Apo essays for Sep. 2018


Guest Columnist
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/sandy-hook-families-vs-alex-jones.html#comment-form

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Corrupt Judiciary Rules In Favor Of satanism, Lies--What Did U Expect?
(Apollonian, 1 Sep 18)

Here we go again, folks: this outrageous travesty, legal suit against Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), is fueled by satanism, the satanic society, and its primary, ruling, controlling instrument, the (practically) INFINITE fiat-currency of central-banking (see Mises.org; use site search-engine)--now u see how satanism and empire-of-lies operates.

Thus such infinite currency is key and crucial satanic invincible weapon by which the central-banking powers literally own and control nearly all politicians, judges, and as we see, the Jews-media, also public edjumacation, not to mention many other monopolies too, like "big Pharma," pushing poison drugs and vaccines, and the agricultural monopolies growing the poison GMO foods.

So u see how the satanic state operates and stands, a complex of inter-locking subsidiary monopolies, exerting evermore power over the captive people, all ruled and controlled by the big, top-most monopoly at the pinnacle, the central bank, literally legalized counterfeiting, a criminal-enterprise, putting-out infinite currency, owning everything and everybody, the people's wealth, savings, and value destroyed, the people themselves to be destroyed as by Agenda-21 and -2030 "population-reduction."

But then don't these scummy, stinking puke, called "the people," DESERVE the death, horror, and misery they bring upon themselves?--after all, they ARE over-populated--at least for the stupid scum--there's just tooooo many of them.

Thus the CYCLE of hist. observes the original generations of the later empire producing, working hard, winning victories, achieving success and "prosperity," BUT at same time, steadily raising-up evermore CORRUPT following generations filled w. HUBRIS, becoming evermore satanic, as we see.

Thus corrupt following generations become hubristic, not having to work hard like their predecessor generations, pretending to non-existent "good-evil," insisting now upon a false, hence subjectivistic reality, which they create themselves by means of group-think, Jews, the masters of such "group-think," most collectivist, most organized--SATANISM. See also Gosp. JOHN 8:44. Check Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on satanic Jew Talmud.

Hence humanity needs REVIVAL, resurrection of original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). Thus TRUTH cannot exist without the under-lying OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality, opposing Jew/satanic subjectivism, objectivity being necessary basis of such truth.

But of course, hubristic, satanic, over-populated scum will never accept truth as proper object of worship--UNTIL many of them begin to seriously suffering and even dying-off and -out. Only then does a surviving remnant have a chance to organize and be effective against the satanic master-minds who have far less slaves to provide funding and soldiers, master-minds beginning to in-fight. Such is the CYCLIC course of history in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/08/james-fetzer-in-solidarity-with-alex_31.html

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"Duped" Is Result Of Hubris, Satanism
(Apollonian, 1 Sep 18)

"Duped by the bankers"? (see below-copied by "unknown")--perhaps, but what else is to be done w. stupid, scummy puke, called "the people"?--called "cattle" (goyim--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews) by Jews. So in a way, it's hard to blame Jews, after all is said and done, considering the gross hubris and satanism of such over-populated scum, called "people."

For when one analyzes the "choice" of the "people," we see they're persuaded in favor of (practically) infinite currency, not real money, real money being commodity-backed, like gold/silver, which is limited in amount and finite in quantity. Such is the concept, at least, as there's the problem that "currency" needs dictatorship of "legal-tender" laws, forcing people to accept it as payment for goods and svcs. See Mises.org for expo on money and banking; use their site search-engine.

So the hubris-addicted scum and puke, called "people," are persuaded to go for the "currency" fraud by which the over-populated scum are destroyed, the currency steadily devaluated by the continued issuances of it.

Thus it's a CYCLIC relationship by which HONEST people accept and use real money, but when people get over-populated due to initial success of original honest generation(s), and afflicted thereupon by such HUBRIS, as indicated by the "currency" fraud, they're destroyed as they deserve--and this is what we're witnessing presently, "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So the over-populated scum will be "duped" by somebody and something, sooner or later. Eventually, the "central-bankers" prevail and rule, imposing their satanic regime and culture of death, as we see, featuring Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide ("de-population").

Thus we simply need a REVIVAL of the original, real Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence objective reality (Aristotle), against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44), satanism holding to extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality by which subject is made to be God the creator. Jews then dominate such subjectivism/satanism as they're most collectivist subjectivists, most cohesive, best organized.

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Unknown August 31, 2018 at 3:59 PM

It now seems patently obvious that Barry Soetoro is nothing more than a product of the a CIA. We continue to be duped by the bankers, et. al. Who control the world.


People Fail To Grasp Real Power Of Jews: Most Organized satanists Within Larger satanic society In Spenglerian "Decline"
(Apollonian, 2 Sep 18)​

Indeed: Jews are simply top satanists, most collectivist, "connected," w. most effective "group-think," Jews most cohesive, "thick as thieves," by far best organized--that's how they're able to influence, intimidate, manipulate, and control the more isolated, more individualistic satanists among goyim, even though goyim far out-number Jews--what folks don't understand about strength, power of Jews.

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Unknown September 1, 2018 at 1:56 PM

And who rules the world?
The Zionist Jews in the City of London.
It’s really that simple.
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Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/sandy-hook-families-vs-alex-jones.html#comment-form

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Don't Under-Estimate Strength Of satanism, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Mere Gate-Keeper, Flack For Jews
(Apollonian, 2 Sep 18)

Remember this is now a society thoroughly, totally in hands of Jews and satanists, beginning w. the central-bank powers at the top (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine).

"When is this crap going to end?"--it's not going to end well, for sure. We're in a debt crisis, US Dollar getting ready to collapse; prices for everything will double and triple; welfare system will collapse, people not able to even buying food for families.

Note that with "currency"--not real money (like gold/silver)--central-bank can put it out nearly indefinitely, nearly infinitely--even though, as noted, the currency will eventually collapse, probably sooner rather than later, at this pt., the "petro-dollar" seriously threatened by new gold-backed Chinese Yuan.

