Apo essays for Apr 2020


Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/li4cDFtcZEUo/

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Anatomy Of Jew Conspiracy--Requires "Chutzpah" (Audacity/Effrontery)
(Apollonian, 16 Apr 2020)

Yes, remember at the top of the Jew conspiracy, u have Satanism, Jews being top, deliberate Satanists, worshippers of death, extreme subjectivists (holding reality is creation of mind/consciousness, making subject to be creator, hence God--Satanism, by definition). See Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo on Talmudism/Judaism (SUBJECTIVISM)--the most successful, "popular" form of Satanism throughout hist.

Satanism thus grows fm the increasing hubris as degenerate society corrupts in the inevitable CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. And Jews are the very disease of opportunity, like typhus, leprosy, or plague, that takes advantage of this growing corruption and hubris among now over-populated goyim, now become "liberals," "progressives," and TV-addicted goons, suckers, inferiors, and weaklings, who were spawned and bred-up throughout former "prosperous" stages of the society--as we now so plainly see before our very eyes.

<b>But note there's a further twist</b> for Judaism which separates them fm goyim Satanists/subjectivists. For Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists, foremost "group-think" artists, most successful, effective, most organized, cohesive, motivated, and committed to subjectivism/Satanism, like "liberalism," for example, making them DOMINANT over the goyim subjectivists, even though goyim far-outnumber Jews (so far, anyway).

(a) Thus the poor, brainless, ignorant fools among goyim so often fail to estimate and grasp the problem of Judaism. Observe how many goyim morons, ignorant scum, who even call themselves "Christian," imagine Judaism is mere variant of Christianity--like Baptists are variants of Lutherans or Episcopalians among Christians. No, Jews are outright anti-Christs who explicitly hate and oppose Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) and the OBJECTIVE reality which such truth ideal is necessarily based-upon.

(b) The goyim then, additionally, FAIL to perceive the COLLECTIVISTIC factor for Jews, thus further distinguishing Jews fm the goyim morons, hubris-filled and addicted to the TV, Jews thus "leveraging" the corrupt, hubristic society in CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, against itself, Jews leading the subjectivists/Satanists, these subjectivist thereupon intimidating the rest of society excepting only the hard-core Christians (a small minority) who stick to truth, determinism (absolute cause-effect, no perfectly "free" will), and objective reality.

Such then is manner and circumstances in which Jews/Satanists magnify and exert their power, psychologic and every other way. Note further, Jews dominate and control that foremost central-banking instrument/weapon, a criminal enterprise (legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like "fiat-currency").

So in conclusion: observe Jews make use of Satanism/subjectivism psychologically, and then existentially (for practical purposes) central-banking to so totally dominating the degenerate society in hubris, corruption, and "Decline...," eventually mass-murdering their opponents (in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030) among gentiles and the stupid, pretended "Christians"--Christianity, ironically, originally designed to oppose Judaism/Satanism, but in the "decline" phase being co-opted, subverted, and used in the horrific destruction and "end-times" phase of the historical CYCLE.
Below-copied essay by ap submitted, published at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/zxytCI9osdqx/

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Judaism Is Satanism, And Satanism Rules In Spenglerian "Decline of West"
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 20)

Jews rule and dominate because Satanism rules and dominates, Jews the leading, most dominant Satanists, Judaism the most successful, most "popular" form of Satanism in all history. See Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo.

Note Satanism is an actual, real thing which needs be taken seriously and understood in some detail--which is grossly over-looked by most people. Satanism is extreme subjectivism, holding reality is product of mind/consciousness, the subject being the creator--God--Satanism by definition. Jews are COLLECTIVISTIC subjectivists/Satanists which then gives them such advantage over gentiles, even though gentiles (so far) out-number Jews (more below on this collectivistic "group-think").

