George Lincoln Rockwell & the American Nazi Party


Hate: George Lincoln Rockwell and the American Nazi Party
by William H. Schmaltz
This book is about George Lincoln Rockwell, founder of the American Nazi Party during the sixties.

This book is interesting because it shows who becomes a Nazi and what characteristics they have. Rockwell was once a McCarthyite fighting communism, but after reading some information about the Jewish influences on communism became a Nazi fighting "Jewish" communism. He also was not a believer in the ability of a person to become smarter by the environment they're put in, but thought there was racial differences to intelligence due to
heredity and genetics. He also could not be manipulated by sentiment easi
ly and did not like novels such as the Grapes of Wrath that allegedly played on people's emotions rather than use reason to get its point across. Rockwell was generally insensitive to what others thought of his views no matter how unpopular; he ended up sacrificing his financial security and family to "save the white race".

Rockwell and the American Nazi Party allied themselves with the Black Muslims during the sixties who were also anti-Jewish and racial supremacists and separatists. They were for each races' self-determination without being entangled with the destiny and culture of another race. Many J*ws did not support separatism though; one black leader Stokely Carmicheal complained that his organization, SNCC, no longer received money from Jewish supporters once he began preaching black pride and separatism.

The book has a lot of amusing incongruities in the book such as the strange case of Jewish N
azis that worked and even lead a branch of ANP for awhile.

The most important idea in the
book was the issue of free speech and how one group usually only wants to have free speech for itself and tries to get the other opposing groups to shut up through legal maneuvers. Free speech is hard to defend; usually the police, generally hostile and indifferent to Rockwell's cause, had to protect him from ensuing riots because of his speaking his inflammatory truth as he saw it. Freedom of speech was probably more prevalent back then; Rockwell was given a lot of opportunities to speak at various colleges. There wasn't a double standard on what blacks could say and what whites could say on racial issues; there were no hate speech laws or stultifying political correctness.

Rockwell used a lot of lowbrow Vaudeville style racial humor to get his point across to the lower classes. He did not solely want to go highbrow and speak to those who practice "tea party politics". He got his Vaudev
ille style from his father, who was a Vaudeville comedian, and ironically, a friend to many Jewish comedians.
This is the best of the two books on Rockwell. Schmaltz interviewed all of ANP officers and used their jolting accounts of intra-Party activity throughout the work. He also wove in very detailed accounts of how the FBI attempted to destroy the Party with their COINTELPRO activities. This is a very compelling story and a must read for anyone wanting to understand the modern White Power/Holocaust Denial movements.

Check out the bibliography--the author secured interviews will all the players of the racist movement-Matt Koehl (New Order) DeWest Hooker, Ed Fields (Nat. States Rights Party), Emory Burke (NSRP), Colin Jordan (British Nat. Party), the entire officer corp of ANP, childhood friends, all Rockwell's college speeches.

This is relatively unbiased biography of Rockwell's fearless attempts to gain power, exploits to gain publicity, stormtroopers, lieutenants, management difficulti
es, assassination, and the methods h
is enemies used against him.

This book takes you inside the American Nazi Party HQ with details on the inside power struggles and the abject poverty in which Rockwell and his followers lived. It also provides many interesting stories of the confrontations of with the police, hostile crowds, and college audiences. Also of interest is the illegal methods the FBI used against Rockwell and the attempts of the Jewish groups to keep the news media from reporting about Rockwell.

This fascinating book is one you'll finish. Its only weak spot is that it doesn't tell why Rockwell believed what he did. Schmaltz apparently left that for Rockwell to tell in his own book "White Power," which is still available.
White Power
From the Publisher, Natl Vanguard Books:
White Power is an anti-Semitic and racial commentary by the most public White racialist in US history, George Lincoln Rockwell. This book may not be for everyone but it is an important historical writing, which has never been published by a major press and has never offered in bookstores. Nevertheless, numerous "underground" copies of White Power have been printed and sold. The book may be of special interest to the growing number of disaffected Whites who may want to critique Rockwell's philosophy before drawing any rash conclusions.

This Time The World
George Lincoln Rockwell MP3s :Swastika2:

The Lost Recordings: A speech that Rockwell gave in Texas in 1965

George Lincoln Rockwell vs Stokely "Nigger" Carmichael [part 2] [part 3]: A debate between the coiner of the phrase "Black Power" and the coiner of the phrase "White Power"

Rockwell Challenge Speech (October 9, 1962) [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11] [part 12] [part 13]: Brought to Carleton by Challenge, American Nazi Party founder George Lincoln Rockwell speaks about the rationale behind his racist views. His speech is entitled "Nazism: The Only Answer to Communism"

Carleton University news conference about why they invited him [part 2]

Brown University Speech (1966) [part 2]: American Nazi leader's
speech at his alma mater.

George Lincoln Rockwell Real Audio (.ra) :Swastika2:

Joe Pyne Radio Interview: The "Commander" of the American Nazi Party in an interview with Joe Pyne, c. mid 1960s.

Rockwell: A Portrait in Words [part 2] [part 3] [part 4]: A compenium of extracts from the speeches and interview of the "spiritual godfather" of American neo-nazism.