Cosmotheism ...



In its broadest sense, the word cosmotheism may be considered synonymous with pantheism, although not all modern pantheists would accept the term as a synonym for their own worldview due to its historical association with William Pierce and his white separatist political views, which some within the pantheist community find objectionable.

According to a Cosmotheist Web site dedicated to Pierce:

"Cosmotheism is a religion which positively asserts that there is an internal purpose in life and in cosmos, and there is an essential unit
y, or consciousness that binds all living beings and all of the inorganic cosmos, as one."
"What is our true human identity is we are the cosmos made self-aware and self-conscious by evolution. "
"Our true human purpose is to know and to complete ours
elves as conscious individuals and also as a self-aware species and thereby to co-evolve with the cosmos towards total and universal awareness, and towards the ever higher perfection of consciousness and being." (
William L. Pierce's Cosmotheism

In the United States, Cosmotheism usually refers to a religion adopted in 1978 by National Alliance founder William L. Pierce. Pierce affirms his cosmotheist belief
in a speech that he once gave entitled "Our Cause":

"All we require is that you share with us a commitment to the simple, but great, truth which I have explained to you here, that you understand that you are a part of the whole, which is the creator, that you understand that your purpose, the purpose of mankind and the purpose of every other part of creation, is the creator's purpose, that this purpose is the never-ending ascent of the path of creation, the path of life symbolized by our life rune, that you understand that th
is path leads ever upward toward the creator's self-realization, and that the destiny of those who follow this path is godhood."
His interpretation of cosmotheism developed from several disparate sou
rces: interpretations of George Bernard Shaw's play Man and Superman; strains of German Romanticism; Darwinian concepts of natural selection and of survival of the fittest, mixed with the relate
d early 20th century eugenic ideals; and Ernst Haeckel's version of monism.

The foundation of Pierce's Cosmotheism was essentially similar to classical monistic pantheism --he recognized no physical difference or separation between human and divine, between creator and created --but with a few differences.

Pierce described his form of Cosmotheism as being based on "the idea of an evolutionary universe ... with an evolution toward ever higher and higher states of self-consciousness," and his political ideas were centered on racial purity and eugenics as the means of advancing the white
race first towards a superhuman state, and then towards godhood. In his view, the white race represented the pinnacle of human evolution thus far and therefore should be kept genetically separate from a
ll other races in order to achieve its destined perfection in Godhood.

Pierce believed in a hierarchical society governed by what he saw as the essential principles of nature, including t
he survival of the fittest. In his social schema, the best-adapted genetic stock, which he believed to be the white race, should remain separated from other races; and within an all-white society, the most fit individuals should lead the rest. He thought that extensive programs of "racial cleansing" and of eugenics, both in Europe and in the U.S., would be necessary to achieve this socio-political program.

His National Alliance was to be the political vanguard and the spiritual priesthood of this program, which was designed ultimately to bring about a "white racial redemption". His Cosmotheist Community Chur
ch, which was to be the next step of this plan, was set up in the mid-1970s, alongside Pierce's other political projects --the National Alliance, National Vanguard Books, and th
e weekly broadcast American Dissident Voices --all from his mountain retreat headquarters in West Virginia.

Pierce's views have been characterized as a version of early twentieth
century racial anthropology, but driven by spiritual, as well as scientific, beliefs. This area of his belief was likely influenced by his early association with George Lincoln Rockwell's American Nazi Party. Others have noted the German Romantic roots that Pierce's ideas shared with Nazism and have observed similarities between the two ideologies: Pierce's plan for white divinity was similar to Adolf Hitler's vision for the Herrenvolk; also, his attacks against J*ws as "parasites" on white society, who would prevent the white race from reaching its destined godhood by replacing the white elite with their own kind, echoed previou
s Nazi descriptions of Jewish traits and character.

In order to understand Pierce's millenarian worldview, it is necessary briefly to explore the racially rooted theology upon which his organization is based. This philosophy, which Pierce calls 'Cosmotheism,' resonates in his literary work, particularly in Turner, and provides adherents with a totalistic logic explaining the order of the universe. Blending Darwinian evolutionary theory with ideas from ancient Teutonic legend, Cosmotheism synthesizes the scientific with the mystical in its construction of reality. While the empirical and otherworldly components of this belief system might initially appear incompatible, in a strange sense each reinforces the other in an all-encompassing concept for human evolutionary development.

Pierce perceives the world in terms of separate, biologically differentiated evolutions of racial groups. Reflecting strong traces of the theories of scientific r

