paki mingrant gang rapist a "cultural time bomb"


Founding member of Clark Kent Club

Gang-rape brothers lose appeal

Calling a notorious Pakistani gang-rapist a "cultural time bomb" whose attacks were inevitable partly because he came from a country with "very traditional views about women" was inappropriate, inapt and offensive, a judge has said.

The comment, made by MSK's barrister Stephen Odgers, SC, at a recent appeal hearing sparked outrage among Sydney Muslims, sexual assault counsellors and victims' groups.

Yesterday, MSK, 27, MAK, 25 and MMK, 19, lost their appeal in the NSW Court of Criminal Appea

l against minimum sentences of between 12 and 16â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š½ years for the gang rape at knifepoint of two girls in 2002.

The brothers were found guilty of nine counts of aggravated sexual assault in company - which carries a maximum of life imprisonment - but had argued the attack
was not in the worst category. But yesterday Justice Michael Grove said "it would be difficult to exaggerate the seriousness of these offences."

For the girls, G and S, who were 16 and 17 when they were raped, yesterday finally spelt the end to a case drawn out for years by MSK and MAK's manipulation of the legal system.

But it is not yet over for four other girls - of up to 18 possible victims - if the men decide to lodge appeals after they are sentenced for these assaults.

Agreed with by justices Peter McClellan and Peter Hall, Justice Grove criticised Mr Odgers's argument that MSK was affected by "cultural conditionin

"If it was intended to suggest that differences might be observed in behaviour in the respective 'cultures' of Pakistan and Australia, there was, and is, not the slightest basis for concluding other than that in both places, all women are entitled to respect and safety from sexual assault," he said. "The expression, 'cul
tural time bomb' was, to say the least, inappropriate and inapt. It would understandably be regarded as offensive by those who fell within the scope of its insult."

The court also heard that MSK now admits he knew immediately after they raped G and S that it was wrong but did not report it because he lacked "proper guidance".

This is particularly significant given the delays for years of his rape trials and the fact he and MAK attempted to have their conviction overturned in the High Court, claiming they were denied a fair trial because they were prevented from personally cross-examining the victims.

pite thi
s admiss
ion, MSK also argued he was entitled to a discount in sentence due to "new psychiatric evidence" that he was mentally ill at the time of the crime. In support of his appeal, MSK told a psychiatrist for the first time last month that "voices commanded" him to take a knife and sexually assault the girls.

MSK told Professor David Greenberg, "I was so affected I did not know
these that things were wrong."


- Brothers MSK, MAK and MMK are serving minimum terms of 12 to 16â┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š½ years but are yet to be sentenced for several other rapes.
- Yesterday they lost their appeal against these sentences.

- They may still lodge appeals against sentences for other rapes, to be handed down on a date to be fixed.