Barack Hussein Obama - 'crypto Muslim'?


Re: Barack Obama: spawn of a black African father and a white American mother


>William Ayers
(Weatherman Underground bomber, unrepentant domestic terrorist)
Frank Davis
(Member Communist Party USA, Early mentor to Obama)

>Jeremiah Wright
(Black Liberation militant, racist, and Pastor)
Tony Rezko
(Corrupt Financier, ties to Terror Financing)

>Louis Farrakhan
(Nation of Islam Leader, racist, anti-American)
(Fundamental Islamic Candidate, Kenya, Obama's Cousin)

>Daniel Ortega
(Marxist Sandinista Leader. Nicarauga)
Raul Castro
(Hard-line Communist Leader, Cuba)

>Communist Party Illinois
(US Communist Political Party)
Socialist Party USA
(Marxist Socialist Political Party)

>The New Black Panther Party
(Black Militant Organization, anti-American and racist)
Hamas Terrorist Organization
(Islamic Terrorist Organisation)

>More than 80 attorneys for Guantanamo detainees
-who have been offering free-of-charge legal services.
Not surprising that lawyers for Muslim terrorists would support Obama.

>The Communist Party USA

>The Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism

>Rep. Keith Ellison, the first Muslim congressman

> Sam Graham-Felsen, (Obama campaign's official blogger)
He spent time in France taking part in labor riots, has written for a socialist magazine, hung a communist flag in his home, and was a fan of Marx while at Harvard.

>Kwame Kilpatrick

George Soros' (slumlord undergoing trial) son, Jonathan Soros, an attorney and financier, recently promoted to deputy manager of Soros Fund Management , is personally involved with's activities.

>Muslim Americans for Obama '08

>The Muslim American Society

>Obama Supporters for Marijuana Law Reform

>Obama Youth
"Obama Youth" had as its logo the Islamic crescent and stars (until word got out on the net and they had to clean it up)

>President Daniel Ortega
..who statee, "It's not to say that there is already a revolution under way in the U.S. ... but yes, they are laying the foundations for a revolutionary change."

>Project Islamic H. O. P. E.
..who displayed Obama as their banner boy until word got out and they had to clean that up.
Obama is no longer there on the site.

>Rev. Al Sharpton
..obviously supports Obama, but obviously advised to keep it quiet.

>Shepard Fairey
Official artist of the Obama posters...remarkable resemblance to Marxist posters

>Tony Rezko
Obama said that he estimated Rezko raised about 50,000 to 60,000 for his political career.
Obama has collected at least $168,308 from Rezko and his circle.

>Malaak Shabazz
Daughter of Malcomb X

>The Socialist Party USA

>George Soros
billionaire - Jew hater

They all support, endorse, and/or friends and mentors and advisors of BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA.

They all hate America, they all want to destroy America as we know it. They all want the United States to retreat in the war on terror, and they all want to make over the United States into a marxist/socialist/collective nation

Obama's own core ideology/theology, coincide with these people.
This says all you need to know about Obama.. You can and should judge a man by the company he keeps.
Maybe this explains Obama hands were over his crotch instead of saluting the flag/anthem and refusing to wear the flag pin- claiming to do so was 'false patriotism'.

Re: Barack Obama: spawn of a black African father and a white American mother

Celeste and Loren Davis are Missionaries in Africa and can shed some light on one of our Presidential candidates.Thanks for sending out an alert about Obama. We are living and working in Kenya for almost twelve years now and know his family (tribe) well. They are the ones who were behind the recent Presidential election chaos here.

Thousands of people have been displaced by election violence (over 350,000) and I don’t know the last count of the dead. Obama under “friends of Obama"� gave almost a million dollars to the opposition campaign who just happened to be his cousin, Raila Odinga, who is a socialist trained in east Germany. He has been trying to bring Kenya down for years and the last president threw him in prison for trying to subvert this country! December 27th elections brought cries from ODM (Odinga Camp) of a rigged election. Obama and Raila speak daily. As we watch Obama rise in the US we are sure that whatever happens, he will use the same tactic, crying rigged election if he doesn’t win and possibly cause a race war in America.

What we would like you to know is what the American press has been keeping a dirty little secret. Obama IS a Muslim and he IS a racist and this is a fulfillment of the 911 threat that was just the beginning. Jihad is the only true Muslim way. We have been working with them for 20 years this July! He is not an American as we know it. Please encourage your friends and associates not to be taken in by those that are promoting him. It is world wide jihad. All our friends in Europe are very disturbed by the Muslim infiltration into their countries. By the way, his true name is Barack Hussein Muhammed Obama. Won’t that sound sweet to our enemies as they swear him in on the Koran!

God Bless you. Pray for us here in Kenya. We are still fighting for our nation to withstand the same kind of assault that every nation, including America, is fighting. Takeover from the outside to fit the new world order. As believers, this means we will be the first targets. Here in Kenya, not one mosque was burned down, but hundreds of churches were burned down, some with people in them, burned alive.

Jesus Christ is our peace but the new world order of Globalism has infiltrated the church and confused believers into thinking that they can compromise and survive. It won’t be so. I will send you a newsletter we sent out in February documenting in a more cohesive manner what I’ve tried to say in a few paragraphs.

Disclaimer: The views in this post are not necessarily views shared by myself. It is posted as a point of view held by some about a Presidential candidate.

Don't know how much credence can be put into this, as it comes from a couple of nutty missionarys
Re: Barack Obama: spawn of a black African father and a white American mother

Obama Says He's Visited 57 States
By John Stephenson | May 9, 2008 - 21:26 ET

Amazingly, Barack Obama claims to have visited 57 states! I'm going to be generous and chalk this gaffe up to exhaustion, because it is difficult for me to fathom that someone who wants to be the President of the United States could actually be this stupid. Watch the video.
Hussein said this because there are 57 states in The Organisation of Islamic Conference.

The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is an international organization grouping FIFTY
SEVEN states which have decided to pool their resources together, combine their efforts, and
speak with one voice to safeguard the interests and secure the progress and well-being of their
peoples and of all Muslims in the world.

That was no mistake.
Malik Obama confirms his half-brother Barack grew up a Muslim

Malik Obama confirms his half-brother Barack grew up a Muslim

By Israel Insider staff June 13, 2008

Malik holds a photo of Obama and him in Muslim dress, reportedly when the two first met in 1985

Apparently the Obamas of Kenya have been reading those scurrilous emails to which Barack likes to refer, because they have no doubt -- contrary to the claims of the Obama campaign, that the presidential candidate was raised a Moslem. They take that as a given.

As the Jerusalem Post reports, "Barack Obama's half brother Malik said Thursday that if elected his brother will be a good president for the Jewish people, despite his Muslim background. In an interview with Army Radio he expressed a special salutation from the Obamas of Kenya."

The Obama brothers' father, a senior economist for the Kenyan government who studied at Harv
ard University, died in car crash in 1982. He left six sons and a daughter. All of his children - except Malik -- live in Britain or the United States. Malik and Barack met in 1985.

In a remarkable denial issued last November that still stands on the official campaign website, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs issued a statement explaining that "Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a Muslim, and is a committed Christian."

Apparently Malik Obama, himself a Muslim, had not read the press release.

Melanie Phillips is the most recent commentator to draw attention to the massive body of evidence that leaves no doubt that Barak Hussein Obama was born a Muslim (Islam is patrilineal) and raised a Muslim (so registered in school, acknowledging attending Islamic classes, reported accompanying his step-father to the mosque, and able to recite the Koran in the original Arabic).

Reuven Koret, Aaron Klein and Daniel Pipes have previously pointed to the attempts by Obama and hi
s campaign to conceal the candidate's Muslim background. The well documented evidence draws upon the on-the-ground interviews by researchers in Indonesia and Kenya, published quotations of Obama's childhood friends and his school records, as well as the candidate's own autobiography.

It is not clear whether Barack Obama will now disown his half-brother Malik, or throw him under the campaign bus, for acknowledging that shared family background. In any case, some one should notify "Fight the Smear" tout de suite. Perhaps they can get him with the program.