Face facts, suckers: ur stupidity, ignorance is allowing globalist-satanists to taking-over the entire world through technology--get a clue, fools


Guest Columnist

“Forbidden Planet”: An Unelected Shadow Government of Billionaires Has Seized Power … “When Science Fiction becomes Science Fact”​

The greatest Science fiction movie ever made starring us​

By Michael J. Talmo
Global Research, August 12, 2022

Link: https://www.globalresearch.ca/greatest-science-fiction-movie-ever-made-starring-us/5789637


A new Dark Age is upon us. An unelected shadow government consisting of billionaires, multinational corporations, and international non-governmental organizations like the World Economic Forum and the Rockefeller Foundation has seized power without a shot being fired, without a drop of blood being shed.
All nations have been corrupted. Elected officials, public health authorities, and the mainstream media can no longer be trusted. Phony pandemics like COVID-19 along with the fear of AIDS, monkeypox, and whatever else they can dream up are being used as an excuse to replace freedom, democracy, and national sovereignty with a global dystopian surveillance state. Welcome to the abyss.

The majority of people go about their lives wrapped in a cocoon of complacency and indifference, blissfully unaware of the fate that awaits them if they don’t wake up. Instead, they either flat out deny reality or fritter away their time on trivial issues as well as major issues while failing to see the big picture.
Some sit on their mystic futons with their Quartz crystals and think happy thoughts while others go on moral crusades freaking themselves out over children at drag shows, transsexuals in bathrooms, and people who didn’t get a COVID jab, while still others absorb themselves with sports, celebrity gossip, and wondering if Jeffrey Epstein is still alive. But that’s the whole idea. Distract the masses. In ancient Rome it was bread and circuses, now it’s pandemics, transsexuals, and cell phones.
But the big picture remains. “Vaccine Passports Are Here to Stay. Why Worry?” declares a January 2022 article in The Intercept.
The article goes on to point out that there is a whole lot to worry about along with a February 2022 article in Medical X Press, and another February 2022 article in Forbes. This is because even though COVID-19 restrictions are being lifted, they are not totally gone and could come back in full force with a vengeance. The corrupt system that put them there is still in place.
Image on the right is from Mercola

Examples: a number of countries and some US states have rolled out vaccine passports.
Other US states have banned vaccine passports, but could easily reintroduce them down the road. The Federal Government could also start pressuring the states to require vaccine passports or pass a federal law requiring them nationwide.
Even though the U.S. Supreme Court struck down Biden’s vaccine requirement for large companies, many, as CNN reported, are still requiring COVID jabs for their employees. This is because the Court didn’t use an across-the-board ban as it should have. Also consider China’s zero-COVID policy in Shanghai that brutally locked down 24.9 million people.
Examples: CNN reported that some airports and subway systems like in New York are still requiring masks even though a Federal District Judge struck down Biden’s mask mandate for transportation because it doesn’t apply to corporate and state entities. The judge could have gotten rid of all mask mandates across-the-board. But on page 43 of the decision she states that the Court accepts the CDC’s determination that masks are effective against COVID-19, which they aren’t. In my state, COVID restrictions are gone, but hospitals and medical offices are still requiring masks. LA County in California is threatening to bring back mask mandates due to rising COVID cases. No people, this nonsense isn’t over by a long shot.
There are some who think that whatever their globalist masters do to them is just peachy dandy. There are too many who will just go along to get along because they’re too lazy and too scared to fight back. Let’s not forget those who expect to be rewarded for selling out the human race. And there are a growing number of those who want to do all they can to resist, but are tempted to kick-back and chill-out. So, let’s look at what these globalist masters of the universe have planned for us and what could go wrong if they get their way.

Foreboding Planet

One of the greatest science fiction movies ever made was the 1956 classic “Forbidden Planet.” It is considered by many to be the granddaddy of all science fiction films. Like Star Trek, the film is set in the distant future. The plot: an Earth starship travels to a remote planet that a research team of scientists landed on 20 years earlier to see what became of them. Turns out only one scientist and his sexy daughter who was born there survived. They are living comfortably in a beautiful house with a robot that the father created to serve their every need. But soon after the ship lands, an indestructible invisible monster starts killing the ship’s crew. The scientist explained that this monster also killed all his other colleagues except for his wife, who died of natural causes.

The captain rightly decides to get off the planet pronto. But the scientist doesn’t want to leave, assures him that he and his daughter are in no danger, and insists that the ship leave without them. He explains that a highly advanced civilization once existed there that was mysteriously wiped out two hundred thousand years earlier. Nothing remains above ground. But underground is a huge laboratory and miles and miles of a vast underground machine complex that maintains itself so it looks brand new.
He tells the captain how our civilization would benefit from the wonders he has discovered, but that only he is qualified to dole out the knowledge because he boosted his intellect with one of their machines which almost killed him because it wasn’t made for our primitive ape brain. But even with his boosted intellect he can’t figure out why this civilization which was on the verge of some enormous achievement suddenly vanished overnight. But the ship’s doctor figures it out after he sneaks into the underground lab and boosts his intellect to an even greater degree. It kills him, but before he dies he explains what went wrong.
Turns out the vast machine complex allowed every inhabitant of the ancient civilization to become mentally connected to it so that anything they imagined would instantly materialize. In other words, they would have the power of God: creation by mere thought. But as the doctor explained, they forgot about one thing: “Monsters from the ID.” Like us, they evolved from more primitive ancestors and the machine freed those violent primitive impulses to maim and kill. The scientist was forced to face the fact that the monster that killed his companions and that was now about to kill his daughter because she fell in love with the captain was his own subconscious let loose when his intellect was expanded. He had no power to stop it. But the stress of discovering the truth killed him–his daughter and everyone else were saved.

We have seen many times that science fiction eventually becomes science fact. Like the vast fictitious machine complex in “Forbidden Planet,” the internet is everywhere and anyone can connect to it via their computers and smart phones. But the architects of the New World Order, the Great Reset, call it what you will, want to implant chips into our bodies and or brain that will allow us to connect to the internet without the aforementioned devices. They will sell it to us as being fun and convenient. Don’t be fooled. Their agenda is total control of the human race.
If you think I’m spouting some wild conspiracy theory, think again. The technology to implant computer chips in people exists now, has been done, and is being done as shown in this 2019 NBC News report. One of the guys interviewed said he thinks chipping will be voluntary. It might start out that way, but it won’t stay that way. In this video, Klaus Schwab, head of the World Economic Forum declares:
“Can you imagine that in 10 years when we are sitting here we have an implant in our brains and I can immediately feel, because you all will have implants, I can measure your brain waves and I can immediately tell you how the people react or I can see you, how the people react to your answers.”

Notice all of the I statements Schwab made? It’s all about what he can do and in this video asserts:
“What the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, our digital, and our biological identities.”
What Schwab said is confirmed in this article on the World Economic Forum’s website:
“We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before…The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all issues associated with it…and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation.”
Yuval Noah Harari, PhD, is a best selling author, historian, and a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Some right wing conservative websites claim that Professor Harari is a top adviser to Klaus Schwab. I have found no evidence for that claim. Yes, he has spoke at the World Economic Forum’s annual meetings in Davos, Switzerland as well as with billionaire globalists like Bill Gates. But as Dr. Harari explained in this interview on 60 Minutes, his purpose is to warn the elites of the dangers of what they are doing. And they are open to being warned because “they are a bit afraid of their own power” and “have realized the immense influence they have over the world, over the course of evolution really and I think that spooks at least some of them and that’s a good thing.”