So note and observe Satanism is actually a nearly explicit philosophy, but then it wraps itself in mysticism and mumbo-jumbo so as to appear "religious" in style, thus increasing its attraction and fascination for now over-populated inferiors and weaklings (fm the original success and victory of brave and honest founding ancestors, like Romans and Americans)--not that they all accept such Satanism, certainly not whole-heartedly, but they tolerate the subjectivist premises for such Satanism, thus making themselves most pathetic victims to it all.

But further, Satanists and Jews dominate because (a) of the central bank and Jew control of it--see Mises.org, use their site search-engine for terms like "fiat-currency," etc. In short, central-banking is literally legalized counterfeiting, a criminal enterprise, but see Mises.org for further details.

The other factor (b) is over-population of stupid, hubris-filled, subjectivistic gentiles, who had advanced fm the High Middle Age, but then began the (CYCLIC) "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, when the Western gentiles began to adopt subjectivism in way of moralism (pretended "good-evil"--Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine), rejecting determinism (absolute cause-effect), as of the subjectivist systems of J.J. Rousseau, Immanuel Kant and others (i.e., "German Transcendental Idealism").

After Napoleonic wars came definitive Judaic control (as of Rothschilds) of central-banking and West, in general, as Jews are most cohesive, organized, committed, motivated, most effective, successful "group-thinkers," criminals, and conspirators, Jews dominating and intimidating the less organized, less cohesive, more isolated, individualist gentiles.

Thus the cultural/sociologic problem in the abstract is subjectivism and rejection of objective/determinist, while the existential (practical) problem is central-banking; long as that criminal enterprise is accepted and continued by the stupidity and hubris of the goyim, Jews/Satanists will continue to rule.

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rambetter • 18 hours ago

This is wonderful. Yet I have a question. How do these archaeologists intend to guard against Jewish invasion/influence? It seems that every worthwhile project that catches on (such as Wikipedia for example) eventually succumbs to Jewish influence. Jews will certainly want to infiltrate this archaeological discovery and they will want to disinform us of the facts found therein.
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Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/zxytCI9osdqx/

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Christ (= TRUTH) vs. Judaism/Satanism Are Hegelian Anti-Theses, Like Plato Vs. Aristotle
(Apollonian, 19 Apr 20)

Regarding Christ (= TRUTH, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), Jews NEVER accepted or considered him a "prophet," but rather blasphemer and heretic (Gosp. MATT 26:65), for which they had him killed. Note the very essence of Pharisaism/Talmud is "Oral Law Trad." and "midrash" (interpretation)--see Talmudical.blogspot.com, RevisionistReview.blogspot.com, Come-and-hear.com, and TruthTellers.org for best expo.

Torah (first 5 books of Old Test.) means ONLY what rabbis say, through their midrash (interpretation)--this is central and essential to their system. Thus Pharisaism/Talmudism is literally SUBJECTIVISM--everything is "interpreted"--like the US Constitution, u notice, nowadays, and reality is only what rabbis say it is. Thus Pharisees and rabbis make themselves co-equal w. God, God being their servant and attack-dog who kills their enemies for them as at Passover and Purim.

Christ then explicitly rejected and repudiated Pharisaist "tradition" (see Gosp. Mark, ch. 7), which (Talmud) hadn't been fully written-out at time of Christ, and held the Pharisees as heretics, Christ rather upholding Mosaic law, and TRUTH founded upon an objective reality (hence determinism), the only and necessary basis for such truth--which truth cannot be changed, "interpreted," or killed, as Pharisees tried to do to Christ, which truth always RESURRECTS, to coming-back to "bite."

Pharisaism/Talmudism is Hegelian anti-thesis (extreme subjectivism) to Christian upholding of truth and hence, objective reality, the necessary basis thereto--much like Platonic subjectivism ("transcendence") opposes Aristotelian objective ("immanence"). "Good," which is non-existent, is greatest enemy of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), such "good" only existing by way of subjectivism.

