Case against Holmes, supposed Colo. mass-shooter, FALLING APART....


Guest Columnist
Observe Case against Holmes, the obvious, designated patsy for recent Colo. mass-shooting, is now falling-apart, mighty Internet now scoring heavily against Jew World Order--much as in the Syrian terror operations of JWO, even as we speak.

(a) Note there's no actual direct evidence Holmes was the shooter, Holmes only "apprehended" outside the theatre, the shooter himself, at the time, having been TOTALLY disguised fm head to foot w. swat-type "armor." And there is significant testimony there were multiple operatives involved in the actual shooting.

(b) All other circumstances are EXTREMELY suspicious too--as Holmes was obviously heavily drugged at the time and even into his brief court appearance--similar to famous patsy, Sirhan Sirhan, alleged assassin of RFK in 1968.

(c) Holmes, though having basic, general intelligence, yet was not suited or likely to be such a mass-shooter, with all the expensive and elaborate equipment, weapons, ammo, etc., including then bombs wired-up at his apt., which reportedly required great expertise which Holmes COULD NOT have had.

(d) It's now known Holmes was under the care of notorious former AF "psychologist" for mind-control operations.

(e) Chief of Police for Aurora is former New York City operative for former mayor, Rudy Giuliani, mastermind for the 9-11 mass murders. This "police" official was suspiciously quick to insist it was all a "lone-wolf" incident immediately as word was even getting out about the shootings.

(f) The judge in the case has quickly moved to suppress info on Holmes--typical move of Jew World Order terror operations.

(g) Don't doubt any gov. (Jew S A) responsible for "Fast and Furious" terror false-flag, arming drug-gangs in Mex., etc., wouldn't hesitate to pull something like Aurora, Colo. incident.


See Alex Jones commentary on this amazing staged terrorism at
Comrades, citizens, and HUMANS:

The PURPOSE of gun-control is GENOCIDE by the gov., period--this is now obvious.

And note u've got this (above) msg before ur stupid faces as ObamaCare is now passed by a totally Jew-controlled and paid-off Jew S A Congress.

ObamaCare = DEATH Panels, suckers--get a clue. It means Jew S A gov. is now EXPLICITLY committed to and upon mass-murder--GENOCIDE. Simply ask urselves: would Jew S A hesitate to wipe-out 14 tax-paying suckers--when they don't hesitate to murdering SCORES of innocent folks in Afganistan, or Pakistan, or anywhere else they operate their fearsome drone-strikes? Ho ho ho--Jew S A now follows lessons it learns fm kike masters in Israel as they wipe-out non-combatant Palestinians by the score when they want to assassinate "terrorists."

Thus "gun-control" is meant to dis-arm victims, no less than during Hurricane Katrina of 2005 whence Nat. Guard units went to New Orleans neighborhoods taking folks weapons, leaving them defenseless against any intruders and looters, dependent upon gov., corrupt police, etc.

But further, never doubt, GUN-CONTROL is meant to DEMORALIZE and psy-ops prepare people--getting them conditioned to dictatorship.

The Shadow Patsy Rises Again: How Mind Control Is Connected To Gun Control


Saman Mohammadi
July 30, 2012

“Goodness is something to be chosen. When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man.” – The Prison Chaplain from Stanley Kubrick’s 1971 film, “A Clockwork Orange.” Watch the review of the film by Alex Jones here.

Near the end of 1999, a Memphis court held the “trial of the century” that resolved the lingering questions surrounding the 1968 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. Attorney and author William F. Pepper represented the King family. Watch his opening statements at the trial here.

After the 30-day trial was over, the jury concluded that Martin Luther King Jr.’s death was caused by a government conspiracy, not a lone gunman. The government’s version of King’s murder was proven to be fake. A citizen jury legally put to death the myth of the “lone gunman” that has overshadowed America’s recent political history.

Fast forward to the year 2012. The “lone gunmen” of the world are being manufactured by the mind control technicians in the U.S. deep state like microchips. The secret “manufacture-a-patsy” government industry has become so advanced and sophisticated that it has enabled the hijacked U.S. government to get away with the most atrocious of crimes against the American people and humanity.

Whenever a state crime is committed by the deep state a patsy mysteriously rises to the surface from the shadows.

There is disturbing evidence that suggests the “Dark Knight” shooter James Holmes is a shadow patsy who was involved in a secret government mind control program. He was catapulted onto the scene of the crime in the Colorado movie theatre after professional government killers finished off massacring movie goers in the dark of night.

One of the most startling pieces of evidence is that Holmes was under the stewardship of an ex-government psychiatrist named Dr. Lynne Fenton, who is currently the “medical director for student mental health services at the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus,” (National Post, “Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes was seeing university psychiatrist”).

Psychiatrists and psychologists have been involved in developing torture techniques for the CIA, so to believe in their “professionalism” and “morality” is blind foolishness. We live in an age of moral bankruptcy and mass mind control. Professional psychologists help the government in many ways, from lending their expertise to improve the mental conditioning of the public to performing outlandish research on government subjects, mostly from the military and universities.

II. The Extraordinary League of Shadow Patsies

The U.S. shadow government’s love affair with patsies has really gotten out of hand. Oswald was only a prototype. Washington has created an extraordinary league of shadow patsies. Holmes could be the next-generation model of mind control assassins; the T-1000 of government patsies.

Paul Joseph Watson describes the similarities between Holmes and another manufactured patsy in his article, “James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan,” writing:

“The parallels between alleged Colorado shooter James Holmes and Sirhan Sirhan are staggering. Both appear to have been drugged, both cannot remember the shootings they were accused of carrying out, and in both cases other shooters were reported by eyewitnesses.”

It is super convenient that individuals who are connected to some of the biggest crimes in U.S. history are mentally incapacitated at the moment the crime is committed and never seem to remember pulling the trigger in the days and weeks after the event.

Moreover, the political ramifications of the “Dark Knight” massacre are beginning to be felt as establishment media pundits, Supreme Court judges, and the President attack the legitimacy of gun rights and the honored American tradition of self-defense.

Kurt Nimmo examines the bipartisan war on American gun ownership in his article, “Establishment Media Circles the Wagons on Gun Control.”He writes:

“The highly suspicious mass shooting in Colorado arrived at exactly the right time for the globalists and their corporate media scriveners. Outlawing semi-automatic weapons with brand spanking new assault weapons legislation will now take center stage and will be used as a stepping stone for more draconian legislation down the road.”

The dangerous path to all-out gun confiscation begins with government brainwashing and media propaganda that gain steam after ritualistic events like the “Dark Knight” shooting. The fascist tyrants begin with baby steps, as always, but their sight remains on their larger goal: instituting a global totalitarian regime run by criminal private international banks and corporations.

For this dangerous and tyrannical goal to be realized the American people must first be disarmed.

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MSM Making James Holmes Into Hannibal Lecter


Adan Salazar
July 30, 2012

Suspected murderer James Holmes has hardly uttered a word since the massacre inside the Century 16 Theater in Aurora, CO. took place, but that hasn’t stopped mainstream news from trying to demonize him by comparing him to famed fictional mass murderer and cannibal Hannibal Lecter.

News of Holmes being forced to wear a special face guard mask was out last week, but CBS News on Saturday compared Holmes to the serial killer of Silence of the Lambs fame.

The reporter says, “It’s a grim reminder of the mask worn by Hannibal Lecter in the Silence of the Lambs, and it’s earned the 24-year-old accused killer the nickname Hannibal Holmes.”

Aside from the obvious differences in the appearance of the mask, the fictional crimes Hannibal committed don’t really parallel those of the Aurora massacre.

The piece says that Holmes has “earned” the nickname “Hannibal Holmes,” but they don’t really say who dubbed him this title. It can be concluded that this is a flagrant attempt to paint Holmes as a serial killer in the eyes of the public, even before an actual trial with evidence has taken place.

Since the murders, has maintained the Batman massacre was a staged false-flag psy-op perpetrated by our own government as yet another attempt to destroy the 2nd amendment and as a justification to roll-out higher security measures to places like theaters and train and bus stations.

MSM, of course, overlooks the obvious fact that a single person with a gun inside the theater could have prevented the shooting from escalating.

A FOX affiliate station has also produced a Reality Check report questioning the official narrative of the shooting.

Besides other signs of the massacre being staged, like eyewitnesses saying there may have been a possible second shooter, James Holmes has yet to release a statement of guilt or innocence.

When he appeared in court for his arraignment he said nothing, but appeared drugged and “zombie-like.” It’s also being reported that he’s unable to recall the massacre and is confused on why he is in jail, asking, “What am I doing here?”, a detail which aligns perfectly with suspicions of mind-control being employed.

As Kurt Nimmo writes, the only person that should be compared to a mass murderer is Obama, who should more appropriately be compared to Charles Manson: “James Holmes allegedly killed 12 people, while Obama is responsible for the murder of thousands in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and other nations targeted in the global elite’s GWOT, or global war on terror.”

With the ensuing fevered frenzy to ban semi-automatic firearms through proposed UN legislation and the continual lying of the MSM machine to the American people, it will take nothing short of a miracle for James Holmes to get through his 24 counts of murder charges and 116 counts of attempted murder unscathed, and for our gun rights and basic civil liberties to remain intact.

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[This story is on a relative side-issue--DRUGS, esp. prescription (LEGAL) drugs, specifically ANTI-DEPRESSANTS, which are actually FAR more dangerous than the "illegal" drugs which make otherwise normal people into homicidal psychos.]

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Aurora, Phase 2: Dr. Lynne Fenton, the Batman killer, the drugs and the drug money


Jon Rappoport
July 31, 2012

People don’t get it. The media don’t get it and they don’t want to get it. Billions of dollars are riding on the drugs Dr. Lynne Fenton may have prescribed to her patient, James Holmes, the accused Batman shooter.

And when billions of dollars in potentially lost revenue are hanging in the balance, the interested parties take action. They’re serious about their money. They don’t screw around.

You see, if James Holmes was, for example, taking Prozac, all of a sudden no one wants to take it. If doctors prescribe it to patients, the patients say, “Hey, wasn’t this the drug that nutcase took before he killed all those people in the theater?”

And that’s not all. Congress holds hearings, not because they want to, but because they want to look like they’re doing the right thing. And at those hearings, all sorts of nasty stuff comes out about Prozac. It’s big news. The studies that showed the drug was dangerous, that it could and would cause people to commit suicide and homicide. Boom. More bad press for the manufacturer. More investigations. More lost revenue.

So right now, in Aurora, there are pharmaceutical people on the scene. Not just low-level goofballs, but competent investigators. They want to know what drugs James Holmes was prescribed. They need to know. And behind the scenes, people with clout are making phone calls. These pharma types are talking to government agents and it’s crazy time and damage-control time, and nobody is laughing. This is a high-stakes game. WHAT DRUGS WAS HOLMES TAKING?

There is pressure on both attorneys in the case, too. And the cops. With an insanity plea lurking in the wings, Holmes’ medical records could very well see the light of day. That would let everybody know what the drugs were. So somebody is calling the governor of Colorado, and other state officials, and they’re trying to maneuver and manipulate the legal process, to make the medical records vanish.

Come on. This isn’t just a murder case. Now it’s about money. Big pharma lawyers are reading up on Colorado law to find loopholes, ways to get around revealing Holmes’ medical history.

Holmes is now a pawn. He’s the nowhere kid who is going to be shuttled around on the game board to save the drug money for the people who own it.

The money is dirty. It always was. It’s filthy. It’s been made on the backs of people who have died at the rate of 100,000 a year in the US alone. That’s a million people per decade—pharmaceutically caused deaths. The heads of these drug companies and their allied banks are Mafiosa. They inflict more human damage in a day than all the goombahs who have ever shot up pizza joints on Mulberry Street or dealt narcotics to addicts across the world, since Sicily puts itself on the map as the center of the Cosa Nostra. they could get to Holmes in his cell, they’d erase him. They’d make it look like a suicide. Today. What do you think “lone shooter” is all about? Yes, the covert op that very well may have used Holmes as the patsy, to push the government into banning guns, is a major piece here. But that work is done. Now it’s “lone shooter” because getting rid of Holmes by killing him or warehousing him for the rest of his life in a mental prison, with brain-hammer drugs making him into a vegetable, means that the names of the psychiatric drugs he was taking before the massacre will be lost to history, and no one will take the criminal investigation any further.

Update: Holmes’ psychiatrist, Lynne Fenton, was reprimanded by the Colorado Board of Medical Examiners, in 2005, for prescribing drugs to several patients, including herself, without entering the information in patient records. She could now find a target painted on her back, as the drug companies try to make her a patsy, an “irresponsible and incompetent doctor who didn’t give Mr. Holmes what he truly needed.” They would do this to take the drugs off the hook. “In the hands of a good psychiatrist, the proper medications would have worked well.” Who knows? Maybe they’ll claim she didn’t even treat Holmes directly, but supervised interns or grad students, who actually worked with Holmes.

I wrote the following as part of a 1999 white paper for The Truth Seeker Foundation, in the wake of the Columbine massacre. So the information is from that period. The white paper was titled: WHY DID THEY DO IT? THE SCHOOL SHOOTINGS ACROSS AMERICA.

It’s quite long; I’ve only printed an excerpt here. You can go to my blog and read the whole thing. It’s very relevant to the issues at hand.

The bulk of American media is afraid to go after psychiatric drugs as a cause of violence. This fear stems, in part, from the sure knowledge that expert attack dogs are waiting in the wings, funded by big-time pharmaceutical companies.

There are doctors and researchers as well who have seen a dark truth about these drugs in the journals, but are afraid to stand up and speak out. After all, the medical culture punishes no one as severely as its own defectors.

And what of the federal government itself? The FDA licenses every drug released for public use and certifies that it is safe and effective. If a real tornado started at the public level, if the mothers of the young killers and young victims began to see a terrible knowledge about the psychiatric drugs swim into view, a knowledge they hadn’t imagined, and if THEY joined forces, the earth would shake.

After commenting on some of the adverse effects of the antidepressant drug Prozac, psychiatrist Peter Breggin notes, “From the initial studies, it was also apparent that a small percentage of Prozac patients became psychotic.”

Prozac, in fact, endured a rocky road in the press for a time. Stories on it rarely appear now. The major media have backed off. But on February 7th, 1991, Amy Marcus’ Wall Street Journal article on the drug carried the headline, “Murder Trials Introduce Prozac Defense.” She wrote, “A spate of murder trials in which defendants claim they became violent when they took the antidepressant Prozac are imposing new problems for the drug’s maker, Eli Lilly and Co.”

Also on February 7, 1991, the New York Times ran a Prozac piece headlined, “Suicidal Behavior Tied Again to Drug: Does Antidepressant Prompt Violence?”

In his landmark book, Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Breggin mentions that the Donahue show (Feb. 28, 1991) “put together a group of individuals who had become compulsively self-destructive and murderous after taking Prozac and the clamorous telephone and audience response confirmed the problem.”

Breggin also cites a troubling study from the February 1990 American Journal of Psychiatry (Teicher et al, v.147:207-210) which reports on “six depressed patients, previously free of recent suicidal ideation, who developed intense, violent suicidal preoccupations after 2-7 weeks of fluoxetine [Prozac] treatment.’ The suicidal preoccupations lasted from three days to three months after termination of the treatment. The report estimates that 3.5 percent of Prozac users were at risk. While denying the validity of the study, Dista Products, a division of Eli Lilly, put out a brochure for doctors dated August 31, 1990, stating that it was adding ‘suicidal ideation’ to the adverse events section of its Prozac product information.”

An earlier study, from the September 1989 Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, by Joseph Lipiniski, Jr., indicates that, in five examined cases, people on Prozac developed what is called akathisia. Symptoms include intense anxiety, inability to sleep, the “jerking of extremities,” and “bicycling in bed or just turning around and around.” Breggin comments that akathisia “may also contribute to the drug’s tendency to cause self-destructive or violent tendencies … Akathisia can become the equivalent of biochemical torture and could possibly tip someone over the edge into self-destructive or violent behavior … The June 1990 Health Newsletter, produced by the Public Citizen Research Group, reports, ‘Akathisia, or symptoms of restlessness, constant pacing, and purposeless movements of the feet and legs, may occur in 10-25 percent of patients on Prozac.’”

The well-known publication, California Lawyer, in a December 1998 article called “Protecting Prozac,” mentions other highly qualified critics of the drug: “David Healy, MD, an internationally renowned psychopharmacologist, has stated in sworn deposition that ‘contrary to Lilly’s view, there is a plausible cause-and-effect relationship between Prozac’ and suicidal-homicidal events. An epidemiological study published in 1995 by the British Medical Journal also links Prozac to increased suicide risk.”

When pressed, proponents of these SSRI drugs sometimes say, “Well, the benefits for the general population far outweigh the risk,” or, “Maybe in one or two tragic cases the dosage prescribed was too high.” But the problem will not go away on that basis. A shocking review-study published in The Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases (1996, v.184, no.2), written by Rhoda L. Fisher and Seymour Fisher, called “Antidepressants for Children,” concludes: “Despite unanimous literature of double-blind studies indicating that antidepressants are no more effective than placebos in treating depression in children and adolescents, such medications continue to be in wide use.”

In wide use. This despite such contrary information and the negative, dangerous effects of these drugs.

There are other studies: “Emergence of self-destructive phenomena in children and adolescents during fluoxetine treatment,” published in the Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (1991, vol.30), written by RA King, RA Riddle, et al. It reports self-destructive phenomena in 14% (6/42) of children and adolescents (10-17 years old) who had treatment with fluoxetine (Prozac) for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

July, 1991. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Hisako Koizumi, MD, describes a thirteen-year-old boy who was on Prozac: “full of energy,” “hyperactive,” “clown-like.” All this devolved into sudden violent actions which were “totally unlike him.” [Sound like James Holmes?]

September, 1991. The Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. Author Laurence Jerome reports the case of a ten-year old who moves with his family to a new location. Becoming depressed, the boy is put on Prozac by a doctor. The boy is then “hyperactive, agitated … irritable.” He makes a “somewhat grandiose assessment of his own abilities.” Then he calls a stranger on the phone and says he is going to kill him. The Prozac is stopped, and the symptoms disappear.

[What is true about Prozac is true about Paxil or Zoloft or any of the other SSRI antidepressants. And be warned: suddenly withdrawing from any psychiatric drug can be extremely dangerous to the patient. See on this subject and how to handle it.]

Ritalin, manufactured by Novartis, is the close cousin to speed which is given to millions of American schoolchildren for a condition called Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). ADD and ADHD, for which no organic causes have ever been found, are touted as disease-conditions that afflict the young, causing hyperactivity, unmanageability, and learning problems. Of course, when you name a disorder or a syndrome and yet can find no single provable organic cause for it, you have nothing more than a loose collection of behaviors with an arbitrary title.

Correction: you also have a pharmaceutical bonanza.

Dr. Breggin, referring to an official directory of psychiatric disorders, the DSM-III-R, writes that withdrawal from amphetamine-type drugs, including Ritalin, can cause “depression, anxiety, and irritability as well as sleep problems, fatigue, and agitation.” Breggin then remarks, “The individual may become suicidal in response to the depression.”

