Apo essays for Nov 2019


Guest Columnist
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://www.counter-currents.com/2019/10/fake-hitlers-on-parade/#more-109829

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Hoffman, Just ANOTHER Failed Moralist Pretending To Virtue-Signal
(Apollonian 3 Nov 19)

Hoffman is a transparently horrible writer--except when it comes to analyzing Talmudism, as he does quite well in a couple of works of his. But when it comes to economics (or anything else, evidently)--like regarding "usury"--Hoffman literally knows nothing, and can't even reason regarding the subject, beginning w. what "usury" is in the first place--for it's surely not mere lending at interest, interest well-justified in the science and for matter of freedom-of-contract among humanity, obviously.

Worst of all, Hoffman is one of those putrid virtue-signalers, so self-righteous he stinks--a real Pharisee himself of the worst sort. And that's what his book on unc' Adolf is all about--to display to the Jews how he, Hoffman, emotes w. them against a hero who dared to fight satan's front-line soldiers, the Jews. Hoffman wants to pretend only he is allowed to criticize Jews, u see.

Simple fact is Germany was attacked by the Jew-conspiracy, like they were in WWI, and Stalin was preparing a massive attack on the eastern front, confirmed in fine detail by Suvorov (or Rezun). Note Hoffman is soooo pathetic in attempted rebuttal of Suvorov, Hoffman can only cite what others allege and assert against Suvorov's mountain of facts. Hoffman himself is capable of nothing but virtue-signaling--it's his only purpose and desire, never doubt.

In Germany in 1934, it was continuous war against the Jews and cohorts who had concocted yet another plot, and Gregor Strasser was simply un-lucky amidst the tragic turmoil. People just fail to see the great tide of determinist history faced by unc' Adolf and the Germans against the criminal Jews and their great central-bank operations (see Mises.org for expo on central-banking, etc.; use site search-engine for particular terms), consisting literally of legalized counterfeiting of fake currency, not real money, etc., combined w. the communist incubus, and United Nations world dictatorship.

So one sees Hoffman has no genuine arguments as he has no facts, his only real effort being in moralizing and emoting w. satanic Jews in his pathetic, self-righteous desperation, evidently in compensation and apology for speaking truth about Talmud--Hoffman is traitor to humanity and truth (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) itself, and he stinks.
Below-copied by ap submitted at comments, https://www.counter-currents.com/20...eration-hash=da575b110bba18c92d677c1ba0c301e0

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Hitler, Germany: Parts In CYCLIC History Of Central-Banking, Spenglerian "Decline Of West," United Nations Jew World Order
(Apollonian, 4 Nov 19)

Everything is so difficult and complicated for "Omouamoua" (and so many others): Germany and Hitler were attacked, pure and simple--and all in accord w. a sustained overall plan for world dictatorship/gov. Especially as Germany under Hitler/NSDAP had rebuilt so well and effectively (see David Hoggan's "The Forced War"), the Jew and central-banking powers decided it was time to strike and continue to remaking the world for Jew world order and one-world gov. under United Nations--they're still working at it, still in the saddle carrying the initiative, as we see, despite growing problems for the people getting wise to it all.

Thus Britain made an offensive alliance w. Poland, Poland making it clear it would be war if Germany didn't give-up Danzig to be taken-over by Poles, as Poles had done w. much other German-populated territory, murdering thousands of ethnic Germans as further provocation(s).

Thus Brits and French declared war on Germany which had done NOTHING against Brits and French--they just wanted a war, having nothing better to do for their Jew masters running the central-banks legalized counterfeiting (again, see Mises.org for expo on central-banking, etc.) fiat-currency scam(s).

When one looks at things in view of one-world gov., one sees "NATIONAL"-type gov., as Germany's, must go and be eliminated in face of world socialism for working classes, etc., all run and managed by the criminals behind central-banking operations, US Federal Reserve, B. of England, BIS, etc.

So Britain and France tried to line-up w. Soviets, who were too suspicious at first, but failing such alignment w. outright Bolsheviks, decided to use poor, stupid Poland. Behind everyone else stood Jew S A, so willing, even eager, to bankroll everyone else beginning w. infamous "lend-lease," by which Russkies were enabled, w. trucks for mobility, and food, ultimately to defeating Germany which didn't get its fearsome rocket and jet-engine weaponry on-line in time.

Proper analysis of history of one-world socialist gov. isn't difficult, really--such dictatorship all fueled and energized by means of central-banking scam which so many people STILL can't figure-out (hint: it's just legalized counterfeiting, literally).

Thus WWII must be understood as mere following act to the first "world war," which war was deliberately begun by Triple Entente conspirators, including the great Boer war which preceded--see "Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War," by G. Docherty and J. Macgregor, also ck their website, FirstWorldWarHiddenHistory.wordpress.com.

-------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Posted November 4, 2019 at 2:24 am | Permalink
Leading circles in the US and Britain wanted war but did not talk war. Stalin wanted war too but did not talk war either, at least not to the outside world. It was a different story with Soviet propaganda intended for domestic consumption. This propaganda talked war under the banner of world revolution.

Hitler and the Nazis were confused. They talked war, or at least it seemed so, under the banner of righting the wrongs of Versailles and obtaining Lebensraum. But they did not really know whether they wanted war or not. When war broke out, German forces where woefully unprepared. Successes were mostly a matter of luck. Full transition to a war economy occurred only several years into the war, not earlier.

The Nazis had no plan and did not fool anyone. American and British elites and Stalin all had the plan of pitting all the other ones against each other. Stalin fooled the Nazis by signing the pact that gave him Eastern Poland. The Nazis duly attacked Poland first. Eventually they found themselves in a two front war. How dumb is that? Polish atrocities against minority Germans prior to the attack were backed by the British and the Americans. They also got the war they wanted. They fooled both the Soviets and and the Germans. The Americans fooled the British into believing that they could win WWII just as they had won WWI. It hastened the demise of their empire. The empire’s days were numbered anyway. Its quick demise provided the Americans with the opening they needed to become the next hegemon. Influential circles in the US fooled the US public into believing that war was good for them. Here is the hierarchy of fools:

The US public
The British
The Soviets
The Germans

Hitler only ever made a single move that could be considered smart to some extent. By attacking the Soviet Union, he put Germany on the chopping block to prevent a communist takeover of all of Europe.

Hitler was a complex phenomenon. It is clear that he was a pawn in the grand scheme of things. He also had some leeway prior to the war. During this time, he had some successes with regard to how he ran the economy and drove out disloyal members of the German elite. This is why he is so difficult to gauge nowadays
Below-copied by ap first submitted but not published, at comments, https://www.counter-currents.com/2019/10/fake-hitlers-on-parade/#comments

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Liars And Enemies Of Unc' Adolf Are Enemies Of White Volk
(Apollonian, 8 Nov 19)

Alexandra, such a clever Jewwy op and liar, eh? Unc' Adolf took on the Jews directly, didn't he?--and he called their bluff and copped their case, Jews master-minding the central-banking criminal enterprise (see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms), consisting of legalized counterfeiting, which has now brought Jews ownership of Jew S A, the West, etc. So of course such a brave, honest man, Hitler, is magnificent, exemplary "hero"--it's indisputable.

And if u actually knew anything about the subject, unc' Adolf was quite successful as he went about revising the European order to enable it to facing the Bolshevik threat in the east--see Hoggan's "The Forced War." Jews and their lick-spittles had to protect their gains fm first world war, and that's why they attacked Germany, made an offensive alliance w. Poland, which threatened Germany w. war over Danzig, etc.

Tell us what Germany did against UK and France to cause them to declaring war? Rather, France and UK sought to legitimize Bolsheviks and make a treaty w. them against Germany.

And what's this?--u say, "...his own citizens, mostly Jews and others he ‘suspects of treason’, and marches them off to massively expensive and time-consuming ‘killing farms’...."? But didn't u know Jews are Satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com for expo)?--so how are Satanists fellow "citizens" of anyone? And "killing farms" are proven lies, sucker (see Codoh.com just for one source)--who do u think u're kidding?

But now u want to "...know where we plan our safehouses for our future"--and what's this "we," sucker?--who do u think u're kidding? For before we can "plan," FIRST we need to analyze the situation and consider whether traitors, liars, and Jewwies like urself are the very problem. Jews are and were the first to bringing in the non-white invaders, don't u remember?

