Canada: Cop-killing 'Rap' Legal; Skinhead Music

Rick Dean


Canada: Cop-killing 'Rap' Legal; Skinhead Music Illegal

Selling CDs for Whites at a private party is a 'crime' in declining and darkening Dominion.

by Paul Fromm
Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

TORONTO: The trial of Mark Ehms of Toronto opened yesterday before Mr. Justice D.T. Hogg in a North York courtroom. Ehms is charged under Sec. 319, the infamous Canadian "hate" law, for selling CDs of skinhead music at a private concert in January, 2003.

Ehms through his lawyer Peter Li
dsay pleaded not guilty. Mr. Lindsay has brought a Charter challenge in this case, arguing that the defendant's reasonable expectation of privacy at a private party in a rented bar was violated by the p
olice raid.

As the case opened, Crown Attorney Jennifer Woollcomb was flanked by Det. James
Hogan of the Metropolitan Toronto Police "hate squad." Hogan had led the investigation in this skinhead music case. Woollcomb told the court that "police were monitoring the skinhead concert from outside the bar," January 11, 2003. "They had received some information prior to this event."

Courtroom 211 is a tiny clothes closet of a room, with room for fewer than eight spectators.

Paul Fromm, Director of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, who was present in the Court, called this case "a clear example of political persecution. ...What were the police doing shadowing a perfectly peaceful gathering of young Whites on a Saturday night, when Black after
hour clubs regularly erupt in gunfire and mayhem? This is selective prosecution. Black gangsta rap CDs advocating murder of policemen and gory, hateful treatment of women are widely available. Once again
, 'hate squads' are acting as a political police force to suppress White dissent. "

Peter Lindsay asked for a short adjournment in o
rder for the Crown to produce the notes of other officers who had investigated the case and whose activity had only come to light on Friday. The Crown had not disclosed this activity until last Friday, Mr. Lindsay indicated.

Last Thursday, police officers visited the bar manager after Mr. Lindsay had interviewed him as a potential witness, Ms Woollcomb disclosed.

"This matter was set down over a year ago. Were you just preparing this last week?" Mr. Justice Hogg snapped at the Crown. She denied it was last minute preparation.

The judge granted an adjournment. He had arrived 7 minutes late and was clearly in a gruff mood. The o
nly other matter of business was to deal with a Mr. Campbell. This smirking young Black, accompanied by a female with a Dolly Parton chest and a skin-tight plunging sweater, was asked where his lawye
r was. "He's on his way," the courtwise Campbell answered.

Dismissing Campbell, Judge Hogg said: "He's always on his way. I'm fining him $5,000" for contempt.

The court, located at 2201 Finch Ave., West sits in a small office building arising out of a strip mall, which sports the offices of Immigration Minister Judy Sgro, Rosa's Ristorante Italiano and Julius's Roman Banquet Hall. The area outside the court building and the court lobby were packed with a milling crowd, over half of whom were Blacks in all manner of funky hats and unusual clothing.


CAFE is raising money to assist in the defence of Mark Ehms. Those who wish to defend freedom of speech and freedom of artistic expression for White dissent, should send their donation
s by e-mail, with VISA number to us, or by mail to Canadian Association for Free Expression Inc., P.O. Box 332, Rexdale, ON., M9W 5L3, Canada.
It is hard to believe that anyone in their right mind would issue a gun to James Hogan. DETECTIVE Holigan has his picture posted in the canadian jewish news and seems to be in their pocket.