Ho Ho Ho! The Sad Truth About "Memorial Day"


Senior Reporter

As we all know, Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for remembering the men (and many misguided women now too!) who died while serving in America's armed forces. The holiday, which is observed on the last Monday of May, originated after the U.S. Civil War, in 1868 as Decoration Day.

Families of the Northern dead would decorate the graves of their kinfolk with flags and flowers. By 1900, competing Union and Confederate holiday traditions, celebrated on different days, had merged into a single Memorial Day, which was eventually extended to honor all Americans who died in military service. Since World War II, the stupid cliche of "thank our veterans for our freedom" was unofficially attached to the day. Of course, Americans haven't died in defense of freedom since the War of 1812.

So, this Memorial Day, with all due respect to the veterans who died under false pretenses, let us dispense with all this "thank you for our freedom" bull**** and declare a more historically accurate "gratitude" to the deserving parties (cough cough).

1 & 2. Sorry to rain on your Memorial Day Parade, pops --- but with all respect and affection, you and your buddies got played for chumps. // 3. The last American battle truly fought for the cause of freedom and independence was The Battle of New Orleans, won by General Andrew Jackson in 1815.
1898: Thank you Globalists for the gift of the Spanish-American War in which 2,450 Americans were killed so that the New World Order gang could establish a presence in the Asian Pacific (Philippines & Guam).

1898-1913: Thank you Globalists for the gift of the Philippines War in which 4,200 American were killed so that the Filipinos, to whom you promised independence in exchange for rising up against Spain, could be kept under control.

1900-1901: Thank you Globalists for the Boxer Rebellion in which 131 Americans were killed so that the Chinese could be kept in line.

1917-1918: Thank you Globalists and Zionists for World War I in which 120,000 Americans were killed so that the first steps of world government could be taken in Europe (League of Nations) and Palestine could be stolen from the Turks and their Arab subjects.

Spanish-American War -- Philippines War -- World War I

1941-1945: Thank you Globalists and Zionists for World War II in which 410,000 Americans were killed so that Germany and Japan could be enslaved to the New World Order, and Britain eventually forced to turn over most of Palestine to the Jews.

1950-1953: Thank you Globalists for the Korean War in which 36,000 Americans were killed in a rigged no-win war designed to maintain a permanent trip-wire between the two Koreas.

1965-1975: Thank you Globalists for the Vietnam War in which 58,000 Americans were killed in another rigged no-win war designed to drain and destabilize America.

World War II -- Korean War -- Vietnam War

1982-1984: Thank you Globalists and Zionists for the Beirut Deployment in which 266 Americans were killed in a false-flag attack staged by Israel and blamed on "terrorists."

1990-1991: Thank you Globalists and Zionists for the Gulf War in which 300 Americans were killed so that the rising power of politically independent Iraq could be weakened.

2001-2011: Thank you Globalists and Zionists for the War on Terror in which 7000 Americans were killed in Afghanistan and Iraq as part of a multi-trillion dollar farce kicked-off after the false-flag terror attacks of September 11, 2001.

Beirut -- Iraq -- Afghanistan
"They died to keep us free," eh Boobus?

Heavily indebted & abusively overtaxed Americans enjoying their mandatory "freedom" (from germs) during the lock-down of the Stupid-19 scamdemic.


Mandatory masks -- 6-feet long "social distancing" pool noodles attached to hats -- Arrested for surfing during Stupid-19 "crisis.


More mandatory "freedom" (from make-believe "terrorists") at the airport. --- TSA airport goons get to harass us and steal from our luggage -- with total impunity and immunity!


We can best honor our dead veterans by exposing the "who" and the "why" behind both their tragic and premature deaths -- and our actual enslavement imposed under the guise of "security."

Boobus Americanus 1: You're a Vietnam vet, right?

Boobus Americanus 2: Yes I am.

Boobus Americanus 1: Thank you for my freedom!

Boobus Americanus 2: You're welcome!

St. Sugar: "Hey Boobuss! We losst the frickin' Vietnam War!"

Editor: Actually, Sugar, we the people lost every war of the last two centuries. Only the Globalist-Zionist crime syndicate wins wars.