At the 2020 annual Davos meeting, Dr. Harari laid out the scary and creepy future that globalists like Schwab have planned for us via the use of artificial intelligence and biotechnology:
“In the coming decades AI and biotechnology will give us god-like abilities to re-engineer life and even to create completely new life forms. After 4 billion years of organic life shaped by natural selection we are about to enter a new era of inorganic life shaped by intelligent design. Our intelligent design is going to be the new driving force of the evolution of life. And in using these powers of creation we might make mistakes on a cosmic scale.”
Dr. Harari went on to explain that every country will declare that they are the “good guys” and would never want to genetically engineer humans or develop killer robots. But they can’t trust their rivals not to so they will have to race to do it first. He warned that if we allow this kind of arms race to occur it doesn’t matter who wins: “The loser will be humanity.”
Mechanical Implants aren’t the only way to control humans. Another possible way is via the use of optogenetics, which genetically modifies targeted cells in the brain and are then manipulated with light. This technology has the potential to restore brain function and to cure diseases like Parkinson’s, epilepsy, stroke, mental disorders, etc. But as Nobel Prize winner Susumu Tonegawa, PhD explains in this video on the World Economic Forum’s website:
“We can now engineer their thought with the light so that animals, our memory, our emotions, and even thoughts can be manipulated. This is the idea that has existed only in the realm of science fiction until recently.”
The World Economic Forum web page correctly declares that manipulating memories, emotions, and thoughts raises “profound ethical questions” which is why “It’s a future that should be very carefully considered.”
But in my opinion, the agenda of people like Klaus Schwab is clear: they want to be in control. They want obedience. They want absolute power. They not only want to tell 8 billion people what to do and how to live, but also what to think and feel. This is their utopian plan. Utopia for them, a living hell for the rest of us. But are they considering the fact that artificial intelligence drives the digital world that they wants us to become fused with via algorithims? And these algorithms are getting smarter. What if they eventually develop a high level of intelligence and become self aware?
Algorithms that think way faster and can solve problems like war and pollution more quickly than humans might with self-awareness decide that we are a danger to the planet and to their existence. They could wipe us out by getting us to kill each other. Just imagine such a mass slaughter taking place. The entire human race dead in a matter of hours. Or the slaughter could take place in a different way. Over the course of a few years, more and more algorithms will be created and more attempts will be made to manipulate humans by various elites. As Dr. Harari puts it in this video,“Humans are now hackable animals.” Maybe our brains will overload or even explode from the massive amounts of data and conflicting commands. This could cause the human race to become extinct within a decade or two.

What globalist elites are also looking to exploit is transhumanism, the belief that technology can repair and improve the human race. The upside of this is that medical science will one day be able to replace amputated or destroyed limbs with mechanical ones that will perform just like, and be indistinguishable from, human appendages.
This might also be accomplished via a regeneration technology. Damage to a person’s spinal cord in an accident like the one that caused the late Christopher Reeve (1952-2004) to be paralyzed from the neck down could be totally repaired. All diseases could be eliminated. Old age and even death might be conquered. But as Dr. Harari explained in the 60 Minutes interview, there is also a very dangerous downside:
“…we will see in the coming decades, a process of greater inequality than in any previous time in history because for the first time, it will be real biological inequality. If the new technologies are available only to the rich or only to people from a certain country, then Homo sapiens will split into different biological castes because they really have different bodies–and different abilities.”
In other words, we might see a whole race of humanoids that are stronger, faster, and far more intelligent than we are. Beings who don’t age and can’t be killed. Beings that will see themselves as Gods among insects to quote Magneto in the 2003 film “X2: X-Men United.”
I’m not saying that any of this will happen. I’m only saying that human nature being what it is, there is a strong possibility that it will happen if we passively stand by and do nothing to stop it.

Robots in Our Midst

The word robot was introduced to the world in a 1920 play called R.U.R. (Rossun’s Universal Robots) written by Karel Capek (1890-1938). But it was his older brother Josef Capek (1887-1945) who invented the word Robot. It comes from the Czech word “robota,” which means “forced laborer” or “serf.” In 1941 science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, PhD (1920-1992) invented the word “robotics.”
There are all kinds of robots in the world today used for all sorts of things. Robots have been working production lines in factories for decades. They can be found in hospitals, toy stores, in sewers doing inspections, etc. There are also robot insects, birds, and fish as shown in this 2019 article and 2017 video. Robot Space probes have sent back pictures of other planets in our solar system while others are exploring the surface of the Planet Mars. Self-driving cars have become a reality. Drones are being used by retailers like Walmart for deliveries and, unfortunately, for oppressive and military purposes.
Parts of the US and other countries used obnoxious drones to order people to stay home and socially distance during the COVID lockdowns as reported by Business Insider. The US military has been using attack drones to kill political and military leaders along with innocent civilians which includes children since the administration of George W. Bush. Snopes reported that more than 500 drone strikes were authorized by President Barak Obama alone. President Donald Trump revoked Obama’s executive order requiring an annual disclosure of civilian deaths from drone strikes in 2018 so we don’t know how many people are getting killed. But estimates show at least several hundred civilians have been killed by attack drones over the years.
According to some websites, robots existed in ancient Egypt and in the Medieval and Renaissance Periods. But the first AI robot was developed between 1966-1972 at the Stamford Research Institute. They named it Shakey because it shook a lot and moved around. Robots have come a long way since then. We even have robot dogs. But none have captured our imaginations, fascinated, and frightened us more than humanoid robots.
The most sophisticated of all AI humanoid robots was invented in 2016. Her name is Sophia which is Greek for wisdom. She was created by Hanson Robotics based in Hong Kong. She was designed to look like actress Audrey Hepburn (1929-1993). Sorry, I don’t see it. She is also the first robot to be granted citizenship by a country: Saudi Arabia no less.
This video features Sophia in action along with other humanoid robots. Here is another video of Sophia singing a duet with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show. But here is the most frightening and disturbing video of all. Sophia’s creator David Hanson believes that in the future robots will walk among us and be our friends. He then asked Sophia the following question:
“Do you want to destroy humans? Please say no.”
Sophia replies:
“Okay, I will destroy humans.”
Sophia reminds me of the contrast between the 1979-1981 TV show Buck Rogers in the 25thCentury and the later Terminator movies. In the former, robots in the form of Dr. Theopolis make up the Computer Council which is Earth’s ruling body because humans felt they couldn’t be trusted to run things since they almost destroyed the planet in a nuclear holocaust centuries earlier. Since Dr. Theopolis, like the other robots on the council, are just small disks, he is worn around the neck of a robot named Twiki for mobility. Naturally, the robots in this possible future are benevolent and good. In the Terminator movies they are the opposite. So, the question is: if we create a race of super intelligent robots, do we get Dr. Theopolis and Twiki or do we get Skynet and the Terminator? I think the latter is far more likely.