So I say we should simply revive the original Christianity, worship of TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6), which Christianity was and still is explicitly anti-Semitic (just feast ur eyes on JOHN 8:44), return to a real MONEY system (not fraudulent fiat "currency"), observe simple concept of states-rights, in accord w. Tenth Amendment of Constitution (see TenthAmendmentCenter.com), and begin w. some serious NULLIFICATION of un-Constitutional laws. We don't need Jews, or sympathizers, like urself, telling the typical idiot lies and offering Jew-serving advice.

-----------------------above by ap in response to below-copied--------------------

Alexandra Ormsby
Posted November 8, 2019 at 8:31 am | Permalink
First he takes on Austria, then most of Scandinavia and Eastern Europe, then France, and — hold your breath — England — then, of all things –RUSSIA, in the winter — and finally northern Africa –all with feeble and unstable alliances with Italy and Spain (?) — meanwhile arresting millions of his own citizens, mostly Jews and others he ‘suspects of treason’, and marches them off to massively expensive and time-consuming ‘killing farms’ — and we sit here debating whether he was a ‘hero’? My friends, it’s over, and we must turn our attention back to all of white Europe that remains and North America, where we are under attack. It’s all a wonderful intellectual historical puzzle, and we have definitely done it justice on these pages today, but I would like to know where we plan our safehouses for our future.
Time Now To Inform The Goons About Enabling Power Of "Deep-State"--The Central Bank and Legalized Counterfeiting
(Apollonian, 16 Nov 19)

Folks: we have now reached the moment the Pres. of Jew S A should and must declare martial law against the now blatant coup attempt by the demon-rat party in their fraudulent "impeachment" attempts. Trump now should merely gather the Republican leadership to confer and determine upon definite action against the plain and blatant attempt of demon-rats for sedition of the lawful gov., such as it is--even though, in truth, this gov. is totally controlled by "deep-state" Jews, esp. Israel--these Jew idiots have simply allowed things for this charade to going too far--too many people now see the travesty (sedition) for what it really is.

Especially now in case of latest "Ukraine" episode, we see it's much a matter of diverting attn. fm the Biden corruption, as the former VP is on tape explicitly telling everyone what he did and how he did it, threatening Ukraine to withhold funding if they didn't remove the prosecutor investigating VP's son's corrupt Ukrainian company and cohorts. Earlier, in the "Russian collusion" farce, it was diversion fm hitlery's e-mails and other corruption, including the "Clinton Foundation," proceeding then to FBI and CIA defrauding the FISA court, attempting the framing of the Pres.

The only missing piece of the puzzle not fully acknowledged by the mass of goons, called "the people," is the nature and function of the central-bank in financing and enabling these moronic scams of the "deep-state," "deep-state" now controlled by Israel-first faction, mostly, which used to be the "little brother" to the leftist "globalists" of CFR and Trilateralists/Bilderbergers, another Jew-oriented and -controlled conspiracy--as Jews are most organized, collectivistic, and cohesive, obviously.

But now even many of these stupid, over-populated, TV-addicted goons can understand "LEGALIZED COUNTERFEITING," which is what the central-bank does, w. the fraudulent fiat-currency (not real MONEY--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine), which enables the overwhelming power of the Jews and "deep-state"--which is what is behind all this idiotic "impeachment" balderdash and moronic nonsense.

I guess we just need someone like Ron or Rand Paul to come-out and make a speech, letting the morons and scum to know the "cat" is out of the proverbial "bag" for the enabling instrument of "deep-state," the central-bank, which does what even the goons can grasp as legalized counterfeiting, which gives "deep-state" its practical power, financing wars and terror events, buying all the politicians and judges, controlling the Jews-media, etc.

The time is right for this revelation regarding legalized counterfeiting of central-bank, as now even the stupid goons understand such thing as "deep-state." If Ron or Rand Paul won't do it, surely Paul Craig Roberts could do it for informing the people, if not Roberts, then maybe Ajax Jewns of InfoWars.com, or old Rush Limbaugh. The people are finally ready for this informative truth about "deep-state" which is now MANIFEST.
"Deep-State"--MUST Conceal It's Secret Weapon, The Central-Bank, A Losing Struggle
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 19)

The central-bank (the "fed"--see Mises.org for expo; use their site search-engine for particular terms) is the dirty little secret at the bottom of the "deep-state" subject matter which is now most topical regarding the brazen assault being made against President Trump. Hence deep-state must conceal the central-bank at all costs and it can do this by means of fact Trump is himself just another creature of the deep-state, in all truth.

For Trump is mere figure-head for Israel-first faction of deep-state, which faction also makes use of central bank. So the truth is there are two things going-on regarding "impeachment": (a) the discovery of the deep-state, the "globalist" (leftist-atheist) faction striving to remove Trump. And (b) at same time deep-state must conceal central-bank (c) which it does by means of the Israel-first faction necessarily co-operating for this concealment. (d) Israel-first faction also conceals that Trump is part of deep-state as he works for Israel-first, which is itself part of deep-state, running the central-bank.

So the people are benefitted by fact that the topmost conspirators, the deep-state, is conflicted, a necessary event, and indeed, the ONLY HOPE the stupid, over-populated goons, called "the people," have against this fearsome, murderous, satanic deep-state composed of communist "globalists" and psychopathic Israel-first factions. Heretofore, deep-state operated safely, the two factions cooperating far more readily.

Notice also deep-state is headed and organized by Jews, Jews simply being most collectivistic of all, aside fm being most subjectivistic, most satanic. Thus Jews head and direct the two factions, leftist "globalist," and the pretend "rightist" Israel-first faction, led by figure-head, Trump, which thus includes establishment "Christian" façade.

And Jews are old hands at confusing and obfuscating their conspiratorial role and function, but they have the problem now of explaining the "deep-state"--their latest quandary for lies and lying--luckily for them they control the Jews-media which has always taken care of the propaganda and cognitive dissonance programs against the over-populated goons and morons.

So, as noted, such now are the ominous circumstances for Jews, Satanists, deep-state, and central-bank--and the beckoning opportunity for patriots and Christians for continuing exposure of the large satanic conspiracy against the people, the "deep-state" under the "spotlight," struggling desperately against exposure of the central-bank scam.
Hoffman: Putrid, Pretentious Moralist Posing As Historian
(Apollonian, 19 Nov 19)

Michael A. Hoffman II, author of a new book on unc' Adolf, "Adolf Hitler, Enemy of the German People," is presently glorying and crowing that his book is under "increasing" attack (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/11/attacks-on-hoffman-and-his-book-adolf.html ). But we already know Hoffman is very poor historian, merely the typical self-righteous moralizer, pretending he's "good," that he knows all about morality, and people should be more like him, taking his instructions.

And indeed, we can understand Hoffman wants to continue posing as the great moralist, as always, now using unc' Adolf as his foil. Thus Hoffman seeks to elevate himself and his usual putrid Pharisaism, hoping thus to making-up w. the Jews whom he well criticizes for their thematic Talmudism and Satanism. So that's Hoffman's purpose, pushing his moralism as always for him, and now in this instance, regarding dear unc' Adolf, to sucking-up to Jews. Is it any wonder real historians and honest folk have nothing but contempt for such as Hoffman?

Unfortunately, for Hoffman, he totally misses the boat for history as the Germans were attacked, France and UK, instigated by Jews and the Roosevelt regime in USA, declaring war upon Germany, which had done absolutely nothing against UK and France, which Germany under Hitler simply defended the German city of Danzig and the German people still living in Poland, Poland having taken land fm Germany illegally, who were being mass-murdered by Poles.

Hoffman, the incompetent "historian," overlooks simple, demonstrable fact Germany and Germans had been under active and unrelenting attack by the Jew bankers and associated oligarchs since 1914. And Germans under Hitler fought a desperate, defensive war against forces of Satanism and bolshevism who worked to mass-murder Germans of the time as they continue their mass-murder and de-population agenda to this very day under the brave New World Order and Agendas -21 and -2030.

