Baby recovered with stolen car in Riviera Beach


News Editor

n-ggers are the most opportunistic criminal bastards ever to curse this earth. This evil black demon from hell must have seen this woman get out of her car and just jumped into it and drove off. I must getting paranoid as I get older but I am always on the lookout for TNB when I am out in my city. n-ggers never cease in their evil ways so we must never cease in our vigilance in watching these black devils.

An amusing thing happened to me yesterday> I went to my daughter's high school graduation at our cities large downtown auditorium(down where inner city n-ggers hang out). As we took two cars, I was walking back to my car without my family. I was walking behind a family with
wo teenage daughters who were both beautiful specimens of young white womanhood dressed in cute little sundresses. I must admit I was enjoying the view. Coming from the opposite way across the street were
two jive inner city ghetto n-gger b
ucks who were staring holes through the two young teen girls. It was not hard to read their pathetic rape lust filled minds. The father of the two girls was staring back with evil in his eye toward the two black hellhounds. The two black hellhounds looked ready to cross the street and get into it with the father and the two girls as we were on a fairly deserted side street. To this point, I was just a very interested onlooker who happened to be about 10 feet behind the white family. I must admit, I was so hoping those two n-gger assh*les would cross the street and start something. The white father had no idea that I was behind him as an ally, ready to unleash lethal force and as one who would waste n-gger ass in a nanosecond (one billionth of a second) if the oppor
tunity arose!!! I had a good adrenaline rush just savoring the possibility of combat!! Amazing what having a hatred of n-ggers combined with a loaded 9mm on me will do for enlarg
the gonads!! Anyway
, the n-ggers said some jive sh*t and went on their way to God knows wherever n-ggers go. Lucky for those burry headed dipsh*t assh*le n-ggers that they chose not to mess with that white father. I was primed for battle!! RAHOWA!!!!!
