Apollonian essays and comments - September 2005


Guest Columnist
Rudolf Deserves Only Measured Assistance
(Apollonian, [30 Dec fm original] Sep 05)

Germar: I somewhat sympathize with u (see Rudolf's pleading msg copied below this essay); however, U URSELF censor and suppress information--for example, the fact u're a NEO-PELAGIAN moralistic of mere Kantian variety--it's why Germany lost WWII, German Transcendental Idealism (GTI), this GTI a mere resurgence of the old Pelagian heresy condemned by St. Augustine.

U were kicked out of Germany, though unjustifiably, for being a pest, so now like Walter Mueller (thetruthisback@yahoo.com), u afflict us honest and much-beleaguered patriots here in US, not realizing u're mostly dead weight, helping not nearly as much as u should and could. U're lucky suchlike as I appreciate ur books--it's the only thing, like Walter Mueller, u're really good for, bookselling.

When people understa
nd and grasp the
profound ignorance of Walt Mueller--THEY FIND OUT WHY POOR GERMANY HAD TO LOSE WWII and why we white and Western volk must presently suffer the Spenglerian "Decline of the West."

Even an outstanding good man, Ernst Zundel, is mere neo-Pelagian, like u--u suffer the same horrific delusional disease (Pelagianism). Another excellent German, A. Hitler, was nothing more than mere Pelagian mediocrity--well okay, maybe a little above mediocre, but far, far from being one of the "greatest" Germans, like dear Martin Luther, a truly magnificent man.

Evolution and history determined Germany was over-populated (with Pelagian heretics/delusionals), inflicted WWII to kill off the Pelagianist inferiors, and such as urself wants now, evidently, to drag down the US to the same horrible fate. Don't doubt u're a problem for us true Christians and Americans, only a little less than those infernal Jews who ride along and thr
heretics like urself when u diseased creatur
es get to be too ma
ny (there are still way too many of u inferiors and half-educated weaklings and moralistics).

Remember Pelagian heresy is equivalent in rationalistic/psychologic terms as DELUSION--u're OBSESSED with moralism ("good-evil" fallacy) no less, for example, than Jews are with holohoax, their insane religion (persecution-complex, -psychosis). U just feature a different variety of delusion, neo-Pelagianism, and pretend u're rational or more justified, or whatever. But u're not rational, Germar; u're insanely obsessed, no less than Jews.

In short, u're a PHARISEE no substantially different from those psychotic, insane Jews--u two go together and couldn't exist without one another. Both of u (meaning including Jews) complain the other persecutes.

U're almost a complete waste of time for real patriots--it's just u're useful at the moment to use against the m
ore pow
erful en
emy, the Jews and their masterminds. We need more anti
semitism; more good Christians need to see
how treacherously Jews really operate. But Jews thrive, as I say, upon the presence of delusionals and heretics like u. If it weren't for weaklings like u, Germar, Jews wouldn't have anything to excuse their own obsessionate psychoses.

CONCLUSION: So I wish u good luck against those greater pathologic enemies of the truth, Jews, even though u're not much better for the neo-Pelagian heretic/addict u are. Farewell.

Apollonian, combat-scholar/theologian-of-giftedness, part-time exorcist, Christian Patriot