American Thule Society


Senior Editor
The Official American Thule Society

"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children."

What is the American THULE Society?

The depths of Love are rooted and very deep in a real White
Nationalist's soul and spirit. No form of 'hate' could even begin
to compare, At least not a hate motivated by ungrounded reasoning.

It is not hate that makes the average White man look upon a mixed
racial couple with a scowl on his face and loathing in his heart.

It is not hate that makes the White workingman curse over his beer
about the latest boatload of mud-creatures dumped upon our shores
to be given job preference over the White citizens who build this

No, it is not hate. It's love.

What is the American Thule Society?
The group is a focused political activism unit comprised of
like-minded individuals from all walks
of life.

We believe in Action, not words.

We must secure our rights as white folk as they are being stolen
forthright from us by international zionist influences. We must
awaken our fellow Aryans to the crime of racial genocide being
waged against them by the jews before apathy becomes our undoing.

We are a dying breed folks, something needs to be done. The
International Jew will not rest until the goyim is inter-bred with
the lesser races and perishes from this earth forever. The jew
does his bidding by immersing themselves and forcing their
influence into every aspect of our existence be it social,
political, religious, economic, militaristic, artistic and of
course use the media as their weapon to numb the natural instincts
of our children and our kinfolk to their dangers.

The dangers of multiculturalism, race-mixing and delving into mud
culture however insignificant it may seem to some, is robbing us,
our children, and their children's children of their rightful
estiny as the most amazing and incredible race on this planet and
in the history of mankind.

We welcome attention and affiliation from all white like-minded
enlightened groups amassed in the Aryan World. Through support &
unity we shall all become strong, influential, and an integral
part of the struggle. We strive to be a model group that others
will look to for guidance and assistance in these oppressive

We are all the representatives of our race my comrades.

Monday, March 14th, 2005

Daryl Hessler
American Thule Society


Rudolf von Sebottendorff The Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) was founded August 17, 1918, by Rudolf von Sebottendorff.

Its original name was Studiengruppe Germanisches Altertum
(Study Group for German Antiquity), but it soon started to
disseminate anti-Semitic propaganda.

The Thule Society linked to a man named Hitler who would one
day look to control the next evolution of humanity as it
truggles to be spiritually free.

A movement to promote Thulian ideas among industrial workers
and to offset Marxism, was formed in August 1918 - the
Workers' Political Circle with Thulist Karl Harrer as
chairman. From this came the German Workers' Party in 1919. A
year later this became the NSDAP under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

Thule had members from the top echelons of the Nazi Party,
including Rudolf Hess and Alfred Rosenberg, Hermann Goering,
Heinrich Himmler and of course Adolf Hitler himself. Its press
organ was the Münchener Beobachter (Munich Observer) which
later became the Völkischer Beobachter (People's Observer).

Power through virulent anti-semitism and national socialism
were just the first steps of Thule's plan to unite the entire
world by reconnecting the Aryan race.

The Order of Thule was organized along the line
s of the
Rosicrucians, having differing degrees of initiation, only
persons who could fully document that they were of pure
"Aryan" ancestry were allowed to join.

After the Bavarian communist revolution of 1918, the Thule
Society became a center of the counter-revolutionary
subculture. An espionage network and arms caches were
organized. The Thule Club rooms became a nest of resistance to
the Marxist revolution and the Munich Soviet Republic.

Thule is, in the Greek and Roman mythologies, a place, usually
an island, in the far north, perhaps Scandinavia. First
mentioned by the Greek geographer and explorer Pytheas of
Massala (present-day Marseille) in the 4th century BC.

Pytheas claimed that Thule was six days north of Britain, and
that the midsummer sun never set there.

The most likely locale for Thule is nowadays considered to be
the coast of Norway; other historians think it was the
Shetland Islands, Faeroe Islands or Iceland, however. In the
Middle Ages, the name w
as sometimes used to denote Iceland,
such as by Bremen's Deeds of Bishops of the Hamburg Church,
where he probably cite old writers usage of Thule.

In just 25 years, Thule created the Nazi Party, the Nazi Flag,
groomed Hitler, created Himmler's SS, propagated a worker's
nationalist Aryan empire within Germany, spread the ideology
of Aryan superiority, built secret bases outside the Reich,
and even planned a return in the future.

American Thule Society © 2005
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All Rights Reserved.