The well-known Goodman and Gilman’s The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics reveals a vital fact. It states that Ritalin is “structurally related to amphetamines … Its pharmacological properties are essentially the same as those of the amphetamines.” In other words, the only clear difference is legality. And the effects, in layman’s terms, are obvious. You take speed and, sooner or later, you start crashing. You become agitated, irritable, paranoid, delusional, aggressive.

In Toxic Psychiatry, Dr. Breggin discusses the subject of drug combinations: “Combining antidepressants [e.g., Prozac, Luvox] and psychostimulants [e.g., Ritalin] increases the risk of cardiovascular catastrophe, seizures, sedation, euphoria, and psychosis. Withdrawal from the combination can cause a severe reaction that includes confusion, emotional instability, agitation, and aggression.” Children are frequently medicated with this combination, and when we highlight such effects as aggression, psychosis, and emotional instability, it is obvious that the result is pointing toward the very real possibility of violence.

To read the rest of this white paper, go to:

What does this all add up to? The fantasy evil portrayed in The Dark Knight Rises, and the real evil enacted by the shooters in the Aurora Century theater, has now given way to a more pervasive evil, as the mega-drug companies come to town to protect their money and their bankers and their fabricated reputation.

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

About the author:
The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon
was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of
California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an
investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics,
medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine,
Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon
has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic,
and creative power to audiences around the world.

Learn more:

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Comrades, citizens, and HUMANS:

The PURPOSE of gun-control is GENOCIDE by the gov., period--this is now obvious.

And note u've got this (above) msg before ur stupid faces as ObamaCare is now passed by a totally Jew-controlled and paid-off Jew S A Congress.

ObamaCare = DEATH Panels, suckers--get a clue. It means Jew S A gov. is now EXPLICITLY committed to and upon mass-murder--GENOCIDE. Simply ask urselves: would Jew S A hesitate to wipe-out 14 tax-paying suckers--when they don't hesitate to murdering SCORES of innocent folks in Afganistan, or Pakistan, or anywhere else they operate their fearsome drone-strikes? Ho ho ho--Jew S A now follows lessons it learns fm kike masters in Israel as they wipe-out non-combatant Palestinians by the score when they want to assassinate "terrorists."

Thus "gun-control" is meant to dis-arm victims, no less than during Hurricane Katrina of 2005 whence Nat. Guard units went to New Orleans neighborhoods taking folks weapons, leaving them defenseless against any intruders and looters, dependent upon gov., corrupt police, etc.

But further, never doubt, GUN-CONTROL is meant to DEMORALIZE and psy-ops prepare people--getting them conditioned to dictatorship.


Jones is on XM radio so you can listen till your head is emptied and hurts. He is fools gold for misdirection. More harm than good as he causes confusion as to where the root of the problem lies.

Those old bags speak for their masters clearly.


From 2009
Jones is on XM radio so you can listen till your head is emptied and hurts. He is fools gold for misdirection. More harm than good as he causes confusion as to where the root of the problem lies.

* * * * * * *

Jones Deserves Credit For Details, Despite Obviously Skewed Conclusions
(Apollonian, 31 Jul 12)

Disagree Smedley: Jones is limited-hangout for the Jews, indubitably, as u indicate, BUT he otherwise gives most excellent info and analysis regarding other details which then leads directly to Jews.

(a) Jones is now heavily into intensive analysis of the staged terror of Aurora, Colo. shooting, as this thread demonstrates.

(b) Jones exposes the poisoned Vaccines, GMO foods, and other poisonous food additives, also the chemical spray-seeding of the atmosphere, and the present gun-grabbing attempts of US gov. just now starting up.

(c) Further, Jones emphasizes the general EUGENICS motivation of the present New World Order--"depopulation"--including esp. the present ObamaCare DEATH PANELS, now plain and evident before everyone's faces.

Jones makes it clear: ObamaCare means DEATH panels, suckers--this is genocide, comrades--and it's OFFICIAL (it's admitted by the principals themselves--Jones not making it up). So Jones does the necessary job for basic DETAILS--he then tries to say it's not just kikes at the top. Jones will say, yeah, there are some Jews, but it's not ONLY Jews. Then, Jones tells some stupid lies, like that Hitler had syphillis, that Germany attacked Poland (in WWII), and other stupid crap which dis-credits him--unfortunately for him--but that's how it goes for kikes' sychophants and suck-ups.

CONCLUSION: So u see, Smedley, Jones is actually quite GOOD for the details; he just then (deliberately) fails for his conclusions in thereupon identifying the JEW at the top of it all, Jones pretending, oh no, it's not Jews (primarily, at the top), the scum. But as I say, his details and analysis, far as it goes, are quite good, and he deserves credit.
Congress Blames Top ATF Officials for Fast and Furious


Written by Alex Newman

Congressional investigators probing the Obama administration’s deadly “Fast and Furious” gun-running scheme concluded that senior Justice Department figures and five top officials with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) were responsible for the tragic program, according to the first segment of an official report. All of the ATF figures still work for the agency.

Various media outlets received advance copies of the damning document, which was prepared for House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) and ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa). Both of the GOP lawmakers have been at the forefront of investigating and exposing the blood-drenched scheme since it came to light.

The scandalous Fast and Furious operation, first exposed by whistleblowers more than a year ago, used U.S. taxpayer funds to put thousands of high-powered weapons into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Hundreds of murders have already been linked to those firearms, including the now-infamous slaying of U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry in 2010.

The two Mexican “drug lords” supposedly being targeted by the Fast and Furious “investigation” already worked for the FBI and were considered “untouchable,” documents revealed later. Meanwhile, according to Justice Department e-mails uncovered during the congressional probe, the violence and killings linked to the weapons-trafficking operation were being exploited by senior administration officials to push for more infringements on the right of Americans to keep and bear arms.

According to the latest unreleased report, one of three being prepared by U.S. lawmakers about the growing scandal, operation Fast and Furious was “marred by missteps, poor judgments and inherently reckless strategy” from the start. Five top ATF officials including then-Acting Director Kenneth Melson were singled out, with the former chief blamed for not shutting down the program sooner despite his apparent concerns.

"I think they were doing more damage control than anything," Melson was quoted as testifying in the report concerning the administration’s reaction to the congressional investigation. "My view is that the whole matter of the department's response in this case was a disaster."

Another senior ATF official cited in the congressional report was then-special agent in charge of the Phoenix field division William Newell, who had previously come under fire for other half-baked “investigative” tactics. His attorney responded to the new report by attacking Rep. Issa, alleging that the Oversight Committee chairman "has consistently shown that he won't let the truth get in the way of his quixotic political witch hunt."

Other ATF officials blamed in the report include Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations William McMahon, Assistant Director for Field Operations Mark Chait, and Deputy Director William Hoover. It remains unclear what actions, disciplinary measures, or criminal charges, if any, will result from the probe.

“Now that the first report names five managers deemed responsible for allowing the operation to happen, it remains to be seen what Issa and company will do about it,” noted gun-rights activist David Codrea, who played a key role in exposing the scandal to begin with. Some potential criminal charges could include violations of the “International Traffic in Arms Regulations and the Kingpin Act,” he added, saying that “Issa himself indicated ‘prosecutions’ were a possibility.”

Codrea said it would be reasonable to wait some time before moving to file criminal charges — at least until certain highly anticipated developments in the ongoing saga. But if prosecutions do not ultimately happen, "many demanding justice will no doubt conclude the game has been rigged, and that those crying ‘politics’ have had a point,” he concluded.

According to the latest draft report, congressional investigators also discovered new evidence that ATF had attempted to mislead Mexican authorities. Apparently the agency sought to conceal the fact that two “Fast and Furious” guns were found at the scene of the high-profile murder in the Mexican state of Chihuahua of the attorney general’s brother in 2010.

More information on Fast and Furious should be emerging soon. The other two segments of the report to be released as part of the congressional investigation will deal with the Justice Department’s role in the program and its subsequent ham-fisted efforts to cover up the scandal, according to the document.

“Part two will look at the devastating failure of supervision and leadership by officials at Justice Department headquarters, principally within the Office of the Deputy Attorney General, and within the Criminal Division,” the report said. “Part three will address the unprecedented obstruction of the investigation by the highest levels of the Justice Department, including the Attorney General himself.”

Disgraced Attorney General Eric Holder, who lied under oath during the congressional inquiry, was held in contempt of Congress in late June for defying subpoenas and his lawless efforts to obstruct investigators. But the fanatical anti-gun zealot — he once proposed a tax-funded campaign to “brainwash” people against the right to keep and bear arms — is now abusing his position to shield himself from prosecution, according to critics.

Well over 100 members of Congress have called for Holder to step down, and numerous Democrats broke with their party on the vote to hold him in contempt. Instead of stepping down and preserving the integrity of the Justice Department, however, the disgraced Attorney General has lashed out at critics and the media while implausibly claiming investigators were motivated by politics or even race.

Newspapers across the country have run editorials demanding accountability and disclosure in the case. So far, however, the Obama administration has refused, with the president even stepping in recently to assert “executive privilege” in withholding documents from investigators. Lawmakers are currently exploring other options to obtain the information.

The Justice Department has also been obstructing a separate congressional investigation into the drug money-laundering activities of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), first exposed late last year by the New York Times. Separately, the DEA is also under fire for its role in killing women and children in Honduras recently as part of an effort to find a canoe allegedly carrying some narcotics through a jungle.

