Apo essays for Feb 2018


Guest Columnist
Why Does War Happen?--Too Many Stupid Puke Need To Be Offed
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 18)

Ho ho ho ho, ck https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7kc1bw4TbQk , at 10 mins in, and listen to this Jew-friendly flack, Hannity, quoting another Jew flunky in the Congress, Devin Nunes, who says he wants to prevent such FBI/DOJ criminality and treason fm happening again--what liars. Of course "it" (FBI used for political purposes) will happen again, even worse--they're guaranteeing it--and HOW do u KNOW?--because the ONLY way to even HOPING to "prevent" this crap is EXECUTIONS for TREASON--and there needs to be a lot of these executions.

But u KNOW such executions, of the top-ranking perpetrators ("deep-state"), won't happen because WHY should it?--as long as u have masses of stupid scum to be killed among the putrid stinking puke who are called, "the people," who have allowed all this idiocy and stupidity in the first place.

For all the dumb, brainless bastards need to do is to grasping necessity for REAL MONEY--NOT "currency" which is a fraud, scam, and criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting--see Mises.org)--if only the puke could figure it out, ho ho ho ho. But these stupid scum WON'T DO IT--because they're satanically possessed, evidently--they want death and mass-killing--and they're likely, all too likely, to getting what they want. It's the worship of death, the scummy filth all thinking someone else is gonna be killed, not them.

For that's how wars happen, get set-up, and take place, suckers--TOO MANY STUPID, SCUMMY PUKE, called "people"--over-population--they think someone else will be killed, not them, hoh oh o ho ho ho.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-travesty-of-mike-pence-in-jerusalem.html

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Hoffman Continues To Fooling Himself, Despite Knowledge Of Trivia And Details
(Apollonian, 1 Feb 18)

Hoffman: it's very interesting, indeed, ur giving us all this info about the "Hasidism" and the "Shekhinah." But surely u understand this additional info doesn't essentially change ur previous expo regarding Talmudic "midrash," foundation of their lies, lying, and reverence for liars.

And don't forget Gosp. JOHN 8:44 which sums it all up best and most for the Talmudic lies which puts the basic issue in simplest clearest terms: satanic lies vs. Christian TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6). For note existence of TRUTH (= Christ) necessitates an OBJECTIVE, hence God-given, reality, basis for such truth, which Jews deny saying only thing that exists is what Jews say ("midrash")--purest subjectivism, by which Jews insist reality is created by their mentality/consciousness, denial of objectivity, making themselves God, the creator.

Jew distinction then is they're most collectivist, practical, organized, and cohesive of subjectivists, thus naturally dominating the less organized, more isolated gentile subjectivists and satanists, who vastly out-number the Jews, these satanists as a whole thus and thereupon leveraging and intimidating the rest of the demoralized, corrupted empire and population which has become aged, corrupted, and degenerate fm original founders who valued genuine honesty and objective reality.

Such then is the basic PHILOSOPHIC dichotomy btwn Christ (TRUTH) and satanic lies, objective vs. subjective, found within the Biblic LITERATURE, the literature serving as vehicle for basic philosophic conflict btwn satanism and lies vs. Christian TRUTH. Get a clue, Hoffman.

Ur problem for grasping Christianity and Christ (= truth), Hoffman, is ur psychotic, satanic, hereticalist insistence, addiction, and pretending to being "good" (Pelagianism) and obsession w., for example, "love of money" being "root" of all evil. For there is no "good or evil," buddy--there's just truth vs. insanity.

And this Pelagian, hereticalist (and insane) pretending to being "good," original pretext for satanism (extreme subjectivism), arises in CYCLIC, deterministic fashion, as of Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," as the corrupt and priviledged following generations of original founders descend into inferiority-complex and following, consequent indulgence in "good-evil," as in ur case, Hoffman--u're a perfect case-in-pt. regardless all ur babbling and knowledge of details about "Shekhinah."
Ajax Jewns: Perfect Golem--Again, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 4 Feb 18)

Ho hohoh o ho, the fat-head, fast-talking hill-billy, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com), is losing it, over his head, both now for tactics and strategy, practically crying, complaining, gee whiz, but they're calling us "racists," boo hoo hoo, ho o ho ho ho oho ho ho. Ajax is most perfect, archetypal demonstration of the Peter Principle, having reached his level of incompetence--just ck-out the last 13 minutes of today's Ajax Jewns show, first hr, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gARgo7h6VGM .

Jewns practically breaks-down to crying like a baby over the Saturday-Night-Live skit on Trump which insinuates "racism" on part of Republicans--the stupid hill-billy can't figure-out (evidently) he shouldn't be puffing that show and the attempted lampooning of Trump as he only gives it currency, the stupid fat-head buffoon (speaking of Jewns), ho ho ho ho ho.

And it's interesting that even though the Democrats, including hitlery, Obola, et al., have been caught red-handed, along w. utterly corrupted FBI, they have the all-powerful Jews-media shilling and fronting for them and sticking-in w. the usual amazing brazenness and lying, ho ho ho ho ho--thus showing how abysmally stupid and brainless American people (the puke) really, truly are, ho ho ho ho ho ho. But don't forget to watching the stupid-bowl, today, sports-fans, ho ho ho ho ho oho

And how do u KNOW the Democrats are going to get-away w. this literal treason and outrageous criminality?--because why wouldn't they?--given the continuing central-bank criminal enterprise and scam (see Mises.org for expo) which the stupid puke ("the people") can't figure-out--which is so easily covered-up by Jews-media and the various flacks, stooges, and charlatans who are regularly paraded out (including now, especially, afore-mentioned Ajax).

And of course, u ALREADY know, the big joke is Russian "collusion" is nothing compared to Israel-Jew manipulations--like the way they (Jews and satanists) short-circuited the vote-rigging which denied hitlery--that was the amazing stroke. See https://www.therussophile.org/trump...-israel-not-russia-and-covering-it-up-2.html/ .

And of course, Ajax the moronic hill-billy is the PERFECT GOLEM, a brainless monstrosity who probably doesn't realize what an outstanding shill, spectacle, and diversion he is, even as he surely, mostly, takes himself soooooooooooo seriously, as for his Pharisaic "good-evil" babbling and insisting. Ajax shills for the "good" kikes of the "right" and who backed Trump (against the "bad Jews" of the "left," don't forget).

"Free will"--upon which "good-evil" delusion is founded--is truly the most effective and powerful superstition and delusion there ever was, is, and will be, surely, foundation of most putrid HUBRIS for the most putrid, stinking puke--"the people," now grossly over-populated in Jew S A, who urgently need to be killed-off, somehow. And don't forget, this stupid puke ("the people") is ALREADY being slow-killed on mass scale, by means of the poison vaccines, poison drugs, poison "chem-trails," etc.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/02/court-battles-of-gas-chamber-doubter.html

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Holohoax: Monument To Lies, Lying, Satanism
(Apollonian, 9 Feb 18)

Well Hoffman: this Faurisson affair (see above ref.) which u note for us is just another battle of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) vs. satanic lies (JOHN 8:44). And the implicit premise is the objective (or "God-given") reality as necessary basis of truth vs. extreme subjectivism which holds the subject's mind/consciousness is creator of reality--satanism, by definition.

Thus we see Jews' "midrash" (interpretation) is basis of their subjectivism, and Jews are notable for their COLLECTIVE and organized subjectivism which they firmly "believe," and thus insist upon imposing upon everyone else.

For note subjectivism is also held by many gentiles--far more than there are Jews--as in case of "good-evil" delusion/fallacy/heresy (Pelagianism). But gentiles' subjectivism is more random, muddled, and disorganized, and gentiles, including the extreme subjectivists among them (satanists), are far less organized than Jews, the Jews being far more self-confident for their methodic application and cohesion.

Thus a far less numerous cadre of Jews, who are subjectivists by religion, is capable of leveraging and even dominating a far greater number of gentile subjectivists--who all then, together--are often capable of dominating the entire aggregate population of the entire society and culture, as we see nowadays in the world, the West, and USA.

And we see this domination of subjectivism especially in the way of fiat-currency and central-banking (see Mises.org for expo, use their search-engine), by which real MONEY, commodity-based, hence not subject to counterfeiting, is now denied to the people by means of dictatorship, as by means of "legal-tender" laws which force the people to accepting fiat-currency as payment for goods and svcs.

And it's far more likely the word, "usury," refers to this fiat-currency system RATHER than merely to charging-of-interest. For it is the fiat-currency all by itself, regardless of charging-of-interest, which defrauds, despoils, and impoverishes the people. For as the fiat-currency is constantly issued forth ("inflation") the previous currency units necessarily LOSE VALUE--regardless of any charging-of-interest.

Thus we see these "central-bankers" are simply criminals engaged in LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING by means of this fiat-currency. And note the central-bank is necessarily an exclusive MONOPOLY, for if everyone could legally counterfeit the currency the reduction-ad-absurdum is obvious.

Thus one sees the society/culture/economy dominated by these central-bank criminals is necessarily SATANIC, and the leading satanists are those who practice such extreme subjectivism as essence of their VERY RELIGION--"midrash."

Thus naturally, such satanic culture will insist upon lies and lying, like holohoax, as foremost religious precept to be imposed upon the over-populated fools, suckers, goons, morons, and various assorted scum who now make up much the bulk of the population within a degenerate society, that society having been previously built by more capable, competent, and honest citizenry who had insisted upon an objectively-oriented economy and real monetary system--which built the original civilization now being destroyed by the satanists as in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler.

So the poor deluded, befuddled, and defrauded victims and people of the civilization need to realize and face facts regarding this fiat-currency, central-banking scam, and criminal enterprise which is destroying them. Unfortunately, it really seems such popular awakening won't happen until more victims of satanism continue to pile-up, and things economic start to getting evermore un-comfortable. Holohoax lies and lying is mere symptom of larger cultural sickness and rot--SATANISM, built on extreme subjectivism and "midrash."
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/02/stephen-cohens-defense-of-vladimir-putin.html

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"JMoore" Needs To Getting Clue, Face Reality
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 18)

"JMoore" imagines, like Hoffman himself, things are soooo mystical and "miraculous," but it isn't at all a "US empire" or even "Anglo-Zio."

Rather, one should simply observe the empire is SATANIC, pure and simple, all in CYCLIC accord w. Oswald Spengler's "Decline of the West," by which things cultural arise in simplicity and honesty as in the Roman and American instances, but then inevitably, degenerate in HUBRIS and specifically in subjectivism, evermore extreme as the "decline" gets worse.

For note extreme subjectivism--SATANISM--is idea the world is mere creation of mentality/consciousness, against the Christian ideal of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) which is necessarily founded on objective ("God-given") reality.

So what happens historically and sociologically?--inexorably HUBRIS sets in, esp. for the following generations of an evermore corrupt empire (e.g. Roman, American) by which these over-populated goons, fools, and suckers, living off the original conquests, prosperity, and wealth of the founding generations, pretend to "moral virtue" and hereticalist, non-existent "good-evil" (Pelagian heresy)--as we see in Hoffman's case.

Eventually the corrupt, satanic empire falls as the top powers fall-out as we see lately w. "leftist-globalist" faction having been double-crossed in election of Trump by the Israel-first, "neo-cons" of pretended "right" who, as u will remember, were so completely dominated as back in 1956 when Eisenhower rebuffed the Israeli-Brit.-French capture of Suez Canal. "Never again," vowed the Israel-first Jews who became the "neo-cons" pretending to the "right" w. their hordes of "Judeo-Christian" (JC--see Whtt.org and TruthTellers.org for expo) hereticalist supporters.

And ultimate power of all these Jews, satanists, and "deep-state" is, aside fm general hubris of over-populated scum, the fiat-currency system of the central-bank ("fed"--see Mises.org for expo) which features nearly, practically INFINITE funds, having superseded real (commodity-based) money by means of dictatorship, "legal-tender" laws, and resultant MONOPOLY of criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting) dominating the entire economy, society, and culture now fatally in horrific "decline."

So it's this fiat-currency system which is the real "usury" which was first vaguely and indefinitely mentioned and referenced fm the ancient sources--NOT NOT NOT mere charging-of-interest according to lies and diversions of such as Hoffman, Pelagian heretic, who knows NOTHING about economics, "capitalism," or money and banking.

Thus "deep state" of fiat-currency and central-bank is still FIRMLY in power, though their system seems to teeter and totter--there are still HORDES of stupid goons, morons, scum, and fools who believe in child's "good-evil" (like JC supporters of terror-state of Israel) who are easily manipulated, who are still over-populated and liable to an indicated kill-off/die-off by various means, overt and covert.

So "JMoore," u ought to consider things are not so "miraculous" or "mysterious" as u imagine, but rather perfectly in accord w. determinist cause-effect of CYCLIC history and Spenglerian "Decline of the West." There are still some horrendous things which will have to ensue fm present situation, unfortunately as it is.
Satanist(s) Slip-Up And Honestly Admit Facts, Strategy, Motivations
(Apollonian, 10 Feb 18)

Well, Infowhores (InfoWars.com) has done us all excellent svc for story and analysis they posted (see https://www.infowars.com/rob-reiner-the-fight-against-trump-is-the-last-battle-of-the-civil-war/) on Jew satanist, Rob Reiner, actually being honest and laying it all out for us both for strategy and motivations--it couldn't be more clear. We should applaud--seriously.

For it's surely true Jew satanists see world gov. dictatorship as mere natural, logical, and following steps of the "Civil war" of 1860s consolidation/centralization. And it all, the exposition given by Reiner, well demonstrates and verifies the horrific insanity of those murderers of the north at the time, back in the 1860s who "nullified" the sovereignty of the states, even for the north, the fools.

Ho hoh o ho--so the union created by the white folk of 1788 is now to become "brownized" and taken-over, and this is the logical destiny of the original founders?--at least according to the satanist(s) like Reiner--an amazing leap of logic, though it is not surprising for satanists and Jews, no doubt.

And the Jewwy satanist, Reiner, is quite right, given his text, which is recorded in our story, above-cited, fm InfoWars: it does indeed boil-down very much to issue of racism--which the Jews and satanists imagine is their trusty, un-failing, little moralistic weapon so much taken-up even by their phony/fake "opposition" Trump and Ajax Jewns (InfoWars).

For even this phony/fake "opposition," Jewns and Trump, agrees virtue of racial loyalty is wrong and "bad"--and such is the satanist conditions this racialist pretension and treason to ancestors continues to hanging-in, the goons, morons, and fools, so intimidated, not imagining it can be legitimately or even rationally opposed or denied--as moralism for them trumps reason, truth, and reality, u see.

Committing suicide upon pretext of racial suicide is simple morality which cannot be controverted or even disputed, according to Jews and satanists--who's kidding who? Further, note this racial premise as virtue isn't shared by the dear Jews of Israel, is it?--they just laugh at it all, ho ho ho ho ho--racial preservation is valid and ok for us, just not for goyim, they say, in typical double-standard style.

So the real patriots are confronted w. simple, really easy, responsibility for plain HONESTY (a) regarding virtue of racism and racial loyalty--in accord w. fifth of original Ten Commandments, "honor thy parentage (race)." And then (b) the presumptions of the 1860s war--were (and ARE) the states sovereign or not?--for note the Constitution still remains as supposed, pretended law of the land.

For sovereignty is inalienable, and the states only delegated powers to the union, not sovereignty--very, very simple and easy to understand for basic issues, not to mention the actual facts.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/02/the-people-who-were-burned-to-ashes-on.html

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Hoffman Is Clueless One, Regarding Dear Unc' Adolf, satanism, Central-Banking, Etc.
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 18)

Hoffman tells us in his article, here, "Hitler was almost always outfoxed...." But the real question is WHAT does our Pelagian heretic, Hoffman, pretending to being Christian, Christianity being worship of TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), know about "foxiness"?--or anything?

For Hoffman certainly knows nothing about economics, or capitalism, or money and banking--which subjects he babbles about, as in his travesty of a book, "Usury in Christendom...," which "usury" Hoffman gives no definition or exposition for exact original meaning, failing to note "usury" actually has no definitive or specific understanding fm the ancient sources.

For Germany was essentially attacked by the Jew-led central-banking power (see Mises.org for expo), Britain having made an offensive alliance w. Poland, Poland having threatened war w. Germany over German re-uniting w. German city of Danzig. It was Britain and France who first declared war upon Germany, never forget, beginning the second world war.

For Germany had lost WWI, never forget, only 21 yrs earlier, Germany then dis-armed for heavy weapons, the armed forces reduced to 100,000, the nation looted by the Allied criminals, the people literally starved by the Brit. blockade into signing the Versailles Treaty and enslavement. For the Western plutocratic satanists led by Jews and "bankers" had to continue to protect, cultivate, and subsidize their latest Bolshevik monster they'd created in Russia, having mass-murdered millions of Christians, Soviet Russia the proto-type and enforcer for world gov. dictatorship they were busily constructing.

And yes, Hoffman, life is very much war, humans being sinners, and regardless of "Neanderthals," it's well-known method of war to threaten retaliation in kind for whatever one may complain of one's enemies, like bombing of civilians.

So what's Hoffman's real object for this latest article of his?--just more of his usual moralistic virtue-signaling and one-upsmanship, pretending, like the Pelagian hereticalist he is, to knowing all about moralistic "virtue," lecturing others--like he evidently does for his own, poor, victimized children.

For it's Hoffman and hubris-filled Pelagianists like him who are the real problem of our present society consumed in satanism and satanic, extreme subjectivism, pretending to what doesn't exist, like child's "good-evil" and a perfectly "free" God-like will. Hitler was actually a great hero bravely fighting this horrific and ever-expanding satanism, and he was magnificent for naming and confronting the Jew.

But Hitler only failed for the larger cultural issue of satanism in general, founded in subjectivism, hubris, and moralism, for which Jews are the natural leaders, but themselves don't originate, only taking advantage and manipulating it, due to their natural and thematic superior collectivist cohesion and organization, for their own purposes--as we see in this day, having become masters by specific means of that amazing criminal enterprise of fiat-currency (legalized counterfeiting) and central-banking--which subject-matters Hoffman hasn't the slightest grasp or understanding.
Below essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://takimag.com/article/the_jq_in_the_gop_david_cole/print#disqus_thread
See also article's text at http://www.nnnforum.com/forums/showthread.php?p=618389#post618389 , this site

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Cole, Typical Jew Liar, Omits Central-Bank Scam, Diverts To Ridicule, Etc.
(Apollonian, 13 Feb 18)

Jew, D. Cole, lies like the typical Jew, attempting to divert by means of half-truths, omission, and ridicule. For Jews run the topmost, dominant criminal enterprise and illegal monopoly for this sick, rotten, thoroughly degenerate nation and world, the central-banking, fiat-currency system--LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING--see Mises.org for expo on the subject; use their search engine for specific topics.

For previously, indeed, gentiles attempted such criminal "banking," excluding the traditionally hated anti-Christ Jews (there's no other kind of Jew), but gentiles were/are too subject to in-fighting. Jews however, are criminals by their very gentile-hating religion, Talmudism (see RevisionistReview.BlogSpot.com, Talmudical.BlogSpot.com, and Come-and-hear.com for expo), and Jews are naturally thus more cohesive and organized--"thick as thieves," united against hated humanity.

So historically, we see Jews were imported by gentiles to help run the various central-banking scams, and inexorably the Jews came to dominate the "business," such as it is and was, Jews strategically rewarding a few selected gentiles and esp. the royalty along the way; see Griffin's "The Creature From Jekyll Island." Now Jews rule nearly absolutely, owning practically everything and everyone, owning all politics, politicians and judges, and esp. the Jews-media, now and lately increasing control over the I-net.

For central-banking is actually quite a sublime fraud, the subject of money itself being ABSTRACT and not too easily understood by most people who don't grasp the actual diff. btwn real "money," which must be commodity and finite for amount, and mere CURRENCY which is (potentially) infinite, evermore issuances of such currency steadily devaluing the currency units, defrauding and despoiling the people, as we see here and now in USA, now become Jew S A, slave of Israel, as we plainly see.

So Cole, typical Jew, tries as usual for Jew liars to slithering past by means of omission of things he imagines gentiles won't admit they don't quite entirely understand, like central-banking, which literally controls and so heavily affects all the rest of the corrupt society, in "Decline of the West," by Spengler, which easily and readily allows a mere small minority, 2.2%, or even less, of pop., to so completely control, manipulate, and dominate.

Thus the corrupt society is doomed, there being soooo many dumb, ignorant gentiles not capable of grasping the central-banking scam, and Jews are precisely that bio-sociologic disease which so fatally affects the society, bringing about the inevitable and obligatory collapse which definitively reduces the incompetent population, all in accord w. Agenda-21 and -2030 Addendum genocide.
See for ref. above essay, no. 7, regarding "Hoffman"; also ck http://www.unz.com/article/the-people-who-were-burned-to-ashes-on-ash-wednesday/#comments

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Liar Who Lies Backs-Up Hereticalist, Hypocrite
(Apollonian, 14 Feb 18)

What's this, "alan" (see below-copied)?--u "can't fathom"?--well, we're not surprised as u're not too bright are u? And what?--u can't "engage" Pelagianism?--pretending to child's "good-evil"?--and u can't go to Wikipedia or use the search engine?--but who's fault is that?

Evidently, u're soooo brainlessly incompetent as to beggar belief, eh?--and we see u're just another liar, advocating the same sort of censorship that Hoffman practices at same time he hypocritically complains about it so often as he does in his putrid passive-aggressive, pathetic, and self-pitying manner.

But those are just my opinions, "alan," buddy, and I back them up w. substantial pts., info, and facts which u pretend are "vitriolic," liar as u are, though u're entitled to ur opinions too, eh? So people can read ur lies and my facts and see how it all reflects on ur hero, Hoffman.

---------------above by ap in response to below-copied----------------------

Alan Donelson says:
February 14, 2018 at 8:46 pm GMT • 200 Words

I cannot fathom the obvious vitriol flowing through the pair of comments “appollonian” posted. I have read Michael Hoffman’s work extensively and consider the essay on the tragedy of Dresden and related mass murders of people one of his most heart-felt and powerful. A scientist by training and predilection, I cannot engage competently the several “Pelagian” references and the following nasty attack:

“So what’s Hoffman’s real object for this latest article of his?–just more of his usual moralistic virtue-signaling and one-upsmanship, pretending, like the Pelagian hereticalist he is, to knowing all about moralistic “virtue,” lecturing others–like he evidently does for his own, poor, victimized children.”

I do wonder why the moderator — this comment thread is moderated, I presume — allowed the two postings by “appollonian”, apparently his|her first two on this site, and specifically motivated by attacking Mr. Hoffman. I hope others who frequent this site can express similar sensibilities.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/article/the-people-who-were-burned-to-ashes-on-ash-wednesday/#new_comments

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The Enormity Of satanism--Truly Mind-Boggling
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 18)

"You obviously know nothing about the Polish provocations meant to cause war.
Alas Hitler took the bait." -"EliteComminc." # 131

U're making BIG, but typical, mistake about dear unc' Adolf "taking any bait," for u must remember the billions and trillions of lies put-out by Jews, satanists, Jews-media and their sycophants, henchmen, tools, and paid liars and flacks. Don't forget "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion," which so well and perfectly analyzed the sociologic machinations--which was published yrs before unc' Adolf emerged and became famous--and it doesn't matter who was actual author of "Protocols...."

And don't forget or doubt the large satanic movement towards world gov., consolidation, centralization, etc. which ensues fm F. Revolution in general, including the American war of 1860s, based and following upon the ever-tightening of the central-banking (see Mises.org for expo) network exploited and managed by Rothschilds during and after Napoleonic wars, which hasn't ceased, even to this day of digital currency.

Thus unc' Adolf was serious impediment--though, to be sure, he didn't actually identify and define the larger SATANIC movement (founded upon extreme subjectivism by which reality is made to be mere product of mentality/consciousness, making oneself God, the creator) which Jews merely lead, manipulate, and exploit, Talmudism being merely specific, most practical and successful form of such satanism, Jews foremost satanists as they're sooooo sublimely collectivistic, organized, and cohesive--they thus lead all the gentile satanists and then, together, they leverage the rest of intimidated, demoralized society which lacks anti-satanic leadership, even the Christian establishment now hopelessly co-opted, subverted, and corrupt.

So u see, the "fix was in" even before unc' Adolf, and he and Germans were ALWAYS on defense against this satanic power founded upon the fiat-currency, "central-banking" scam--legalized counterfeiting.

Proper way to seeing it all is probably in accord w. the Russian author, Victor Suvorov (a pseudonym), who wrote the outstanding "Icebreaker" series, detailing Stalin's careful plans for massive aggression and invasion of the West--Hitler merely struck-back in self-defense best he could under difficult circumstances, and as it turned-out, saved W. Europe fm take-over by Russkie bolshevism.

For never forget humanity is ALWAYS on defense against satanism (extreme subjectivism) in general, which always arises and re-arises regardless specific circumstances, satanism working to destroy humanity. Humanity needed simply a healthy revived Christian (anti-satanism, worshipping TRUTH as ideal, in accord w. Gosp. JOHN 14:6) movement which unc' Adolf wasn't equipped for intellectually, he being mere politician who failed to grasp the subjectivist basis of the Jews, for example, subjectivism always using moralism as pretext.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/02/necromancy-in-parkland.html

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Hoffman: The Mad Moralist, Ho Ho Ho
(Apollonian, 15 Feb 18)

Hoffman writes, "In the long term it will require a moral revolution...." What?--"moral revolution"?--so what's "moral," Hoffman?--can u tell us?--is it just "good" = to "moral"? So then, what's "good"?--what's the definition?--what's the criterion that makes "good" what it is, distinct fm not-"good" or anything else?

And of course, Hoffman can't say what's "good" aside, no doubt, fm absurd circularities like "opposite of evil" (for what then is "evil"?)--he can't isolate any essence (for there is none). It's a lot like Hoffman is un-able to give a definitive source fm ancient texts for meaning of "usury," and he's too dis-honest to admit it.

