Barack Obama: spawn of a black African father and a white American mother

Educate Yourself On The Real Barack Hussein Obama

Barack Hussein Obama:

Obama pandering to illegal aliens:

Obama told the radical Mexican organization La Raza, ' the demonstrations recently for (illegal aliens) illegal immigrant' "rights" are equal in greatness to the civil rights marches of the past'

He supports the 'Dream act' - helping to college educate children of illegals at tax payer expense and other atrocities.

The truth about illegal aliens:;search=Search

Muslim "religion":

Chilling Muslim demonstration in London:

See what Muslims have done to Sweden:

Some cities in Minnosota have to listen to THIS 5x a day over loudspeakers!

Muslims in New York City desecrate the American flag: __________________The truth that the leftist media won't tell you: NEVER FORGET- THIS SHOULD BE REQUIRED VIEWING FOR EVERY AMERICAN:

Ted Kennedy & Clan Backs Obama!

The Day The Angels Wept In South Boston


The Kennedy clan is to throw its weight behind Barack Obama's bid for the presidency following his victory in the South Carolina primary.

The endorsements by John F Kennedy's daughter Caroline and brother Senator Ted Kennedy were a blow to Hillary Clinton, who suffered a 28-point humiliation in the Southern state.

Mrs Clinton had sought to get the Democratic establishment behind her bid to become America's first female president.

But Caroline Kennedy, previously a supporter of Mrs Clinton, made public her support for Mr Obama in a New York Times article entitled "A President Like My Father".

"I have never had a president who inspired me the way people tell me that my father inspired them," she wrote. "But for the first time, I believe I have found the man who could be that president - not just for me, but for a new generation of Americans."

Sen Kennedy, who had been courted by Mrs Clinton, has privately made known his dismay at the Clinton campaign's negative tactics.

He is expected to announce his endorsement when Mr Obama appears in Washington today.

Mrs Clinton, expecting a bad result, had left South Carolina before Saturday's polls closed. But the size of Mr Obama's win was a surprise.

It means that the pair go into the final stretch before next week's "Super Duper Tuesday", when 22 states vote, with two states each under their belts.

Campaigning in Macon, Georgia, Mr Obama said his victory showed that Americans were rejecting the politics of the 1990s, when Mrs Clinton's husband Bill was president.

"I do think that there is a certain brand of politics that we've become accustomed to... where we basically think anything is fair game," he said.

"There is no doubt that I think that in the '90s, we got caught up in a slash-and-burn politics that the American people are weary of."
Re: Ted Kennedy & Clan Backs Obama!

Well, the senator was largely responsible for the 1965 immigration act that has transformed our country and Caroline married Schlosberg, and whose mom was the mistress of Maurice Tempelsman. Think about it. Onassis' money went to John Jr. and Caroline. Now all of it goes to Caroline and Schlosberg. Schlosberg got it all and the financier, Tempelsman, undoubtedly is involved in the investments.

So, who is surprised by this news re Obama?

All of the anointed ones running have been hand-selected. There is no choice. It is an illusion, just for the consumption/entertainment of the masses.
As Campaign Surges, Obama Working to Quell Jewish Fears

As Campaign Surges, Obama Working to Quell Jewish Fears

Mere minutes before he was inducted into Camelot, Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama shifted his attention from the Kennedy clan to the Jewish tribe.

Immediately prior to accepting the endorsement of Senator Edward Kennedy on Monday afternoon in Washington, Obama conducted a conference call with Jewish reporters in an effort to dispel concerns on a number of issues, including his approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the views of his longtime pastor.

The timing of the call underscored a concerted attempt to capture Jewish voters in the run-up to the Super Tuesday primary contests. While some polls have shown Senator Hillary Clinton of New York ahead in 20 of the 22 states that will vote on February 5, Obama’s boost from the Kennedy endorsement and from his overwhelming win in South Carolina on January 29 have cemented his status as a serious contender for the nomination. In the face of this unexpectedly competitive campaign, Jewish voters in the Super Tuesday states — which include New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois, Massachusetts and Connecticut — are now finding themselves tasked with needing to weigh Obama’s candidacy more carefully than ever.

In recent weeks, even as the organized Jewish community has publicly combated a series of scurrilous personal falsehoods, more delicate questions about his views on the Middle East have animated Jewish leaders, spilling on to the pages of newspapers and into discussions among voters. Despite repeated efforts to reach out to the community — including the recent mobilization of some of his prominent Jewish supporters, such as Lee Rosenberg, a board member of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee — doubters have continued to make noise.

“The concern in the back of my mind is, ”˜Is he going to be the next Jimmy Carter?’"� said one prominent Jewish Democrat who spoke with Forward on the eve of the primary in New Hampshire, as he was grappling with the seeming implosion of the Clinton campaign. Emphasizing that he planned to support whoever became the party’s eventual nominee, the Democrat said he was uneasy about Obama’s emphasis of dialogue with Iran.

Spurred by the same concern, last week the former Israeli ambassador to Washington, Danny Ayalon, raised his voice in The Jerusalem Post, in an article titled “Who Are You, Barack Obama?"�

Such comments have frustrated Obama aides, who complain that the candidate has repeatedly clarified the various issues about his personal connections as well as his policy positions, but that these efforts seem to gain little traction against the power of rumor and innuendo. Nevertheless, those efforts were made once again in this week’s conference call.

During the call, Obama argued that a magazine affiliated with his pastor’s Chicago congregation, the Trinity United Church of Christ, had “made an error in judgment"� by awarding a prize to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan in November 2007.

“I have always denounced the abhorrent antisemitic views of Louis Farrakhan,"� Obama said. He noted that he had spoken out against antisemitism in the black community for decades, including during a recent appearance at Atlanta’s Ebenezer Baptist Church on Martin Luther King Day.

He also reiterated many of his longstanding pro-Israel positions, including the need for Hamas to recognize Israel’s right to exist as a precondition for talks, and his rejection of a literal Palestinian right of return. Asked about the peace process, Obama said the Palestinians had the responsibility to tamp down on violence before Israel made substantial concessions.

Palestinian leaders have to “get a hold of their security apparatus, to be able to crack down on terrorist activity, to root out the corruption,"� he said. “Until the Israelis have some confidence that whatever is negotiated will actually be followed through on, I think it’s going to be difficult."�

When asked about his previous statements emphasizing the need for diplomatic engagement with Tehran, the senator first reaffirmed his understanding of the threats posed by the Iranians.