acism he read while at Oreg
on State University, Pierce's conception of racial progress would seem, at first glance, to be merely an extension of the early twentieth century's 'racial anthropology' literature. Here it is important to see that Pierce's system of thought diverges significantly from the purely scientific structure adopted by early racial theorists. In the Cosmotheist thoughtworld, evolution takes on a spiritual meaning as mankind follows predetermined courses of racial destiny. Pierce has described this process as an 'upward path' with its end point leading to the goal of 'oneness with the Creator.' This ultimate Cosmotheist objective, the white race's realization of godhood, is viewed as a genetically wired certainty. According to Pierce, who has lectured on the subject to small gatherings of National Alliance members, the race's 'divine spark' has propelled it to greatness throughout history and separates it from all other forms of life.<b
r>The concept of a unique Aryan path to godhood has parallel
s with the 'secret wisdom' beliefs found in ancient Gnosticism. Although lacking the racial mystique that would come to preoccupy some of its distant offshoots, Gnosticism established an early foundation for alternative expressions of salvationism. Embracing a mysterious and syncretic belief system borrowed from Platonism, oriental religions, Judaism, and Christianity, Gnosticism flourished in the first few centuries c.e. in the Mediterranean Basin as a counter religious movement to orthodox Christianity. The importance of Gnosticism as a forebearer of other elite, alternative theological systems is found in its dualistic interpretation of reality. Perceiving in themselves a divine spark that differentiated those within the sect from outsiders, the early Gnostics held that the realization of spiritual unity with God could be achieved through secret revelation and initiation into the group's esoteric tradition. This knowledge, whic
h was de
emed unavailable to group outsiders, permitted the 'release'
of one's godly potential, and thus facilitated the 'insider's' personal path to divinity.

The Gnostic gravitation toward dualism and group secrecy was continued by a host of esoteric orders in the Western world. In particular, notions of occult revelations resonated with many of the secret societies which drew their inspiration from the Gnostic worldview. It is interesting to note that the uniquely German permutations of Gnostic belief, which in the nineteenth century combined Volkish nationalism with the mysticism of legendary secret societies, became the prime expositors of a 'revolutionary gnosis' that possessed both a racial basis and a political agenda. The best-known of these relatively obscure ideas was Ariosophy, an Aryan variant of the era's widely popular Theosophy. Blending German nationalistic sentiments, occultism, and Teutonic belief, Ariosophy emerged as a 'crisis cult' in
response to
its adherents' sense of dislocation within late nineteenth-century German society and the di
sunified nature of the German state.


>>"Like all good megalomaniacs, Pierce wasn't content mulching up the brains of his disgruntled followers. He wanted their souls, too. And so the atheist, following in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard, decided to found a religion with a name just as crass as Hubbard's ersatz creation: Cosmotheism.

>>"The fundamentals of Cosmotheism, for what they were, didn't originate with Pierce. In 1968, Pierce had published a condensed version of Savitri Devi's The Lightning and the Sun in the Nazi Party's National Socialist World. Devi was a confidant of George Lincoln Rockwell, a Greek/French woman who had become entranced by the metaphysics of the Upanishads and saw Adolf Hitler as nothing less than an Aryan prophet. Utilizing a mythology that lacked only unicorns and mischievous little leprechauns, Devi placed the Aryan in the
American Indian's stereotyped role as a "noble savage," in tun
e with nature and, like her hero Hitler, strictly vegetarian.

>>"Pierce took a deep draught of Devi's swill and chased it down with a cocktail of pre-Christian paganisms. Nobody ever really got high on Cosmotheism, but it did give the National Alliance another shot at the tax-exempt status the IRS revoked from its predecessor. "<<

"Like all good megalomaniacs, Pierce wasn't content mulching up the brains of his disgruntled followers. He wanted their souls, too. And so the atheist, following in the footsteps of L. Ron Hubbard, decided to found a religion with a name just as crass as Hubbard's ersatz creation: Cosmotheism.

*yawn!* Uh-huh. There's one thing I've noticed about Pirece, Klassen and even Hubbard, and that is that they at least had enough of a creative spirit to invent and create something as powerful as a religion (although in Hubbard's case, it turned out to be just another re-hash that was used for ill purposes). Hell, Klassen even in
vented the fully-automated electric can-opener.

On the other hand, we have a pissant, dirtbag journalist who is very good at creating clever sentences and running down genuine patriots and truly creative people.

Here's the million-dollar question: When was t
he last time you heard about or read about a jewsmedia hack creating or inventing anything of tangible value?
Any world-changing inventions? Any new means or methods that improve human efficiency or add value to human life? Anything at all other than trite catch-phrases and slogans?

Answer: Never. Reporters are death-worshipers who are no different than the ranks of zeros they write for, anti-men locked away in their make-believe realm with no cultural, spiritual, or racial grounding or rooting. They create nothing and can only instead destroy everything they touch.

Small wonder J*ws fit so well into this racket.

BTW, I happen to know the guy who run that cosmotheist webpage and he is a very intelligent m
an who coincidentally in going for his Ph.D. sometime soon.

Originally posted by direwulf@Jan 10 2005, 07:46 AM
On the other hand, we have a pissant, dirtbag journalist who is very good at creating clever sentences and running down genuine patriots and truly creative people.
Like Direwulf, I too am not impressed with the "Hippie" article.

Albion, is there any way I can pursuade you to delete that post?

I for one am confused regarding your position on Cosmotheism.
All of your posts seem supportive until your last one.

What happend between Nov. 2 and Dec. 25 to change your opinion?

I don't want to 'butt in'
but a lot of posts on this forum are made

'for information or reference only'
that may include 'both sides' of the subject.

I personally use the 'NNN-reader' posting identity
that contains a disclaimer at the bottom
(not necessarily the views of NNN etc.)
for posting links from NNN email reporters
and other newslists that I may not entirely agree with.

Using the 'New Nation News' newspaper model
most 'reporters' on this forum may post a news or commentary link
without necessarily spending the time to analyze and refute it line-by-line.

But as there is a wide spectrum of ('White Nationalist') viewpoints
among 'NNN reporters and columnists' on this 'forum'
courteous reasonable debate is welcome.