTHING AND EVERYBODY, beginning w. all politicians and judges, then the Jews-media, then public edjumacation--the central bank being the ULTIMATE monopoly which controls ALL the other monopolies--ALL of them without exception.

And the central-bank oligarchs are who and what are behind the drive to world dictatorship featuring GENOCIDE and mass-murder of Agenda-21 and -2030 (look it up, suckers)--see how it works.

For satanism is a death-cult by necessity and nature, and it's only satanic force that's ultimately behind such monopolistic criminal enterprise, founded upon central-banking, the central-bank giving satanists the means, providing the instrument/weapon--CURRENCY--taking away the protection for the people of real money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, which is limited in amount and FINITE.

Satanists sucker the stupid goyim by telling them they need INFINITE currency which will rescue them when they run-out. And the stupid, brainless puke beleeeeeeeeeeeev it and go-along, imagining they're such brilliant advanced thinkers to have hit upon idea of INFINITE currency--for now it's replaced real money which is limited in amount, ho ho ho oho, the dumbasses are led to beleeeeeeeev, poor, stupid scum.

Brainless puke imagine "satanism" is mere "religion," but actually it's built upon SIMPLE philosophy, extreme subjectivism, the idea that reality is mere creation of mind/consciousness, these subjects now making themselves God, the creator.

The goons further cannot grasp that the topmost masterminds of satanism are the ones who share a COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivism and consciousness--no less than gangs of criminals. And these collectivistic subjectivists are most organized, cohesive, and "connected," extremely well-led, w. most effective and successful "group-think"--these are the Jews, suckers--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. And now u see why and how a small minority can leverage and manipulate larger numbers of fools, morons, suckers, and goons.

For observe the gentile satanists are notoriously dis-connected, individualistic, and isolated fm one another, whereas Jews are UNIVERSAL, organizing the goons and scum gentile satanists, giving them leadership and direction. Observe all the leading Bolsheviks were Jews--observe all the leading central-bankers are Jews or Jew lickspittles, serving the Jews and their satanistic God.

And be sure not to confusing and conflating "Jew" w. Judean--they're not same, Jew defined as followers of Pharisees who led only about 5% of Judeans at time of Christ, the middle-class party.

So try to getting a clue, morons: it's essential to knowing what exactly satanism is, at root--(extreme) subjectivism. And Christianity, the REAL thing, is worship of truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence the OBJECTIVE reality, necessary basis of truth--see how it works? And now u see how and why Jews absolutely HATE Christianity, eh?
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/07/dan-cromer-jonestown-nobody-drank-kool.html#comment-form

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Cultural Corruption, satanism, All Part Of Necessary, CYCLIC "Decline Of The West"
(Apollonian, 14 Jul 18)

Gotta remember (see below-copied) it's actually predictable part of CYCLIC history in accord w. "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Late sociologist, Pitirim Sorokin, also has/had similar (cyclic) theory.

Thus an originally strong, vital, and healthy culture/civilization/society, like Romans, eventually becomes "mature" and then past "mature" and even decadent as the society ages and proceeds, breeding-up following generations fm original founders, but which followers are now enmired in gross HUBRIS, as pretending to non-existent "good-evil" virtue-signaling, as we see. Note follower generations didn't have to fight and produce as the original did, and followers now indulge in corruption, as in socialism, imperialism, and dictatorship.

So I submit we (our culture) have now gone well past the hubristic stage and have fallen into outright satanism and (extreme) subjectivism which is pretext for "good-evil" to which these fools and corrupt scum are addicted.

Thus in such satanistic/subjectivist condition, and Spenglerian "decline," it's then easy for "professional" satanists, so to speak, to come in like a disease and take-over, these "professionals" more collectivistic, organized, cohesive, and "connected," providing now a leadership cadre and "group-think" to the more isolated, individualistic satanists among the more numerous goyim.

And if u ck the basic religion of these "professional" satanists, u see it explicitly features SUBJECTIVISM, in guise of "midrash" (interpretation), for sense of reality, thus a collectivistic subjectivism and group-think which is now dominant and dominating over even the larger masses/population of gentiles. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

Thus for example, Talmud consists of two large parts, "Mishnah" and "Gemara," the Mishnah being "interpretation" (midrash) of original Torah (which Christ defended as definitive by itself), and THEN, the Gemara which is literally the interpretation of the Mishnah, the interpretation of the interpretation, as it were--and this is the actual fact--ck it out for urself.

Thus it's no wonder Jew Zohar ("Cabala"--mysticism) explicitly admits Jews worship satan which, they hold, is just another emanation of God.

Thus Jews and satanists took decisive control of central-banking in old USA, now Jew S A, parasitized by Israeli-terror state, and make use of (nearly) infinite currency issues to dominate, manipulate, owning and controlling everybody and everything. Even establishment Christianity, originally meant to opposing satanism/subjectivism, is now completely taken-over by satanism, these idiots pretending what they "beleeeeeeeeeeev" is what then exists BECAUSE they "beleeeeeeeev," the hereticalist fools. Satanic "Vatican" is good example.

----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-------------------

bairdseymour July 14, 2018 at 9:12 AM

Nothing surprises me anymore.

The fact that the population is willing to live like sheep in this cesspool doesn't even surprise me.