Comrade Butler


Founding member of Clark Kent Club
Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler, 86, dies

Richard G. Butler, the notorious white supremacist who founded the Aryan Nations and was once dubbed the ``elder statesman of American hate,'' has died at the age of 86, authorities said Wednesday.

Butler died peacefully in his sleep, sheriff's Capt. Ben Wolfinger told The Associated Press.

``Everything appears to be natural,'' said Wolfinger, of the Kootenai County, Idaho, sheriff's departme

Aryan Nations Founder Richard Butler Has Passed

SPOKANE, Wash. - Richard G. Butler, the notorious white supremacist who founded the Aryan Nations and was once dubbed the "elder statesman of American hate," has died at the age of 86, authorities said Wednesday.

Butler died peacefully in his sleep at his home in Hayden, Idaho, sheriff's Capt. Ben Wolfinger told The Associated Press. It was not known when he died; his body was found in his bed Wednesday morning.

The Aryan Nations lost its church and 20-acre compound in northern Idaho in 2000
fter a $6.3 million civil judgment led to a bankruptcy filing. He moved into a house bought by a supporter in Hayden, and made few public appearances in recent years because of failing health.

But i
n July he rode in the back of a pickup truck that was dragging the fla
g of Israel during a parade by about 40 of his followers through downtown Coeur d'Alene, 30 miles east of Spokane.

Butler, a longtime admirer of Adolf Hitler and white supremacist religious teaching, had moved to Idaho in the early 1970s, claiming later that he was impressed by its high percentage of white residents. To the dismay of many locals, the region became known as a place hospitable to white supremacist groups.

Butler's church held that whites are the true children of God, that J*ws are the offspring of Satan and that blacks and other minorities are inferior.

The compound drew skinheads, ex-convicts and others from the fringes of society. A "whites only" sign was placed at the
gate, and Nazi symbols decorated the grounds.

Over the years, Butler's disciples included some of the most notorious figures in the white supremacist movement, but authorities were largely unabl
e to tie Butler to crimes by his supporters.

In the 1980s, followers who called themselves The Orde
r committed a series of armored car robberies and bombings, and murdered Denver talk radio host Alan Berg. In 1985, 10 Order members were convicted of racketeering and other charges.

In a 1999 report, the FBI (news - web sites) said the goal of Aryan Nations was to forcibly take five states --Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Washington and Montana --and form an Aryan homeland.

Butler's undoing began in 1998, when Aryan Nations security guards chased a car they thought had fired a gun at them. It was apparently a backfire or firecracker.

The guards fired repeatedly at the car, shooting out a tire and forcing it into a ditch. One of them grabbed the driver, local resident
Victoria Keenan, jabbed her ribs with a rifle butt and put a gun to her head.

Keenan and her son, Jason, sued Butler, arguing his organization had been negligent in its supervision of the guards. In 2000 they
won a $6.3 million judgment. They were aided by the Southern Poverty Law Center, which called Butler the "el
der statesman of American hate."

"They cannot run me out of northern Idaho with my tail between my legs," Butler said after the judgment was announced.

But Butler filed for bankruptcy and the Keenans gained possession of the compound. They sold it to the Carr Foundation, a human-rights group that demolished the buildings and donated the property to a college.

Butler, born in Colorado and trained as an aeronautical engineer, claimed he became admirer of Hitler while serving the United States Army Air Corps during World War II. He said Hitler "led a nation, a division of our race, to fight for the life of our race."
(from Crosstarlist)

Crosstarlist: Love-Hate Fest Against Richard Butler Ends

Israeli-lobbyists lose target in death of neo-Nazi
Franklin suggests "better way" than cult, criminality

The love-hate relationship between the country's leading, self-declared neo-Nazi and the Israeli Lobby has ended. Richard Butler, 86, has died of natural causes at his residence in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Leftist-activists Morris Dees, Abraham Foxman and Simon Wiesenthal, together with other exponents of the Israeli Lobby,
had hounded Butler, who once presided over a church featuring a bust of Adolf Hitler, all the while giving his small cult massive publicity. Butler, a one-time wealthy inventor, had promoted a religious-pol
itical doctrine centered on German ethnic ideology of the Thirties. Butler had invested his f
ortune in his sixteen-acre Idaho compound, which attracted criminal elements over the years. Butler had lost his compound, which opponents dubbed a "homeless-shelter for derelicts, drunks and fugitives," when a multi-million-dollar judgment was imposed stemming from a shootout with Indians. At his trial for conspiracy, in which he was found guilty, Butler insisted that he was an admirer of mass-murderer Joseph Paul Franklin.

