Essay: Satanic Peril And Onslaught--Meme, Idiomatic, And Cyclic History


Guest Columnist
Satanic Peril And Onslaught: Meme, Idiomatic, And Cyclic History
(Apollonian, 19 Aug 19)

I. Intro, Definitions

A. To grasp and understand, and then most to the pt., to communicate and express, history and other important things about reality humans most often use idiomatic which idiomatic is built-up in way of practical art after the basics of language are learned. Idiomatic then is simply development of rhetoric, though it may not be understood as such by the developing young human. Thus we want to grasp and understand idiomatic, what it is (a practical sort of rhetoric) and how it's used, and in this manner we can best understand and communicate regarding history, culture, and reality in general--for lives hang in the balance.

So what is "idiomatic"?--it's a short-hand method and vehicle in place of philosophy and more elaborate logic, the idiomatic being often a manner and style of expression, often making use of "meme" which is an idea, symbol, or image, meme used then as a unit of thought, expression, and idiomatic. Thus idiomatic is most practical tool of expression and communication, and it includes "mentality" and "attitude" as components.

Idiomatic is mostly subconscious as practical art, often overlooked by people. But idiomatic is studied at least in part by rhetoricians and grammarians, for example. Again, "idiomatic" is a kind or style of language--a "lingo"--but based upon distinct and definite premises and philosophy, and it includes also a distinct mentality to go along w. the "lingo."

B. Philosophic Foundation. Most important then and now for expression and communication, hence idiomatic, is history and general reality, but especially the CYCLIC nature of history, and how it works. Thus beginning in philosophy, we, according to Aristotle, necessarily and naturally assume the objective reality to begin, it not being provable as it's most fundamental having no premises before it, but the subjective alternative being easily enough reduced to absurdity (Satanism).

And of course, we further observe MOST people don't take the care for these most basic philosophic considerations, regarding premise of objectivity, and the particular idiomatics for most of these people suffers for a serious lacking and incompleteness--as we see for all "liberals," "progressives," "leftists," socialists, etc., their idiomatics suffused w. subjectivism, hence Satanism and "death worship," all beginning in the "moralist" fallacy of "good-evil" and perfectly "free" will.

Later, and along the way of experience, we understand the purpose of the subjectivist premise used against Aristotelian objectivity, that purpose being establishment of "moralism" and "good-evil" imperative or obsession by which humans are controlled, affected, manipulated, commanded, "be-witched," etc. There is ethics (logic btwn means and ends) in objective reality, but no "good-evil," delusion and fallacy of fools and weaklings, these now over-populated and manipulated by the Satanists at the top levels of conspiracy.

Satanic worship of death is ultimate conclusion of extreme subjectivism, the problem consuming humanity at present, though most don't realize.

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II. Determinism And Cyclic Nature Of Reality, History; satanic hubris Of Perfectly, "Free," Godlike Will

Thus as reality is objective it is DETERMINED in accord w. strict cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will, and things happen according to necessity; "free will" certainly cannot be proven, and determinism is another necessary assumption following objectivity ("cause-effect").

Thus history is CYCLIC in accord w. Oswald Spengler in his work, "Decline of the West," not to mention the Greeks. And the crucial pt. for us in this day is the culminating "decline" phase of the (Western) culture in gross horrific HUBRIS and specifically, outright Satanism, this Satanism consisting of extreme subjectivism by which reality is held to be product of mentality/consciousness, the subject now made to be God-like creator, capable of "good-evil," etc., this "good-evil" being thematic, the afore-mentioned tool of psychologic control and manipulation over so much of the mass of now over-populated humanity, this mass now turned into goon-like enforcers as we see.

Further, the pt. to this acrid subjectivism, borne of hubris, is the collective elaboration, a co-operative, organized subjectivism among a larger collective, always led, as usual, by an elite and core-group of master-minds; examples fm history are numerous. These collectivist subjectivists can be identified in form of political groups, but also religious--especially Satanism, Satanism and worship of death being ultimate culmination of this gross hubris and corruption.

So the CYCLIC process consists of the original culture and society begun in most economic and efficient objectivity (within minds of people), like the Roman and American, but taking-on evermore hubris and subjectivist moralism, featuring false, fallacious, and pretentious "good-evil," the political-legal system soon enough eroded, degenerated, and destroyed, as we see in hist. of USA--which has gone on since the war of the 1860s.

Thus "prosperity," "victory," and "success" of the steadily corrupted culture turns to empire, hubris, Satanism, and massive death, beginning and founded specifically in fallacious "good-evil" moralism, the people persuaded they're like God, w. perfectly "free" will, leading to massive death, die-off, kill-off of the weaklings and victims of this subjectivist premise and false moralism.

Now the question is how then does Satanism, which leads to mass death and death worship (see Agenda-21 and -2030 "de-population" [genocide], poisoning ("slow-kill") of population by poison prescription drugs, poison vaccines, poison GMO foods, poison [fluoridated-] water, poisonous "chem-trails" and "geo-engineering"), including massive, intensive warfare upon whim of "president" or some other flunky of the "money-power" and central-bank, take such control, as we see, of the whole culture?

Thus generally mass hubris takes over so many individuals (esp. without their even realizing the madness coming upon them), always typically pretending to "moralistic" "good-evil," this "good-evil" always the pretext, beginning in childhood, promoted and elaborated then to political movement(s) like socialism, communism, and any other popular form of fascism, etc., fascism featuring force against law and reason, fascist force now justified by "good" and moralism.

Thus the old, objective-oriented rule-of-law respecting individual freedom is rejected and ignored in the evermore satanic empire and outright criminal enterprises arise, esp. in form of monopolies, following the ever-greater and absolute control of the central state gov. Specifically, the monopolized Central-bank emerges (see; use site search-engine for specific terms), satanic culmination just preceding the mass death events, rejecting real, commodity-based money, like gold-silver, in favor of fiat-currency (paper and lately digital) enforced by legal-tender laws, the fiat-currency (literally LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING) then giving vast inordinate power to the cabal of criminals who now rule the evermore satanic society--the central-bank--such is the horrific problem now faced by humanity.

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III. Critical Nature of Present "Western Decline"--Outright Satanism, Hubris, Massive Death and Kill-Off--What can be Done--Idiomatic, Subjectivism

So we see Western culture so horrifically degenerate and mired within gross hubris, especially Satanism and death worship--all founded upon the subjectivist premise, the pretext being false "moralism" of "good-evil" which surely arises fm that inferiority-complex which affects youth, this inferiority-complex and moralist mentality now exploited by the criminal master-minds which so typically energizes and animates "liberals," "progressives," and "anti-fa" activists, who demonstrate utmost determination and fanaticism under selected circumstances and conditions as fanned, induced, and instigated by the master-minds of the central-bank (for such up-front "liberals" and "progressives" are actually mere minority among the people).

The immediate, practical, visible, and tangible source of the Satanist corruption is the central-bank complex, legalized counterfeiting, this gross, plain, and blatant--but still overlooked by the corrupted, distracted people--criminal enterprise justified and rationalized by the now hopelessly blinded people who are especially lacking leadership and guidance to understand the otherwise plain criminality of such legalized counterfeiting. Note then the satanic culture must always and constantly work to keeping the volk fm seeing and grasping the fallacious and corrupt nature of such central-banking--every resource is enlisted to keeping the people ignorant and distracted.

Thus the mass-consciousness of the people is diverted by means of (a) censorship, as we see now by "big Tech," (b) "political correctness" moralistic intimidation, and most (c) extensive monopolization of the mass-media, (d) the "edjumacation" system, keeping the people stupid as possible, and (e) entertainment industry--all affected by the basic monopoly, master and source of all the other monopolies, the central-bank legalized counterfeiting machine. (f) Meantime, in addition, the people are dazzled, as in the Roman empire, nowadays w. modern television idiocy, football games and pornography. Finally, the people are consumed in the never-ending warfare incessantly waged by the satanic empire, always on pretext of moralism and "good-evil."

Further, and perhaps most of all, the formerly Christian religious establishment is corrupted and over-taken by means of the very same moralistic hubris which adopts and now features "good-evil" delusion/fallacy--against the very premises of the original religion, worship of truth (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and determinist/objective nature, humans doomed to sin in accord w. necessary self-interest, salvation only possible by means of God's grace and mercy--leading to the same old hubristic Pelagian heresy denounced by St. Augustine and Martin Luther, by which heresy humans putatively achieve moral virtue enabling them to entitled heavenly reward.

