Apo essays for Sep 2017


Guest Columnist
Below-copied by ap first submitted at comments, https://fellowshipoftheminds.com/20...mary-so-as-not-to-alienate-students/#comments

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Christ = TRUTH, Above All, Against satanic Lies
(Apollonian, 2 Sep 17)

Folks: note this so-called "Catholic"/Christian school is really engaged in a quite distinct sort of FRAUD--and it's easily analyzed. (a) For at root, Christ = TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 14:6) against satanic lies (JOHN 8:44), Jews leaders of satanists (see Talmudical.blogspot.com).

(b) Now HOW can there be "truth" unless there's "God-given" OBJECTIVE (Aristotelian) reality upon which such truth is necessarily based?--this is simple, basic philosophy, not difficult for anyone to grasp.

(c) And satanism is necessarily (extreme) SUBJECTIVISM by which one holds reality is mere creation of consciousness/mentality, making oneself God.

So one easily grasps the profound and distinct FRAUD being perpetrated at San Domenico. But then the question arises, WHAT has happened that such blatant anti-Christ, satanic fraud has arisen and now spitting in everyone's face?--answer is the general hubristic and degenerate state of the culture in "Decline of the West," by Oswald Spengler, by which the successor generations suffer gross HUBRIS, pretending to have achieved "good"--which is Pelagian heresy, according to St. Augustine.

Further, note there's just TOOOOOOOO MANY of these inferiors, weaklings, traitors, and suckers among the successor generations to original American heroes of the revolutionary era, who made way for this horrific mass of scum, filth, and puke, who now dominate, calling themselves human.

For as there is no such thing as "good-evil," we see the satanists and Jews actually fulfill a sublime socio-biologic purpose--the mass-extermination of these hordes of goons, morons, scum, filth, and puke, who call themselves "human." And there's really nothing to be done about it--the die-off/kill-off has to happen. Only thing to do is to prepare to weather the inevitable "storm" and work to survive the horrific catastrophe which has to happen--like the great "black" plague of 1349.

Practical things to do on the smaller scale is to institute real money system based on commodity money, gold/silver being best, and such political measures as states-rights, nullification, and secession--which would be well-applied here in USA, the people well grasping and understanding the basic concept--against the absolute state and world gov. dictatorship pushing Agenda-21 and -30 GENOCIDE--talk about satanism and the death cult.

Hence people in general only need know and confirm consciously what they already sense and feel subconsciously--the regnant satanism. And people merely need understand what this satanism is, at root, extreme subjectivism, by which they make themselves God the creator, the top satanists following a sublime COLLECTIVISTIC satanism and "group-think" which is actually so practical, effective, and as we see, successful--witness the Jews, who absolutely rule, Israel leading USA by the nose. And the pretext for satanism is always that basic pretension to "good-evil" and self-righteousness--Pharisaism--known in Christianity as heresy of Pelagianism.

Christians must grasp and understand Christ is TRUTH, above all, and it's not about "good" or "evil," or idiot "love" or moronic "faith" of brainless "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'"--proper "faith" only means LOYALTY, not mindless, moronic "beleeeeeeeeeeeeeevin'."
"White-Supremacy"?--What Exactly Is It Supposed To Mean?--Just Another Jewwy Buzz-Phrase
(Apollonian, 15 Sep 17)

So WHAT is "white-supremacy"?--ho ho ho ho ho ho Are u a "white-supremacist"? Why wouldn't white folks want this white-supremacy? So do white folks think white is "supreme"?--but, "supreme" in what?--everything? Thus Jews and their satanist buddies seem to pretend there's something wrong w. "white-supremacy"--like there's something wrong w. "racism," this racism being something pretended to be wrong or bad or evil or immoral, etc. And of course, whites are supposed to deny being racists, being loyal to their people, and to deny advocacy of "white-supremacy"--whatever that's supposed to mean.

So does "white-supremacy" refer to something metaphysical?--like, do whites live longer, or jump higher, or something metaphysical like that? We know Jew filth are "smart," right? So how could whites be "supreme" if kikes are soooo "smart"? Does God like white folks more than anyone else?--is that what's meant by "white-supremacy"?

Or is it POLITICAL "supremacy" which is meant?--and what actually would be wrong w. that? But after all, a real equality would be good enough--"supremacy" might have problems attached--like if there was a hierarchy of such "supremacy," including something like an aristocracy.

And shouldn't whites be satisfied w. being white?--is that "supremacy"?

So u see "white-supremacy" is quite questionable notion, rather lacking for specific meaning, and it's just another buzz-phrase put-out by kike filth who, as always, want to keep the races fighting one-another, pretending such "white-supremacy" is somehow wrong or bad, etc.
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Below-copied essay by ap first submitted at comments, https://revisionistreview.blogspot.com/2017/09/republicans-unite-with-gay-lobby-to.html

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satanism Is Subjectivism, Besets Culture, Society
(Apollonian, 20 Sep 17)

Hoffman: I suggest to u the program which is being pushed, in general, is satanism. So WHAT is satanism, exactly?--it's basically, at root, extreme subjectivism, the idea all reality is product of consciousness/mentality, thus making oneself God, the creator. Judaism then is just a collectivistic version/variation of this basic Satanism by which Jews cooperate upon practical goals, the Jews being most organized and best led towards ends of this GROUP-THINK process.

Christ (= truth, Gosp. JOHN 14:6) opposes this subjectivism/Satanism, by means of the implicit, God-given OBJECTIVE reality, the necessary criterion/basis for any "truth."

This basic philosophic/theologic dichotomy, objective vs. subjective, is at root of conflict NOT ONLY btwn Judaism vs. Christian, but the even more general satanism, there being MANY more gentile satanists than Jews, BUT Jews able to organize, direct, manipulate, and manage these Satanists towards particular ends and goals. The satanists then, in general, though still being a minority among all the people, are thus more capable, by means of Jew leadership, of intimidating and manipulating the people in general for political/cultural purposes.

Primary practical instrument for Satanists and Satanism is the CENTRAL-BANK (see Mises.org for expo) by which CURRENCY, not real money, is forced upon the people, this currency then proliferated/replicated ("inflation") which steadily devalues the currency units previously issued, the people despoiled, defrauded, and steadily enslaved--as we see.