Apo essays for Dec 2019


Guest Columnist
The "Deep-State" Train-Wreck, Continuing Story; Try Not To Laugh--It's Serious Business, After All
(Apollonian, 2 Dec 19)

Look and listen to Judicial Watch (JW) vid, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKKiJkEVr3A , whence Tom Fitton goes over the simple facts, then tries his best to analyze it and summarize. In the midst of Fitton's exposition one notes his own incredulity over the amazing facts he brings-out and comments upon.

For what is the real story?--regarding this "impeachment" farce?--well, it's all about the "deep-state" attempting to contrive this "impeachment." Specifically, the story is about, especially, the "leftist," atheist, "globalists" who (a) first contrived the Satanist, hitlery's (Clinton's) nomination by Demon-rats. (b) But then, these amazing morons and psychopaths discovered hitlery was LOSER, hated by overwhelming number of the voters, especially the Christians. (c) So then, these idiot "leftists" have been trying, evermore desperately, to derailing Israel-first Trump who hasn't co-operated w. them.

(d) These moron psychopaths of the "leftist" "deep-state" now, first tried to intimidate Trump, but it didn't work. (e) And only now do the "globalists" realize how they're so idiotically implicated for amazing criminal conduct and conspiracy, a huge, truly far-flung conspiracy going all the way up to Obola himself, who gave the orders and permission for all the criminals, as of FBI and CIA, to move and operate against Trump, they at first (the fools) assuming hitlery would win the election, ho ho ho ho--what a joke.

And it's quite entertaining, almost comical, to observe the incredulity of Fitton himself as he lays-out and recounts the simple facts he and JW have discovered, beginning w. the hitlery affair, beginning w. the e-mails, the illegal server, etc., how it was all covered-up by Obola admin, including FBI, not to mention the Jews-media--STILL GOING on to this very day, sports-fans.

It isn't only Trump, don't forget--look at what they ("leftist" deep-state) did w. Paul Manafort, Trump's old campaign manager, and Roger Stone, an advisor, swat-teamed, arrested, and slapped in jail as they have been.

"Deep-State" conducts this literal civil war, suckers, how?--why?--because they have a sure-fire base of power and support, nothing less than the CENTRAL-BANK (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms)--a criminal-enterprise consisting of literal legalized counterfeiting--what they do w. the currency, having taken-away fm the people REAL MONEY (like gold/silver).

Deep-State KNOWS and understands the Israel-first faction, who support Trump, won't dare to expose to the people the simple facts about Central-bank conspiracy, a literal criminal-enterprise which impoverishes and sells-out the people to outright debt-slavery. For the people by themselves are too stupid to figure it out, they now having no reliable leadership, "Christian" establishment having long ago sold-out, the Jews-media keeping them in state of cognitive dissonance, confusion, and distraction, especially, for example, on "identity-politics," keeping the races fighting one another.

But at least one thing has emerged un-questionably--the POWER and existence of the "DEEP-STATE"--who else would have the audacity to challenge, oppose, and subvert the President?--HOW could it come about? And the ONLY answer is by the POWER of central-banking which is the only NEXT thing the people need to learning about, the poor, over-populated, ignorant fools. Central-bank has a truly nefarious history and nature, and for good reason--this then and now is the ONLY thing the people need further know about--an issue BEGGING to be explained and exposed.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/12/in-memoriam-gregor-strasser-german.html

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Hitler Wrote "Mein Kampf"; What Did Strasser Write?
(Apollonian, 4 Dec 19)

W.B. of Kansas (see comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/12/in-memoriam-gregor-strasser-german.html ) commends Hoffman for his book, "Adolf Hitler...," filled w. self-serving lies and display of virtue-signaling by Hoffman, specifically pt-ing-out Hoffman's puffing of G. Strasser. Hoffman lies and indicates Hitler "murdered" Strasser, and problem is there doesn't seem to be a full-fledged biography of Strasser, though Strasser is puffed by Hoffman. So much for Hoffman and Strasser.

But Hitler is a hero because he spoke much the truth about Jews and the people, like Hoffman, who defend and sympathize w. Jews. We KNOW Hitler is hero, otherwise WHY would Jews hate him and lie about Hitler so pathetically? See Hitler's "Mein Kampf"--what did Strasser write? Hoffman only slanders Hitler, among his other lies, because Hoffman ENVIES Hitler, and further, wants obviously to supplicate Jews whom Hoffman not only envies, but also fears, and Hoffman hopes thus to get some soft-headed Jews to help him make money selling his slanderous book, no doubt.

Note also Hoffman imagines there are "connoisseurs" of truth, but who doesn't appreciate truth?--would that be Hoffman, who wants to hold himself up as a "connoisseur"?--ho ho ho ho. But fact is Hoffman is no "connoisseur"; rather, he's just same old liar, moralistic virtue-signaler, and Pharisaic who wants to pretend to the lie that he's "good," which "good" doesn't and couldn't exist--anymore than there's "evil." In another of Hoffman's putrid works, "Usury in Christendom...," Hoffman pretends to denounce "usury," which he can't even define, lying, saying it's mere lending at interest.

Psychologically, Hoffman is just a passive-aggressive psychotic and heretic (Pelagianism), obsessed w. inferiority-complex by which he preaches the satanic lies about non-existent "good-evil," now pretending to denounce Hitler, Hoffman thus trying to suck-up to Jews. Hoffman can't figure-out Christianity is worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), above all, against Jew lies, Jews the very "sons of the devil," satan (JOHN 8:44).

So much for the shallow-minded, virtue-signaling Hoffman, passive-aggressive coward and yet another of his empty, worthless duds of a book, filled w. lies and lying about someone, a real hero, Hitler, whom Hoffman envies soooo desperately.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/12/hoffman-jewish-sycophant-and-enemy-of.html

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Poor Hoffman, Passive-Aggressive Psycho, Liar, Can't Figure-Out Why His Book Won't Sell
(Apollonian, 5 Dec 19)

Ho ho ho ho ho, what?--u're "not surprised," Hoffman?--would that be because u've ALWAYS been a loser in ur pathetic life, playing the know-it-all moralistic, Pharisaic, virtue-signaler, always lecturing others how they should be "good," like u?--ho ho o ho hoho.

And what?--it "doesn't appear [ur] book has been read"?--and "facts" have not been "addressed"?--what "facts"?--about Bolsheviks of Russia not intending to invade Europe?--those are palpable, provable lies, when Stalin plainly invaded Finland, the Baltic states, and demanded and took parts of Rumania, thus threatening the vital oil sources of Ploesti, among the other facts, like the number of most powerful tank forces in the whole world, etc.

Then u throw in w. ur lies about Strasser, when the truth is it's unclear what exactly happened. And again, we KNOW already ur only real purpose is virtue-signaling, Hoffman, the passive-aggressive psycho obsessed upon non-existent "good-evil," Hoffman the Pelagian heretic pretending to a "free" will capable of impressing God, who already explained that all humans are sinners, un-worthy of any rewards after a life filled w. sin.

And why does anyone need ur worthless book, Hoffman, when u don't make any sense about much of anything else, always pretending as u do to moralism and moralizing in ur tiresome, moronic manner?

Don't u think we already KNOW what magnificent HERO was unc' Adolf?--speaking truth and defiance to satanic Jews and liars like urself who sympathize w. Jews and their lies and lying?

After all, we already KNOW about ur previous work on "usury" in which u pretend God forbids, as the Musselmen hold, the practice of lending at interest--which is just another lie by a lying, Jew-like liar like urself, sucker. For Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), the "only way to the Father," and God is thus ALWAYS rational, about which a hereticalist, lying virtue-signaler like urself is so utterly ignorant.

Hence lending at interest is obviously mere matter of personal contract and agreement among the citizenry and people. God only makes irrationalist commandments for the Musselmen, Hoffman. For true Christians, unlike Hoffman, God is TRUTH and always perfectly rational. Hence "usury" COULD NOT be mere lending at interest, and such honest lending at interest COULD NEVER be forbidden by rational God of truth and reason.

Hoffman, hereticalist virtue-signaler just cannot abide such truth and reason--that's ur problem, Hoffman, thou poor fool, passive-aggressive psycho. Take ur book of lies and lying about heroic unc' Adolf, and stick it, sucker. No one needs Hoffman and his idiot lying and moralizing--especially when we already have to contend w. these satanic Jews--Hoffman can't, won't figure that out.