Muslim Prayer Position No. 1 - 2013

Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace

"He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause"
-Mohammad, murdering hunk of $hit child-molesting false "prophet" of Islam-may he be tormented forever in the eternal hellfires prepared for Satan along with ALL of his evil followers.

2013.11.23 (Tuz Khurmatu, Iraq) - A suicide attack on a Shia mosque leaves nine worshippers dead.
2013.11.22 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A child is among seven killed in a bomb blast by Tehreek-e-Taliban suicide bombers at a shopping area.
2013.11.21 (Saadiyah, Iraq) - Mujahideen blow up an outdoor vegetable market with a truck bomb, taking out over thirty patrons, including children.
2013.11.20 (Bayaa, Iraq) - A Shahid suicide bomber wades into an Internet cafe and detonates, sending fifteen souls to Allah.
2013.11.20 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Sunni bombers murder seven people preparing food for a Shia observance.
2013.11.20 (Miranshah, Pakistan) - Seven people are killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber rams their car.

"We love Death more than you love Life." - Convicted Murdering MUSLIM Coward U.S. Army Major Nidal Hasan, M.D.