Negro arrested for murder of white physician



Originally posted by Tyrone N. Butts@Jun 15 2004, 03:38 AM

n-ggers keep picking us off one at a time

So true, Mr. Butts.

As usual, it is a feral black useless beast, snuffing out a contributor to society. In a sane society, these beasts would be eliminated, neutered, banished, isolated and put in such fear of acting this way, that there would be no problem.

In the pre civil rights era, black o
white crimes were rare. The coons knew there would be no mercy from the good white citizens on the jury and that they would not get away with their aberrant behavior.

Now we give these coons a free

pass on everything from murder, rape, car jacking, obnoxious public behavior, support of their bastard offspring, free food and medical care, housing, as well as undeserved 1st dibs at education, jobs and promotions, etc.