For Hoffman won't admit simple truth: he cannot say what is "good"--for there is no such thing. And it's not coincidence that no one through entire hist. of philosophy has ever been able to definitively say what's "good" that applies in all instances.

For humans are necessarily creatures of will, though not perfectly "free," only God, by definition, having a perfectly free will. Thus humans can only do as they will, always following their will, and hence humans are necessarily self-interested, always have been, and always will be--necessarily--for such is their nature, creatures of will.

So what's "moral" if reality is determined, humans required by nature to follow their will--necessarily? How can humans be "moral," Hoffman, if anything they do is what they necessarily MUST do--as in the necessary following of will.

So "moral" only has real meaning as it is logical and rational, means always consistent w. ends, necessarily--though ends might be anything chosen by the subject.

For humans don't have to live if they don't want to, and if they want to live, they must heed to facts and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6). So the greatest ethical virtue is consistency, logic, and reason, as those are only thing(s) compatible w. truth (= Christ) and capable of achieving end(s), the object of will.

And we see Hoffman makes "morality" into a kind of mysticism, not knowing or capable otherwise of saying what "morality" is--it's his IDOL (false God) which he pathetically pursues so pitiably, compulsively, mindlessly, always talking about it but never able to say what it is.

And it's this mystic, mindless obsession of Hoffman's regarding "morality" that makes him soooo satanically inclined w. hatred for humanity and sympathy for his Jew masters for whom he has such sympathetic connection, whom he serves so pathetically, always wordlessly begging them to acknowledge Hoffman's "moral" dedication--as if those Jew monsters of narcissist and obsessionate satanism and psychopathology would care about or acknowledge.

But that's ok, Hoffman, as u're PERFECT example of how NOT to be and precisely what to avoid, eh? Keep up ur great work, buddy, ho ho ho ho.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2018/02/forbidden-polish-defense-of-their.html

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Hoffman: Really Only JEALOUS Of Jew Rivals For Lies, Lying
(Apollonian, 20 Feb 18)

Hoffman writes, "dopey and disgusting neo-Nazis...," but how is that any worse than Hoffman himself, compulsively passive-aggressive, pathetic, and self-pitying?

And Hoffman actually, nearly, almost himself puts his finger on the real issue, the fallacious idea of "good" in the form of what he calls "holocaustianity." But in that case ("holocaustianity"), it's just a form of the very same hereticalism that Hoffman himself suffers--Pelagian heresy--whence Hoffman makes himself equal and similar to God w. a perfectly "free" will, capable of "good," Hoffman worshipping such non-existent "good" above TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6).

For that's the pretext of satanist (extreme subjectivist) HUBRIS by which Hoffman, no less than Jews, equates himself w. God, creator of reality, capable of otherwise non-existent "good" by means of perfectly "free," hence Godly, will.

For thus Jews worship satanic lies (Gosp. JOHN 8:44) and lying by means of the pretext of non-existent "good" (as in form of "holocaustianity"), a perfectly "free" God-like will--extreme subjectivism. And Jews thus dominate the satanic culture built upon such subjectivism, "good," and pretended "free" will, the Jews most organized, most collectivist, most cohesive subjectivists, most capable of most effective "group-think," thus manipulating and exploiting that most powerful weapon and instrument of fraud and criminality, the CENTRAL-BANK--see Mises.org for expo.

And when one can thus create such fiat CURRENCY (not real money, commodity-based, which is static and finite for amount) out of nothing, one quickly comes to own and control everybody and everything, literally--legalized counterfeiting. But unfortunately Hoffman isn't capable of figuring it out about this fiat currency--he's too busy pretending he's "good" as he accuses people of "mortal sin" for imagined and fictitious "usury" which Hoffman, pretended "researcher," doesn't understand for original meaning, reference, and source, Hoffman lying like the very worst Jew, insisting "usury" is mere LENDING of money (or currency).

For Hoffman thus is really only JEALOUS of the Jews as his lies, lying, and Pelagianist heresy, as about "usury," doesn't slide past as easily as holohoax lying and fraud which is enforced and carried by the central-banking criminal financing scam and its Jew manipulators and operatives.
Blatant, Naked, Obvious CONSPIRACY To Monopolize, Censor--But Ho Hum, Stupid Puke Don't Care--Would Rather Watch Football Games, Etc.
(Apollonian, 23 Feb 18)

Well JewTube has now just handed the hill-billy shill for kikes, Ajax Jewns (InfoWars.com--see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=me3KgPhQKVk), the second strike--the threatened third to result in total taking-down and CENSORSHIP--as has happened before numerous times, lately the "Richie Allen Show," evidently.