But as long as people continue to accept and circulate this fraudulent, evermore worthless currency, central-bank powers can pay armies of lawyers, bribe (and extort) judges and politicians, and continue to fund/finance their Jews-media operations which put-out lies like Sandy hoax.

Central-bank powers also own and control the I-net monopolies, Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, never doubt--SOOO, u see what works and rules: a HUGE, gigantic complex of inter-related, inter-locked MONOPOLIES, beginning w. the central-bank which puts-out nearly INFINITE currency.

Don't forget Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) is stooge and shill for Israel-first--observe how he says very little about the large monopolist complex/conspiracy anchored at the top by central-bank, though he is known to complain about monopolist status of isolated subsidiary monopolies like Jewgle, etc. Ajax Jewns, shill for Jews is actually part of the problem, an example of a gate-keeper leading the opposition, don't doubt.

So note Jew/satanic powers are still extremely STRONG--versus the real, true Christians who worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Btwn these minorities at the poles, satanists vs. (true) Christians lies the VAST MAJORITY of over-populated goons, morons, scum, filth, puke, and suckers who "go-along" w. satanists and Jews.

Thus little will change culturally or politically long as the masses of scum called "the people" can keep getting their "bread and circuses" in form of welfare cks and football games on TV. Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

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Eric Thompson September 1, 2018 at 9:55 AM

"[Jones'] defence team claims that it is his constitutional right to invent stories and that no reasonable person would take Mr Jones' words as fact."

WTF? What kind of "defense" is that? I have heard many "words" from Jones' mouth over the years that are provably factual. Much more than I ever hear from the MSM. Sandy Hook was an obviously staged event, also provable on so many many fronts that it should be an embarrassment to the perps. Note how this article, as every other that I've seen in the MSM, presumes the "truth" of the official Sandy Hook story.

Please give me a break. When is this crap going to end?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/mona-alexis-pressley-in-solidarity-with.html#comment-form

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Full satanist Meaning, Significance, Purpose Of Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com)
(Apollonian, 3 Sep 18)

Way to go, Fetzer: "in solidarity w. Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.cor)," just helps to setting-up gate-keeper, Jewwy shill and flack, Ajax, as something of a "leader," hero, and martyr for the "controlled opposition," right?--of course.

WHO and what is Ajax Jewns?--first and most, he's part of the "Israel-first," "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) contingent along w. Trump and "neo-con," pretended "right"--along w. ur buddy, Jerome Corsi, and then Ajax's buddies, Joe Farrah (WND.com), Jew, Mike "Savage" (Weiner), and other Jews and JCs whom he often has on his shows.

Ajax also attaches a pretended "libertarian" flavor to his larger JC front, or alternatively, the Jew-friendly faction of the "libertarian"-inclined, among JCs and such-like.

But what does Ajax do most of all for the satanists and Jews?--Ajax anchors the satanist/subjectivistic foundation in pretended "good-evil" moralism--along w. the mystic "faith" ("beleeeeeeeeeevin'") of the JCs, whence mere "beleeeeeeeevin'" makes it all "true" for JCs and other such mystics, satanists, and anti-Christ heretics--and this is aside fm the non-existent "good-evil" which Ajax pushes. Ajax, the hill-billy moron, once said on his show that he's "known to be in the 'top-ten' for fightin' EVIL," by golly.

Never, ever, does an Ajax Jewns show go by without Ajax citing, mentioning, and invoking "good-evil" at least a dozen times--this is no joke--it's primary, explicit notion, ideal, and meme for Ajax--ALWAYS--and it serves the SUBJECTIVIST purpose, influence, and motivational aspects for Ajax's appeal among the goons, fools, scum, suckers, and morons. Such is the place, purpose, and function of Ajax Jewns.

So if nothing else, the best one can say about Ajax Jewns is he and his associated JC faction might indicate a hint of in-fighting, division, or dissent within the top level master-minds of satanic "deep-state" powers, the supposed split btwn "bad" Jews of atheist, "globalist" "left," actively pushing Agendas -21 and -2030 genocide, vs. the "good" kikes of JC "evangelicals" and Ajax, pushing Israel-first on the phony "right," whom Ajax represents and pushes most of all.

Such is the full meaning and place within things political and cultural for Ajax Jewns--why he's pushed, preserved, and featured star for the larger, over-all satanic/subjectivist movement and faction--against TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/stephanie-sledge-in-solidarity-with.html#comment-form

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Christian Patriots Need Merely Take Stock, Remember St. Constantine The Great
(Apollonian, 3 Sep 18)

This is just more amazing news fm S. Sledge--and I thought I knew a lot about Sandy hoax, but these are just more amazing facts. Thus Sandy hoax is like JFK assassination and 9/11, leaving one's jaw dropped. And observe people in general--they know things are terribly skewed and corrupt, BUT they don't know what to do, stymied, paralyzed, stumped for the simplest clue for what must be done now, the poor, brainless scum. Such is "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the country, Jew S A, used to be USA, and entire West in most horrific malaise.

And things are going to start happening, economically, US Dollar about to collapse, regardless the goons of Jew S A just standing about, flat-footed as they are.

Thus I simply say people must take heart fm original Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. We need the REAL, hence anti-satanic, anti-semitic Christianity (see Gosp. JOHN 8:44), return to REAL money, hence gold/silver, and states rights, including nullification and secession.

Essence of satanism is that SUBJECTIVISM by which one pretends mind/consciousness is creator of reality, subject being God, the creator, never doubt. And Jews are the foremost subjectivists, foremost collectivists and "group-thinkers," naturally dominating the stupid, isolated, individualistic satanists among goyim. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

Observe further, Jews and satanists rule by specific means of the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine), a MONOPOLY which then makes use of subsidiary, connected monopolies, like Jews-media, "big-Pharma," mass-murdering the people w. poison drugs, etc., all in line w. their Agenda-21 and -2030 genocidal program(s). And lately now we see Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube making their monopolistic power-plays for gross, idiotic censorship.

