Aesthetics, Necessary Nuking Of Israel, And


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Aesthetics, Necessary Nuking Of Israel, And Counterfeiting
(Apollonian, Nov 05)

Well must one note the necessary evidence (consider just the latest scandals and indictments of Jews all, Libby, Abramoff, and AIPACs) is definitively in: Israel is utmost external enemy; it must be nuked, the sooner the better. Such is the necessary strategic mentality which Jews and Talmudists--along with many gentile traitors, the modern-day "Sadduceans," who are cohorts in conspiracy--already understand and anticipate, you may be sure.

Christians (not "Judeo-Christians" [JCs]--a contradiction in terms, as Christians are not Jews by any means) must catch up. For Judaism is simply hysterical insanity founded in Pharisaic subjectivism (Talmudism) in contrast to Christian reason. See Mike Hoffman's Judaism's Strange Gods. The key is the Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) counterf

eiting scam, and Christians must aesthetically begi
n to grasp most seriously the real effects, so fatal and pernicious, of this counterfeiting, along then with the more abstract factors which surround, decoy, and set it all up in the Spenglerian "Decline of the West," one of those being the holohoax, for example.

Of course our people may yet still be too addicted to MAMMON ("prosperity," such as it is) to take complete and sufficient notice and care about things--and I state this after observing the great whing-dang celebration of "homecoming" at U. of Arizona I observed yesterday here in Tucson Az--oh but the goyim were so happy happy, not worrying, not worrying. In all the brainless emotion, U of A crushed UCLA, and gee whiz that's all that matters in this idiotic children's world of mammonist illusion and deception. Meantime Israel and Jews work to stoke war of Islam vs. Christianity, US soldiers coming home with depleted uranium dust in their blood.

As the great Danish philosopher-psychologist Kierkegaard understood, people can be too m
uch ethicist-styled or artistic in mentality, the artistic degenerating to crass mysticism, ethicism lost for perspective in details. Regardless, the Christian volk have not yet sufficiently grasped with rationalist aesthetic the infernal counterfeiting effects. Counterfeiting is too underestimated, if it is considered at all.

Note Christianity is properly a rationalistic-Apollonian aesthetic, despite what Nietszche might say. Thus our volk must understand the tremendous effects of Federal Reserve Bank (Fed) COUNTERFEITING fraud by which trillions are put in the hands of these devil's helpers, the Pharisaics and their hellish descendents, Jews, and those infernal traitors among the gentiles, the "Sadduceans" of modern-day, like Falwell, Robertson, and Limbaugh.

Hence culturally, that tremendous BIG LIE, the Fed counterfeiting scam, escapes our Christian people's most realistic m
ental gr
asp and notice; they underestimate the real cultural effects of such otherwise simple COUNTERFEITING by
which trillions and trillions of dollars are manipulated by Jews and their "Sadducean" co-conspirators.

CONCLUSION: Thus we emphasize the necessary nuking of Israel, the full how and why, including by means of Aesthetics: Israel and Jews are the utmost enemies, and the "Sadduceans" are the worst traitors who run "interference" for them--all in accord with New Testament conspiracy theory-template. Honest elections and death to the Fed.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian, part-time exorcist, Christian patriot