Apo essays for Sep. 2018

Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/owl-accuser-dr-christine-blasey-works.html#comment-form

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Blasey Is CIA?--More Evidence Of Falling-Out Btwn "Globalists" (Left) And ("Right") Israel-First
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

This latest info, as fm Mr. Steele, to effect that Blasey, CIA-sponsored Kavanaugh accuser, would seem to indicate and confirm the falling-out of "leftist" "globalists" vs. the "rightist," "neo-cons," Israel-first factions--no wonder NY Jew Senator, Schumer, is so enthusiastic for his "leftist" side. But honestly, I don't see what Schumer is so happy about, given Democrats are evermore exposed for criminals conspiring against Trump campaign, using FBI and DOJ (Dept. Justice) to defraud the citizens.

Democrats seem to be coming all-out now as socialists, socialism = GENOCIDE (just search-engine for Agenda-21 and -2030).

But it all doesn't seem to matter much as economy/currency continues to collapsing, the real inflation rate now hitting 9-10% and on the way to increasing, given all the signs.

So times of "tribulations," as fm Book of Revelations, would seem to be quite near--which is actually necessary for getting at least SOME of the morons, scum, fools, goons, and suckers to starting to beginning to getting some desperately needed clues.

So this is truly the "calm" before the coming "storm" as things haven't really yet begun to get too terrible for the goons of Jew S A, the welfare system continuing to holding up along w. the currency--so far.

So as things start to getting more visibly difficult, especially economically, the people must resort to REAL money, gold/silver, and such as states-rights, nullification, and secession.

And overall, never forget necessity of the REAL Christianity as general movement, worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all--against Jew/satanic lies (JOHN 8:44)--Christianity, the real thing, understood clearly as anti-semitic, this anti-semitism being key and core to anti-satanism (Satanism being essentially extreme subjectivism), Jews being obligatory leaders of satanism generally. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews, Talmud.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/donald-jeffries-kavanaugh-another-fake.html#comment-form

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Kavanaugh "Crisis"/Charade: Entertainment For Morons
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

Note Jeffries writes, 2nd para.,

"The most troubling thing about Kavanaugh, to those of us who have bothered to investigate such things, is Kavanaugh’s role in covering up the death of Clinton White House counsel Vince Foster. Kavanaugh, as White House counsel under Bush, also sought to limit compensation under the 9/11 Victims Compensation Fund."

So we see right off, all this idiot "Kavanaugh" crap is just a moronic charade put on by the Jewwy "left" "globalists" who advocate GENOCIDE of Agenda-21 and -2030 vs. the traitors of Israel-first and "neo-cons" of fake "right." Kavanaugh has done yeoman's work for both sides, Clinton and Bush.

And what a joke about the Russkie "collusion" and election-meddling, when everyone knows Israel controls American elections, esp. by means of "campaign contributions" and funding, etc., not to mention the Jews-media.

Who do these idiot kikes at the top really think they're fooling, after all?

Observe (again), how the "leftist" "globalists" NEVER NEVER NEVER pt. to Israel or Israeli influence, or how Trump is their (Israeli) obvious flunky/slave.

So we see WHO rules, dictates, dominates--Israel on top of everything--AND NO ONE SAYS A WORD--NO ONE--and if anyone did, it would never make it to the Jews-media. And if anyone did say a word about Jew domination, they'd be attacked first and most by the goyim flunkies, like "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalist scum who say Christ is/was "Jew," etc.

And note how all "Christian" establishment is Jew-controlled and -funded. After all, the very top central-bank institution, a downright criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting) which literally makes and controls all the "currency," not REAL money--see Mises.org for expo--is controlled and run by Jews.

And NOTHING WILL CHANGE until US Dollar, along w. the economy, COLLAPSES--that's only time the goons, morons, scum, suckers, and fools, called "the people," who are LEGION, will begin to suspecting there's something wrong.

That's why patriot heroes must be ready, always preaching the anti-semitic creed and credo, exposing the Jews and satanists, satanists always led by Jews, Jews the foremost satanists. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew Talmud.