So who and what's easiest immediate target for removal of satanist, Jew-friendly and -serving regime? Observe the false "Christians," like the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) heretics who say Christ is/was Jew, who support terror-state of Israel. JCs simply need a sincere and most intensive missionary effort on part of real Christians, worshippers of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). Amen
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/preston-james-extinction-level-threat.html#comment-form

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Ethics Is No Less Scientific Than Any Other Science
(Apollonian, 4 Sep 18)

Newsflash: "ethics" and "morals" are NO DIFF. science than any other science, as ethics and morals merely have to do w. ends and means being logically consistent--get a clue--means must serve ends, without contradiction. Ends might be anything, given only circumstance. There's no "good-evil" as entire hist. of philosophy has demonstrated--"good-evil" is TOTALLY subjective.

And this ethical science is verified by Christ in New Test. who begins w. the metaphysical principle of Aristotelian objective reality, basis of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), this objectivity in stark contradiction and opposition to subjectivism ("midrash") of Jews/Pharisees, basis of their lies and lying (JOHN 8:44). See also, Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaism/Pharisaism/Talmudism.

And the following (Christian) ethics, fm metaphysics, is given by Christ both in way of explicit formulations, all consistent w. his (mostly implicit) metaphysics, and in way of examples--which is much what Gospels are all about.

So therefore, for us, our task is to be consistent w. Christian ethics and (hence) God's will, esp. as Christ has made known to us--it isn't difficult in the determinist world of objective reality and absolute cause-effect.

Thus satanic Jews (a redundancy) make themselves co-equal w. God, w. perfectly "free" will, Jews being the purpose of God, God the servant and slave of Jews who murders goyim for the Jews' benefit, as at Passover and Purim holydays, etc.

Such then is the ethical "art" and abstract lesson--staying consistent, best we can, w. TRUTH (= Christ), contending, best we can, against Jew/satanic lies, lying, and liars--and remember there are lots more goyim liars and satanists (subjectivists) than Jews, Jews merely being most collectivist, making lies and satanism/subjectivism their very RELIGION, Jews most adept, most ORGANIZED, w. most effective "group-think," hence natural leaders of satanism, as we see, and as hist. shows.

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Anonymous September 2, 2018 at 6:31 PM

All basic research, in any field, begins innocently without regard to morality or questions of ethics. Once a person is trained in the methods of research and the rules of the scientific method, these principles can be applied to any problems. Researchers can be paid to perform such functions either in or out of a so called "university setting". Most investigators are fooled, at least at the outset, that their discoveries will only be put to "good" use and not to "evil" use.

Today such questions are not even addressed at all. After all even Ph.D. level scientists must survive don't they? They often have families like all the rest and must raise them. Money runs the show. In fact it is easier on their consciences, if they have any, not to mention the places their basic research might lead.

Such questions could turn them against doing their work for those paymasters who seek their aid. All new discoveries can be used for good, whatever that is, or evil, whatever that is, if no moral compass is available. At bottom, most people are little more than whores doing anything for MONEY. So long as they cannot be pinned with the ultimate crimes or human suffering or destruction of property with their discoveries, who cares so long as the checks clear and pay green dollars to spend and survive on?

So we have highly trained skilled Ph.D.'s in many fields from physics to engineering to chemistry to psychology and on and on and on, selling their souls for MONEY and justifying doing new research which may very well end up killing their own families! This is the result of lack of informed consent in the lack of disclosure of what could result from new research discoveries. It is no different than a military recruiter who makes a few thousand bucks every time he gets a new duped recruit to sign on the dotted line without disclosing all the risks of going to war. Basic research can also lead to war and evil and destruction too. Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics

P.S. Just say NO. Go on strike. Refuse to work for these scoundrels and liars and those who would destroy the planet and earth and all human civilization. Stop being a prostitute with a Ph.D. degree for MONEY. Use your ten year acquired skills for the benefit of mankind, not evil destruction of mankind.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/craig-mckeen-why-do-we-tolerate-a.html#comment-form

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Fetzer: Typical Case-In-Point For satanic Corruption, Subversion
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 18)

Golly, gee whiz, Fetzer, old buddy--what's ur problem?--ho ho ho ho ho ho--u just don't want to publish comments anymore, eh?--but why? U just don't know what to say, aside fm not liking what's being said by others, SOOOOOOO, like Jew-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle, u're just going to suppress it all, right?--just pretend it (any dissenting opinion) doesn't exist--just like senile old fools do, right? Ho ho ho ho ho ho. U sure are clever, aren't u?

So here at least, we see what's happened to ur entire worthless generation, tacitly admitting ur pathetic bankruptcy for any serious grasp of history and culture, what has happened up to now, and what to do for future. So just like a little baby, u're just going to clam-up and not let anything be said--and u imagine people, some of them, anyway, can't see what's going on? U poor, pathetic old hulk.

But at least one purpose is now well displayed, Fetzer, which is ur basic incompetence, including especially ur gross inability of INDUCTION, generalization, for the philosophic exercise.

Another simple observation is ur amazing, simple gross ignorance of Christianity and the Christian culture, which however, is shared by so many others, which gives u the impression u're not alone, so at least u don't stand-out for ur crass, bovine-like ignorance.

And it isn't surprising, is it?--that u were in Jewwy, establishment "academia" for, what?--over THIRTY yrs?--ho ho ho ho ho ho--u actually turn-out to have been WELL-TRAINED for ur hostility to Christian culture, ur inability to relate to something that might otherwise be rather native for a healthy person--but u're not really that healthy for intellect and spirit, are u?

One large example is ur inability to see any diff. btwn the Christian and Jew culture. To someone like u, u imagine they're (Christian and Jew) essentially the same, eh? In a significant way, u're just a "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) by way of "spiritual" orientation in ur own manner, eh?

So despite everything, we see the Jew and Jewwy social-engineers--SATANISTS--have actually very well succeeded upon such as u, eh, Fetzer?--so profoundly prejudiced u are against Christian culture and the Christian people, hence the general Western, rational culture overall, and we see that in ur inability for INDUCTION, as I noted, for the basic philosophic art and practice.

And note, Fetzer, we can't blame ur sort of incompetence, as I've above described, entirely upon Jews, can we? For truly, Jews need helpers and accomplices, don't they?

FIRST, the whole culture and people in general, not just only Jews, must submerge and descend into general hubris, then satanism, and now only then do Jews arise and standing-out to dominate and ruling as they do, esp. by means of the central-bank and the fiat-currency system, as I've noted (see Mises.org for expo).