The ATF, meanwhile, is currently embroiled in yet another scandal after its new acting boss, B. Todd Jones, sent out a video unlawfully threatening agents with “consequences” for going outside the “chain of command” to report problems. Of course, whistleblowers — including the agents who exposed Fast and Furious — are protected by federal law when exposing criminal or unethical conduct.

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and its role in drug trafficking is back in the international media spotlight again, too. Mexican officials recently accused the “intelligence” outfit of attempting to “manage” the drug trade rather than fight it — a familiar charge that has been made for decades by top officials, drug smugglers, investigators, and even the former head of the DEA.

Other experts told The New American that Fast and Furious almost certainly went beyond just the ATF and the Justice Department. "There is no doubt that the top management of ATF knew and approved the operation," said Andy Ramirez, president of the Law Enforcement Officers Advocates Council (LEOAC). "However, the fact is there is no OP that is run by a federal agency, with the exception of CIA, that is run without an Assistant US Attorney supervising it. They report to the US Attorney unless the OP is run out of Main DOJ in DC, and so on up the chain of command. This type of OP is so badly thought up that it had to go up to the very top, meaning AG Eric Holder and the White House."

Ramirez also said that, according to his sources, "Homeland Security" boss Janet Napolitano was probably deeply involved in Fast and Furious, too. "That means two departments were involved and if you have two, then State and the White House knew, too. Hence the massive size and scope of the cover up itself," he concluded.

The latest congressional report concluded that “strong leadership” would be needed at ATF to overcome the “deep scars” left by Fast and Furious. Critics of the agency, however, argue that the unconstitutional institution should be abolished altogether, and that other leads should be pursued as well. Anyone responsible for helping to unlawfully arm Mexican cartels, meanwhile, must be held accountable in a court of law to prevent similar tragedies in the future.

Photo of ATF Headquarters in Washington, D.C.

Related articles:

Project Gunrunner

“Drug Lords” Targeted in Fast & Furious Worked for FBI

After Fast and Furious, Lawmakers Slam ATF Threats Against Whistleblowers

CIA “Manages” Drug Trade, Mexican Official Says

Congress Probes DEA Drug Money Laundering Scheme
[These below details have yet to be confirmed, naturally--but it's good possible scenario. Ck the link for site and neat pictures/diagrams.]

* * * * * * *

Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO


Article: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO
Written by By Grace Powers July 28, 2012


Robert Holmes, the shooting suspect's father, is a senior lead scientist with FICO, the American credit score company. He was scheduled to testify in the next few weeks before a US Senate panel that is investigating the largest bank fraud scandal in world history. This banking fraud threatens to destabilize and destroy the Western banking system.

Robert Holmes not only uncovered the true intent of the massive LIBOR banking fraud, but his "predictive algorithm model" also traced the trillions of "hidden"dollars to the exact bank accounts of the elite classes who stole it. In other words, Robert Holmes could NAME NAMES! Those names WOULD AWAKEN THE WORLD to the depth of government and corporate corruption which could include members of Congress, Wall Street, Federal Reserve and EU executives and could even include US Presidential candidates and the British Royal family.

The motives for the massacre are:

1) To silence whistelblower Robert Holmes whose son is now facing a possible death sentence

2) To influence the upcoming vote on the UN Global Small Arms Treaty which could result in gun confiscation and disarming world citizens. The UN treaty could override national sovereignty and give a license to federal governments to assert preemptive gun control powers over state regulatory powers.


James Holmes grew up in a churchgoing family in a "Mayberry" style community. Neighbors describe “Jimmy” Holmes as quiet, shy, unassuming, smart, clean cut and "not dangerous". His mother, Arlene, is a registered nurse. His father, Robert, is a FICO senior scientist.

In high school, James ran cross-country, played soccer and snow boarded. After graduating, he completed an internship at the Salk Institute and Miramar College’s biotechnology “boot camp.” He also worked as a camp counselor. James has no criminal or military history whatsoever.

James Holmes received the prestigious National Institutes of Health Neuroscience Training Grant at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Denver. The $26,000 stipend paid his tuition for the highly competitive neuroscience program. Billy Kromka who worked with James for three months last summer in the Medical lab, said, "There's no way I thought he could have the capacity to commit an atrocity like this".


Two months prior to the theater massacre, James Holmes' entire world was turned upside down. That's when two "Black Op" hitmen, entered his life and unravelled it using a drug called "SCOPOLOMINE" - also known as the "The Devil's Breath".


Scopolomine or "The Devil's Breath" is colorless, odorless and tasteless and can be easily dissolved in drinks or sprinkled on food. Victims become so docile, they have been known to help thieves rob their homes and empty their bank accounts. Women victims have been drugged repeatedly over days and gang-raped or rented out as prostitutes.

In a common scenario, a person is offered a drink laced with the substance and wakes up miles away, extremely groggy and with no memory of what happened. The victim soon discovers that they have handed over jewelry, money, car keys, and sometimes even made multiple bank withdrawals to their assailants.

Scopolamine completely blocks the formation of memories making it impossible for victims to ever identify their aggressors. Under hypnosis, people can normally recall what happened to them...but scopolamine induces amnesia because the memory was never recorded," said Dr. Camilo Uribe, the world's leading expert on the drug.The drug depresses the cerebrum and destroys the power of reasoning’. There is no power to think or reason.

This is what happened to James Holmes. He claims he has no memory of the massacre or what happened. An employee at the Arapahoe County Detention Center, where Holmes is in an isolation cell, told sources: “He claims he doesn’t know why he’s in jail. He asked, ‘Why am I here?’


June, 2011 - James Holmes enrolls in the neuroscience Ph.D program at the University of Colorado Denver.

May 21, 2012 - Two months before the massacre, James Holmes is befriended by BLACK OP HITMAN #1 who drugs him with scopolomine for the first time. The hitman takes the drugged Holmes back to Holmes apartment at 1690 Paris Street in Aurora. The hitman moves in with Holmes and stays undercover for 8 weeks. The hitman maintains Holmes in a drugged state and accesses his email and bank accounts.

May 22nd, 2012 - Hitman #1 buys a Glock pistol using James Holmes identification. Less than a week later, he upgrades to a shotgun. The following week, he buys an AR-15 rifle. Hitman #1 also purchases explosive materials and equipment to rig Holmes entire apartment with a complex series of booby traps.

June 7th, 2012 - James Holmes shows up on campus for an oral exam in a drugged fog and fails.

June 7th to July 2nd, 2012 - Using James Holmes email, Hitman #1 orders guns, rounds of amunition, magazine holders, combat vest, knife, mask etc. with expedited shipping costs through FEDEX and USPS. Holmes signs for the deliveries in a drugged state.

July 5th, 2012 - While James Holmes is drugged, Hitman #1 dyes Holmes' hair red-orange and takes a photo of him. The hitman then creates a profile for James Holmes on the AdultFriendFinder adults-only website. When completing the profile for Holmes, the hitman doesn't know that Holmes is 6'3", so he mistakenly enters 6'0".

The hitman uploads James Holmes photo (above). Only days before the massacre, the hitman makes an entry on the AdultFriendFinder website site. Pretending to be Holmes, he describes his penis as "short/average". He uses the screen name "classicjimbo" with a message on top of the profile which reads, "Will you visit me in prison?"

July 18th, 2012 - Hitman #1 mails an incriminating notebook filled with gruesome sketches and details of the plans for the attack in the crowded theater. The notebook is in a package sent to a professor at the University of Colorado, where Holmes was a Ph.D. candidate until dropping out of school just prior to the killings. The package was delivered by the U.S. Postal Service on the Monday after the shootings which forced the evacuation of a campus building for 2 1/2 hours.

July 19th, 2012 - Hitman #1 drives the GETAWAY CAR to the theater and parks it at the side of the multiplex. He buys a Batman 'The Dark Knight Rises' movie ticket and enters Theater 9. He sits in the far right front theater seat near the emergency exit door. He receives and picks up a cell phone call from BLACK OP HITMAN #2, then gets up and goes over to the emergency exit door. A movie theater witness named Corbin Dates sees him talking on the cell phone and holding the exit door open with his foot. Hitman #1 jams the exit door ajar for Hitman #2.

Hitman #2 parks James Holmes' white Hyundai Coupe outside the Theater 9 emergency exit door at the back of the multitplex. James Holmes is drugged and semi-conscious in the passenger seat next to him. Hitman #2 is wearing full protective combat gear. His guns, ammunition, gas can and mask are stashed in back of the car. He calls Hitman #1 on the cell phone and gets the "go ahead" signal.

Hitman #2 gets out of the white Hyundai, leaves the semi-conscious James Holmes (locked?) inside the car, then opens up the hatchback and arms himself with guns and amo. He straps on his gas mask, carries his weapons and gas cans into the theater through the exit door twenty minutes after the movie starts. Using the tactical manoevers of a trained commando, he throws a gas canister into the crowd and shoots one shot into the air. The shot scares people out of their seats making them easy targets.

Gunman #1 leaves the theater through the exit door and returns to the getaway car parked at the side of the multiplex.

For 90 seconds, Hitman #2 shoots hundreds of rounds of bullets into the crowd killing 12 people and wounding 58 others. He then turns and runs out the exit door, strips off his armour and leaves a trail of blood, guns and protective gear that lead to the white Hyundai where James Holmes is sitting in a drugged stupor.

The gunman continues wearing his gas mask to hide his identity from the eye of a rooftop security camera positioned at the corner of the multiplex. After passing under the security camera, Hitman #2 ditches the mask, turns the corner of the building, then ducks into the getaway car driven by Gunman #1. The Black Op hitmen speed away.


James Holmes is reportedly arrested at his car without resistance.

Why was the back rear window on James Holmes white Hyundai Coupe broken? Was he locked inside? Did the police have to break the window to gain access to him? The mainstream media didn't report whether or not James was in the car when he was arrested or whether he was coherent.

ABC News circulated a false report about an incriminating statement made by James Holmes' mother. Arlene Holmes. ABC reported that when they phoned Arlene Holmes and asked her about her son being a suspect in the shooting, she answered "You've got the right guy". His mother has denied making that statement.

Take a look at Holmes' mugshot photo next to the courtroom photo. What do you see?

Why does the mugshot show Holmes in the same emotional state as the courtroom photo? Because James Holmes mugshot wasn't taken after his arrest which is standard procedure. The mugshot was taken right before he appeared in court 3 days later. His facial hair growth is the same in both photos.

Why did they take the mugshot on the same day as his court appearance instead of the day of his arrest?

Because James Holmes was too "drugged" when they found him to even stand up for the mugshot!

James Holmes has no memory whatsoever of the massacre or of the past two months of his life. That's why he is asking, ‘Why am I here?’ He really doesn't remember.


12 people were killed and 58 wounded. The official number of reported victims of the Batman shooting is 70. That number is wrong. There were 71 victims!

What effect has two months in a "scopolamine" stupor had on James Holmes physical, emotional and mental health?

What kind of a deal will his father work out with the bankster MAFIA to save his son from the death penalty?


Like 9/11, The Batman movie massacre was an inside "Black Op". What is a a Black Op? It is a covert operation by a government, a government agency, or a military organization. The term is also used for activities by private companies or groups. A black operation typically involves a significant degree of deception and clandestine, illegal activities that are often outside of standard military protocol.

The ruling crime families of trillionaire royals and banksters are conscienceless. They don't care who they have to deceive, abuse, rob or sacrifice to achieve their one world government New World Order agenda.

Article: Batman Massacre: WHY and HOW and WHO
Written by By Grace Powers July 28, 2012
Batman Case Smells Like A Church Fart


Article: Batman Case Smells Like A Church Fart
Written by By Grace Powers August 3, 2012


A PHD student with no criminal or military history and whose father is a "bankster fraud expert" carefully plans out a Batman movie theater massacre...but first, he sends a stick figure confession to his University over a week before the attack so he could get arrested BEFORE the massacre. He dyes his hair orange like the Joker, opens an online "will-you-visit-me-in-prison" profile, rigs up his home with the skill of a weapons expert, sets a timer on his stereo to entice the cops in, somehow gets the closest possible parking space to the back entrance of the movie theater, buys a ticket, goes in, waits, fakes a phone call, leaves through the back exit door, gets changed into commando gear, WAITS 30 MINUTES or so for the right movie scene to cover his attack, slips back inside the theater through the back door, tosses gas cannisters, times his shoot-em-up attack perfectly, slips out the back door, leaves a trail of evidence to his car… then hangs out in the car waiting to be arrested and warns the cops about the booby traps he set for them at his apartment.

How freaking dumb are people in the Court of Public Opinion?

James Holmes is now facing 141 felonies including 24 counts of first-degree murder, 116 counts of attempted murder and one count of possession of an explosive device. If convicted of any of the murder charges, Holmes could face execution. The most lenient sentence he could receive if convicted of the murders is life in prison without parole.


Remember how the evidence was quickly dragged away after the 9/11 terror attack? The evidence in the Batman terror attack is also being dragged away by silencing police and the media.

Judge William Sylvester who is overseeing the criminal case against James Holmes has ordered a media blackout and has sealed the court case, including the docket. The only release of information is on a Web site maintained by the Colorado State Judicial Branch. Twenty news media organizations have forwarded a motion to have the case file unsealed. Fat chance!

The "gagging" judge will decide in a preliminary hearing if there is enough evidence for the case to proceed to trial.

Not a single witness has identified James Holmes as the shooter. During the massacre, the shooter was disguised from head to toe. That makes all of the evidence against James Holmes "circumstantial".


Considering the drugged condition James Holmes was in at the time of his arrest, the police would have ordered "drug testing" as standard procedure. Where are the results of the drug test? Discovery of the presence of the drug "scopolamine" would have proven James Holmes' innocence and thrown out the case against him.

Where is the DNA evidence on the "second gas mask" that was found discarded at the far end of the multiplex building?


Grace Powers' article Batman Massacre: Why and How and Who presents a compelling case for James Holmes' innocence.

Here are some of the information sources:


Silencing whistleblower Robert Holmes



Influencing the UN Global Small Arms Treaty vote





New York’s Daily News reports that James Holmes does not remember what happened and asks, "Why am I here?"


1. Holme's profile on AdultFriendFinder website states, "Will you visit me in prison"

2. Incriminating notebook and stick figure drawing confession sent to psychiatrist at Holme's University

3. A trail of weapons/body armor leads to Holmes' car

4. ABC falsely reports that Holme's mother told ABC news, You've got the right guy."
[Observe: shrink admits she notified the cops who surely notified FBI, etc., who told the cops "relax, he's our little pidgeon/patsy, doing what we want him to do." Ho ho ho]

* * * * * *

James Holmes' Psychiatrist Contacted University Police Weeks Before Movie-Theater Shooting: ABC Exclusive


James E. Holmes appears in Arapahoe County District Court in Centennial, Colo., July 23, 2012. (RJ Sangosti/AP Images)


Aug. 6, 2012

The psychiatrist who treated suspected movie-theater shooter James Holmes made contact with a University of Colorado police officer to express concerns about her patient's behavior several weeks before Holmes' alleged rampage, sources told ABC News.

The sources did not know what the officer approached by Dr. Lynne Fenton did with the information she passed along. They said, however, that the officer was recently interviewed, with an attorney present, by the Aurora Police Department as a part of the ongoing investigation of the shooting.

Fenton would have had to have serious concerns to break confidentiality with her patient to reach out to the police officer or others, the sources said. Under Colorado law, a psychiatrist can legally breach a pledge of confidentiality with a patient if he or she becomes aware of a serious and imminent threat that their patient might cause harm to others. Psychiatrists can also breach confidentiality if a court has ordered them to do so.

Report: James Holmes' Psychiatrist Was Concerned Watch Video

Aurora, Colo., Shooting: Did University Know About James Holmes' Condition? Watch Video

James Holmes Charged With 24 Counts of Murder Watch Video

"For any physician to break doctor-patient confidentiality there would have to be an extremely good reason," said Dr. Carol Bernstein, a psychiatrist at NYU Langone Medical Center and past president of the American Psychiatric Association.

Bernstein has no specific knowledge of the Holmes case and spoke in general terms.

"Confidentiality is a key part of the doctor-patient relationship," she said. "It is central to everything we do."

ABC News and affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver first reported Wednesday that Fenton had contacted other members of the university's threat-assessment team about her concerns. The university-wide, threat-assessment team reportedly never met to discuss Holmes after he announced his intent to withdraw from the University nearly six weeks before the July 20 shooting that left 12 dead and 58 injured.

University of Colorado spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery declined to comment on what, if anything, the university police officer might have done with information provided by Fenton, citing a court-issued gag order preventing her from confirming or denying any information related to Fenton or the investigation.

In a written statement to ABC News, however, the university said campus police officers are "frequently involved" in meetings of the university's Behavioral Evaluation and Threat Assessment (BETA) team.

The statement went on to say that police involvement with threat assessment "could include security matters, badge access, background checks, wellness checks, criminal investigations and referrals and outreach to other law enforcement agencies."

An attorney for Fenton declined to comment.
Joker case gagged: Media fight Colorado court ban

August 9, 2012

Attorneys representing media outlets are in court to push for the publication of files concerning the Colorado cinema murders. The judge put a gag on the files at the behest of prosecutors, but the press argues the public has a right to see them.

The decision to seal the documents off from public access “undermines our nation’s firm commitment to the transparency and public accountability of the criminal justice system,” said media lawyer Steven Zansberg in a written statement.

The Associated Press along with 20 other news agencies is appealing for the dissemination of the documents in court this Thursday.

Judge William Sylvester closed the case on July 20 at the request of the prosecutors, who claim that releasing the files could potentially jeopardize the case investigation. The move sparked a wave of protest from the media, saying the public had a right to see the documents.

Press attorneys argue that the explanation given for the sealing of the files is not adequate and needs to be elaborated on if the bar is to remain in place. In most court cases in the US the documents pertaining to the trial are available to the public. However, exceptions are made if files obstruct an ongoing police investigation or encroach on the privacy of family members of the victims.

The files in question include the affidavits the police would have filled in before defendant James Holmes was arrested, detailing why officers thought that he was the murderer. The bar on the documents makes it impossible for observers to follow the arguments put forward by the defense and the prosecution during the trial because they reference the files by number only.

Judge Sylvester has also classified the court docket, preventing observers from seeing any documents filed in connection with the case.

“We don’t know how many other documents are in the court file because there is no public docket,” said Zansberg

Gregory Moore, editor of The Denver Post, said the gag order “goes way beyond what’s necessary to protect the defendant’s right to a fair trial.”

“It is performing our watchdog role to look at the process and try to assess for the public how the police have handled the case and assembled the evidence and assure for the defendant and the public that things are being conducted open and fairly,” he told AP.

There is still comparatively little information on how James Holmes prepared for the cinema shootings in July. In addition, it is not known how he managed to transform his apartment into a veritable deathtrap, rigging up explosive poised to kill any intruders.

The 24-year-old neuroscience graduate is charged on multiple accounts of first-degree murder and attempted murder. He opened fire on movie-goers attending a showing of the new Batman film on July 20, killing 12 people and injuring a further 58.

Holmes has been uncooperative with investigators, remaining relatively silent during court proceedings.

The US authorities believe that Holmes had assumed the identity of Batman villain “the Joker” in order to commit the killings. During the police search of his apartment officers reportedly found Batman-related paraphernalia.

Judge Sylvester has set a pre-trial hearing for September 27 and a preliminary hearing for November 13. If Holmes is found guilty he could face the death penalty.

This article first appeared on

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James Holmes’ Psychiatrist Lawyers Up


Jon Rappoport
August 10, 2012

The University of Colorado has endured several scandals in the last 15 years. The use of sex to lure football recruits. Accusations of rape against players. Raising student tuition rates and then funneling the money into salary raises for top University officials. But all that is nothing compared to what the University could be facing now.

The University is circling the wagons, bracing for a legal attack. They have brought in a lawyer to represent their director of student medical services, psychiatrist Lynne Fenton, who may have been treating James Holmes before the Aurora theater shootings.

What did Fenton know about Holmes’ state of mind and plans before the shootings? Did she properly report her concerns to the correct authorities (a key issue in the Penn State scandals)? A hearing has been set for August 16 to determine the exact nature of Fenton’s professional relationship with Holmes.

Lawsuits from the families of those shot in the Aurora theater are waiting in the wings.

The University will argue that a) although Holmes may have presented signs of mental illness, b) there was no way to know he was going to launch violent murders on July 20.

All this maneuvering is taking place in an artificial world of presumed knowledge about Holmes’ actual connection or non-connection to the murders.

At a court hearing on Thursday, Holmes’ lawyers stated their client is mentally ill. This confirms speculation they will enter an insanity plea in the case. It also makes clear that the defense team has zero interest is reconstructing a narrative about events leading up to, and including, the shootings at the theater. They want Holmes’ entire future to rest on a narrow judgment about his mental state.

Both the defense and the prosecution want the judge’s gag order to stand, thereby making it impossible to learn anything new about what evidence the police and the FBI have collected in their investigation. If no full trial is ever held, that evidence will be locked away, and aside from choice leaks to the press, it will never see the light of day.

The exception could be public deliberation on the question of whether to allow Holmes’ insanity plea. During that period, the prosecution could argue that Holmes was sane, and would offer proof to that effect. Even then, however, much evidence would be kept from view—especially details that contradict the official narrative.

For example: who left a second gas mask at the back of the theater after the shootings? Was someone other than Holmes killing people inside the theater, as at least two witnesses suggest? Was Holmes a patsy who was actually arrested in his car, in a stupor, when the police discovered him? Did he really confess to the crimes? Did the copious amounts of blood outside the theater come from a neck wound sustained by a customer in the theater (even though a purported photo of the scar, taken in the hospital, suggested a superficial cut)? Or did the blood come from a professional shooter? Or from a girl who was abducted from the scene?

Leading up to the shootings, was Holmes treated with psychiatric drugs known to induce violent behavior? If so, this would be another reason the University of Colorado has enlisted an attorney to represent Lynne Fenton. The University wants to avoid any airing of this issue.

It would not only be a disaster for the University, drug companies could be named in lawsuits, and at trial mountains of damaging evidence about the drugs could surface.

It would be safe to assume major drug companies presently know exactly what drugs Holmes was given, if indeed he was yet one more psychiatric casualty. These companies are standing by with their own consultants and cutouts, to advise the University and Lynne Fenton. They are also using their considerable resources to discover what both the prosecution and the defense know about these matters, and what kind of case they intend to put forward.

If Holmes was actually a victim of marbasfeld-type programming, interested players behind the scenes, at this moment, would include black ops case handlers who want to make sure there is no exposure on that front.

For all these reasons, there is a good chance the Jared Loughner strategy will be employed: an insanity plea, followed by a period of incarceration, during which psychiatrists will go to work on Holmes and prepare him to “become competent,” after which he will enter a guilty plea and find himself in lock-up, with no connections to the outside world, for decades.

At this moment, Lynne Fenton’s lawyer is readying the strongest possible defense on her behalf: she acted responsibly; she informed authorities of her concerns about Holmes; she treated Holmes within approved guidelines; she never saw Holmes’ infamous notebook until after the shootings.

However, Fenton may yet find herself thrown to the wolves, if a scapegoat is needed. The University may decide that attorneys for plaintiffs in an enormous lawsuit are going to discover fatal irregularities in her actions. The University could then reach out for a desperate strategy: she, Fenton, “acted alone,” contravening the regulations of the University threat assessment team, without the team’s knowledge or permission. It could get ugly.

Right now, she is one of the University’s own. Their interests and hers are are identical. But strange things happen as cases proceed, and partners can become adversaries, as all parties try to cover themselves from liability.

The University of Colorado is a state institution, so the governor and his advisers are in the mix as well. A billion-dollar hit to the state treasury, from lawsuits, is not a welcome prospect.

This case, in that respect, has similarities to the Penn State scandal, which has not yet begun to unfold in civil court. Families of the children Sandusky molested, and families of people killed in the Aurora theater, want their day before judge and jury.

For other interested parties, trying to escape blame and exposure and judgment, a Holmes “suicide” would be a satisfactory ending. Don’t discount the possibility.

Jon’s article first appeared on his website

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Dave Mustaine: Obama Staged ‘Batman’ Massacre


“Like Fast and Furious down at the border”

Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine is coming under fire for comments during a live show in which he suggested that the Obama administration could have been responsible for staging the ‘Batman’ massacre – but Mustaine’s remarks were echoed by none other than Gun Owners of America director Larry Pratt.

During a concert in Singapore, Mustaine remarked that President Obama was trying to pass gun control legislation.

“So he’s staging all of these murders, like the ‘Fast And Furious’ thing down at the border, Aurora, Colorado, all the people that were killed there, and now the beautiful people at the Sikh temple,” said Mustaine, before adding, “I don’t know where I’m gonna live if America keeps going the way it’s going because it looks like it’s turning into Nazi America.”

Mustaine has since been savaged by numerous media outlets for his comments despite the fact that the Fast and Furious program, which saw the Obama administration put guns directly in the hands of Mexican drug cartels, has led to the murders of hundreds of people.

However, Mustaine’s suspicion surrounding the recent mass shootings was echoed by Gun Owners of America director Larry Pratt, a respected voice in the gun rights movement, who himself shared his own suspicions about the ‘Batman’ massacre during an interview with Alex Jones last month.

Pointing out that some 400 Mexicans have been the victims of “premeditated murder,” along with U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, as a direct consequence of the Fast and Furious program, Pratt told Infowars Nightly News, “Now we have to admit that this is something that maybe our government is capable of, this was only 12 people murdered, they were good for 400 in Fast and Furious.”

Mustaine’s suspicions about the Colorado and Sikh temple shootings are not without foundation.

Police audio, eyewitness testimony and other material evidence clearly suggests that alleged shooter James Holmes had an accomplice.

Eyewitnesses described two shooters, noting that one of the gas canisters was thrown from the opposite side of the theater to where the killer was standing. Eyewitnesses also described the killer talking on a cellphone before the shooting and then standing in the emergency exit and beckoning someone else over.

More than an hour after Holmes was detained, police officers were still hunting additional suspects, having been told by eyewitnesses that there was more than one shooter.

At 1:16am on the police audio recording from the scene, an officer states, “Talking to people making statements, sounds like we have possibly 2 shooters, one that was in Theater 8 seated, another one that came in from the outside into Theater 9. Sounds like it was a coordinated attack.”

“Every unit, possible 2nd shooter still at large… Keep the media away from them,” said another officer.

A second gas mask different to the one Holmes was wearing was also found hundreds of feet from where Holmes was arrested at the opposite end of the theater car park, along with additional items.

Similarly, in the case of the Sikh temple shootings, there were multiple eyewitness reports of additional gunmen.

Speaking with the Associated Press, an eyewitness stated, “Between ten and ten-thirty, four white males who were dressed darkly, dressed in all black clothing, came in and opened fire on our congregation.”

Temple member Amardeep Kaleka, whose mother and father were injured victims in the shooting, also told WISN that his parents said there were “multiple shooters, multiple people” and that the attack was “very well coordinated.”

Kaleka added that his father saw “multiple shooters of caucasian descent.”

An ITN News report also quoted the niece of one of the temple members who said, “An unknown number of gunmen had walked into the kitchen of the Sikh temple and opened fire.”

Another man at the scene told Sky News, “I think they had multiple shooters.”

In addition, the Chairman of the temple stated that the day before the attack there were a “few suspicious men seen on Temple premises,” again clearly suggesting the involvement of more than one person.

Watch the original interview with Larry Pratt below.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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Another bizarre twist in the ‘Batman’ massacre case

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, August 20, 2012

Another bizarre piece of eyewitness testimony has emerged out of the Aurora massacre, with a woman claiming that an alarm was repeatedly played shortly after the shooting began announcing “murder in the theater”.

Speaking to the Denver Post, Salina Jordan, who was situated in the theater next door to where the shootings took place, stated, “15-20 minutes into the movie that’s when you start hearing the….gunshots, the bullets start coming over into my theater and about six people got shot.”

“Five minutes after the guy comes running in and tells them that they’re shooting outside, you hear the alarm go off, it says ‘murder in the theater’ – like it’s just going off ‘murder in the theater’, ‘murder in the theater’ – it’s crazy that they got an alarm saying that there’s murder in the theater,” she added.

Why the cinema would have a pre-recorded alarm that sounded the words “murder in the theater” is both baffling and disturbing. Any emergency alarm would surely be expected to use generic words and not make reference to “murder,” which would only panic people more.

In a related story, a nurse who “saw everything” while treating victims of the shooting at the University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), drowned on August 7 while swimming in Okoboji Lake, Iowa, after being reported missing by her family.

46-year-old Jenny Gallagher was pictured with President Obama and praised for her “extraordinary efforts” in helping to save lives of injured victims.

Bloggers have raised questions about the circumstances surrounding Gallagher’s death and the case remains under investigation by the Dickinson County Sheriff’s Office.

At the very least, the full story behind the Aurora massacre has not been told. Police audio, eyewitness testimony and other material evidence clearly suggests that alleged Colorado shooter James Holmes had an accomplice.

Eyewitnesses described two shooters, noting that one of the gas canisters was thrown from the opposite side of the theater to where the killer was standing. Eyewitnesses also described the killer talking on a cellphone before the shooting and then standing in the emergency exit and beckoning someone else over.

More than an hour after Holmes was detained, police officers were still hunting additional suspects, having been told by eyewitnesses that there was more than one shooter.

At 1:16am on the police audio recording from the scene, an officer states, “Talking to people making statements, sounds like we have possibly 2 shooters, one that was in Theater 8 seated, another one that came in from the outside into Theater 9. Sounds like it was a coordinated attack.”

“Every unit, possible 2nd shooter still at large… Keep the media away from them,” said another officer.

A second gas mask different to the one Holmes was wearing was also found hundreds of feet from where Holmes was arrested at the opposite end of the theater car park, along with additional items.

Other questions surrounding the circumstances behind the attack remain unanswered, such as why Holmes went to the effort to booby-trapping his apartment with sophisticated explosives yet told the police about them immediately after his arrest.

Holmes’ behavior in court appearances since the massacre strongly suggests he is being drugged. The alleged shooter has repeatedly told prison officials he cannot remember playing any role in the shootings.

Last week, Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine was subjected to a smear campaign by the media for questioning the official narrative behind both the ‘Batman’ massacre and the Sikh temple shooting.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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By P. SOLOMON BANDA | Associated Press – 35 mins ago.. .

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (AP) — The man accused in the Aurora movie theater mass shooting had been banned from the University of Colorado after making threats and failing a key exam six weeks before the rampage, prosecutors said Thursday.

The new charges against James Holmes emerged as part of efforts to convince a judge to allow the prosecution access to 100 pages of education records subpoenaed from the school where he had been a neuroscience doctoral candidate.

The university turned over the documents last week, but Holmes' lawyers moved to keep them sealed.

Holmes is accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others in the July 20 shooting during a midnight showing of the latest Batman movie. He has not issued a plea in the case and remains held without bail.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Karen Pearson did not elaborate on the nature of the threats during the hearing, nor did she disclose where the information came from.

Pearson also told Judge William Sylvester that professors had urged Holmes to get into another profession and said his lab work had been deteriorating.

Defense lawyer Daniel King objected to the release of the records, calling the prosecution's request a "fishing expedition that needs to be stopped."

The university didn't immediately have a comment on the prosecution's claims.

Prosecutors are seeking Holmes' university application and his response, his grades, course schedules, emails concerning Holmes, and anything concerning his termination or withdrawal from the school.

"What's going in the defendant's life at the time is extremely relevant to this case," Pearson said.

Holmes appeared more engaged in the hearing than previous court appearances. His walk was more deliberate when he came in courtroom. Rather than staring blankly ahead, he looked at the judge for most of the hearing.

The prosecutors' account presents a sharply different picture of Holmes' exit than the one provided by university officials in the days after the shooting.

Before the gag order was issued, the university said that campus police had no records on Holmes and that the student lost access to the school because he withdrew from the program, not because of threats.

"I don't have any information on him (Holmes) at all," campus police Chief Doug Abraham told a press conference four days after the shooting. "We've had no contact with him on any matter."

At the same press conference, university officials said Holmes lost access to university premises after his June 10 withdrawal because his student access card was shut off, rather than for threats or any other safety reason. "He effectively had left the school," University of Colorado Chancellor Don Elliman said.

The university also said in writing that there were no documents related to the decision to bar Holmes from the campus.

Prosecutors say they need the documents to gain access to a notebook reportedly containing violent descriptions of an attack. The notebook reportedly was in a package sent to university psychiatrist Lynne Fenton.

King during court hearings said the notebook is protected by a doctor-patient relationship. King claims that Holmes is mentally ill and sought Fenton for help with that illness.

Fenton is expected to testify at a hearing Aug. 30.

Former Denver Deputy District Attorney and law professor Karen Steinhauser said arguments over the records are part of both sides gearing up for a trial over Holmes' sanity.

"They know it's not a question of who did this," Steinhauser said. "This is not a question of self-defense. They know that the only possible defense is that he was not sane at the time."

School records don't have the same legal protection as communication between a doctor and patient. But Steinhauser said prosecutors would have to tell a judge why they want them.

Steinhauser said the school records, which could include emails, might help prosecutors establish that Holmes implicitly waived his right to privacy if he talked about some of the same things he spoke to his doctor about.

The university records could also contain his school application, recommendation letters, emails between professors about their impressions of Holmes, as well his grades and progress reports on his research. Educational records released by the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, a school Holmes considered attending, contained such information including a letter of recommendation that describes Holmes as having "a great amount of intellectual and emotional maturity."

"They want those records in the hopes that it could help them build their case that these are not the actions of an insane man," Steinhauser said.
Why Operation Dark Knight Backfired


By Servando Gonzalez
August 24, 2012

Just a few hours after they heard the news about the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, a large number of Americans rushed to the gun stores and bought an enormous amount of guns and ammo.

According to some sources, some gun stores reported an extraordinary surge in sales. Evidently, Operation Dark Knight backfired.

The most important part of the information above is that they did so even before some web sites had provided information indicating that the massacre was another false flag operation[1] part of a larger PsyOp, looking for a justification for gun control, very similar to the Fast and Furious PsyOp.[2]

Its goal was to find a pretext to convince some gullible Americans of both factions of the Repucratic party for the need for gun control.

Very soon after, people discovered the connection: Hitlary Clinton and her Council on Foreign Relations masters have been pushing hard to sign behind the backs of the American people a UN-sponsored treaty to implement stiffer gun control laws worldwide.[3]

To this effect, as soon as the news of the Aurora massacre hit the news, gun grabbers increased their propaganda campaign against guns in the hands of American citizens.

According to New York’s Mayor Bloomberg and Barack Obama,“assault weapons do not belong in America’s streets.”[4] I cannot agree more.

That’s why the Founding Fathers adopted the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the US military to intervene in the internal affairs of the country, including armed rebellion against the government. But the hypocrisy of Bloomberg and Obama is evidenced by the fact that a common occurrence in the new Amerika is the presence in the streets of most cities of policemen clad in black body armor carrying full-auto M-16 military rifles and HK MP3 submachine guns.

Of course, what Obama, Bloomberg and other gun-grabbers have in mind is a pretext to justify depriving the people, not the government, of all types of weapons for self-defense, particularly weapons for defending themselves from an oppressive government.

One must remember that the main cause of violent death in the past century was not war but democide, that is, governments killing its own citizens.[5]

But, as I mention above, Operation Dark Knight failed, and it failed miserably. Why? Because, after so many years of blindly believing what their government tells them, currently more and more Americans do not believe their government any more.

I am not talking about Republicans or Tea Partiers who don’t believe CFR-puppet Obama, nor I am talking about Democrats who didn’t believe CFR-puppet Bush. I am talking of a growing mass of Americans who don’t believe nor trust their government, disregarding which faction of the Repucratic Party is in power.

Even more important, a growing number of Americans do not believe the mainstream media any more. Currently, most people have concluded that, if it appears in the New York Times, most likely it is a lie.

The former “paper of record,” now has established a record in telling lies to the American people — which reached an all-time low with its report of the “capture,” “killing,” and “secret burying in the sea” of Osama bin-Laden. The same applies to the rest of the mainstream press and the TV channels. The conspirators’ main disinformation and brainwashing tool, apart from public schools, has lost its effectiveness.

Where are Americans currently getting their information?

Mostly through the Internet, where sites like Infowars, The Intel Hub and News With Views, as well as radio programs like Coast to Coast AM and hundreds of personal blogs, offer a dissident, non CFR-controlled version of current events.[6] The depth and width of the information these sources offer is complemented by the readers’ comments.

Another unexpected occurrence is the apparition of Russia TV (RT). It seems that, contrary the conspirators-controlled Soviet Union, the new democratic Russia has become a thorn in the CFR conspirators’ side. Even worse, it is a nuclear thorn they cannot get rid of it like they did with Gadaffi’s Libya and are trying to do with Assad’s Syria.

Of course, despite the fact that most of the information it offers about the US is true, RT is a propaganda organ of the Russian government.

In that sense, it is not too different from what the Voice of America and Radio Free Europe used to be, but the conspirators cannot accept the fact that the Russians are just giving them a taste of their own medicine, and they are mad about it.

Obviously, the CFR conspirators have lost their monopoly on information (or disinformation), and they are extremely concerned. I would say that they are terrified.

Speaking in early 2010 at a Council on Foreign Relations meeting in Montreal, Zbigniew Brzezinski warned that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one-world government.[7] More recently Hillary Clinton told her CFR co-conspirators that they were losing the propaganda war.[8]

Talking about RT, Hillary complained, “You may not agree with it, but you feel like you’re getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials and arguments between talking heads and the kind of stuff that we do on our news which is not particularly informative.”

What she didn’t say, though, is that, by definition, totalitarian regimes cannot tell real news to the people. That was the case in the Soviet Union and it is today in quasi-totalitarian Amerika.

The New World Order conspirators’ two main immediate objectives are gun confiscation and total control over the internet. Currently, the two most notable examples of countries where citizens are not allowed to possess firearms nor free access the internet are North Korea and Cuba.

Currently, the two main obstacles the globalist conspirators face to the full implementation of the New World Order are guns in the hands of private citizens and the Internet, and they are working harder to deprive Americans from both.[9]

If you still don’t have a clear idea what the New World Order is all about I suggest to get a glimpse of it watching the film The Hunger Games.

Like in medieval times, in the coming communo-fascist totalitarian society the conspirators call The New World Order there are no middle classes, just the masters, ensconced in their full tech castles, and the serfs, working like slaves in the most horrible conditions.

So, be prepared. The DHS has just ordered several million rounds of hollow point bullets. One of them may have your name on it. Forewarned is forearmed.


Servando Gonzalez is not an NRA member.


[1] There are strong indications that James Holmes, the alleged assassin, was another psychologically programmed Manchurian Candidate, like Lee Harvey Oswald, Sirhan Sirhan, etc.

[2] Fast and Furious was a false flag operation conceived by Obama and Holder’s masters to ship guns into Mexico. It resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of Mexicans and over 200 Americans including a Border Patrol agent. Its planners believed it would create a strong reaction among the American people asking for gun control. Fortunately, it backfired. However, there is nothing new about the US government killing American citizens just to prove a point. Fast and Furious was similar to Operation Northwoods, by which members of the US military planned to shoot down an American plane in order to prove a point. Operation Northwoods was the creation of CFR member Adm. Lyman Lemnitzer. See, James Bamford, Body of Secrets (New York: Random House, 2001).

[3] The delegates of some member states of the United Nations have been meeting, behind closed doors with Hillary Clinton, since July 2nd to hammer out the final details on their so-called Arms Trade Treaty (ATT), and Barack Obama vowed to sign it.

[4] The fact that Bloomberg attended a secret meeting to plan the best way to kill 85% percent of the planet’s population perhaps explains his passion for gun control. It is much easier to kill unarmed people than armed ones. See, Servando Gonzalez, “Billionaires for Eugenics,”, May 8, 2011,

[5] See, Servando Gonzalez, “Our Schools: The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons”, April 19, 2007, (First published in June 1999 under the title “The Real Makers of Lethal Weapons Are in Our Schools”).

[6] As an example of an excellent analysis of the Aurora massacre like you’ll never see published in the mainstream press, see Dave Hodges, “We Won’t Get Fooled Again,”,

[7] See, Paul Joseph Watson, “Brzezinski Decries Global Political Awakening During CFR Speech,” Prison, Wednesday, May 19, 2010, brzezinski-decries-global-political-awakening-during-cfr-speech.html.

[8] See, Paul Joseph Watson, “Hillary Clinton: ‘We Are Losing The Infowar’,”, March 3, 2011,

[9] See, Servando Gonzalez, “Kiss Your Internet Goodbye,”, April 6, 2003,
Servando Gonzalez is a Cuban-born American writer, semiologist and intelligence analyst. He has written books, essays and articles on Latin American history, intelligence, espionage, and semiotics. Servando is the author of Historia herética de la revolución fidelista, The Secret Fidel Castro, The Nuclear Deception and La madre de todas las conspiraciones, all available at

He also hosted the documentaries Treason in America: The Council on Foreign Relations and Partners in Treason: The CFR-CIA-Castro Connection, produced by Xzault Media Group of San Leandro, California, both available at the author’s site at

His book, Psychological Warfare and the New World Order: The Secret War Against the American People appeared in late 2010 and is available at Or download a .pdf copy of the book you can read on your computer or i-Pad. His book, OBAMANIA: The New Puppet and His Masters, is available at

Servando’s new book (in Spanish) La CIA, Fidel Castro, el Bogotazo y el Nuevo Orden Mundial, just appeared, and is available at and other bookstores online. He is already working on his next book, The Council on Foreign Relations and the Betrayal of the American People: A Chronology of Treason, which he plans to have ready by the end of this year.

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Colo. Shooting Suspect James Holmes Got 'A's, but Called '2nd-Rate Student'


By CLAYTON SANDELL and CAROL McKINLEY | ABC News – 18 hrs ago.. .

ABC News - Colo. Shooting Suspect James Holmes Got 'A's, but Called '2nd-Rate Student' (ABC News)

Newly obtained college records for suspected mass murderer James Holmes highlight a perplexing disconnect between a student who appeared to have remarkable academic ability, and the now-24-year-old accused of the most extensive mass shooting in U.S. history.

Holmes is charged with opening fire July 20 inside an Aurora Colo., movie theater, murdering 12 people and injuring 58 others attending a midnight screening of "The Dark Knight Rises." He has not entered a plea.

College transcripts obtained Wednesday by ABC News show that while attending the University of California Riverside, Holmes earned almost all "A" grades, graduating with "high honors" in June 2010.

In subjects including biology, chemistry, economics and Spanish, Holmes received "A+" grades that helped him earn a 3.94 GPA.

In one philosophy class taken in the winter of 2010, titled "Ethics and the Meaning of Life", Holmes got an "A."

According to at least one former associate, however, Holmes' apparent book smarts did not translate to real-world ability.

"He was not an exceptional mind," said John Jacobsen, a former researcher at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in La Jolla, Calif., where Holmes was an intern in 2006.

Jacobsen recalled giving Holmes an experiment to be conducted on a computer. According to Jacobsen, Holmes failed.

"He was a second-rate student. Not very good at all," Jacobsen told ABC News.

A phone call to Holmes' attorneys -- who are under a strict court-imposed gag order preventing them from talking about the case -- was not returned to ABC News.

In court, Holmes' public defenders repeatedly have suggested their client is mentally ill. Court documents reveal Holmes was seeing a psychiatrist while a graduate student at the University of Colorado.

Holmes' U.C. Riverside transcripts and other records were sent to ABC News and other news organizations from the University of Kansas in response to a Kansas Open Records Act request. Holmes submitted the transcripts as part of his application to the University of Kansas PhD. program in neuroscience.

According to the application, three U.C. Riverside staffers wrote letters on Holmes' behalf, including director of student affairs Kathryn Jones and professors Khaleel Razak and Edward Korzus. Emails and phone calls requesting comment were not immediately returned.

Last week, officials revealed Holmes also applied to the neuroscience program at the University of Iowa, and was given an interview there in January 2011.

After meeting with Holmes, neuroscience program director Daniel Tranel wrote an email to the admissions committee urging them to reject Holmes' application.

"James Holmes: Do NOT offer admission under any circumstances," Tranel wrote. He did not elaborate.

A University of Iowa spokesman later told the Associated Press that Holmes "was not a good personal fit for our program."

Ultimately, Holmes withdrew his University of Kansas application and never met in person with staff there.

In a letter dated March 4, 2011, an official with the neuroscience graduate program said he was "sorry to hear" Holmes no longer wanted to attend the school.
Judge rules for transparency in Colorado massacre case


Much of the evidence against shooting suspect James E. Holmes will remain sealed, but portions including the victims' names will not be redacted, he rules.

Colorado massacre suspect James E. Holmes makes his first court appearance in July. A judge has ruled against redacting parts of the case file that include victims' names. (RJ Sangosti, Pool Photo / July 23, 2012)

By Jenny Deam, Los Angeles Times

October 28, 2012

CENTENNIAL, Colo. — In weighing intense public interest in the Aurora movie massacre against the potential compromise of victim and witness privacy, the judge in the case has ruled in favor of transparency — although much of the evidence against suspect James E. Holmes will remain sealed.

District Judge William Sylvester of the 18th Judicial District has opened large portions of a previously redacted case file and denied most of the prosecution and defense joint arguments that the names of the 12 killed and at least 58 injured in the July 20 rampage be resealed. The names, however, were already made public when portions of the case file were opened last month.

"Redaction at this point would be largely symbolic and have very little practical effect," Sylvester wrote in a Friday ruling. He added that the names of new victims that were listed in recent documents adding more criminal charges against Holmes also would be made public.

Holmes, a 24-year-old former neuroscience doctoral student at the University of Colorado-Denver, faces 166 counts, including two murder charges for each person killed. He is accused of opening fire in a packed theater during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises." His public defense team has said he is mentally ill.

Public and press access to documents in the highly watched case have been a point of contention. Denver attorney Steven Zansberg, who represents media outlets including the Los Angeles Times, has repeatedly argued in favor of opening the court records.

Sylvester said he was trying to keep the case legally consistent with other criminal cases in which victim and witness names are not redacted, and information is not discussed in open court, nor what is already known by the public. He ruled this month that much of Holmes' academic record be given to the prosecution.

The prosecution and the defense have both alleged that victims reported feeling harassed and intimidated by the news media because their identities were known.

Sylvester wrote that although he was sympathetic to any distress the publicity has brought victims, he did not think the prosecution or defense had proved its allegations of victim intimidation enough to reseal the names. Among the claims was that victims were unwilling to talk to the district attorney's office because they thought attorneys were reporters in disguise.

The judge did acknowledge an incident of identity theft when one of the victims' names was fraudulently used to file a motion asking the court to remove his name from the witness list because he was not shot. Sylvester wrote that he was troubled by what happened but it would not be remedied by resealing the names.

Among the court documents Sylvester ruled would remain sealed are those dealing with a package that Holmes mailed to his psychiatrist, Dr. Lynne Fenton, the day before the shooting. The defense has asked Sylvester to sanction the prosecution for law enforcement leaks about that package in violation of the gag order. A hearing on that matter is pending.