Butler, who financed direct-mailings, a publication and an annual retreat out of his own pocket, had once been tried for "sedition," but was acquitted. He disdained legal counsel,
however, and, at the end, complained that he had no lawyer at all. Shortly before his death, Butler had been spotlighted in the company of a former porn-star, who, also, resided with him and was identifi
ed as Hispanic. Butler, who used the Hitlerian term "Aryan" to describe those he considered his "chosen people," had long associated wit
h criminal elements. Some of his disciples had been jailed for murder, bank-robbery and bombing, although the actual number of his followers was small. Thirty turned out for his last "World Congress." Hal Turner, who was rumored to be his successor, recently closed his Internet site and went out of business. August Kreis, who had once been Butler's right-hand man, mutinied and tried to form a rival group. Burford Furrow, his security guard, was committed to a mental institution, after going on a murder-spree. And, Mark Thomas, his spokesman, turned state's evidence against several other Butler-adherents.

Butler had continued
to use the name "Aryan Nations," even though he had lost ownership of the term, when he filed for bankruptcy. In later years, he waged an incessant campaign over the Internet against those w
ho he claimed were falsely using his name. His cult, sometimes called "Christian Identity," held that white people were the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. Butler had expou
nded upon the teachings of Bertrand Comparet, an Arizonan who had propagated the view through audio tapes during the Sixties. "British Israelism" is loosely based upon the belief that English monarchs are perpetuating the lineage of King David. Contained within the coronation-throne of Queen Elizabeth is a stone said to have been used in ancient Davidian coronations, which formerly had bolstered the doctrine of the divine right of kings. Butler had run for mayor of Hayden Lake recently, receiving only a smattering of votes. An associate, running for city-council, was jailed for assault and threats during the campai

(more at link
Richard Butler Death Closes 'Ugly Chapter'
Aryan Nations leader mourned by few, but still left his mark
(link to original source added by editor - text below edited by Xuxa)

Associated Puke Writer

September 12, 2004, 12:26 AM EDT

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho -- With his white hair and lined face, Aryan Nations founder Richard Butler looked like a kindly grandfather. But when he spoke, it was to issue vile diatribes agai
st J'ews and Mudvandals, and to call for a Whites-only enclave in the Northwest.

Butler, who died in his sleep on Wednesday at the age of 86, surrounded himself with thugs and skinheads, and deco
rated his home with swastikas and pictures of Adolf Hitler. For three decades, his neo-Nazi group dominated the public's image of nor
thern Idaho.

"I would say his death closes a particularly "ugly chapter" in the history of race and religious hatred in this country," said Daniel Alter, the J'ewvandalic Anti-Defamation League's national director for civil rights.

Butler, who insisted on being addressed as "pastor," was easy to dismiss as a crackpot bigot with a tiny following. But he [allegedly] spawned a spectacular amount of criminal activity around the country -- a siege involving one of his followers was cited as a motivation for the Oklahoma City federal building bombing -- that pushed Idaho to pass some of the nation's toughest hate crime laws
, and galvanized subhuman rights groups.

His parades in Coeur d'Alene at the height of the tourist season horrified local leaders. His run for mayor of Hayden last year drew worldwide attenti
on and prompted a record election turnout; he got only 50 of the 2,122 votes cast. And he left followers who promise to carry on his work.

"Although all of us will take time to reflect
and honor this man, we shall continue to build Aryan Nations above and beyond its former glory," said Charles Juba, leader of a Pennsylvania-based splinter group also called Aryan Nations. "Pastor Butler was one of the last true racial warriors of his generation."

Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty "Law" Center, the subhuman rights group whose lawsuit bankrupted Butler in 2000, estimated Aryan Nations has about 200 members in 17 chapters around the country.