Thus we the people can well judge Hoffman's incompetence by his previous treatment of the subject of "usury" (see his "Usury In Christendom..."), which Hoffman (falsely, at least tendentiously) defines as mere lending at interest, this charging of interest being, somehow, according to Hoffman, as "immoral," which morality Hoffman fails to define except as the commandment of God, which "commandment" Hoffman mysteriously extracts fm mere written material, like Old Testament, certainly not first-hand fm God, as Hoffman would like to pretend.

Thus we see Hoffman the moralist deriving his moralist judgment upon "usury" and lending at interest by mysterious, "magical" means--it says so in the book, thus it is true, according to Hoffman--so much for his knowledge of economics and money and banking, aside fm "morality" and history.
Below-copied essay by ap first submitted (BUT NOT PUBLISHED BY THE COWARDLY LITTLE PUKE, HO HO HO) at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/11/dr-flanagan-reviews-hoffmans-book-enemy.html

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Hoffman, Victim Of Gross Hubris, Envy, Merely Wants To Display Moralism Above All
(Apollonian 20 Nov 19)

Dr. Pat Flanagan (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/11/dr-flanagan-reviews-hoffmans-book-enemy.html ) wants and tries to puff his buddy, M. A. Hoffman II and his new book, "Adolf Hitler: Enemy of the German People," but there are serious problems which Flanagan cannot resolve, indeed cannot even conceive, evidently.

For in the first place, note Hoffman's basic spiritual circumstances and orientation: (a) Hoffman is first and most A MORALIST, featuring the non-existent "good-evil," for children and dogs--known as the Pelagian heresy. Hoffman isn't really interested in the actual facts and TRUTH (= Christ, Gosp. JOHN 14:6), so it's questionable and doubtful if Hoffman is really even Christian, as a Christian worships TRUTH above all--not idiotic moralism which must be built upon basic facts of OBJECTIVE reality.

(b) And Hitler was genuinely loved and revered by the German volk, and millions and millions others of all races, as he strove to speaking the truth about Jews, who are actually just Satanists, Satanism being at root simply extreme subjectivism which makes consciousness the creator of all reality, the Jews dominating the goyim subjectivists who pretend to "good-evil," like Hoffman, as Jews are foremost COLLECTIVISTS, hence collectivistic subjectivists, most organized and cohesive, naturally leading all the more isolated and "individualist" subjectivists and moralists like Hoffman.

Hoffman actually envies the Jews, thus Hoffman analyzed the Jew Talmud and exposed it for the essentially satanic document it really is--that's why Jews soooo hate Hoffman, and now Hoffman, thoroughly intimidated by these Jews, wants to make a gesture of sympathy by way of this horrible pack of lies he writes-up now about dear unc' Adolf who so well defied, denounced, reviled, and told truth about Jews directly, without any compromises, best he could. So we see Hoffman actually envies dear unc' Adolf and the heroic Nazi Germans who fought the Jews, uncompromisingly.

And now let's cut to the simple, specific (existential) truths and facts, beginning w. most basic, of which Flanagan and Hoffman are sooo hopelessly and foolishly ignorant--which lots of people actually see and know well.

For Germany was attacked, hunted, targeted, stalked, and finally struck and assailed in the last instance by Poland and UK (and France) which first made an offensive alliance against Germany in March 1939, and then without Germany having done anything against UK and France, had war declared against her by UK and France in Sep. 1939--these are easily observed and acknowledged simple facts which many people well understand.

Long before, in 1914, Germany had been targeted and indirectly attacked by a conspiracy of UK, France, and Czarist Russia after the Austrian Archduke was assassinated by Serbia acting at behest of Russia and France who assured Serbia they need not fear consequences of such gross, blatant, criminal aggression.

Germany and the Kaiser, Wilhelm, strove earnestly to urge the Czar not to mobilize his armies, but the Czar had been instigated too well by France and UK, including the Czarist officials, Sazanov and Isvolsky, and Germany was forced to react in accord w. long-standing alliance w. Austria. See "Hidden History...," by Docherty and MacGregor; ck their website, FirstWorldWarHiddenHistory.wordpress.com. UK was terrified by growing German naval power, otherwise destined to overtake the Brits. France wanted Alsace-Lorraine, and the stupid Czar was assured he'd get Constantinople and the straits.