Of course, JewTube says it's their private property, and they can do what they pls. But FACT is it's a conspiratorial MONOPOLY, a tool of censorship, JewTube and parent co., Google, getting MASSIVE gov. funding and tax-payer subsidies, not to mention favorable regulation fm the bureaucracies, in the building of their monopoly.

Note then HOW these monopolies and their network thereof works: it begins w. the overall, over-arching, top CRIMINAL monopoly above everything and everybody, the central-bank, the US Federal Reserve Bank (the "fed"), literally legalized COUNTERFEITING, which issues the currency, not real money, the people FORCED to accept this worthless currency by dictatorship and "legal-tender" laws. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking; use their search engine.

But the stupid scummy puke, called the "people," don't care u see--they're OVER-POPULATED scum, in pt. of fact, who only care about "bread and circuses"--and that's how all this "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, takes place, what's happening.

Such then is the working and process of satanism and satanist manipulation and management of the stupid puke, the over-populated "masses."

Note also, Trump and his administration DOES AND SAYS NOTHING--why?--because they're owned and controlled by the very same people at top, the criminal central-bank counterfeiters. Meantime, the puke (the "people") are distracted by "good-kike vs. bad-kikes," as in current gun-control "debate," the "leftists vs. rightists," "globalists/left" vs. neo-cons and Israel-first on pretended "right," behind Trump.

So the dumb hill-billy, Ajax, is doing his DIVERSIONARY best for the "good kikes" on the pretended "right," fulminating, saying NOTHING about the basic Jew and satanist problem (a), and then (b) the concrete manifestation of central-bank anchor and base to the criminal monopolistic network and dictatorship--and the puke (the "people") just love it all for the spectacle, soooooo thrilling, sooooo dramatic, eh?
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Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, http://www.unz.com/akarlin/quantified-jq/#respond

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Judaism Is Simply Inevitable CYCLIC Sociologic Function For Reduction Of Over-Population
(Apollonian, 25 Feb 18)

This analysis/exposition by Karlin is beside the pt. as Jews simply have a determinist socio-biologic purpose/function, that being to opposing the original rationalist, hence determinist, objective view, understanding, and grasp of reality (Aristotle) which created the original culture by gentiles, as Jews are, by definition, foremost SUBJECTIVISTS (Platonists, also Kantian) who hold and push the "midrash" (interpretation) of the Torah, thus the Talmudist/Pharisaic--see Talmudical.blogspot.com and Come-and-hear.com.

Gentile pretext for subjectivism is moralism and hubris, the presumption one can be "good" or "evil," all this by means of (non-existent) "free" will--which opposes the Christian principle of "original sin" and sinfulness--self-interest founded in willfulness, pretending to hubristic, God-like "free" will.

Note then extreme subjectivism is idea that reality is mere product of mind/consciousness, thus making oneself God, the creator, thus satanism. Of course, many more gentiles are subjectivists and satanists, but Jews are most and best organized, most cohesive, collectivistic, best led for effectiveness of their group-think, Jews co-operating best, most practically, upon the subjectivistic project--ESPECIALLY and ultimately in way of central-banking fiat-currency--legalized counterfeiting. See Mises.org for expo on central-banking.

Note then Jews don't originate the subjectivist (satanic) stage of a mature, degenerate society--which is done by corrupt and hubristic gentiles themselves, as in Rome and present USA--but Jews are enabled thereupon to organize, lead, and dominate the corrupt and relatively chaotic, dis-organized, and individualistic subjectivists among gentiles who yet out-number Jews (like Christian-Zionists, for example).

Thus organized by Judaic satanism (a redundancy, actually) the large satanic sub-culture soon dominates the whole rotten, corrupt culture/society in general in the great CYCLIC "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler. Note CYCLIC hist. follows the determinist, objective nature of reality.

So of course all gentiles and Aristotelians are non-"semitic," hence anti-semitic--for Jews are like a disease for their sociologic effect, like typhus, leprosy, and plague, that works necessarily to exterminating and eliminating corrupt, weak, inferior gentiles who've become subjectivist and satanic, mostly on pretext of anti-rational moralism, known in Christian theology as Pelagian heresy.