But Butler left no heir apparent. His death and the 2002 death of William Pierce of the neo-Nazi National Alliance likely si
gnal the end of the large, centrally organized and at least partially disciplined White supremacist groups, Potok said.

Butler's real legacy may be that he pushed largely White but wigger
ish Idaho into confronting racism. The Legislature passed tough laws against malicious harassment and adopted a Martin Luther King Kong Jr.-Subhuman Blights Day holiday. In Boise, a memorial to Holohoax "victim" Anne Frank opened in
2002 after a $1.5 million private fund-raising effort. Politicians pushed a slogan: "Idaho, Too Great to Hate."

The bombing of Roman Catholic priest Bill Wassmuth's home in Coeur d'Alene [allegedly] by Aryan Nations members in 1986 inspired Wassmuth to form the Northwest Coalition Against Malicious Harassment, which led efforts across the region to spread so-called tolerance.

Butler was working as an aeronautical engineer in California when he became enamored of Adolf Hitler and of Christian Identity, a sect that holds that people of White,
northern European ancestry are the true children of God, and that J*ws and minorities are inferior.

Money he made from helping invent a system for rapid repair of tubeless tires enabled
him to retire at 55 and move to Hayden Lake in the early 1970s. [Hey, that's Aryan know-how there!]

By 1977, he formed the Church of Jesus Christ Christian, and called its political action arm Aryan Nations. In 1981, the church hosted its first Aryan World C
ongress. The federal government accused him of conspiracy to start a race war, but couldn't make it stick, and he was acquitted after a 1988 trial. [Perhaps, he just wanted Segregation, that's all!]

Butler supporter Robert J. Mathews decided in 1983 it was time to move beyond words and [allegedly] start a race war. He and others formed The Order, and initially funded their activities by [allegedly] counterfeiting money on the Aryan Nations presses. [Doesn't the Stalinazicommufascistzionist government do the same thing with ou
r fiat "money"?] Butler would say later he had no idea his presses were being used for that purpose.

The Order [allegedly] robbed businesses, bombed a synagogue and [allege
dly] assassinated a J*wish radio talk show host in Denver. They robbed an armored car of $3.8 million in Ukiah, Calif.

Ten members of The Order were convicted in federal court in Seattle in 1985. Other members were on the run after shootouts with the Waffen/NKVD FBI at Sandpoint, Idaho, P
ortland, Ore., and on Whidbey Island, near Seattle. Mathews died on Whidbey Island during a gunfight with Ameriqaeda Waffen/NKVD FBI agents.

Another [alleged] Butler supporter was Randy Weaver, who moved his family to a mountain cabin near Naples, Idaho. An attempt by Ameriqaeda federal agents to arrest him in 1992 triggered an 11-day siege cum massacre that became known as Ruby Ridge Massacre; Weaver's wife, son and his dog were murderedand a U.S. marshal was said to be killed.

The Ruby Ridge Massacre was lat
er cited as one event that motivated Timothy McVeigh [allegedly, of course!] to blow up the federal building in Oklahoma City.

In 1999, former Aryan Nations security guard Buf
ord Furrow killed an Vandalgook postal carrier in Los Angeles and shot up a J'ewvandalic day care center.

"I just hope with him gone we have a little bit of peace in the Hayden area," Hayden Mayor Mc'Cheese Ron McIntire told The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Wash. "It's not been good for Hayden's reputati

Okay, letz find out the truth before we condemn his movement! :eek:
Some of the considerate and thoughtful comments posted on line:

Reader Talkback Comments
9. It's payback time
mike c, munster, IN(2004-09-11 10:12:02.357 EST)
I can think of a lot of things I would like to see done to his tombstone.

8. Pay close attention
Hiram Abif, Texas(2004-09-11 09:56:17.45 EST)
Richard Butler is but one of many. There are more like him. Butler's personality is shared by many throughout the world but it is most prevelant in Europe. One should pay close attention to the Butler's of this world. They manipulate others into action. Who are the Butler's of the world? They are people, like politicians, who say the
detest racism but they do nothing to stop the racists. Why? Because they are racist, themselves. Pay close attention.