“Iran’s possession of nuclear weapons would not only be a threat to U.S. interests and destabilizing to the region but would also be an extraordinary threat to Israel,"� he said, noting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Holocaust denial and his expressed wish that Israel did not exist. But Obama said that incentives, along with deterrence, are needed to deal with the regime.

“I also think we should be presenting carrots,"� he said. “The key is to give Iranians incentives to behave differently."� The unwillingness to talk, he said, “empowered extremists like Ahmadinejad."�

These remarks came on the heels of other steps taken to underscore his support for Israel in the past week. On January 23, the senator sent a letter to Zalmay Khalilzad, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, calling upon him to ensure that any response to the recent unrest in the Gaza strip will not be biased against Israel.

It remains to be seen how these remarks and others will play in the Jewish communities next Tuesday. In the only two contests with significant blocs of Jewish voters thus far, Nevada and Florida, exit polls showed Clinton capturing the lion’s share of Jewish voters in both.

Nevertheless, Obama has won backers from somewhat unexpected quarters. Martin Peretz, the hawkish editor-in-chief of the New Republic, endorsed Obama through his blog, The Spine, on January 25. Though motivated in large part by his well-known distaste for the Clintons, Peretz said he had been impressed by Obama’s “almost poetic vision and disciplined mind."�

“I don’t really know him, so whatever I think about him is not inside dope,"� said Peretz, who added that he had spoken with Obama privately about six months ago, in a meeting arranged by intermediaries. Peretz added that he trusts Obama far more than Clinton with the security of Israel, and believes him to be more skeptical than Clinton of the “Palestinian capacity to really come to an agreement that they will enforce."�

“I think with Hillary, like a lot of politicians, it’s a matter of ingenuity,"� Peretz said. “Obama is asking the better question: ”˜Are the Palestinians really ready?’"�
Not much to worry about since the chief cultural marxist herself is going to be the next presidential automaton.
Maria Shriver Backs Obama

February 3, 2008, 5:58 pm

By Adam Nagourney

Score another Kennedy for the Barack Obama campaign.

Maria Shriver, wife of Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and daughter of Eunice Kennedy, endorsed Senator Obama Sunday night in Los Angeles. Her husband, a Republican, endorsed Senator John McCain last week.

It was the latest development in the battles of the Kennedys in the presidential race.

She appeared as a surprise guest at a rally in Los Angeles for Mr. Obama with Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Kennedy.
CNN’s Martin: Obama Should Emphasize His Liberal Record


CNN’s Martin: Obama Should Emphasize His Liberal Record
By Matthew Balan | February 6, 2008 - 12:55 ET

CNN contributor Roland Martin, commenting on the results of Super Tuesday on Wednesday’s "American Morning," advised Barack Obama to indirectly play-up his liberal credentials in order to do better in upcoming caucuses and primaries. One such item was Obama’s visible support of the pro-illegal immigration marches in 2007. "[H]e has to be able to take the Hispanic supporters and say, look, this is a guy who we are behind.... [H]e did make the point that he was only one of two U.S. senators who actually marched in many of those immigration marches around the country. People probably forget that. If you don't make the point, they don't know."

Earlier in the segment, which started 45 minutes into the 6 am hour, Martin, who appeared with "American Morning" co-host John Roberts, detailed some of the problems Obama might face in the future. "But the problem is this -- in every Democratic primary, women have made up about 57 plus percent of all voters in various primaries. That is a critical voting block, and so, he has to be able to really grab a lion's share." This prompted the question from Roberts, "As we saw in many of the states across the country last night -- the Super Tuesday races, with the exception of Illinois, she won the majority of the Hispanic vote as well. How much of a problem for that?"

Martin first brought up Obama’s past working in low-income neighborhoods in Chicago. "I think part of the problem here, and I think when it comes to Hispanics, but also dealing with low income voters, is that Obama does not focus more on the community organizing days. If you actually listen to Michelle Obama's speech on Sunday in Los Angeles and UCLA, that's actually the speech that he should be giving. She talked about going to public schools. She talked about being out there, working with steel workers, working in public housing complexes."

What Martin said immediately afterwards concerning Obama is puzzling, given Hillary Clinton’s own "privileged" background of going to Wellesley and Yale Law School. "[T]he perception is that he is a candidate that went to Harvard University, you know, University of Chicago, Constitutional Law professor. But he has to be able to connect with people saying -- wait a minute, I'm there with you. My mom was on food stamps. I understand what it felt like from being a single parent household. He has to make that case better."

The full transcript of the segment from Wednesday’s "American Morning:"

JOHN ROBERTS: 45 minutes after the hour. Barack Obama is still playing the role of underdog. But after last night, there is a new feeling of momentum. Here's what he told supporters last night.

BARACK OBAMA: In states north and south, east and west, what began as a whisper in Springfield has swelled to a chorus of millions calling for change.

ROBERTS: Well, at least 13 out of 22 states went to Obama last night. Roland Martin is a CNN contributor, who is watching all the returns come in late last night.

ROLAND MARTIN, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: Just a couple of hours ago.

ROBERTS: You had a couple of hours sleep, maybe 90 minutes worth. He joins us this morning. So last night was a pretty interesting night to watch. Hillary Clinton -- and if you look at, say, the results from California, she is still strong among white women, older Americans, lower income earners, but Barack Obama beginning to gain in white men. How important is that for you?

MARTIN: Well, that is critical, because he is to be able to put together this sort of coalition building -- that is a pieces from this group, this group, and this group. But the problem is this -- in every Democratic primary, women have made up about 57 plus percent of all voters in various primaries. That is a critical voting block, and so, he has to be able to really grab a lion's share, anywhere from 30 to 35. Look, she's maybe over 40. She's probably going to pick up 70. But any time she gets over 72, that's a problem in any state.

ROBERTS: As we saw in many of the states across the country last night -- the Super Tuesday races, with the exception of Illinois, she won the majority of the Hispanic vote as well. How much of a problem for that? Where's that exactly going to be going for?

MARTIN: The problem is Texas. That's where you probably had the largest group remaining over all the primary states. And so, he must do real well. I think part of the problem here, and I think when it comes to Hispanics, but also dealing with low income voters, is that Obama does not focus more on the community organizing days. If you actually listen to Michelle Obama's speech on Sunday in Los Angeles and UCLA, that's actually the speech that he should be giving. She talked about going to public schools. She talked about being out there, working with steel workers, working in public housing complexes, because the perception is that he is a candidate that went to Harvard University, you know, University of Chicago, Constitutional Law professor.

But he has to be able to connect with people saying -- wait a minute, I'm there with you. My mom was on food stamps. I understand what it felt like from being a single parent household. He has to make that case better. She's doing extremely well. She's going to stay on message and to focus on those folks.

ROBERTS: So that's lower income. Why is she doing better with Hispanics?

MARTIN: Well, I think because of Bill Clinton is hugely popular. I talked to Paul Begala last night. I talked about when he went down to Texas and then went down to the various barrios, and went to Corpus Christi and Brownsville, and so, you have that unique relationship, but you're also cannot deny the reality of this black-brown friction that we have seen take place across the various states. And I was debating someone here at CNN about this, saying -- look, I'm born and raised in Houston, Texas. I covered stuff in Dallas and Austin. I've seen it since 1989, coming out while I was still in college. That is real. And so, he has to be able to take the Hispanic supporters and say, look, this is a guy who we are behind. Also, we did do a debate, John, he did make the point that he was only one of two U.S. senators who actually marched in many of those immigration marches around the country. People probably forget that. If you don't make the point, they don't know.

ROBERTS: So, how important was her win in California to blunting the momentum that he was beginning to build up. And then look like the last-minute polls in California were dead wrong. They had just about an even race. She beat him pretty handily.

MARTIN: Well, but he's the deal with the last-minute polling, which you don't take into consideration. One-third of all ballots cast were early voting. And so, they really started right after New Hampshire. She did a real welcoming after that. The problem now moving forward is now more folks know who he is, but she did very well. That was a critical strategy for her to get those early ballots, because she saw him coming down the back stretch towards the end of the campaign.Probably one more week, he could have been able to generate the number of people, but you have half a million people vote early, it's difficult to overcome a double digit lead.

ROBERTS: Well, they're still very close in delegates and we got a long way to go.

MARTINS: That's right. So all of a sudden, Vermont, those votes are going to be real pretty for those delegates.

ROBERTS: Exactly. Howard Dean loves that. Roland, thanks very much. Good to see you.
Re: CNN’s Martin: Obama Should Emphasize His Liberal Record



The election of a Black man or woman as president of the United States simply adds emphasis to the fact that a White Homeland needs to come into existence sooner rather than later.

Skara Brae

Why Barack Hussein Obama Is A Danger To America

I believe in a woman's right to choose, but I also believe in restrictions on the practice. Obama does not. He goes so far as to have unbridled support even of partial-birth abortion.

This is a procedure, performed in late-term pregnancies, where a fetus is extracted from the uterus via the birth canal by the legs. The head of the child is left inside the mother until after the infant's brains have been sucked out. All the while the child is kicking and flailing. Many lives that are destroyed this way are past the point at which they are viable outside the womb.
When the Congress/Senate voted on the ban on partial birth abortions he was one of only five senators who voted against the measure.
Obama has stated that a fetus that is born alive should be left unattended to die as the mother intended.

In February 2004, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, sent a fund-raising letter with the 'alarming news' that 'right-wing politicians' had passed a law stopping doctors from stabbing half-born babies in the neck with scissors, suctioning out their brains and crushing their skulls.
Michelle called partial-birth abortion 'a legitimate medical procedure,' and wouldn't supporters please pay $150 to attend a luncheon for her husband, who would fight against 'cynical ploys' to stop it?

He also defended the rights of hospitals in Illinois to let children die outside the womb by repeatedly opposing the Born Alive Infant Protection Act against infanticide and he is against parental notification laws.

Democratic Jr Senator (IL)Voted against banning partial birth abortion

In 2003, as chairman of the next Senate committee to which BAIPA (Born Alive Infants Protection Act) was sent, Obama prevented it from even getting a hearing. BAIPA, by the way, stated that all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted.

Source: The Improbable Quest, by John K. Wilson, p.147-148 Oct 30, 2007

In 1997, Obama twice voted “present"� on an Illinois partial-birth abortion ban.
Twice, Obama voted against bills prohibiting tax funding of abortions.

Obama's stance on illegal immigration:
Go here and hear his speech to La Raza:

La Raza is the largest Hispanic organization in the U.S. Lobbies for racial preferences, bilingual education, stricter hate crimes laws, mass immigration, and amnesty for illegal aliens.

Obama stated in a speach to La Raza that the recent Senate immigration debate "was both ugly and racist in a way we haven't seen since the struggle for civil rights."

Obama told La Raza that the mass protests lately of for immigration rights of Mexicans is equal in greatness to the civil rights protest of the past.

Obama supports La Raza's, the "DREAM Act" -which would mandate states to offer in-state tuition rates to illegal aliens thus providing them with benefits not available to U.S. citizens from other states, as well as amnesty and other atrocities.

Obama's biggest backers and closest associates are black radicals/Muslim activists:

Obama's ties to 'slumlord' Tony Rezko

Raila Odinga, a Kenya radical involved in the disputed Kenya election claims to be Obama's cousin. Cousin or not, he is a close associate Obama has kept in close contact with him and supported him. In August 2006, Mr. Obama visited Kenya and spoke in support of Mr. Odinga's candidacy at rallies in Nairobi.

Mr. Odinga has an electoral pact with the National Muslim Leaders' Forum — a hardline Islamist organization that represents Kenya's Muslim minority. According to this document, dated August 29, 2007, Mr. Odinga promised the Muslim leaders that, if elected, he would establish Sharia courts, not only in the northern and coastal regions where Kenyan Muslims are concentrated, but throughout the country. He also promised to impose Muslim dress codes on women, ban alcohol and pork, indoctrinate children, ban Christian preaching.
Odinga is reported to be behind such atrocities as the burning of a Christian church with 50 people inside.

On January 7, 2008 CNN reported that Barack Obama personally called Odinga to express concern about the election results. Do you think CNN is lying about Obama's calls to Odinga?
"Intensifying the diplomatic pressure from the United States, Democrat candidate Barack Obama phoned Odinga "to express grave concern over the election outcome," Odinga's spokesman Salim Lone said.
Lone said Obama, whose father was Kenyan, also said he planned to call Kibaki.
Obama's spokesman, Robert Gibbs, said the senator spoke to Odinga on Monday for about five minutes before going into a rally in New Hampshire" CNN

Obama's church is a black radical anti-Jewish, pro- Islamic. They are closely associated with Nation Of Islam and it's 'minister', Louis Farrakhan.