Note the Jew God, following fm the original Mosaic (and following fm the Jacobean/Abrahamic) is very much a war God--which all follows fm the original Babylonian "Marduk," God of war. Note the Jews celebrate the horrific Holydays of "Passover" and "Purim" by which this dread war God kills children who did no harm to anyone--such are the grim and gruesome implications and consequences of that absolute war-obsession--which Christianity worked to moderate.

Note also, in the "Zohar" (foundation of "Cabala"), written-up and collected during the middle ages, the Jew God is also, at same time, the same as the devil, only a diff. aspect or manifestation.

The subjectivist urge and premise is necessary for establishment of non-existent "good-evil" which depends upon a (non-existent) perfectly "free" human will--rejection of determinism (absolute cause-effect). "Good-evil" is for children suffering fm inferiority-complex, which most seem to out-grow as time passes. Satanism then arises fm EXTREME subjectivism and is surely only seriously practiced by a few, but they dominate the rest of the weaker-minded subjectivistic, moralistic sort who, in their presumption and hubris, still harbor idea/notion of "good-evil."

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rambetter > apollonian • 10 hours ago

The other question that intrigues me is why Jews have allowed the Satan psyche to take hold of them. How have they allowed it to happen. Perhaps it has something to do with them ordering the execution of their prophet, Jesus Christ.
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/gdurocher/promi...-for-rehabilitation-of-adolf-hitler/#comments

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Commendable Dieudonne' Spits Into Face Of Present Establishment "Religion"
(Apollonian, 21 Apr 20)

Well, so this notorious and note-worthy French black-guy brings up a “forbidden” topic, dear unc’ Adolf, who very much told the truth about things, though remember, Hitler was mostly mere practical politician, not so much a scholarly-type philosopher–which truth is so absolutely hated by Satanists and virtue-signalers, called “moralists”–like Mike A. Hoffman II, for example, though he’s another topic all by himself.

Bringing up unc’ Adolf can only be done nowadays without controversy by duly, officially consecrated virtue-signalers–MORALISTS, as I note–which entails the ruling religion of non-existent “good-evil” which has crushed and replaced the previous Christian religion (which holds everyone a sinner, no matter human will which is NOT perfectly “free”) and founds the present establishment Satanism which absolutely and totally rules–short of complete annihilation of all human, hence rational life which is yet the goal of Satanism (extreme-subjectivism, making oneself to be God, the creator–but also destroyer too).

And as dear unc’ Adolf is held, by the present ruling satanist religion and regime, to be absolute epitome of non-existent “evil,” all stops must be pulled by the satanic state in any and every serious dispute or debate about the heroic Hitler who told so much of the truth, and who is yet consistently demonized by the satanic state. So this questioning of satanic establishment is significant all by itself–Dieudonné is much to be commended just for that alone–hail Dieudonne’.

In fact, one might well say that the official religion now is hatred of Hitler–HATRED–despite all the idiot lies and “hate-crime” prop. of present Satanist establishment, ruling in all the countries of the West, to some degree or other.

Thus EVERY official debate and discussion about dear unc’ Adolf MUST necessarily and obligatorily end upon the consensus that unc’ Adolf was “evil,” “evil,” “evil”–repeated three times and with heavy liturgical emphasis–this is the ruling, even if un-official, establishment religion of Satanism and hatred, all founded upon non-existent “good-evil” and extreme subjectivism.

And note then, any serious dissent to this Satanism and religion of HATRED (as of unc’ Adolf, supreme martyr–after Christ himself) is prosecuted to full extent of law–as done to Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Robt. Faurisson, Jean-Marie Le Pen, and any other rationalist defenders or even advocates of significant truth no matter how slight. Satanism does not tolerate truth–the defining characteristic of Satanism, don’t forget. Subjectivism casts out facts, and “good” is the worst enemy of TRUTH.