That's why we Christians understand that in order for any possible chance for any kind of a cultural revival or recovery for people in general, we must go through a period of "tribulation" whence people suffer, and through this serious suffering seeing thereby what goes on and who does what--Jews and satanists thriving and exulting as the "tribulation" takes course and place.

And that's why and how u, Fetzer, are such excellent and notable case in pt., aren't u?--the perfect DUPE for satanists and Jews as u operate in ur typical manner, PARALLEL and rather in concert, as we observe, to the censorship and suppression done by ur "models," Jew-book, Jew-tube, and Jewgle.

Golly gee, Fetzer, but u're such a leader and exemplar, aren't u?--u really are, and u can't figure it out either, can u?--soooo brilliantly has the training and programming been done, so well u've "learned," ho ho ho ho--what a hero and glorious leader u are, eh?
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/james-fetzer-in-solidarity-with-alex.html#comment-form

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Fetzer Should Ease-Up On Puffery Of Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Flack, Shill For Israel-First
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 18)

Fetzer: Americans DID NOT "swallow" Sandy hoax "hook, line, and sinker," u poor fool--after all, they have ur book, "No One Died...," at Sandy hoax, don't they?

And there's the picture of the class-room windows taken by state police, the windows un-disturbed and un-broken--not to mention all the other anomalies, including "sloppy sniper," Dave Wheeler, caught red-handed, etc.

Only SOME may be affected by the moronic, heavy propaganda campaign by ZOG, satanists, and Jews, but there are many, many others, like myself, who are rather persuaded by the evidence, including OVERWHELMING inductive evidence--like the obviously fake and phony frauds and psy-ops of the many other false-flags and blatant hoaxes, like recent Las Vegas and Parkland, Fla. incidents, etc.

Then there's JFK assassination, 9/11, and others, simply fm HISTORY.

And of course, the primary weapon/instrument at the top and behind things is the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo) paying for all the lies and psy-ops, paying-off all the perpetrators and operators, esp. politicians and judges, etc.

So we have a basically satanic, satanified society in general, run and operated by central-bankers, pushing MONOPOLIST and "perpetual war for perp. peace" program(s), as usual, as they've done since Napoleonic wars, etc.

And Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) and Trump are INTEGRAL players and actors for "deep-state" and satanists behind everything--the only thing we can hope for being that there's serious IN-FIGHTING among the very topmost powers, like the "Israel-first" "neo-con" fake "right" vs. the atheistic, "globalist," corp. monopolists on the fake "left."

So u need to begin to starting to getting a serious clue for what's really happening, Fetzer, esp. for the central-banking monopoly and the general monopolization going on, including the latest censorship power play by Jews-media and the big "tech" monopolies of I-net, Jew-book, Jewgle, and Jew-tube--same as it ever was.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/dave-hodges-calexits-plan-to-use-kigali.html#comment-form

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Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) Fading Into Platitude-Ridden, Gate-Keeping Obscurity
(Apollonian, 7 Sep 18)

Ho ho ho, probably same reason I used to follow Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), the babbling hill-billy, flack for Jews and Israel.

At first, Ajax was actually fresh voice for new info, like for me regarding poisonous nature of fluoride in drinking water--and other stuff, like the GMOs, poison vaccines, etc.

Ajax was always flack for Israel and kikes, but the fluoride and other info was compelling enough that I continued to follow him, even as he got old and stale for his evermore repetitive routine, evermore hysterical for his idiot yelling and raving, pretending to moralistic righteousness.

Now that Jew-tube took his stupid ass off the vid-scene, it doesn't bother me as I still ck his InfoWars.com site to look for any real, serious news--which he doesn't have.

Jones has lately had opportunity to make serious case about the gross monopolist attempts to censor him and other "conservatives," but he hasn't made most of his chances--as for pointing out the monopolist-complex, beginning w. the central-bank fiat-currency fraud at the top of things (see Mises.org for expo on central-bank).

Ajax is just reducing evermore to mere bit charade player, gate-keeper for phony, fake "right" of Israel-first "neo-cons" vs. the fakey, phony "left" atheist "globalists."

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Anonymous September 5, 2018 at 12:47 PM

Dave Hodges is generally an inflated gasbag and I hope this time his hyperbole is replaced with reality.I follow him daily and wonder why I follow him daily.....
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/paul-craig-roberts-i-know-who-senior.html#comment-form

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We Merely Need REAL Christianity, Anti-Satanism
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 18)

Of course, it's OBVIOUS this "Russia-gate" nonsense by "left" and Democrats is Psy-Ops, suckers.

For "globalist" "world-dictatorship" of CFR (council on foreign relations), Tri-laterals, et al., including their Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide, have been ID'd and rejected as the treason it is to nat. sovereignty, only problem being there are still lots of morons, goons, fools, and suckers who haven't figured it out yet, and these people are those whom "globalists" are still trying to persuade or affect, and confuse in their favor.

But on the other hand, we also see Trump is also an Israel-first traitor in his own rite, though "globalists" don't and can't pt. this out.

So we see Israel is running this big show at the top, and note hitlery Clinton is still not being much investigated by Trump's DOJ (dept. of Justice).

Hence the OBVIOUS conclusion is there's some kind of in-fighting going-on at top level btwn "globalist" "left" and Israel-first "neo-con" "right." Israeli terror-state is riding high--they rule.

At same time, interestingly, we also see the Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube monopolist power-play for censoring/suppression of "conservatives"--this is surely NO ACCIDENT.

Un-questionably, ZOG (Zionist gov.), both phony "globalist" "left" and Israel-first "right," agree upon necessity of censorship--both these phony, fake fronts have no problem w. the topmost criminal enterprise of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) which controls and rules everything--they also want censorship, being criminals, thriving upon people's ignorance and confusion, the poor fools.

So we see "left" "globalists" on attack against Trump, Trump using Israel-first as cover which "left" can do nothing about, though they both agree upon censorship.

