'Six Million Glasses' Hamburg store blasted for insensitive name


Senior News Editor since 2011

'Six Million Glasses' Hamburg store blasted for insensitive name
A German optometry store admitted to the insensitivity of its name, which evokes Holocaust connotations, and has vowed to change it; despite change, owners insist name was inspired by TV series 'Six Million Dollar Man.'

Published: 02.16.18 , 11:05

A Hamburg optics store received widespread criticism for its insensitive choice of name—Six Million Glasses—which evokes a Holocaust connotation of the six million Jews killed by the Nazis as well as the image of a huge pile of glasses, disposed of by Auschwitz victims as they went to their deaths. The store announced that they will change the name to A Million Glasses.


A few months ago, a photo of the shop’s sign was uploaded to Facebook and caused an uproar on social media. The business was quick to declare that they were not racists and are opposed to anti-Semitism.


Your glasses will be coming up the chimney in a moment, sir. ;)

1 Comment

Over It
February 20, 2018 at 11:26 am — Reply

I’m convinced that stuff like this is a complete set up to create a reason to keep mention of the holocaust in the news. Even I know that choosing such a title for your store would not be a good idea in Germany, where the oppressive specter of the holocaust is ever present, hanging over and permeating every aspect of life, and I don’t even live there. How could a German store not know the title, 6 Million Glasses would be a bad idea? I don’t buy it. LensCrafters is a corporate entity, and we all know who runs these international businesses. It wouldn’t be difficult at all for them to set something like this up for the sole purpose of generating pre-planned “outrage” just so the holocaust has one more opportunity to make the news…again.

It’s the same situation with the international retail chain that recently put out an ad with a black child wearing a sweatshirt that read, Coolest Monkey in the Jungle. Even I know what a stupid idea that is and would never have advised it. Still, it gave one more opportunity for accusations of racism to make the news and for (((whites))) to slavishly apologize for their insensitivity. All these kinds of incidents are totally fabricated to keep the issues of racism and the holocaust ever present in the minds of Whites so they continue to hate themselves. All the world is a stage.