Note the idiomatic and style of this satanic corruption, always in general guise of "liberalism" and "progressivism," is always founded in smugness, subjectivism, and moralism--think of Alexandria Occasio-Cortez ("AOC"), out-spoken moralist harangue-meister and lecturer of the people.

And the great, inevitable human tragedy is the hubris and Satanism is never sufficiently detected by the huge mass of victims and TV-addicts now too degenerated--following the ancient Greek observation that those to be destroyed are first rendered mad, incapable of perceiving. Thus far too many people fail to perceive the central-bank fiat-currency is literally mere legalized counterfeiting favoring the master-minds against everyone else, giving the master-minds a nearly God-like power for creating currency to finance any murder, bribe, etc., even to the pt. of financing huge wars (mass-murders) against entire nations and peoples--soon enough the war becomes a civil war directed against the home-natives themselves by Satanist master-minds.

And try as one might, NOTHING can be done against this horrific, fatal hubris and Satanism--the proverbial forest-fire has become too intense and can now only burn itself out after it has consumed all the fuel, the poor, demented fools falling for non-existent "good-evil" and pretended "free" will. The patriots can only fend for themselves as best they can, hoping to survive to pick-up the pieces in the after-math. Some might survive along the way as the inevitable catastrophe happens and takes place, but they only begin to realize their folly as they begin to suffer and the horror is now well along for its inexorable course--this is the present stage in the West and USA. Biblic Noah, before the great flood, tried his best to inform the mass people, but in their gross hubris, they refused to listen and heed. Thus the "flood" comes inexorably, and the mass of fools perish--such is the imminent and active danger, happening before our eyes.

Hence things must become progressively worse economically and politically, and as it does the patriots must try to gaining converts who hope to survive--such now is the stage to which things have come, the "end-times" of Spenglerian "Decline of the West" and "Book of Revelations"--there always being "end-times" to any CYCLE of history.

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IV. Sociology, Meme, and Idiomatic

Note that no sort of art of meme or idiomatic skill or cleverness can ever possibly counter rampaging hubris, smug "superiority," and deliberate Satanist determination and mad obsession as we see, certainly not as long as the central-bank continues to put-out that legally counterfeited currency so greedily desired by the mass of goons, scum, morons, and filth of the corrupt and now over-populated society in "Decline of the West."

BUT, one can take note of SOCIOLOGY and grasp that the Satanists are only a small minority, the leadership and master-minds running that criminal enterprise, the central-bank. The great mass of the people, mis-guided and mis-led as they are, far out-number the Satanists at one polar end of the political/cultural spectrum, as well as out-numbering the true Christians and patriots at the other polar end, and meme and idiomatic most often depend for persuasive effect upon the circumstances. For eventually the central-bank exhausts the practical use and value of the currency, having entered the hyper-inflation stage (again, ck; use their search-engine) when the currency isn't worth even the paper it is printed upon. Digital currency is useless when the electricity is cut-off in all the inevitable break-downs and turmoil that arise.

When starvation and hardship begin to seriously wear and bear down upon the mass population or what's left of it, then the people will begin to heed and listen to the true Christians and patriots, and the winning meme and idiomatic will again be that basic Christian virtue of TRUTH and HONESTY against the cheap subjectivism, (false) moralism, and lies of hubris, Satanism, and political correctness. And that's why Christian, true patriot meme and idiomatic must remain OBJECTIVE-oriented and deterministic in accord w. God's will and hence cause-effect.

Thus as the people die-off (which is happening presently due to the deliberate poisoning, as in way of enforced "vaccinations," by satanic masterminds) and suffer the Satanist leadership will begin to in-fighting, "no honor among thieves," and it is only at this pt. that Christian patriots will find their chance to resist successfully, and it's best to have the Christian-patriot plan ready and known in accord w. truth and honesty, real money, and states-rights (local government) against the ever-centralized dictatorship which always wants to exploit the stupid people by means of central-banking and fiat-currency.

Thus we see meme and idiomatic always work best in accord w. circumstances and conditions. Christian patriot idiomatic must thus be consistent in the face of hubris and Satanism so that people are best prepared to take up such Christian patriotism when the time becomes expedient and due for success in face of Satanist corruption having finally begun to run its course, the hard-pressed and tortured people now impelled to rejecting subjectivism, hubris, and death-worship, willing once again to take-up truth and honesty, hard for them as it may be--yet it's only things, truth and honesty, able to giving real life, survival, and satisfaction. Amen.