NATION OF ISLAM Louis Farrakhan
Go to this site and read the ten things they demand of the U.S: This is racist and insane.

Some of the things Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhran are demanding from the United States: (From the website)

What The Muslims Want

We want freedom. We want a full and complete freedom.

We want our people in America whose parents or grandparents were descendants from slaves, to be allowed to establish a separate state or territory of their own--either on this continent or elsewhere. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to provide such land and that the area must be fertile and minerally rich. We believe that our former slave masters are obligated to maintain and supply our needs in this separate territory for the next 20 to 25 years--until we are able to produce and supply our own needs.

Since we cannot get along with them in peace and equality, after giving them 400 years of our sweat and blood and receiving in return some of the worst treatment human beings have ever experienced, we believe our contributions to this land and the suffering forced upon us by white America, justifies our demand for complete separation in a state or territory of our own

We want freedom for all Believers of Islam now held in federal prisons. We want freedom for all black men and women now under death sentence in innumerable prisons in the North as well as the South.

We want an immediate end to the police brutality and mob attacks against the so-called Negro throughout the United States.

We want the government of the United States to exempt our people from ALL taxation as long as we are deprived of equal justice under the laws of the land.

We want equal education--but separate schools up to 16 for boys and 18 for girls on the condition that the girls be sent to women's colleges and universities. We want all black children educated, taught and trained by their own teachers.

Under such schooling system we believe we will make a better nation of people. The United States government should provide, free, all necessary text books and equipment, schools and college buildings. The Muslim teachers shall be left free to teach and train their people in the way of righteousness, decency and self respect.

We believe that intermarriage or race mixing should be prohibited. We want the religion of Islam taught without hinderance or suppression.

Obama's mentor and pastor, Jeremiah Wright and his church gave this man an award.

Wright said in his speech during the presentation, "Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African American religious experience. His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics."

Quotes from Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wright, and his close associate, Louis Farrakhan, head of Nation Of Islam:
These racist quotes are a matter of record. There are dozens of links.

"God will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims....God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims." – Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

"White people are potential humansâ┚¬¦they haven’t evolved yet."– Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan
Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2000

According to a journalist's account, "Farrakhan called 'the white man' the 'anti-Christ' to rousing applause."

"White America got their wake-up call after 9-11. White America and the Western world came to realize people of color had not gone away, faded in the woodwork, or just disappeared as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns." Jeremiah Wright (Obama's pastor and mentor)

"The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for over 40 years now. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the PALESTINIANS have lived because of Zionism." Jeremiah Wright. Obama's pastor.

This is all very disturbing. These people are radical activists.

Barack Hussein Obama's love of Islam and hatred of the white race are apparent in his books, "Dreams Of My Father", and "The Audacity Of Hope":
Read them. They are there. Regardless if they were made 10 years or more ago, any white candidate who had those remarks out in print would be crucified!

"I found solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity toward my mother’s race."�

“The emotion between the races could never be pure,"� he laments in “Dreams."� “Even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart."�

I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites,"� he wrote.

"he vowed that he would “never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois and Mandela."�

"There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs,"� he wrote. “It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."�

“There was something about him that made me wary,"� Obama wrote. “A little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."�

That hate hadn't gone away,"� he wrote, blaming “white people some cruel, some ignorant, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives."�

Obama's admiration of Islam:

“In the wake of 9/11, my meetings with Arab and Pakistani Americans â┚¬¦ have a more urgent quality, for the stories of detentions and FBI questioning and hard stares from neighbors have shaken their sense of security and belonging,"� he laments. “I will stand with them (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."�

The person who made me proudest of all,"� Obama wrote, “was Roy (half brother). Actually, now we call him Abongo, his Luo name, for two years ago he decided to reassert his African heritage. He converted to Islam, and has sworn off pork and tobacco and alcohol."�

In Indonesia, I had spent two years at a Muslim school,"� he wrote in his first memoir, “Dreams from my Father."� “The teacher wrote to tell my mother that I made faces during Koranic studies."�

"Obama’s stepfather was a practicing Muslim."
Lolo followed a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient animist and Hindu faiths,"� Obama recalled. “He explained that a man took on the powers of whatever he ate: One day soon, he promised, he would bring home a piece of tiger meat for us to share."�“It was to Lolo that I turned to for guidance and instruction,"� Obama recalled. “He introduced me as his son."�

He sponsored S.CON.RES.53: A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress that any effort to impose photo identification requirements for voting should be rejected.

In 1999 he was the only Illinois State Senator to vote against a bill barring early release for (criminal) sex offenders.

He voted against filtering pornography on school and library computers and he voted for sex education for kindergarten children through the 5th grade.

Also, in 2001, he voted “present"� on a bill to keep pornographic book and video stores and strip clubs from setting up within 1,000 feet of schools and churches.

Obama's anti-Jewish stance:
The ascent of Barack Obama from state senator in Illinois to a leading contender for the Presidential nomination in the span of just a few years is remarkable. Especially in light of a noticeably unremarkable record -- a near-blank slate of few accomplishments and numerous missed votes.

However, in one area of foreign policy that concerns millions of Americans, he does have a record and it is a particularly troubling one. For all supporters of the America-Israel relationship there is enough information beyond the glare of the klieg lights to give one pause. In contrast to his canned speeches filled with "poetry" and uplifting aphorisms and delivered in a commanding way, behind the campaign faÃԚ­ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š§ade lies a disquieting pattern of behavior.

Early on in his career he chose a church headed by a former Black Muslim who is a harsh anti-Israel advocate and who may be seen as tinged with anti-Semitism. This church is a member of a denomination whose governing body has taken a series of anti-Israel actions.

As his political fortunes and ambition climbed, he found support from George Soros, multibillionaire promoter of groups that have been consistently harsh and biased critics of the American-Israel relationship.

Obama's soothing and inspiring oratory sometimes vanishes when he talks of the Middle East. Indeed, his off-the-cuff remarks have been uniformly taken by supporters of Israel as signs that the inner Obama does not truly support Israel despite what his canned speeches and essays may contain.

Now that Obama has become a leading Presidential candidate, he has assembled a body of foreign policy advisers who signal that a President Obama would likely have an approach towards Israel radically at odds with those of previous Presidents (both Republican and Democrat). A group of experts collected by the Israeli liberal newspaper Haaretz deemed him to be the candidate likely to be least supportive of Israel. He is the candidate most favored by the Arab-American community.

Tucker Carlson of MSNBC has called Pastor Wright a total hater and wondered why the ties that bind Obama to Wright have not been given greater scrutiny.

Mickey Kaus of Slate has also wondered when the ties between Obama and Wright will receive more criticism, given Wright's seeming bigotry, which is in contrast to the soothing melody of unity that Obama has trumpeted on the campaign trail.

Some in the media have taken notice. The New York Times did have one front-page article on Wright by Jodi Kantor in which Wright was quoted as saying that should more information come to light about himself, "a lot of his Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in hell". After the article came out Wright attacked Jodi Kantor, referring to her Jewish heritage in a way that might create discomfort.

Cohen questions why Obama has stayed steadfast in his allegiance to Pastor Wright over the years.

Obama has called Wright his spiritual mentor, his moral compass and his sounding board. He was the man who gave Obama the term, "The Audacity of Hope" after all.

Nevertheless, an Obama spokesman told the New York Times he is proud of his pastor and his church. All these are sharply at variance with what Obama himself preaches on the campaign trail.

One should also note that the governing body of the United Church of Christ has taken a series of anti-Israel actions over the years. A broad coalition of Jewish groups have rebuked the Church for these actions.

As Obama took steps toward the United States Senate he found a very powerful sugar daddy who would help fund his rise: George Soros. The billionaire hedge fund titan began supporting Obama very early. Soros even found a loophole that allowed him and assorted family members to exceed regular limits on campaign contributions.

Soros is also a fierce foe of Israel, for years funding groups that have worked against Israel. Soros also called for concessions to Hamas -- a terror group that has killed many innocent people and that has called for the destruction of Israel.

Obama has seemed to excuse attacks against Americans by Iranian-supported terror groups because we have provoked Iran by trying to liberate Iraq. When Congress voted to identify the Iranian Revolutionary Guards as a terror group-thus making it susceptible to sanction-Barack Obama was AWOL (as has been widely noted, Obama has a history of missing votes and avoiding unpleasant decisions)

Obama:"Nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people" He later tried to revise history by insisting he had said "Nobody has suffered more than the Palestinian people from the failure of the Palestinian leadership". However, the well-respected and the Des Moines Register newspaper (which has an audio record) dispute Obama's "redo".

I cannot believe this stranger has come out of nowhere and duped the American public with his lofty retoric - that they follow without question, like sheep. His machine has the weak-minded so pumped up that it is laughable. If you dare say one uncomplimentary thing, you are shouting down with screams of racist and bigot and called a spreader of lies and filth!! Even if you present facts that are indisputable- like his books and what he says in his speeches, they call you liar.
They refuse to believe. Absolutely amazing- and very, very frightening- the power behind this man.
He has the money of the black radicals and Muslim radicals behind him to put out a pristine resume, and to hide his Islamic past- and present.
They are working day and night to white wash him and to stop criticism. They are even scrubbing the net of detrimental material.
You who do not believe this information had best get your heads out of the sand and wake up to who this man is and just what his agenda might be.
Read his books. Go to YouTube and listen to his speeches.
Educate yourselves! This man's closest associates and biggest backers are black hate groups like Nation of Islam, The New Black Panther's Party and people like billionaire Muslim/Muslim sympathizers Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko and Louis Sorros!
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama


Another scary thing about Obama. We'd have to be completely crazy to let this man get anywhere near the White House.

There is a rumor going around that Obama has made private pledges to black organizations that should he become President he will pardon many thousands of back prisoners as well as push for long time sought "Reparations" for the black race to account for present and past social injustice.

At the core of the Democratic front-runner's faith — whether lapsed Muslim, new Christian or some mixture of the two — is African nativism, which raises political issues of its own.

In 1991, when Obama joined the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, he pledged allegiance to something called the Black Value System, which is a code of non-Biblical ethics written by blacks, for blacks.

It encourages blacks to group together and separate from the larger American society by pooling their money, patronizing black-only businesses and backing black leaders. Such racial separatism is strangely at odds with the media's portrayal of Obama as a uniter who reaches across races.

The code also warns blacks to avoid the white "entrapment of black middle-classness," suggesting that settling for that kind of "competitive" success will rob blacks of their African identity and keep them "captive" to white culture.

In short, Obama's "unashamedly black" church preaches the politics of black nationalism. And its dashiki-wearing preacher — who married Obama and his wife and now acts as his personal spiritual adviser — is militantly Afrocentric. "We are an African people," the Rev. Jeremiah Wright reminds his flock, "and remain true to our native land, the mother continent."

Wright once traveled to Libya with black supremacist Louis Farrakhan to meet with terrorist leader Muammar Qaddafi. Last year at a Chicago gala, Wright honored his old pal Farrakhan, who's fond of calling whites "blue-eyed devils," for lifetime achievement.

It comes as little surprise then that Wright would think Israel a "racist" occupier of Palestinians, while describing the 9/11 attacks as a "wake-up call" to "white America" for ignoring the concerns of "people of color."

Wright makes the Rev. Jesse Jackson look almost moderate and patriotic. Yet this is whom Obama picked to baptize his daughters, plus to act as his "sounding board" during his presidential run.

The candidate already has heeded his church's "nonnegotiable commitment to Africa," spending an inordinate amount of his campaign time on the Kenyan crisis, for one. Obama has close family ties to Kenya, and even founded a school in his ancestral village — the Senator Obama School.

In the bloody conflict there, which already has claimed some 700 lives, Obama appears to have sided with opposition leader Raila Odinga, head of the same Luo tribe to which Obama's late Muslim father belonged.

Obama's older brother still lives there. Abongo "Roy" Obama is a Luo activist and a militant Muslim who argues that the black man must "liberate himself from the poisoning influences of European culture." He urges his younger brother to embrace his African heritage.

Beyond family politics, these ties have potential foreign policy, even national security, implications.

Odinga is a Marxist who reportedly has made a pact with a hard-line Islamic group in Kenya to establish Shariah courts throughout the country. He has also vowed to ban booze and pork and impose Muslim dress codes on women — moves favored by Obama's brother.

With al-Qaida strengthening its beachheads in Africa — from Algeria to Sudan to Somalia — the last thing the West needs is for pro-Western Kenya to fall into the hands of Islamic extremists.

Yet Obama interrupted his New Hampshire campaigning to speak by phone with Odinga, who claims to be his cousin. He did not speak with Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki.

Would Obama put African tribal or family interests ahead of U.S. interests?

It's a valid question, and one voters deserve to have debated regardless of the racial and religious sensitivities. Thanks to a media blackout of these issues, the electorate has yet to benefit from a thorough vetting of Obama.

We have to wonder how much of the national agenda Africa would consume under an Obama administration. Of the six "world threats" Obama lists in stump speeches, at least half of them concern that chronically troubled Third World continent.

Yes, some of his African priorities are noble, such as fighting AIDS and genocide. But how much U.S. aid, resources and presidential time would he devote to them? How much is enough? If Bill Clinton was America's "first black president," would Barack Hussein Obama be our first president for Africa?

Then there is the issue of his Muslim past. Obama, 47, was raised by two Muslim fathers and attended Islamic classes in Indonesia.

He denies being Muslim, however, and says he "embraced Christ" while answering the altar call 20 years ago at Trinity. (Contrary to anonymous e-mail rumors circulating, Obama never took the oath of office on the Quran. He used a Bible, and Vice President Dick Cheney swore him in during his Senate ceremony.)

This merely raises another concern, beyond that of the controversial church he chose to baptize him. If Obama were ever Muslim, even as a youth, he would now be viewed as an apostate, which in radical Islam is punishable by death. As Mideast expert Daniel Pipes has noted, a President Obama could be the target of a fatwah.

Still, his Muslim heritage is not the signal issue before the electorate. It's his Afrocentric church, which preaches black socialism and black nativism, and his family ties to an African tribe that's fanning the flames of Marxism and militant Islam in a country once considered strongly democratic and a friend of the U.S.

"I believe in the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change," Obama has asserted. He also says his faith has led him to question "the idolatry of the free market."

If a President Obama's foreign and domestic policies are anything like the Afrocentric doctrine he's pledged to uphold, Americans will pay a hefty price, including those among the growing black middle class
The truth that the leftist media won't tell you:

This beautiful 9/11 tribute site should be required viewing yearly for every American...least we forget:
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama


We are a congregation which is Unashamedly BLACKand Unapologetically Christian... Our roots in the Black religious experience and tradition are deep, lasting and permanent. We are an AFRICAN PEOPLE, AND REMAIN TRUE TO OUR NATIVE LAND," the mother continent, the cradle of civilization. God has superintended our pilgrimage through the days of slavery, the days of segregation, and the long night of racism. It is God who gives us the strength and courage to continuously address injustice as a people, and as a congregation. We constantly affirm our trust in God through cultural expression of a Black worship service and ministries which address the BLACK Community.
The Pastor as well as the membership of Trinity United Church of Christ is committed to a 10-point Vision:
A congregation committed to ADORATION.
A congregation preaching SALVATION.
A congregation actively seeking RECONCILIATION.
A congregation with a non-negotiable COMMITMENT TO AFRICA.
A congregation committed to BIBLICAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to CULTURAL EDUCATION.
A congregation committed to LIBERATION.
A congregation committed to RESTORATION.
A congregation working towards ECONOMIC PARITY.

Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama




Several of the founders of the 'charity' 'Project Hope' have been indicted for terrorist support.



Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Nobody cares that this black who has shown his hatred for whites in his books, and is sponsored by black hate groups/Muslim activists could very well be our next president?
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Like it or not, if you really want to stop Obama, you’re going to have to vote for Hillary, at least in the primaries.
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Nobody cares that this black who has shown his hatred for whites in his books, and is sponsored by black hate groups/Muslim activists could very well be our next president?

Patriot08, I believe the powers that be want Obama to win this election.
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Excellent patriot08, well thought out, researched and presented. Welcome!

In addition to his other genetic shortcomings, this oboma looks like a fag, crack smoking nigger to me. But Gabrielle is 100% correct in that the 'hidden powers' are pushing this nigger off on the dumbed down simple folk.

If he wins the nomination I'm sure we'll see that monkey and his sow doing an afro victory dance on national TV. When seen on the news, he is often observed using all his will power to keep his inner nigger in check. I would not be surprized if the cameras were cut off prior to his dancing and grabbing his dick.

Then again, this corrupt political system needs to come to a head so it can be popped like a zit, and this baboon may just be the beast that can wake up the mental dead.
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Obama is getting a free pass- a complete media blackout. This country is so PC insane and filled with White Guilt- nobody dares question him.
He's counting on just this kind of mentality to ride himself all the way into the White House.
This just burns me up. I'm doing all I can to get the word out.
Are you people doing anything to try to enlighten the 'dumbed down' American public?
This is the best source for information on Hussein Obama:
The author of this site has compiled a huge on-going file on Obama- with links to back it all up.
I correspond with him frequently, and he is asking for help; like submitting new articles on Obama and helping him find broken links.
He states that the Obama machine is scrubbing the net of detrimental material about Obama, and that he is constantly having to scramble to find new links.
A case in point; they have removed most of the racist material from Obama's church's web site.

Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Neither Obama nor the other "candidates" of either party are counting on anything other than that they were all hand-picked by the "matrix elite" and there is no more actual choice here (and about as much importance) as for choosing the next "American idol" winner.

It is all totally and transparently false to anyone left who is looking. Anyone who "wins" will do the bidding as directed by their masters. Americans are really dumb to believe and follow any of this - it is a mere distraction.

Vote for no one. Wait and see what happens. Fight or flight time may be near.

Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama

Michelle Obama Solidifies
Her Role in the Election

February 11, 2008; Page A1

On a conference call to prepare for a recent debate, Barack Obama brainstormed with his top advisers on the fine points of his positions. Michelle Obama had dialed in to listen, but finally couldn't stay silent any longer.

"Barack," she interjected, "Feel -- don't think!" Telling her husband his "over-thinking" during past debates had tripped him up with rival Hillary Clinton, she said: "Don't get caught in the weeds. Be visceral. Use your heart -- and your head."

"Malia is starting to ask: 'What's the impact? If Dad wins, will I finish my school year?'"

-- Read more from Mrs. Obama's interview with the Journal.The campaign veterans shut up. They knew that Mrs. Obama's opinion and advice mattered more to their candidate than anything they could say.

With the Democratic presidential race wide open, Mrs. Obama, a 44-year-old Princeton- and Harvard Law-educated hospital executive, is assuming the same dominant role in Sen. Obama's public life that she has in his private life.

At home, she expects a lot of every family member, from having her 6- and 9-year-old daughters set their own alarm clocks to insisting her husband pick up his dirty socks. Her most recent directive to him: Stop smoking.

On the campaign trail, she has emerged as an influential adviser whom aides watch as a barometer for how both they and the candidate are doing. They watch for "the look" between her and Mr. Obama, on stage or in private moments, as an indication of his mood.

Inside the campaign, she's been dubbed "the closer" because she often pushes harder to seal the deal with voters than he does. But worries about her sarcastic humor being taken the wrong way have forced her to cut back some of her public candor, she admits.

The role of spouses in presidential politics is evolving, from one of smiling wife to equal and visible partner -- complete with appearance schedule, entourage and opinions. With this, though, comes greater potential to be either an asset or a liability.

In the Democratic race, Bill Clinton has come across at times as empathetic, seasoned onetime leader of the free world -- but at other times as red-faced, argumentative attack-dog-in-chief.

Mrs. Obama carefully avoids discussing policy and strategy, but jumps right in to dish about issues that affect her personally, such as being a working mom and overcoming obstacles, which plays well with key voting groups like working women and minorities.

The Obamas present themselves as equals. "We're two well-versed lawyers who know each other really well," Mrs. Obama says in an interview. "We each think we're right about everything, and can argue each other into a corner." Friends and campaign aides describe them as a high-powered team built on contrasts: She's the heart to his head, the enforcer to his lapses, regimented to his laid-back, critic to his ego, details to his broad strokes, sarcasm to his sincerity, toughness to his cool vibe.

Sporadic Start

Mrs. Obama's campaign role is growing in ways big and small. After a sporadic start due to her reluctance to upend her family's life, she has picked up steam. In Iowa, she appeared at 33 events in eight straight days. Earlier this month, she hosted a rally in Los Angeles with Oprah Winfrey and Caroline Kennedy. She has met with every department in the campaign from the new-media unit to the ground organization, and she got the campaign to form a women's outreach initiative.

But sometimes her approach can backfire. When she told audiences that her husband is "snore-y and stinky" in the morning, doesn't put the butter back in the fridge and one morning "put on his clothes and left" while she juggled her own schedule to deal with an overflowing toilet, some voters and observers cringed that she was emasculating her husband.

And when she said last fall it was "now or never" for his presidential run because of the "inconvenience factor" of a campaign, some saw her remark as a threat that he wouldn't run again if he lost.

"It wasn't a threat -- but to do this again? Put these two girls through this again?" Mrs. Obama says. "This is the only time Barack will be this issues on the ground" from having spent more time as a community organizer and state representative than a Washington politician and still leading a normal life like taking out the garbage and paying off student loans.

Her role, Mrs. Obama says, "is to give people yet another slice of who Barack is, making him even more multidimensional," because people picking a president "want to know not just about policies...but who are you? What do you believe in? Can I trust you?" Her comments about his foibles were meant to prevent "deifying" her husband, she says: "He's a gifted man -- one of the most brilliant politicians you'll see in this lifetime -- but in the end, he's just a man."

Mr. Obama, in a speech after a primary, called his wife "the love of my life and the rock of the Obama family." But in a candid moment last March, he told a crowd: "She's too smart to run. It is true my wife is smarter, better looking. She's a little meaner than I am."

Where Mr. Obama's personality and consensus approach to politics were shaped growing up as a mixed-race child in a predominantly white world, Mrs. Obama's style is rooted in her own background growing up in a working-class African-American family on Chicago's South Side.

A striking woman who's as tall as her husband when she wears her Jimmy Choo heels, she grew up in a four-room apartment with a kitchen the size of a closet. Her father, a pump operator at the city water plant, and her stay-at-home mother pushed their two children to be "achievers" and get the education they didn't have, says her brother, Craig Robinson. They both went to Princeton in the 1980s.

College Experience

In her senior thesis in 1985, Mrs. Obama wrote that her college experience "made me far more aware of my 'Blackness' " than ever before, adding, "I will always be Black first and a student second" on campus. At Harvard Law, Mrs. Obama, involved in the Black Law Students Association, pushed hard to improve the low numbers of African-American faculty and students.

"We got into big debates on the condition of black folks in America," says Harvard classmate Verna Williams. "She's got a temper."

Sen. Barack Obama acknowledges the cheers of supporters and receives a hug from his wife, Michelle.

After law school, she returned to Chicago to join the high-powered firm of Sidley Austin as an associate specializing in intellectual property. Friends say she worried about selling out but wanted to pay off her education loans.

Then her father, whom she watched go to work every day despite multiple sclerosis, and her best friend from Princeton, struck by cancer, died the same year. She says she urgently wanted to find her life's calling because "nothing was really guaranteed."

Enter Barack Obama. At Sidley Austin, she was assigned to mentor the summer associate, who was two years older but had started Harvard after she did. He wanted a date; she wanted no mixing business with pleasure. But one night, he persuaded her to join him at a meeting of community organizers in a church basement. "When he took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves," Mrs. Obama recalls. "He talked about the world not as it is, but as it should be." She changed her mind about him that night.

Shortly after they got engaged, Mrs. Obama moved from her law firm to the staff of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley, as a liaison with service agencies on tasks such as finding shelters for the homeless during the winter. In 1992, she married Mr. Obama, who was launching his own unconventional career, working at a small public-interest firm, teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago and writing a memoir called "Dreams of My Father." They lived in a South Side condo.

In 1996, Mr. Obama was elected to the Illinois senate and traveled frequently to Springfield. "I never thought I'd have to raise a family alone," his wife told him, according to his second book, "The Audacity of Hope." Working long hours on her own job, she often refused to attend political events if they impinged on her time with their two young daughters.

When Mr. Obama prepared to run for the U.S. Senate in 2003, she tried to talk him out of it, say friends. They add that after he promised the move would be either "up or out," she reluctantly agreed to continue her role as political spouse.

Sen. Obama's keynote speech at the 2004 Democratic convention propelled him to national celebrity. His first book became a best seller and he got a signing bonus for a second, allowing the couple to pay off their education and credit-card debts and buy their first house, a three-story, $1.65 million brick home in Chicago's Hyde Park. (The wife of an Obama contributor who has since been indicted on corruption charges bought the adjoining lot and later sold the Obamas a strip of it, which Mr. Obama subsequently told reporters was "boneheaded.")

Political Prominence

Around this time Mrs. Obama, employed by the University of Chicago Medical Center, was promoted to vice president of community affairs and joined the board of a food company, TreeHouse Foods Inc., leading to whispers that her career had taken off with her husband's political prominence. "I understand why people want to make sure that somehow I'm not using my husband's influence to build my career," she told the local media. "And I haven't." She resigned the boardroom post last year.

With Mr. Obama in the Senate, some advisers suggested they move to Washington. Mrs. Obama said no -- she wanted to leave the girls in the school they loved and keep her job at the medical center. By the end of 2006, with her husband on the verge of running for president, Mrs. Obama worried about the effect on their family and finances. She knew she'd probably have to cut back on her own earning potential to join him on the campaign trail.

She worried, too, about his safety. She was told that if any threats against his life were made, the Secret Service and the campaign would bolster his protection. In the end, she decided to support his run. "My mother raised us not to make decisions on what could go wrong or we'd never go forward," she says.


"�Ãâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š¢ Delegate Count: How the candidates stack up
"�Ãâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š¢ Washington Wire: Updates from the trail
"�Ãâ┚¬Ã…¡ÃƒÆ’”�šÃ”š¢ Complete coverage: Campaign 2008 Mrs. Obama tells her staff to work her campaign appearances around her daughters' activities -- ballet recitals, soccer games, parent-teacher conferences, Beyonce concert. Her peace of mind improved greatly when her mother decided last summer to retire and help take care of the girls, Malia and Sasha.

She says when her husband makes it home -- for only 10 days in the last year -- he assumes his usual household tasks. "When Barack's home he's going to be part of this life," Mrs. Obama says. "He doesn't come home as the grand poobah."

Her all-female staff works hard to protect her on the stump and she's protective of her aides as well. Last week when a TV reporter physically moved Mrs. Obama's press secretary out of his way, she stopped him cold: "Did you place your hand on my staff?" Mrs. Obama demanded. "You do not touch my team."

On a recent campaign trip, she wore a classy but edgy black suit with an intricate white starched blouse. It was perfect for fund-raisers she attended at private homes in Manhattan and Greenwich, Conn., but less so for a meeting with working women at a Stamford, Conn., diner.

At the diner, she talked about rushing into Target in her workout clothes the day before to pick up toilet paper and returning to Chicago the next day to take her daughters to ballet classes and Disney on Ice.

A young woman asked Mrs. Obama what her "First Lady platform" would be. "To make sure my kids have their heads on straight," Mrs. Obama said. "We can talk about the high-falutin' notion of a First Spouse platform, but here I am, a woman professional who has to work on top of my first job as a mother."

Taken aback, the young woman said, "I'm sorry."

Sensing that this recent college graduate hadn't experienced first-hand the same kind of work-family conflicts, Mrs. Obama grabbed her hand and softened her tone. "It's personal," said Mrs. Obama.

Write to Monica Langley at


This is one mean, ugly mofo!
Re: Why We Must Not Elect Barack Obama


Another Flag Issue for Obama?

By D. S. Hube | February 11, 2008 - 17:12 ET
Democrat Presidential candidate Barack Obama already has an issue with wearing American Flag lapel pins, and even with putting his hand over his heart when the American National Anthem is playing. It will be interesting to see how he'll react (if at all) to the flag hanging in one of his new campaign offices in Houston, Texas.

Yep, that's right -- that is the national flag of Cuba hanging on the wall with none other than Che Guevara superimposed on it.

Check out the video here
Obamination. Chicago Tribune blows lid of more Obama lies.

Obamination. Chicago Tribune blows lid of more Obama lies. Continuous Election 2008 Coverage

(by Kyle Rogers)

Photo: Obama’s openly Marxist mother, Stanley Ann, poses with second husband in Indonesia with half-Indonesian daughter Maya and half-African son Barack.

In a recent interview, Obama called his mother “the dominant figure in my formative years. . . . The values she taught me continue to be my touchstone when it comes to how I go about the world of politics."� has reported in the past how Barack Obama’s story about his father is full of fabrications. Much of what is told about his mother is also a fabrication.

While on the campaign trail, Obama portrays his mother as a Donna Reed like-woman from the heartland in Kansas. In reality Obama’s mother was a radical Marxist and avowed atheist. While born in Kansas, his mother spent all of her teen years in Seattle hanging out with other young Marxists in Seattle’s coffee shops.

Obama plays up on his Methodist and Baptist grandparents in Kansas. Infact, Stanley Ann’s mother and father attended a left-wing Unitarian church in Seattle, not Methodist or Baptist. Their church in Bellevue, Washington was knicknamed “the little red church"� for it’s communist leanings.

Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann, did not attend a quaint heartland Kansas High School. She attended Mercer High in Seattle where board member John Stenhouse testified before the House Un-American Activities Subcommittee that he had been a member of the Communist Party. Two of the teachers from when Stanley attended the school were notorious Frankfurt School style Marxists. Teachers Val Foubert and Jim Wichterman taught students to reject societal norms and preached “critical theory."� Their curriculum included attacks on Christianity, the traditional family, and assigned reading by Karl Marx. The hallway between Foubert’s and Wichterman classrooms was nicknamed “anarchy ally."�

By the time that Stanley Ann reached college in Hawaii, she was a full fledged radical Marxist and practitioner of “critical theory."� She also began dating non-white men as part of her attack on society. When she began dating her first husband Barack Obama Sr. father from Africa, it was Obama’s father who wrote to Stanley Ann’s parents saying “I don’t want the Obama blood sullied by a white woman."�

After fathering Barack Obama, Obama Sr. returned to Africa to become a failed politician, a polygimist, an abuser of women, and a drunk. He never returned to support his half-white son. Stanley Ann moved to Indonesia and married a second non-white man, and giving birth to a half-Indonesian daughter. Barack was sent to an Islamic religious school while they lived in Indonesia.

Barack would later moved to Chicago and eventually fall in with an 8,000 member radical black power church also attended by Oprah Winfrey. After a stint as a state rep., he runs for US Senate and lucks out with first the Republican incumbent drops out do to a scandal, followed by the incumbents’ replacement dropping out. Obama’s third opponent was Alan Keyes, who was practically a joke candidate that performed poorly.

Read exciting article in Chicago Tribune.,0,5157609.story?page=3