What's "satanism"?--extreme subjectivism, idea mind/consciousness creates reality, making subject to be God, the creator. Only under satanic conditions do we get such moronic charade like present Kavanaugh "crisis" and flap-doodle, for the entertainment of self-lobotomized morons of Jew S A, fatally addicted to non-existent (totally subjectivistic) "good-evil" and moralism, the horribly corrupt empire in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/susan-collins-flake-corker-offer.html#comment-form

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Moronic Charades, So Far Successfully Covering-Up Disaster Of American Leadership--In Hands Of TRAITORS, Enemies
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

What an absolutely AMAZING, brainless, idiotic travesty of a farce all this "Kavanaugh" for Sup. ct. crap really is--NOTHING but a sideshow, distraction, and diversion, folks.

For note what's REALLY going on: Obola and his entire admin, including especially the dept. of Justice (DOJ) and FBI are CAUGHT red-handed conspiring treasonously against citizens, a candidate for an election (and hence the election itself), and now the sitting Pres.--so these idiot Democrats seem to imagine they can get people to overlook that Dems are now effectively trying to cover-up this gross criminality of Dems, including the criminality of their former candidate, hitlery Clinton.

So we get this amazing, idiotic charade, going-on now btwn "globalist" "leftists" (Democrats) vs. Israel-first traitors and "neo-cons" on the pretended "right."

Thus the "globalists" (traitors against US national sovereignty) try to paint the pretended "rightist" Israel-first traitor, Trump, to being "dangerous," etc.

And the Israel-first traitor, pretends he stands-up for America, America-first (a gross, obvious lie--giving away American tax-payer money to Israeli terror-state), and national sovereignty.

So this battle btwn TRAITORS is what's actually going now, folks--the charade involving Kavanaugh, a total "swamp-creature" who worked for both Clinton and Bush, just the latest episode.

Thus the "leftist" "globalists" don't have the basic guts to pt-ing out Trump's treason for Israel-first--GOES TO SHOW both factions, phony "left" vs. phony "right" work for Israel, doesn't it?--what an idiot, moronic charade!

And of course, the stupid, over-populated goons of Jew S A seem to think it's all jolly great entertainment, don't they?--long as they have their "bread and circuses," eh?

But currency and economy are collapsing even as we speak, and when the "tribulations" begin to bite and more seriously affect these stupid scum, called "people," that's when some of them ("people") may begin to doing some serious thinking and realizing what filthy traitors Jews and Jewwy suck-alongs really are--and how they've taken over.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/deep-state-former-utah-congressman.html#comment-form

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Don't Be Fooled: Trump Integral Part Of "Deep-State" Dominated By satanists, Jews
(Apollonian, 19 Sep 18)

Geoffrey Grider is just a brainless, babbling lying liar, PERIOD. Sure there's "deep-state," but Trump is integral part of it, Trump mere flunky for Israeli terror-state, which terror-state controls Jew S A by means of its agents controlling the criminal-enterprise, the central-bank which literally issues the currency--NOT REAL MONEY. See Mises.org, ck their search engine, for expo on central-banking.

One can discern the mental confusion of Grider who pretends "Israel," at least the present state calling itself such, is founded upon the same "God" as Christ and the Jews--for Jews worship themselves as co-equal w. God which Christ as incarnated human doesn't do. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jews, etc.

Note then present times are totally dominated by satanists, in accord w. Spengler's "Decline of the West," satanism defined as extreme subjectivism, subject holding reality created by consciousness/mentality, making subject God, the creator.

Jews then are foremost subjectivists and satanists, being most collectivistic, practical, and organized, and that's why they now dominate, rule, control, and manipulate things as we see they do, like w. Trump who serves them and Israeli terror-state most abjectly.

So don't be fooled by Trump, who may indeed be sincere in his stupid manner, but who still serves Israel-first terror-state, betraying USA.

And indeed we need genuine America-first, hence founded in the REAL Christianity, worship of TRUTH (see Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all.

Trump is and was mere instrument, a make-shift tool, to foil the satanic hitlery Clinton, though it required the sell-out, as by Trump, to Israeli terror-state.

Remember then real Christianity worships TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) above all, against Jew lies and subjectivism (JOHN 8:44). Hence Christ implicitly upheld the OBJECTIVE reality, what Grider misses so pathetically, objectivity providing necessary criterion for truth.

So USA, to revive and resurrect for basic Christian values, merely needs REAL money, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, and states-rights, nullification, and secession.

Note then if Trump or Grider were consistent, against "deep-state," they'd defend states of the old Confederate south, of the 1860s, but Grider rather tries to glorify the murderers of Lincoln's North, Grider miserably without a clue. Amen.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/andrew-hodges-md-christine-fords-secret.html#comment-form

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Jews/Israel Topmost Power Behind satanic "Deep-State"--Evermore Apparent
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)

I suspect Hodges, here, the shrink-author, rather over-analyzes things, even though what he says might actually be true. For note (a) the Democrats seem to be in some serious trouble, having now been caught red-handed, under their former maximum "leader," Obola, involved in serious crimes and conspiracies for DOJ (dept. Justice) and FBI obstructing justice, aiding and abetting a criminal, Clinton, manipulating and subverting an election, and actual treason against sitting President, among other serious offenses.

(b) So now we have Blasey-Ford just another, more credentialed, "Stormy" Daniels-type figure and distraction, doing little more than making additional shrill accusations, etc., in attempt to derail and discredit Trump who has definitively REJECTED "globalism" in favor of US national sovereignty.

For what these pathetic, stupid "globalists" fail to do is exposing Trump's own treason in favor of Israel-first, Trump now involved in illegal Syrian wars for Israel, among other things. NOTICE "GLOBALISTS" NEVER MENTION ISRAEL or Trump's Israel-first agenda which is actually quite plain and even admitted.

So we see rather definitively who exactly is really behind "deep-state" of "globalist" left--same Israel and Jews, these being satanic powers behind the primary weapon/instrument of tyranny and oppression, the criminal enterprise of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo), literally legalized counterfeiting of practically INFINITE "currency," not real money.

And we see how well this distraction/diversion of "globalist" "left" and Democrats is working as people still don't grasp the profoundly criminal and satanic nature of the central-bank, though they do understand the "globalist" assault against national sovereignty, some of them even connecting the obligatory genocide of Agendas -21 and -2030. For SOCIALISM IS GENOCIDE, as we see and realize evermore.

Thus Jews/Israeli terror-state are willing to throwing "globalist" "left" under proverbial "bus" in order to maintain the desperate effort in keeping goyim distracted fm the TRUTH to effect, "it's Jews, stupid," Jews the actual and obligatory leaders of satanism (extreme subjectivism), Jews foremost subjectivists (making consciousness/mentality creator of reality, hence making themselves God, the creator)--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo on Jew subjectivism ("midrash").
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/kavanaugh-accuser-blasey-fords-high.html#comment-form

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Is Jewwy, satanic "Deep-State" Now Straining For Distraction/Diversion?
(Apollonian, 21 Sep 18)

Golly gee, but here's a story--or something--to effect the prostitute, Blasey-Ford, just the latest distraction regarding Sup. ct. nomination, Kavanaugh, advocated yr and half ago what she's now doing--"accusing" a nominee--evidently for purpose of--something, ho ho ho ho ho. See https://yourperceptionisnotreality....such-of-rape-to-derail-his-scotus-nomination/ .

So the presiding politician, the Senate Chairman, Grassley, knowing Democrats are melting-down for all their desperation, has wisely and prudently pro-longed this charade now, inviting the whore to show-up for more hysteria, ho ho ho ho. Tired of "Stormy" Daniels?--well, we got a new one, ho ho ho ho.

Meantime, Jews and Israeli terror-state have their flunky, Trump, continuing involved in illegal war in Syria, not to mention the continuing Jew-sponsored war in Yemen--see how it all works?

Notice the "globalist" "left" NEVER mentions Israel--NEVER. Anything Israel does is sacrosanct for both the phony "left-right" puppet-masters who rule--so who's behind these puppeteers?--would it be Israel/Jews?--duhhhhhhhhhhh, ho ho ho hoh oho.

And don't forget the moronic PRETEXT behind all this latest flap-doodle is Russkie "collusion" and "meddling" in US election?--ho ho ho ho ho ho. How dare russkies interfere w. Jews? HOW stupid can our people be?--pretty dumb, as we see, and it's not going to end soon long as US Dollar remains alive and squirming, people still willing to accept it for payment, etc.--underlying economic key to things.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/edward-curtin-fakest-fake-news-us.html#comment-form

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9/11: Most PERFECT Instance/Example Of "Big-Lie"
(Apollonian, 22 Sep 18)

Of course, the very best analysis, overall, featuring simplest, easiest INDUCTIVE logic and facts, is Chris Bollyn's work(s) on the 9/11 subject, "Solving 9/11." See Bollyn.com for more info.

Bollyn's job is soooo effective kikes now have to PROVE they didn't do it--which they can't, hoh o ho ho ho. At this pt., Jews simply realize they must continue w. their incessant warfare, hoping people will be distracted upon every new disaster which arises fm the constant warfare, atrocities, and various, assorted outrages--including present Sup. ct. nominee flap-doodle--any and every distraction/diversion possible or imaginable, ho ho ho.

We KNOW it wasn't and COULDN'T have been "Arabs" who done it (9/11)--and they had no reason for doing it--NOTHING makes any sense about the Jews-media/ZOG story, and it, the whole consp. theory, was pushed by Jews-media and "globalist" establishment, including esp. their suck-head drone presiding, the idiot "W" Bush, a likely moron who WOULD be just the sort to be put in place. Then there was that amazing Manchurian-candidate, Obola, another brilliant DISTRACTION, following-up.

And when one looks back, we see it was all just an amazing pack of lies, after another pack of lies. For example, the phone-calls never happened and COULDN'T have happened--and don't forget this all includes the Solicitor General who said he got calls fm his wife--all just lies which Jews-media has soooo conveniently forgotten. Huh?--what?--"phone-calls"?--what phone-calls?--ho ho ho ho.

Then there's the "black-boxes"--about which there are just more lies which have been duly exposed, but which are not followed-up by Jews-media.

And so the one towering, over-whelming fact and reality which spits in ur face is the Jewwy government's story is essentially ALL LIES, at every major pt., about practically EVERYTHING.

In fact, 9/11 is perhaps the all-time instance of one HUGE "Big-Lie," composed of hundreds if not thousands of little lies, pushed by the very "usual suspects," (a) Israel and their (b) neo-con flunkies, (c) including "globalist" "leftists," like CFR (council on foreign relations) and Trilateralists, and (d) Jews-media.

And we KNOW Trump is all in w. it, considering his buddy, Giuliani, former NY Mayor was absolute principal for all his complicity, allowing all the evidence to be destroyed and sent to China and India, etc., ho ho ho ho.

Behind it all, of course, is that basic engine of satanist, criminal enterprise, the central-bank--see Mises.org for definitive expo--featuring literally legalized counterfeiting which is allowed by the stupid, over-populated puke called "the people" who imagine they benefit fm INFINITE currency--not real money--and this all is what's working to kill us all, u stupid scum--just do a search-engine on Agenda-21 and -2030 genocide.

There's a reason our ancestors taught us to HATE Jews, suckers, this hatred of kikes being our very religion, contained within Christianity. In fact, Christianity was meant to give larger context for necessary hatred and anti-semitism, showing us the how and why for things. But of course, Jews are merely that disease, along w. more general satanism (extreme subjectivism, making subject to be God, holding consciousness/mentality creates reality) which the Jews direct, literally, to exterminating excess human scum which has arisen over the years--we wouldn't have Jews WITHOUT all the stupid goyim which gives rise to Jew disease which then works to exterminate humanity, after all.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/mike-palecek-ed-you-are-man-penn.html#comment-form

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Over-Population Of "Idiots" Leads To Disaster, Wars, Etc., Need For Removal Of Such Idiots, Idiocy--CYCLIC Historical Process
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 18)

Yes, we humans are sinners, for sure--"idiots" too, too much of the time, just as Palacek indicates--and it seems to be a CYCLIC process, given inductive evidence.

And the great problem, of course, is when a culture (or "civilization," such as it may be) becomes SOOOOOOOO "successful," "victorious," and "prosperous" that it now produces an OVER-population of such "idiots."

Thus w. too many, over-populated idiots--also fools, scum, filth, and puke, never forget--the culture goes into and suffers "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

Note the culture was earlier strong, genuinely victorious, productive, and prosperous due to the original generations who were brave and courageous, but also HONEST (more oriented to an OBJECTIVE reality)--unlike the scum and following generations who arose and now bring the former culture into the present Spenglerian "decline."

So what happened?--well, the corrupt following and later generations obviously suffer HUBRIS, the idea they've become like God, w. genuinely "free" will capable of changing reality, these corrupt generations now capable of becoming "good"--as opposed to "evil."

So in terms of philosophy, the original generations of that basic HONESTY, as of the Romans, for example, becomes the corrupt following generations of SUBJECTIVISM (notion that consciousness/mentality creates reality), fooling themselves, totally losing that precious quality of honesty--all in the vain quest for (non-existent) "good-evil" and especially moralism--as we see today w. idiot emphasis upon "tolerance" and "diversity"--because it's "good," u see.

And now outright criminals and murderers take-over the so-called "culture"--as we see today, the murderers being the enforcers, well-paid by the top criminals and frauds, esp. of central-banking (see Mises.org for expo; use the site search-engine for specific terms).

Thus fm the original founders and heroes who began the civilization/culture, the CYCLIC historical process brings things through hubris and "decline" to the present satanistic (extreme subjectivism) pass--as during the Roman Empire which was briefly revived in early 4th century by Christian revolution of St. Constantine the Great, Christianity providing the antidote to the prevailing satanism/subjectivism of the time.

Of course, that rationalist Christian impulse didn't last long, and Christianity itself became submerged within gross horrendous mysticism, as we see in this very day, the "Vatican" being now overwhelmed and submerged by pedophilia and masonry, heavily controlled by Jews and satanism.

So what will happen now?--well, there's too many morons, scum, filth, and puke--too much satanism, etc., so we'll have to go through "tribulations" as of Book of Revelations "end-times"--but only "end-time" for present corrupt phase and CYCLE of hist.

We need to reduce population of Jews and satanists, Jews being foremost satanists, Jews most collectivist, organized, cohesive, and connected among satanists, w. most effective "group-think," etc.--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

Thus we need states-rights, nullification, and secession, and REAL MONEY, commodity-based, like gold/silver. And never forget Christianity, worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, means it is necessarily anti-semitic, anti-satanic (JOHN 8:44). Face-up to facts, u stupid scum; get a brain, and be honest for once in ur worthless lives.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/miko-peled-insiders-views-on-zionist.html#comment-form

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Anti-Semitic Hatred Is Necessary, Appropriate For Task At Hand
(Apollonian, 23 Sep 18)

In his very last para., "stuart littlewood" writes, "...yes, he’d better come down hard on hatemongers including the real foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Semites, but he must also purge the Labour Party of its equally contemptible ‘Zionist Tendency’."

But question is does reality work that way?--as little stuart imagines?--ho ho ho ho. Is there real equality btwn "Zionists" and "foaming-at-mouth anti-semites"?--I don't think so. And obvious fact is Jews/Zionists are way too many and over-populated, while there's too few anti-semites.

So anti-semitism must be un-leashed in order to save the day. War is necessary for self-protection and -defense and is not easy thing to moderate or modulate.

For don't forget Judaism/Talmudism is satanism, Jews foremost satanists, the leaders and master-manipulators, satanism being simply extreme subjectivism, idea consciousness/mentality creates reality, making subject God, the creator--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com. See also Gosp. JOHN 8:44.

Basis then for necessary anti-semitism will surely be the revived, resurrected Christianity--the REAL THING--without all the satanism and mysticism which presently masks and submerges Christianity for what it really is and designed to be: worship of TRUTH above all (Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

And "faith" properly only means LOYALTY, not idiot "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'," for mere beleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeevin' doesn't make anything true or real.

And "love" is only meant for certain things, and must NEVER impede or supersede HONESTY which is necessary for truth and its apprehension. Hatred is necessary, a necessary reciprocal for emotion of love, esp. in the effort to exterminate satanism, never forget.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://jamesfetzer.blogspot.com/2018/09/wall-street-journal-new-liberal.html#comment-form

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Newsflash: "Liberals" Aren't Liberal--They're satanists--And They Have No "Standards"
(Apollonian, 24 Sep 18)

I submit the morons of this present society ought to consider "liberals" are really fascists and, actually, satanists (satanism being extreme subjectivism, consciousness/mentality the creator of reality, making subject to be God, the creator), and that these "liberal" satanists have no "standards" but for the typical subjectivistic whatever they want, whenever they want it. "The right to be believed"?--are u kidding?

