Canadian website recruiting local skinheads


Senior Editor
Web site recruiting for local (Canada) skinheads

Web site recruiting for local skinheads
Web site recruiting for local skinheads. A self-professed 'white nationalist is using an Internet Web site to recruit skinheads in the Fort ...

Jeww backed government seizes computer equipment - (registration required)

Police seize computer from 'white nationalist'

FORT ST. JOHN (CP) - The RCMP has confirmed that it seized computer equipment from a self-professed 'white nationalist' who was using the web to try and recruit skinheads.

''We have seized items from his residence, I can't go into a lot of detail right now,'' said Sgt. Bra
d Anderson, who confirmed last week that computer equipment was taken by police. ''We have seized items from him and they are being examined.''

Police used a search warrant to seize unspecified computer equipment at Bill Noble's residence, said Anderson.

Noble was not charged as a result of the search, which was executed several weeks ago. The RCMP have been investigating Noble since July 2004.

Noble has said he promotes white nationalism, not white supremacy.

''We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children,'' says the web site.

Noble has been in Fort St. John since 2002 and started the web site last year.

There is no freedom of thought or speech in Kanuckistan as our readers well know. Unless you are Judenschwein or other such immigrunt scum-sucking parasites, you are being closely watched and minutely examined by the ZOG min
d-police at all times. Canadian Whites, beware of the Jeww Menace.