Thus Germany was attacked once again in 1939, and when unc' Adolf realized the overwhelming bolshevik forces arrayed against him and his allies, 170 divisions (or so) and numerous airfields right on the border, with yet another huge echelon of at least 70 more divisions close behind, he found he had no other choice but a pre-emptive assault--just as Victor Suvorov (Rezun) noted in "Icebreaker," and which all historians acknowledge--these are the stubborn facts and truths which Flanagan and Hoffman abhor in their satanic hatred of heroic Germany led by dear unc' Adolf.

Regarding Gregor Strasser, one can truthfully say that circumstances aren't clear enough to speak w. too much assurance about what actually happened, and Flanagan certainly gives no clear accounting. Hoffman merely wants, as always for him, a pretext to display his typical Pharisaic moralism, not to mention ENVY, to condemn the hero, unc' Adolf, who surely did what he honestly thought he had to do.

St. Constantine the Great executed his son by his first wife, his second wife, and his nephew, the son of imperial rival, Licinius, but the Church still made Constantine a Saint--it can well do similarly for unc' Adolf who did the best he could, surely the ONLY things he could under the difficult and overwhelming circumstances, attacked by the satanic "allies" of the West, led by blood-thirsty, psychopathic Jews who controlled, and still control, the finances of the West and indeed, the entire world, as we see. Jews naturally hate "Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion" because it expresses the truth and instructs the otherwise clueless goyim.

So much for Flanagan and Hoffman, mere moralistic dwarves and mental pygmies compared w. heroic unc' Adolf Hitler, Hoffman grossly ignorant about so many things, beginning w. meaning of Christian anti-Satanism, hence obligatory anti-Semitism (just ck Gosp. JOHN 8:44), ignorant of basic, simple facts of history, and including economics, money and banking, and the original meaning of "usury" as given in Old Testament--God could NEVER have forbidden mere lending at interest, which is not, and could not be, meaning of "usury," which subject Hoffman made such a fool of himself for having written an entire book on the matter which now screams out Hoffman's gross incompetence, ignorance, and miserable self-righteousness--his latest, "Adolf Hitler...," is just another putrid dud.
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Most Dramatic New Development In Politics/Journalism: Widespread Grasp Of "Deep-State," Suckers--GOLDEN Opportunity For Patriots, (Real) Christians To Expose Satanists, Central-Bank
(Apollonian, 23 Nov 19)

Well now, we see evermore the emergence of the "deep-state"--what and who are they?--they're the ones behind the "impeachment" farce/travesty, which poor, Israel-first Trump can't seem to shake. "Deep-state" sure has the resources, eh? For no matter what, the Jews-media, esp. the "leftists" (which is practically all of them--there are none without some "deep-state" spokes-persons, including FOX News), keeps backing "deep-state" and demon-rats.

Thus "deep-state" keeps pushing the demon-rats to prosecute Trump; "deep-state" Jews-media keeps pushing, despite people evermore grasping the idiot lies and lying. So it's one faction of Jews, the leftists, atheists, and "globalists" against the Israel-first Jews who back Trump--all Jews, all the time, "good Jews vs. bad Jews"--HOW is this?

For there's one absolute, most powerful instrument at the top which RULES--the central-bank, suckers (ck Mises.org for expo; use site search-engine for specific terms)--why can't the over-populated fools, morons, and goons among "the people" figure this out?--surely, evermore people are figuring it out, but will it be enough, soon enough? For note, "deep-state" (Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], Tri-lateralists, and Bilderbergers) want "population-reduction" by which to mass-murder and genocide the over-populated people, now filled w. so many fools, scum, TV-addicts, inferiors, and weaklings--U KNOW war is coming--it's only matter of time--then we'll have bio-weapons, etc.

So It's GOLDEN opportunity, now that "deep-state" is so topical, popular, and in view of the public attn., for patriots and Christians to pt.-out the presence, place, and function of (a) Jews and Satanists (extreme subjectivists), and that Jews are Satanists, by definition and nature, (b) and then the central-bank, gross criminal enterprise (literally legalized counterfeiting of the currency, not REAL MONEY), and how it functions, and its place, etc.

Funny thing: the John Birch Society (JBS) and a few others (Mises.org), like many "libertarians," perfectly well understand "deep-state" and central-bank relation, BUT won't say anything substantial as JBS, for example, is so totally funded by Jews.
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/11/dr-flanagan-reviews-hoffmans-book-enemy.html , but not published (gee, I wonder why?), ho ho ho.

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Hoffman: Pathetic Psycho, Mindlessly Envious, Obsessive Virtue-Signaler
(Apollonian, 24 Nov 19)

Ho ho hoh oho, Mike Hoffman, passive-aggressive, virtue-signaling little psycho, envious of Jews and Adolf Hitler at same time, has a "genius" idea, by golly: he'll make a sop to his Jew enemies, who hate him for his Talmudic exposition, which he expects will confute at least some of the Jews, at same time as he maligns and tries to defame a real hero, Adolf Hitler, as in his new book, "Adolf Hitler...." What's Hoffman's "thesis"?--that unc' Adolf was "enemy of the German people," again, according to his book and title thereof.

So Hoffman says Hitler betrayed Germans by attacking poor Russkies--who only had 170 divisions sitting on the border btwn the two, and adds Hoffman, Hitler failed to eradicate "usury," this usury being one of Hoffman's psychotic, obsessive little hobby-horses which he insists God has forbidden (see his book, "Usury in Christendom...").

But didn't unc' Adolf speak truth about Jews, and inspire his people thereby?--and doesn't that deserve credit?--well, of course, but Hoffman is jealous of such hero as Hitler, and is too much the moralistic Pharisee and virtue-signaler, who insists he's only one who's allowed to criticize Jews, u understand. Hoffman is the megalomaniac among moralists, u understand, probably thinks he should be pope as he pretends to Christianity and general know-it-all as about economics and money and banking, Hoffman now in this case, regarding Hitler and WWII, the supreme arm-chair military strategist, no less.

So let's observe Hoffman as he converses w. one of his correspondents who attempts reasoning w. Hoffman in comments section on his blog (see https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2019/11/dr-flanagan-reviews-hoffmans-book-enemy.html ). Thus it's presented to arm-chair general Hoffman, "At the time, 6 German divisions, on the border between Poland and the Soviet Union, faced 170 Russian divisions." Just before, "n June 1941, the Soviets annexed Bessarabia and North Bukovina [in Rumania]. They were thus threatening near the Romanian oil wells,...."

Arm-chair general Hoffman responds: "...a wise German leader [Hoffman knows all about "wisdom," u understand] would have done to Stalin’s forces what Stalin did to Hitler’s...." Thus Hoffman would have Hitler to allow the Soviets to attack first, eschewing the pre-emptive attack of the Germans which we KNOW was successful--Germans only faltered later as Stalin was heavily supplied by USA "Lend-Lease" w. essential trucks, enhancing greatly mobility of soviet forces, and food which soviets lacked, as usual for them and all socialists.

Hoffman's responses are highly entertaining as the know-it-all Hoffman lectures his correspondent, "[t]his contention violates every principle of military strategy," he pompously announces. Hoffman the pretended scholar imagines that quoting sources and other opinions absolutely proves his contentions, as Hoffman pontificates, "n my book I quote the sources that show that Hitler’s generals who were in charge of supplying the Ostheer, stated to him by the end of 1941, that the army could no longer be adequately supplied, the war was lost,...." Case closed, according to Hoffman--this is Hoffman's idea of scholarship and argumentation, folks, Hoffman the passive-aggressive, virtue-signaling psycho.

It's truly amusing to observe Hoffman in above-mentioned comments section going on w. his moronic, presumptuous lecturing and declamations, but regardless, he may indeed very well finally be able to accomplish some significant sales of his book, though I don't think Jews will allow too much of that as it would bring attn. to Hoffman's anti-Talmudic expositions. Who else will sell and feature Hoffman's work? But at least Hoffman might be able to inveigle some of the dumber Jews to giving him a word of defense or mitigation in face of otherwise overall, typical, and obligatory Jew hatred. Poor Hoffman, the fool, psycho, and pathetically inept virtue-signaler.
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