So it's just pathetic, horrendous tragedy people can't/won't see the central-bank MONOPOLY at top of large monopolist-complex, using now the big "tech" monopoly applying, enacting, and pushing the censorship, the stupid people paralyzed for defending themselves, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) not helping, adding, complicating the confusion of people about the MONOPOLY power in plain sight.

Poor, stupid people are being set-up for slaughter. But then again, such abysmal stupidity simply cries-out for punishment, horror and catastrophe certain to ensue and to arrive--the very "tribulation" predicted and described in Biblic Book of Revelations, undoubtedly.

Thus we need most urgently, states-rights, nullification/secession, real money, gold/silver, and genuine anti-satanic, real Christianity which is anti-semitic--Jews, the leading satanists (extreme subjectivism) are too happy (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Judaism).
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/there-are-dozens-and-dozens-of-us-two.html#comment-form

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People Need To Face-Up To satanic Regime Over Jew S A
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 18)

(a) Don't forget the "deep-state" has at least TWO known factions, and there may be more, those factions are the atheist, "globalist" "left" and the Judeo-Christian -supported, Israel-first, "neo-con" "right"--which "right" is what Trump admits he's part of and represents.

(b) The "globalist" "left" admit they want to submerge and remove national sovereignty, including that of USA--so these people are admitted criminals and traitors.

(c) Now, over last few days, these "leftist" "globalists" ADMIT, through the Jews-media and NYT, they're attempting FURTHER criminal acts of subversion--and they've demonstrated this subversion in several ways, one being subversion of dept. of Justice (DOJ), refusing to heed law and turning-over documents, etc.

(d) And observe through it all, Israeli terror-state sits at top, riding-high, playing the arbiter of all this criminality and in-fighting among factions.

(e) Thus it simply indicates amazing, pathetic confusion, cowardice, and stupidity of the people of USA, now the Jew S A, as they allow these foreign agents, Jews, and satanic, genocidal (Agendas 21 and -2030) "globalist," world-dictatorship criminals to running riot as they do, Israel-first Trump telling people "not to worry."

What an outrageous farcical travesty--why we need the original, anti-satanic, hence anti-semitic Christianity, the real thing, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against lies, lying (JOHN 8:44).

For truth necessarily implies and requires the OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality as criterion against Jew/satanic subjectivism ("midrash")--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

And to removing the regime of satanic empire of lies, lying, the criminal central-bank (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, must be removed, REAL money (gold/silver) restored. States-rights and nullification/secession is another necessity for the defense of rights, rule-of-law, and freedom.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/tell-all-book-fear-sets-up-trump.html#comment-form

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Real Danger Of Trump?--Slavery To Israel/Jews
(Apollonian, 8 Sep 18)

What's the greatest deception of Woodward's book, "Fear"?--simple--Woodward doesn't want to admit thing he really hates most about Trump is Trump is (allegedly) for "America first"--against "globalism" and "world-gov."

Woodward is such an amazing, craven coward he won't admit he's "globalist" in favor of "world-gov." dictatorship--this is what's really going-on, which lots of people grasp, hence understand Woodward and globalists are too cowardly to admit.

Further, Woodward won't admit Trump's own treason is Trump is really for Israel-first--this is the huge weakness of the "globalist" scum, cowards, and traitors--they can't admit Israeli terror-state is "tail" that wags "dog."

So we see who/what rules--ISRAEL and Jews--SATANISM, suckers--CONFIRMED by Woodward as we now see in-our-face. "Globalists" don't want to admit Israel RULES, even for them, the "globalists"--the greatest joke about "globalism."

Hence Woodward is reduced to moronic lies, for all we know and all he can prove, which lies and lying by Woodward merely try to make Trump look bad for OTHER REASONS than the anti-globalism which is Woodward's real target, the poor, lying fool, ho ho ho ho.

The fools who back Trump, like Ajax Jewns, and including, evidently, our hero, Fetzer, don't seem to realize that backing Trump is dangerous as it means backing the Israeli terror-state lock on Jew S A, "tail wagging dog."

It's truly sad thing to think that in order to avoid slavery (and SUICIDE, as of Agendas -21 and -2030) of "globalism," we must become slaves of Israeli terror-state--but this is what is tacitly admitted if one puffs Trump too much.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/kunstler-warns-many-forces-are.html

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People Merely Need Acquaintance With Simple Facts, Reality
(Apollonian, 9 Sep 18)

ANALYSIS: What's actually going on in Jew S A nowadays? Well fascist, Jew/ZOG satanist gov. is CONSOLIDATING behind guise of "civil war" behind the phony, fakey "left vs. right," atheist "globalists" world gov. dictatorship, featuring GENOCIDE of Agendas -21 and -2030, on "left" vs. "neo-cons" Israel-first "right."

BOTH of these factions behind the phony, fakey "left" and "right" WANT CENSORSHIP and suppression of real news and commentary for obvious reasons. And they (ZOG "deep-state") are working by means of MONOPOLY--this monopolist network/conspiracy working now through the subsidiary monopolies of "big tech," Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube.

Very top level of monopolist conspiracy is the criminal central-bank (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting, featuring INFINITE "currency," not REAL MONEY (like gold/silver), funding/financing all the other subsidiary monopolies within the complex, including the I-net "big tech," Jewgle, et al.

Note most interesting thing: the "left" "globalists" of atheist corp. dictatorship and world gov. NEVER mention Israel--NEVER. These "leftist-globalists" merely attack Trump, pushing their stupid lies, and incidentally, trying to COVER-UP hitlery Clinton's obvious criminality, this cover-up done by even Trump's own Dept. of Justice (DOJ) and FBI.

So we see the topmost power, Israeli terror-state, working through their primary instrument, the central bank monopoly, topmost power, leading and definitive for all the other monopolies.

So then WHAT is it that COVERS for the monopolist nature and obvious corp. super-structure?--the "progressive" "liberalist" front for "globalists" and phony, fakey "left"--as we see plainly in the idiot censorship and suppression done by Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube, as I noted.

So we see the plain and simple, obvious satanic, monopolistic, genocidal conspiracy and network that's operating most actively against the people and rule-of-law. What's needed by the people then is the REAL CHRISTIANITY, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic/Jew lies, lying, and liars (JOHN 8:44).

More specifically, we need REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, states-rights, nullification and secession.

The people have to be encouraged to being RACIST--loyal to their people--in accord w. fifth of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (RACE)." And they must be ANTI-SEMITIC, Jews simply foremost satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com).

For the real Christianity is necessarily anti-semitic (anti-satanic), satanism being simply extreme subjectivism at root, the subject making himself God, the creator of reality, Jews then dominating, ruling, leading, and manipulating all satanists and satanism, Jews being most collectivist, most organized, as we observe and verify fm history and perceptible reality.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/kunstler-warns-many-forces-are.html#comment-form

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Cognitive Dissonance Involved In Sedition And Treason, Don't Forget
(Apollonian, 10 Sep 18)

It's certainly true there's "sedition" and treason as indicated by cartoonist, Garrison, by (fake) "left" and "globalists," these traitors trying to overthrow Constitution and national sovereignty in favor of world dictatorship and Agenda-21 and -2030 GENOCIDE ("population-reduction").

BUT what Garrison and others don't tell us is (fake) "right" and "neo-cons," led by Trump, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), et al., are equally treasonous in favor of Israeli terror-state--as we observe in Syria this very moment, USA, now Jew S A, involved in illegal, un-Constitutional war and warfare.

Note also amazing fact "left" "globalists" don't even begin to mentioning criminal terror-state of Israel dominating and leading Trump and "neo-cons" by the nose, "wagging the dog."

Another thing being covered-up is the top, lead, PRIMARY instrument for all this treason is the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo), legalized counterfeiting machine, pumping-out that nearly INFINITE currency ("inflation") funding and financing all the treason, sedition, and dis-info, as by George Soros, for example, at the same time as destroying value of the currency unit, destroying and impoverishing the people, leading them ineluctably to slavery and genocide--accurately noted by Kunstler, the author.

Poor, stupid people, addicted to EXCESSIVE stupidity and HUBRIS (mostly upon pretext of non-existent "good-evil")--even though, at least they seem to understand "globalism" and "world gov." is such a fraud--yet they don't want to face-up to the monstrous Israeli terror-state taking their "money" (really just currency), getting them involved in ruinous, truly suicidal wars and warfare, etc.

But stupid people, of such gross, insistent stupidity, must die-out and -off, just a necessity of nature, as we see. So survivors and those of discernment MUST grasp necessity of opposing this satanic dictatorship and fraud being perpetrated by phony, fake "left" and "right," satanism being essentially extreme subjectivism, making oneself God, "creating" reality, as by Judaic Talmud (see Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew "midrash" and subjectivism).

Real, hence anti-semitic, anti-satanic Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), hence OBJECTIVE reality (necessary basis of truth), must be taken-up by patriots generally, and specifically, adoption of REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and genuine Constitutional gov., consisting of states-rights, nullification, and secession (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com)--it's got to happen if humanity is to be saved, suckers; get a brain, fools.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/kunstler-warns-many-forces-are.html

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Horrific Irony, Tragedy, Pushing Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), Trump--Who Are TRAITORS, Never Doubt
(Apollonian, 11 Sep 18)

I don't deny it's tactically useful, perhaps even necessary, to push Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com) for freedom-of-expression against Agenda-21 and -2030 genocidalists, the "globalist" "leftists," e.g., Jewgle, Jew-book, and Jew-tube. For at least such "defending" of the Israel-first Trump and Jewwy Ajax will impress the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) fans of Ajax as well as "libertarian"-flavored suck-alongs.

And don't doubt another aspect of Ajax's (and Trump's) treason is Jews, Israel, and "neo-cons" want censorship NO LESS than "leftist" genocidalist "globalists."

And such "defense" of Jewwy Ajax also riles the "leftists" too, like at CNN--so it's not entirely bad move politically and psychologically to supporting Ajax. Just don't forget the HORROR of the simple, obvious fact Ajax is Jew-friendly TRAITOR, along w. Trump--at least Ajax opposes the present war-mongering by Trump and neo-cons regarding Syria, Trump totally owned and controlled by Israeli terror-state.

And patriots must realize and face-up to HORROR of present position defending TRAITORS like Trump and Ajax in order to oppose the cannibalist genocidalists of the "left" and socialism, especially the power-mad corp. monopolists, as I noted. Observe now it's quite plain for anyone to see: SOCIALISM IS GENOCIDE--simple, easy to grasp.

For observe the complete and utter BANKRUPTCY of the "patriot" "right" which is now REDUCED to defending such scummy, traitor filth like Ajax. So crushed and reduced is the anti-satanic (hence anti-semitic) cause that now it's having to resort to mere supporting one group of Jewwy satanic TRAITOR factions--"Israel-first" of Ajax and Trump--against the genocidalist and corp. "globalists."

The real struggle, politically and culturally, is same TRUTH VS. LIES, objective reality vs. subjectivist satanism (reality created by consciousness/mentality), hence the REAL Christianity vs. satanism. And immediate conflict is REAL Christianity vs. the JC scum, liars, and heretics who support Israel-first and push non-existent "good-evil" and subjectivism of "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'," esp. by means of idiot confusion of meaning of word, "faith"--which really, properly only means LOYALTY, not not not moronic "beleeeeeeeeeeevin'."

In truth, it ought to be easiest thing to opposing and attacking the JCs, exposing them for satanists they really are and have become, no less than queer-infested "Vatican," JCs pushing Israel-first and satanism/subjectivism of moronic "beleeeeeeeeeeeevin'."

So it only indicates and pt.s-up the necessary "TRIBULATION" that real Christians must face and go through for a genuine REVIVAL/resurrection of the REAL Christianity--what it really means: worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all--above "love" or (non-existent) "good," or idiot "faith"/beleeeeeeeeeeevin'."

For otherwise, supporting that moronic, babbling hill-billy liar, Ajax, has got to be most distressing and disgusting, truly.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/kunstler-warns-many-forces-are.html#comment-form

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Economics More Abtraction-Affected Science
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 18)

Winfield: I can tell u got lousy grades for English classes, eh?--u gotta break-up ur text into more digestible paragraphs, buddy--makes it more readable for normal humans.

But I wanted to credit u for ur observations upon currency, the problem w. it being it's practically INFINITE in quantity, the continued issuances making the already existing currency less valuable, necessarily devalued--which impoverishes the people, destroys their savings in banks, and eventually destroys people utterly--which couldn't and wouldn't happen w. FINITE commodity-based, real money, like gold/silver. See Mises.org for expo.

In fact, the finite units of real money actually become MORE valuable, gaining in buying-power (provided quantity of production increases).

Jewwy/satanic liars try to confuse the basic issue of currency vs. real money by injecting side-issues, non-essential, regarding charging-of-interest and the private or public ownership of the criminal central-bank, literally legalized counterfeiting--which simple fact so many don't realize. Why is counterfeiting illegal for citizens, but A-OK for glorified criminals, called "central-bankers"?

Note further, currency REQUIRES dictatorship of "legal-tender" laws--such gov. involvement/over-sight not required w. REAL money.

Problem w. economics is it isn't as subject to experimentation as physics, chemistry, and geology, for example, economic conditions often changing. Keep up ur good work and commentary.

-------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied---------------

Anonymous September 10, 2018 at 6:50 PM [Below text separated into paragraphs by ap.]

The one set of inviolate laws of the Universe are the laws of physics. Some people claim these are "God's" laws.

Whomever created them made sure that anyone stupid enough to think they can violate them may, and likely will, pay a very high price in dollars or in one's health or both. Even the arrogant conceited folks in Israel, with all their money and corrupt power in the world, are not permitted to violate the laws of physics. Do not try to fly. An unfortunate girl fell out of a five story window the other day and ended up quite dead when the forces on her by the earth reduced her velocity to zero quickly and provided such a large force on her resulting in her being quite dead.

Do not think you can swim like a fish and survive more than about a minute or less without oxygen. Never operate a gasoline powered generator in a garage attached to your living space lest you use up all the oxygen and turn it into carbon monoxide which will end all life almost instantly. There are similar laws for money supplies although not quite as rigorous as those for physics.

However, it is well established that no person, business or government can continue to borrow and print money forever without paying back the amounts borrowed in a reasonable amount of time, not an infinite amount of time. When governments think they can ignore this long established rule, bad things happen. The financial system may collapse. When it happened in the U.S. in 1929, people even died from jumping out of tall buildings in New York. They didn't want to be faced with the shame of not being able to pay their bloated debts.

The United States today is way beyond the situation which led to the financial crash of 1929. The gambling casino in New York is running 24/7 while the U.S. Treasury prints money like it was going out of style. Congress spends money it does not have like a drunken sailor, who cares if it will ever be paid back is their attitude?

They are violating the laws of money. History shows that a financial collapse is very unpredictable and can happen without warning at any instant. Almost anything which leads to a lack of confidence can lead to all "H" breaking loose and massive civil unrest and bank failures or even Civil War as the author suggests. How would you like to go to your bank only to find the sign "closed" on the door? Your hard earned money, you saved all your life for retirement, is gone, stolen by the gangster speculators on the NY stock exchange gambling casino. It can and will happen. Read some history books. It could happen tomorrow, who knows? Winfield J. Abbe, Ph.D., Physics
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/edward-curtin-why-i-dont-speak-of-fake.html#comment-form

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Curtin Wants To Make Virtue Of Mysticism, Stupidity
(Apollonian, 12 Sep 18)

Good grief, but what do we have now fm Ed Curtin, who can't figure-out too much, evidently, things being sooooo mysterious for him. So Curtin does the brilliant making a VIRTUE out of such mystery--MULTIPLYING and compounding the problems of info and analysis, eh? So who is Curtin really working for?

But just look and observe; CUI BONO? Thus we see the very topmost criminal elements of (a) the American central-bank, US Federal Reserve (see Mises.org for expo), and (b) the Israeli terror-state sitting pretty, loving it all. NOTE 9/11 HIT DIDN'T BOTHER THOSE TWO CRIMINAL ENTERPRISES, (a) and (b) above--rather, it nicely served their ends.

So the inductive evidence very well demonstrates the culprit(s) behind it all, regarding 9/11, only the stupidest puke denying it, like the "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) false, hereticalist scum who suck-along w. Israeli terror-state.

And these Jew-friendly (false) "Christians" are really the greatest sign of the horrendous, total break-down of civilization, as Christianity is worship of TRUTH TRUTH TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44).

What then happened to Christianity, the real thing?--(a) HUBRIS, and (b) now the rise and dominance of satanism, cult of extreme subjectivism, idea reality is created by consciousness/mentality--this subjectivism the necessary premise for false moralism of non-existent "good-evil" which captures so many of the over-populated scum, filth, puke, goons, and suckers of over-populated humanity.

Thus we observe CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, who plots a culture at first victorious, successful, and prosperous, but which degenerate following culture then produces too many inferiors and weaklings, the corrupt following generations fm the original heroes and founders.

Moronic fools, so many of them now, thus insist that (practically) infinite "currency" should replace REAL money, real money commodity-based, hence gold/silver being best. And it's this fiat-currency system then which funds/finances satanists and satanism, destroying, impoverishing, and enslaving the people--but which people only get what they richly deserve, as we see, the poor fools, may God have mercy upon them.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/james-fetzer-in-solidarity-with-alex.html

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Get A Brain, Fools: Fetzer's Book Is Powerful Long-Term Tool Of Info
(Apollonian, 13 Sep 18)

U people (see below-copied) need to getting basic sociologic clues: (a) only small minorities on either end of the basic divide, say the putative "right-left," have strong opinions on anything.

(b) The rest of the goons and suckers are AFRAID to hold strong opinions and rather hover together in the "safe" "middle-of-road." This largest, "middle-of-road" segment of population don't necessarily seriously "believe" Sandy hoax was/is really true--they just say they don't know, that's all. And this "middle" is too often willing to going along w. whoever "holds court" at the moment--which rather fools weak-minded sort like u two, above.

Ask urself: do people "believe" Warren Report?--do they strongly suspect conspiracy to kill JFK? Do people think Lee H. Oswald was "lone gunman"?--esp. now that Judith Vary Baker's books are out? Polls indicate people DON'T go along w. ZOG's lies.