7. he should have died earlier...
Al, Tel Aviv(2004-09-11 05:32:13.0
43 EST)
Mossad agents should have put him to sl
eep well before his old age. A person like this is worth losing not only his property and money, but also dignity, soul, and breath.

6. U.S. Nazi
Martin Cohen, Stevenage, England(2004-09-11 04:40:00.5 EST)
How very fortunate this drekh was allowed to die peacefully. Are there no blond, blue eyed J*ws in the U.S. that could have given this rubbish the treatment he deserved? Treatment such as he believed in dishing out to others. One down, I am sure there are others who require justice.

5. The fate of ALL J*w HATERS is 6 ft underground !
rani(2004-09-11 00:05:19.123 EST)
The fate of ALL J*w HATERS is 6 ft underground !

4. radical religious right wing
Jack Kirschbaum, florida(
2004-09-10 20:59:01.967 EST)
To the amazement of thinking and intelligent people around the world, the US is well on its way to turning its politics over to religeous zealots.

3. Than
kfully, Butler was ruined before he died.
David Rapoport, LA(2004-09-10 1
4:41:39.0 EST)
The lawsuit forced him to sell his Aryan Nation compound. He deservedly died a broken man.

2. How Nice
Alex, Boston(2004-09-10 10:07:53.547 EST)
How nice of Maariv to honor this idiot by doing a story on him. I certainly haven't heard of this idiot before in the American media, and I still hadn't until Maariv decided to write a "feel good" story for all of us readers. Don't do me any more favors, I can live without the neo-nazi flashbacks. What's the real purpose of a story like this anyway, what feelings are you trying to stir up, I smell a rat.

1. Neo Nazi
Darrell Asplund, Vancouver, WA USA(2004-09-10 02:56:44.467 EST)
One less
to worry about! May he get everything that's coming to him!
It seems many of those posters are suffering from a virulent form of anti-aryanism.
They don't know how lucky they are not to have degraded his name in my presence. Just nine more pieces of scum that I would not piss on if they were on fire. :guns:

:smash2: :smash:
Originally posted by 8ball57@Sep 13 2004, 07:58 PM
Here is one place they dare put done one of the great white comrades of our time. I made a reply to this but I very serioisly doubt it will be printed.
Well they did add my reply along with a fellows comrades rep
y so lets all hit there link and tell them what we think about putting down Comrade Butler. How dare them print this crap after his death. I'm intrested to see just how many reply they will post with th
e pro views we have of him.
Isn't it great that AP, which is supposed to be a pure news source, is allowed to write a biased hit piece?
I just emailed them asking why they did
not post my earlier comments.

I dont believe they will. :tongue:

24 hours and no post.

I sent another.

We will see.

There are more Butlers and they have been
quiet due to globalâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡  censorship by any who
dissent from the enforced belief system.

Now they are comingâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡  out in public to
say what we all say in private.

All ARYAN KILLERSâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�Å¡  will be dealt with in kind.

Justice is the new order of the day.

88 !

bunch of " verysmartboyz "

those guys have a

very dificult posting service,

Had to type ONE letter at a time
and clik after each one or it will not type.

Or are they just so addicted t
o making
all things difficult they dont even notice ?

:rotfl: :anti-z: :kickbutt:
I know of at least 100 post that were sent there, they only show a few so they will look like they are showing both sides. The J*ws aren"t stupid, they know all about colorwashing our minds. One day soon we will bulletwash thiers.

One more try:


I see you dont post the remarks that you
dont agree with.

We dont expect fair treatment form you.

Thats why you are finished in this new century!

The tyranny wont hold anymore.

Heil Hitler !


wanna bet this one doesnt get posted ?

we know what they are. :anti-z::devil:
Copy of an email I just sent them:

I edited some so as not to inflame too much
and did not include NNN link:



Crosstarlist: Love-Hate Fest Against Richard Butler Ends

Israeli-lobbyists lose target in death of neo-Nazi
Franklin suggests "better way" than cult, criminality

