Philly Schools Get Security Cameras

The Bobster

Senior News Editor since 2004

Philly Schools Get Security Cameras

PHILADELPHIA (AP) _ Mar. 4, 2005 --Four of Philadelphia's most problem-plagued high schools are getting some powerful cameras.

Officials say the cameras be mounted outside the schools and will be able to pan the school perimeter and zoom in on potential trouble makers.

An estimated eight to 14 cameras will be installed around each of the schools, although the specific schools have not yet been selected.

The cameras will be similar to those installed outside many federal government buildings.

The cameras will cost about one-thousand dollars each, and district chief executive Paul Vallas says they will be powerful enough to photograph a car license plate a block-and-a-half away.

Many schools currently have inside cameras, but Vallas says he does
n't know of any other school district using outside cameras.