So it’s just this simple observation upon a mere part of the basic philosophic and cultural foundations that I wanted to bring up about why Dieudonne’ is so commendable and hence persecuted by the real rulers, the Satanists. Lord knows I and others could bring-up lots other facts and notes, but I wouldn’t want to distract fm the tremendous, amazing victory of our good and heroic Dieudonne’, who has already struck such a crushing blow for truth, history, and humanity. Hail Dieudonne’.
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Below-copied essay by ap first published at comments, https://www.bitchute.com/video/lhNcnoUoJLJd/

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Large "Picture" For Germany And WWII Grappling With Satanic World Gov./Empire
(Apollonian, 21 Apr 20)

Looking at the overall strategic picture regarding Hitler--he seems to have made big mistake declaring war against Jew S A, at the end of 1941, after which it was only 18 months to surrender of Hitler's ally, Italy. Before that fateful declaration of war, Germany didn't have to worry about a Western front. And Hitler had to cancel "Operation Citadel" (Kursk) in 1943 to taking troops fm the crucial eastern front and putting them in Italy to halt the allied advance up the peninsula.

Hitler was great for the unification of Germany, and even for elements of other countries, but those elements in the West, esp. Jew S A and UK, were insufficient. What could have worked was the original CHRISTIAN anti-Semitism/anti-satanism, but un-fortunately Christianity had already been long subverted and infiltrated by the Jew and Satanists (extreme subjectivism), and Hitler had no ready answer for it.

Thus US lend-lease food and equipment, esp. trucks, giving the Red Army tremendously greater mobility for maneuvering, for example, was able to invigorate the allied military forces against Germany which was thus worn-down by vastly greater numbers which even the great German rocket-weapons were not able to overcome.

The pt. to remember though is that Germany was attacked by UK and France, they having declared war against Germany which had merely responded to Polish attempts to taking Danzig, threatening Germany w. war if Germany did not submit--the crucial and fateful triggering of that satanic conspiracy against Germany and all Western civilization.

Regarding Russia, it's only necessary to note the great numbers of divisions and military forces poised on the border against Germany and her allies, noted by Suvorov and others--those forces were overwhelming, even at the beginning of the conflict, which were then further augmented w. massive lend-lease supplies--all of this planned out well in advance, all for the purpose of world gov. and empire in name of "League of Nations," now the "globalist" UN. Such is the overall strategic picture which patriots and history students must note, but which Hitler under-estimated.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.unz.com/proberts/churchills-war-the-real-history-of-world-war-ii/?showcomments#comments

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Stebbing (Too Conveniently) Overlooks Most Significant History, Actual Facts
(Apollonian, 23 Apr 20)

“Stebbing” tells us, “[t]here’s a PhD waiting to be written about the bizarro-world that is Hitler-worship.” And it’s as if “stebbing” can’t imagine what that “bizarro-world” might be about.

But what’s so difficult about it, stebbing? Truly, we “fan-boys” absolutely LOVE unc’ Adolf; he was a great hero, but he was merely a little before his time. And we don’t “worship” unc’ Adolf; we (a great many–even most of us) worship TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6)–which is difficult for u Satanists to grasp, u being the pathological subjectivists as u are.

Hitler under-estimated exactly what he was up against (which is why he came up a little short), though he knew, and showed a good part of the way, and explained quite a bit. Unc’ Adolf made one serious mistake, for sure–he shouldn’t have declared war against Jew S A as quickly as he did. For after that declaration, for one thing, his ally, Italy, had about 18 months to go before they were defeated and knocked out of the conflict.

Without Jew S A there would have been no Western front against Germany, and German heroes may well have defeated soviets, not having to station troops in Italy, not having lost the great number of soldiers (more than at Stanlingrad) stuck in Tunisia just prior to Allied invasion of Italy.

And what was it Hitler was REALLY up against? Well, u ought to know, stebbing, it was ur people, the “chosen” race of Satanists who ran that amazing instrument known as CENTRAL-BANKING (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms, like fiat-currency), legalized counterfeiting, literally–that amazing God-like creation of nearly endless currency, not real money, which affords financial liquidity and greasing of the war-production machine which then allowed for amazing production of weapons, food, and trucks, for example, which thus equipped and supplied the soviets and British to enable the eventual defeat of those tremendous German heroes.