The love-hate relationship between the country's leading, self-declared neo-Nazi and the Israeli Lobby has ended. Richard Butler, 86, has died of natural causes at his residence in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Leftist-activists Morris Dees, Abraham Foxman and Simon Wiesenthal, together with other exponents of the
sraeli Lobby, had hounded Butler, who once presided over a church featuring a bust of Adolf Hitler, all the while giving his small cult massive publicity. Butler, a one-time wealthy inventor, had promoted a religious-political
doctrine centered on German ethnic ideology of the Thirties. Butler
had invested his fortune in his sixteen-acre Idaho compound, which attracted criminal elements over the years. Butler had lost his compound, which opponents dubbed a "homeless-shelter for derelicts, drunks and fugitives," when a multi-million-dollar judgment was imposed stemming from a shootout with Indians. At his trial for conspiracy, in which he was found guilty, Butler insisted that he was an admirer of mass-murderer Joseph Paul Franklin.

Butler, who financed direct-mailings, a publication and an annual retreat out of his own pocket, had once been tried for "sedition," but was acquitted. He disdained legal counsel, however, and, at the end, complained that he had no lawyer at all. Shortly
before his death, Butler had been spotlighted in the company of a former porn-star, who, also, resided with him and was identified as Hispanic. Butler, who used the Hitlerian term "Aryan" to describe those he con
sidered his "chosen people," had long associated with criminal elements. Some of his disciples had
been jailed for murder, bank-robbery and bombing, although the actual number of his followers was small. Thirty turned out for his last "World Congress." Hal Turner, who was rumored to be his successor, recently closed his Internet site and went out of business. August Kreis, who had once been Butler's right-hand man, mutinied and tried to form a rival group. Burford Furrow, his security guard, was committed to a mental institution, after going on a murder-spree. And, Mark Thomas, his spokesman, turned state's evidence against several other Butler-adherents.

(more at link )


Here is one place
they dare put done one of the great white comrades of our time. I made a reply to this but I very serioisly doubt it will be printed.


It seems many of those posters are suffer
ing from a virulent form of anti-aryanism.


Isn't it great that AP, which is supposed to be a pure news source, is allowed to write a biased hit piece?


I just emailed them asking why they did
not post my earlier comments.

I dont believe they will.

24 hours and no post.

I sent another.

We will see.


There are more Butlers and they have been
quiet due to global censorship by any who
dissent from the e
nforced belief system.

Now they are coming out in public to
say what we all say in private.

All ARYAN KILLERS will be dealt with in kind.

Justice is the new order of the day.

88 !

For a bunch of
" verysmartboyz "

those guys have a

very dificult posting service,

Had to type ONE letter at a time
and clik after each one or it will not type.

Or are they just so addicted to making
all things difficult they dont even
notice ?

I know of at least 100 post that were sent there, they only show a few so they will look like they are showing both sides. The J*ws aren"t stupid, they know all about colorwashing our minds. One day soon


One more try:


I see you dont post the remarks that you
dont agree with.

We dont e
xpect fair treatment form you.

Thats why you are finished in this new century!

The tyranny wont hold anymore.

Heil Hitler !


wanna bet this one doesnt get posted ?

we kn
ow what they are.


You have proven what we already know about you .

My cousin, they are just using the same things they have done year after year. I have posted at least 20 times to it and only one of mine made it up. I am surprised they posted it. But they have to look like they are showing both sides, and we all know what a load of bulls**t that is.

While watching the tube on conventions,
I noted that both so called parties
emphasis was safety for Americans! Bush for
instance says the reason we are at war with
Iraq is to protect Americans from terror!
Therefore we must give up a little
liberty in order to have safety!
I remember a quote. Ben Franklin's I believe " Those who would give up liberty for safety deserve neither liberty or safety"
We must renew in our minds who we are and our mission on earth is, We were given a mission by our Father in Heaven to live as Conquerers and Rulers! Not SLAVES in safety!
Gen. I : 28

<a h
ef='' target='_blank'></a>
A History of Hate

A History of Hate
"A History of Hate," is a seven-part photo documentary on the 30 years of anti-government and hate group activities since Richard Butler brought the Aryan Nations here.
Part 1: The Movement Begins
Part 2: The First Wave of Violence
Part 3: Ruby Ridge
Part 4: More anti-government violence
Part 5: Parades and counterprotests
Part 6: The Aryans lose their home
Part 7: Butler dies: What next?
