The Morality Of Suicide and Death


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The Morality Of Suicide and Death
(Apollonian, Nov 05)

I just read a short introductory essay by Germar Rudolf, "Civil Rights In Germany...," found at Rudolf's full exposition in his article is absolutely devastating and crushing. Jews are simply running an absolute and total dictatorship in Germany wherein lies rule, and this evidently because it is held to be "moral."

But such morality is suicidal, and drastic action must be taken in order to counter such suicidal insanity. Christians must understand Christianity is necessarily ANTISEMITIC, and they've got to act accordingly and with urgency.

For who would uphold this disgusting perversion and gross stupidity--"stupidity" because it, such regime of lies, is so plainly and deliberately a

nti-German (and anti-white, anti-Western, and anti-Christian). The answer is simple: su
ch perversion is upheld by the oligarchs--who make money along with the Jew rulers--and the elder folk who go mindlessly along on basis and excuse of "morality." Such are the effects of German Transcendental Idealism (GTI) which "idealism" has now nearly destroyed Germany (and white folk) absolutely.

Hence we see the total and complete absolute corruption of "morality" which is now upheld as an end in itself--for no reason--the very epitome of absolute INSANITY, "morality" for the mere sake of morality, the end in itself to which everything else is sacrificed, especially reason.

For reason observes the truth, and the truth is morality is nothing but a means, never an end--indeed, that's the purpose of the study and science of morality (ethics), the observance and calculation of means, means only in accord with ends, ends which determine means.

Thus i
n th
e present-day stupidity reigns and rules and will continue to do so until such stupidity is destroyed, destroying itself. Thus the eld
ers who uphold this insane "morality" just have to die out; such morality as end in itself actually being tantamount to suicide. Thus the morality of self-sacrifice and altruism is seen for what it is, the cult of suicide, worship of death (just as the author, Ayn Rand, warned so presciently).

Thus we see the very bottom of the barrel for Spengerian "Decline of the West." The ultimate corruption of culture is just such a hubristic "morality" of suicide and death; historically it began surely with Immanuel Kant in the eighteenth century, Kant actually a mere con-artist of notable sublimity, a grand comedian in the way of Aristophanes.

So what's to be done by rational people who want to escape this ruthless regime of insanity and suicide, this morality of death? Well, rational people must think, and think as if their v
ery live
s depended on it, and they've got to do something--they've got to communicate with their fellows--and then they've got to actively defend themselves.

I'd reduce it down to this: Christians must understand with absolute finality that Christianity is ANTISEMITIC and then act most forthrightly in accord. Fraud must be overthrown; only truth must be respected. The Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) is crass counterfeiting fraud, the fundamental fraud for this present mammonistic regime and culture, and when this Fed fraud is ended then humanity will have a real opportunity to thrive and prosper. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot