British National Party leader Nick Griffin



BNP-Front Page
A day to make history
June 9th 2004
An Eve of Poll message to BNP candidates and activists from party leader Nick Griffin

Dear fellow patriots

This is it! The day we've worked towards so hard, and for so long. Our record number of BNP candidates and our active supporters have over the last few weeks endured the most biased and fraudulent election campaign seen in Britain for more than a century.

One of many vehicles that have played their part in the biggest BNP fightback ever seen.

We have seen blatant gerrymandering of the electoral system, with both the dates and the voting system changed by the Government for the sole purpose
of blocking the BNP. We have witnessed senior police officers blatantly interfering in the democratic process, while ambitious officers further down the ranks have shown a disgraceful unwillingness to enfor

ce the law when BNP candidates have suffered th
reats, violence and even arson attacks launched against our party by Government-sponsored far-left thugs.


Leftist mobs have been allowed to intimidate and attack our members, and yet all the media are interested in is one case where BNP activists were arrested for the 'crime' of defending themselves. Dozens of instances of suspected electoral fraud by ethnic minorities working for the LibDems or Labour have been ignored by the police and press alike.

The Electoral Commission as well as the police have refused repeatedly to take any action against massive illegal anti-BNP smear campaigns launched ' often with taxpayers' money - by left-wing extremists, Marxist union leaders and politicised clerics. The Post Office has refused
to do anything about the totally illegal and undemocratic wholesale non-delivery of BNP election material in many areas of the country.

Media lies

The Press Complaints Commission has
d every trick in the book to reject our attempts to bring
newspaper editors to task for misrepresenting our party and lying about many of our candidates. Television executives banned two BNP election broadcasts, forcing us to put out heavily censored versions of our message that were in places virtually unintelligible.

And, over the last week or so, we have watched with amazement at the sheer mendacity of the media attempts to use bogus opinion polls to sell the divided, single-issue UKIP as a credible receptacle for the anti-Establishment protest vote that is welling up among British voters.

All in all, we have just fought our way through the most perverted and undemocratic British election campaign in living memory ' and we've done it in style! With a tiny fraction of the funding enjoy
ed by the other parties, we've created a groundswell of popular support which I believe is going to shock the smug commentators of the Establishment to the very depths of their miserable
led beings when the votes are counted, both for the council e
lections and the European Parliamentary contest.

Opinion polls flawed

In cities, towns and villages the length and breadth of this country, our campaigners have heard, over and over and over again, the phrase everyone I know is voting BNP. Of course, there will still be many social circles and places where this isn't true, and where we only get a vote of perhaps double the 3 ' 4% that has been showing up in the rigged opinion polls.

But, overall, there is so much grass-roots enthusiasm for our message that we are set to do far better than that. Our most experienced and sober analysts are all agreed that ' unless there is massive electoral fraud, with thousands of BNP votes 'vanishing' between Thursday and Sunday night ' t
he British National Party is on target to take between 14 ' 16% of the Euro vote in our key regions, winning a record number of council seats, positions on the Greater London Assembl
y, and break
ing through with three or four MEPs.

are on target, in short, for a political earthquake! And we are in this position because of your efforts and self-sacrifice. To us has been given the honour of being the ones who make the big breakthrough, who strike the greatest ever blow for our national freedom and identity which will live in history as the moment when the tide was seen to have turned. In the better days that lie on the other side of the great struggles yet to come, we and our heirs will speak with pride of what we achieved together, against all the odds, in June 2004.

Skara Brae,


We are on target, in short, for a political earthquake! And we are in this position because of your efforts and self-sacrifice. To us has been given the honour of being the ones who make the big breakthrough, who strike the greatest ever blow for our national freedom and identity which will live in history as the moment when the tide was seen to have turned. In the better days that lie on the other side of the great struggles yet to come, we and our heirs will speak with pride of what we achi
ved together, against all the odds, in June 2004.

Sieg Heil !

All Blessings to our relatives
in GB and VICTORY for their endeavors ! :lol: