Florida negro arrested after dog 'Thor' found emaciated


Senior News Editor since 2011

Florida man arrested after dog 'Thor' found emaciated


COCOA, Fla. - "If this is how you treat your dog in Brevard County, this is how we treat you!"

A Brevard County man is behind bars after deputies found his dog malnourished.

Ronald Peacock
was arrested on a charge of animal cruelty and one count of resisting arrest without violence for attempting to flee from the deputy at the time of his arrest.

Deputies say the Brevard County Sheriff’s Office Animal Services responded to Peacock's Cocoa home and found his dog 'Thor' extremely emaciated. Peacock reportedly told deputies he could not afford the medication or food to take care of Thor.

He was issued a citation and told to get Thor to a veterinarian within 48 hours. They say he failed to do so.

Peacock was arrested.