Thus we see in this satanic age and period of history the "Vatican" pushing tolerance of Jews and homosexuals, along w. the rest of the corrupted, degenerate, collapsing culture and economy.

Note the very topmost, ruling, definitive institution of the culture, the central-bank, is literally a criminal enterprise, legalized counterfeiting, substituting and imposing practically INFINITE currency by means of dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws--against REAL MONEY, commodity-based, hence gold/silver, which real money protects and preserves the people's wealth, value, and savings. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking.

So the "deep-state" constantly pushes these idiot diversions, as in present Kavanaugh nomination episode, for obvious purpose of distracting fm gross criminal behavior of previous Democratic Presidential administration, conspiring w. FBI and DOJ (Justice) to illegally wire-tap citizens and subvert the elections, obstruction of justice, covering-up crimes of the Democratic nominee, hitlery Clinton, etc.

The tragedy is that Trump is himself no less culpable of gross criminality, Trump having sold-out to Israeli terror-state, involved heavily in illegal wars and such-like activities--all of which, amazingly, is NEVER mentioned by the presumed "opposition," the Democrats--ever noticed that? So WHO do u think is really behind scenes controlling, manipulating?--would it be Jews, Israel?--duhhhhhh.

People really should be alarmed at all this horrendous farcical activity meant to cover-up gross, serious criminality. And ONLY a genuine Christian revolution, as that of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent., will suffice for necessary reforming of things upon a rational basis. A time of "tribulations" (as of Book of Revelations) is necessary and guaranteed.

Specifically, just to start, we need REAL MONEY, and hence return to gold/silver, recognition of states-rights, nullification of illegal, un-Constitutional laws, and SECESSION fm this Jewwified putrescence of a so-called "culture."
Fetzer's Web Blog Taken Down--More TRIBULATION(s)
(Apollonian, 30 Sep 18)

Well folks, the blog of James Fetzer, where I've been posting lots of neato essays and "comments" lately, has just been taken down, Friday, the 28th. Jewgle (google) which owns the BlogSpot system, like it owns Jew-tube, just says, "blog has been removed," not saying whether it was Fetzer who did it, or Jewgle. Fetzer hadn't posted any new blogs since the 23rd.

I don't know why Jewgle would take-down Fetzer's blog, though Fetzer has posted some dangerous stuff--"dangerous" to the Jew lies which Jewgle is built-upon. And I'm not sure why Fetzer himself would take-down his own blog when he had some fairly interesting stuff on it--some of it his own work.

So it's just more activity in way of censorship (a), and (b) "TRIBULATIONS" as of New Test. Book of Revelations that stuff like this, Fetzer's blog being taken-down, that inevitably has to happen. Fetzer's blog offered excellent topics I was able to comment upon providing material for publishing on my blogs. So now I'll have to look for some other blog, like Fetzer's, or I'll have to think up my own topics, darn it all.

For we need "tribulation," unfortunately, in order to get more people thinking, "tribulations" putting pressure upon the people in general, causing them to think and act--such "tribulation" being necessary facet of "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, in the course of CYCLIC history.

For note the stupid goons of Jew S A (used to be USA) need "tribulation" as inspiration, so to speak--and we haven't really been suffering much here in Jew S A, so "tribulation" is what is due--the more people understand this about "tribulation," the better off they'll be, the more serious they will become--I hope.

For we suffer gross, rampant SATANISM, suckers, and people must grasp the implications for exactly what satanism is, etc., the more and the sooner, the better.

That's great thing about "Book of Revelations": it reminds people there are "end-times" in CYCLIC history--not necessarily the total end of the world, but that we have down-turns in CYCLIC history, and for example, "Decline of the West," w. currency and economic collapse, etc.

And of course, we don't say Jews are first cause of such "decline" and "end-times," but they do and will have to be dealt with as they become prominent and dominant during such end-times, as we see, Jews being foremost satanists. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, and Come-and-hear.com.

We have to get rid of Jews, and before we can do that we have to treat satanism and deal w. the legion of satanists, first among the goyim (like "Judeo-Christian" [JCs] heretics--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo on JCs), which satanist goyim vastly out-number Jews, though the Jews lead them and provide that basic organization, etc.