On the contrary: Fetzer's book is genuinely OUTSTANDING REFERENCE for the ever-GROWING numbers of forthright folk who KNOW Sandy hoax was false-flag and psy-ops.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------

Anonymous September 12, 2018 at 5:04 AM

I live in the Nutmeg state and I concur with your notion that 90% of America still believes that
SH was totally real. Moreover, residing in this state shows me people are punchy when told they are wrong on many counts. Will they read Fetzer's free book? No way, too lazy and besides, the 6 pm news anchors tell them SH is totally real. That's good enough for them.Propaganda has dumbed down Americans and these are the results.

Douglas September 10, 2018 at 3:58 AM

My best guess is that 90+% of America STILL believe that Sandy Hook was a real event and that people were killed.. Most people are sound asleep.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/gordon-duff-will-russia-call-americas.html#comment-form

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Real Christianity, Worship Of Truth (= Christ), Must Merely Be Re-Discovered, Effected
(Apollonian, 14 Sep 18)

What?--will Russkies call Jew S A bluff?--haven't they done that already? Regardless, the real war is that of humanity against satanism, lies, and hubris, the leading exponent of such hubris/satanism/subjectivism being those Jew monsters--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo.

And as hist. is CYCLIC, according to absolute cause-effect, following fm OBJECTIVE (Aristotle) reality, we see Jew S A continuing to going down proverbial "toilet," the industry of former USA now migrated to other places, like China, etc. Jew S A must now go through time of "tribulation"--weeding out a few weaklings, heretics, and traitors, that's all.

So real question is will Jew S A free itself fm satanic grip and Jews?--can the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, prevail against satanic/Jew lies (JOHN 8:44)?

Can Jew S A revive and resuscitate the REAL Christianity, hence that necessary anti-semitism?--why not?--it's easy to hate Jew monsters. And we have magnificent example fm hist., early 4th cent. Christian revolution in Roman empire and St. Constantine the Great.

So first for Christian patriots is to grasp the REAL Christianity and now dealing w. heretics and false Christians who support terror-state of Israel--like the Judeo-Christian (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) traitors and scum--this is the first, most immediate task.

Thus Christian patriots must simply see to removal of primary satanic weapon, the central-bank (see Mises.org for expo), re-instating REAL money, commodity-based, like gold/silver, removal of criminal fraud of currency, observance of original US Constitution and states-rights, nullification, and secession.

So now evidently, we in Jew S A must weather the "tribulations" which are upon us, economic and currency -collapse, recovery and revival--it can and must be done, and note it's been done before, we merely need the proper and necessary will-power for resistance of satanic/Judaic tyranny/oppression, the real problem.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/september-issue-of-penn-magazinie-cia.html#comment-form

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Newsflash, Suckers: Humans Are "Sinners"--Subject To Conspiracy
(Apollonian, 16 Sep 18)

Someone needs to inform Palacek that "conspiracy" is already proven, evident, visible, admitted; just read David Rockefeller's memoir: (a) "David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' admits secretly conspiring for a NWO

"In David Rockefeller's book 'Memoirs' he admits he is part of a secret cabal working to destroy the United States and create a new world order.Here is the direct quote from his book, pg 405:

"| Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will.If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it |""| David Rockefeller |" See https://opengov.ideascale.com/a/dtd...spiring-for-a-NWO/4007-4049#idea-tab-comments

(b) The US central-bank, "US Federal Reserve" is a criminal fraud (by definition and nature), consisting of legalistically counterfeited currency, not real money, this "currency" forced upon the people by un-Constitutional "legal-tender" laws. See Mises.org for expo.

(c) Further, note Christian New Testament is a story about CONSPIRACY of Pharisees and Sadducees to kill TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)--integral part of Western culture and basic religion.

(d) Jefferson, et al., specifically cite conspiracy of King and Parliament against American colonists in the Declaration of Independence, in case u ever care to getting around to reading it.

So what, historically, has happened?--simple: humans are scummy puke, basically, never forget--they're "sinners"; always have been, always will be--this being basic Christian theology.

Thus humans suffer HUBRIS, individually and collectively, and we see corrupt following generations to American founders indulging in "bread and circuses," caring for little else, pretending they've achieved (non-existent) "good" vs. "evil."

So this hubristic state has now degenerated to full-blown SATANISM, presently, as evident and obvious, despite the flimsy window-dressing of establishment, satanified, false "Christianity"--like the present "Vatican," for example.

What is satanism?--it's simply, at root, extreme subjectivism, the idea that consciousness/mind creates reality, making the subject God, the creator--as we easily see now.

Thus Jews are foremost, collectivistic, organized subjectivists ("midrash") in accord w. their devilish Talmud (see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo), Jews dominating, ruling, leading, and manipulating even far greater numbers of gentile satanists and subjectivists, gentiles more stupid, "individualistic," and dis-organized. This large satanic network then rules, intimidates, and terrorizes the rest of brainless, complacent humanity, as we see.

So we simply need a Christian REVIVAL, resurrection of the original inspiration--against present charlatans and satanic heretics who've infiltrated, subverted, and now taken-over the "church" which had protected and guarded the people and culture against this satanization (extreme subjectivism) for centuries--up to and even beyond French Revolution, for example.

Primary, definitive, practical instrument of satanism then is the central-bank criminal enterprise which produces the nearly INFINITE funds which buys and corrupts all politicians, judges, et al. Central-bank further provides funds for monopolization of entire economy, including the Jews-media, as we see.

Observe history is CYCLIC as reality is objective, hence determined, according to absolute cause-effect. Thus, according to "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, the following generations fm original founders, brave, victorious, successful, and productive, become corrupt and hubristic (satanic), as we see, and now we come in for time of "tribulation," according to Book of Revelations, hence warfare, disaster, starvation, etc.

So now as currency and economy collapses, Jew S A must transform to real USA or be dissolved, the healthy states, much as possible, adopting states-rights, nullification, secession, etc., including re-instatement of REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver.

There's nothing necessarily mysterious for what is going-on and what has to happen. People just need to figure-out what's REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ), amen.