For as reality is objective (Aristotle) and determined, in accord w. absolute cause-effect, there being no perfectly “free” human will,” history is CYCLIC in accord w. Oswald Spengler’s “Decline of the West.” Thus socialism, central-banking, and SATANISM (extreme subjectivism, holding reality is produced by mind/consciousness, making subject to be creator, hence God), was to prevail in 1945, led and prosecuted by the ultimate Satanists and subjectivists (featuring “midrash” and “Oral Law Tradition”) against any and everyone else, including those magnificent Germans, heroic, productive, and ingenious as they were and are–it just wasn’t in the cards enough for the Germans to defeat the Satanists leading the allies against the axis.

Note the Satanist surge (“Decline of the West”) had begun and gained much speed and momentum w. rise of central-banking, Rothschilds, Immanuel Kant, Karl Marx, and socialism in this Western Spenglerian “decline,” ironic as it might seem–it all eventually defeated Germany, virtuous as they were, and now it has essentially defeated the Jew S A too, the Jew S A now firmly controlled by those Satanists, giving their orders fm stolen Palestine and directing things in all their branch offices throughout the world as in London and Jew York.

Stebbing lies and says, “…there is nothing good to be said about Hitler and his plans…,” but of course, stebbing is just the typical liar who wants to divert fm the great struggle of humanity against his Satanist sponsors who are all busily at work as we speak, stebbing pretending, “…they always seek to distract from his [meaning Hitler] actions, saying ‘look over there!, those guys were worse!”

No excrement, Sherlock.

And WHO could possibly be “worse” than ur satanistic people, stebbing?–unc’ Adolf was not only hero, but a prophet, and he did his best to instruct and inform the rest of the world (who actually already knew–and still know–a good deal about the subject, satanism).

So u see, stebbing, u’re exposed as u “protesteth” a little too much w. ur stupid lies and lying about dear unc’ Adolf. Why else would u lie so desperately and even hysterically about such magnificent people (the German people) and their great leader, dear unc’ Adolf?

Hitler united the German people and even many others fm other countries and nations, esp. of eastern Europe, and even India (see Subhas Chandra Bose, https://www.britannica.com/biography/Subhas-Chandra-Bose). Unc’ Adolf just didn’t do enough of the right and necessary things regarding France, UK, and Jew S A–which all needed and required the real and true Christianity (worship of TRUTH, above all) for such necessary and sufficient gentile unification, as during the time of St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent., against Satanism and ur monstrous people, stebbing, those foremost Satanists universally and traditionally, even religiously hated by all humanity, but for those taking money (or currency) fm them.

------------------------above by ap in response to below-copied-----------------------------

482. Stebbing Heuer says:

April 23, 2020 at 3:04 am GMT • 200 Words

Thanks FB.

I suppose it’s a dreary fact that Hitler fanboys exist. The thing that surprises me is that they always seek to distract from his actions, saying ‘look over there!, those guys were worse!’

None of them have the guts to come out and say: ‘Yeah, Hitler started World War II, he knew what he was doing, he had a plan, and good on him for doing so.’ They’re always bitching and moaning about how unfair things were, about how everyone was picking on Germany, about how everyone else was plotting against Germany.

None of them will acknowledge that Hitler was working to his own plan to conquer Europe, depopulate huge swathes of it, and then repopulate those swathes with his chosen people; and that other nations’ opposing actions were natural reactions to this plan. Even though most if not all of them would agree with this plan, they won’t dare come out and say it.

Because there is nothing good to be said about Hitler and his plans, all they can do is point fingers at others and moan about how awful they were.

There’s a PhD waiting to be written about the bizarro-world that is Hitler-worship.

• Agree: Adûnâi

• Replies: @Fox
, @apollonian
, @FB
, @John Wear
, @Wally
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