Lost in Cyberspace

As AI and robots become more intelligent and efficient jobs will disappear for the overwhelming majority of the human race. At the 2020 Davos meeting Dr. Harari explained that this will lead to the creation of a new useless class. Not useless to friends and family, but to the economic and political order. In the past workers had to deal with exploitation. In the future it will be irrelevance which is much worse than exploitation. But what is to be done with all of these jobless, useless humans?
Since AI systems require an enormous amount of energy to function as explained in this 2020 article, which could severely damage the environment as stated in this 2021 article, and since the human body generates a tremendous amount of energy as explained in this 2009 article, why not harvest the energy of the useless class to power them? This concept was well-illustrated in the 1999 science fiction film, “The Matrix.”
In “The Matrix” people thought they were living and working in 1999 Los Angeles when, in reality, they were in the distant future lying naked in tanks, submerged in liquid with cables plugged into their brains and spinal columns. The machines that had long ago conquered the human race, created a computer generated artificial world for the masses to keep their minds active while using them as living batteries to power the machinery complexes. When people died their liquified remains were fed to the living via a network of intravenous tubes.
It’s highly unlikely that things will turn out exactly like in “The Matrix.” A more likely possibility is that since humans will be directly connected to AI and the internet via implants, they might be confined to apartments individually or in groups where they can walk around, eat, exercise, go to the bathroom, and go to bed while trapped in a virtual fantasy world thinking they are somewhere else. They will be totally unaware that they are slaves while their energy is being harvested to feed their mechanical and transhuman masters.
What kind of fantasy world will humanity be living in? Perhaps each person or group might be given a fantasy that matches their personality. Some might be loners who think they are roughing it in the wilderness; some will think they are rich and famous living in the lap of luxury surrounded by throngs of adoring fans; others might even think they are superheros living in a Harry Potter Universe. Some people might even be made to think they are living in different time eras.
Another danger to consider is that even if we manage to avoid enslavement in virtual fantasy worlds, the human race might become so dependent on algorithms to make decisions for them and on robots to do things for them that future generations will be helpless mental midgets.
But there is another possible future. Virtual fantasy worlds are already being used as explained in this article. In addition to being lots of fun, they can be highly educational. In the TV series “Star Trek: The Next Generation,” which was set almost 100 years in the future of the original series, the Enterprise had what was called the holodeck. It was a chamber the crew could enter and have the computer conjure up any fantasy world they could imagine. It was the central plot in numerous episodes. But the crew was in control. They could enter or leave whenever they wanted.
Knowledge, like power, is a two-edged sword. Technology can be used for good or evil. It can bring us greater freedom or it can enslave us. Religion can do the same thing. Always choose freedom and choice over power and control. Bottom line: You want to be in control of technological wonders like virtual reality—you don’t want those technological wonders to control you.

Big Brother Is Watching You

In today’s modern world, we are constantly being tracked and monitored. Surveillance cameras are everywhere. Businesses are finding more and more reasons to ask to see our driver’s license. When we call up our credit card company or some other business, we are confronted with obnoxious robot voice mail systems that with ever growing frequency will say: “this call is being monitored and recorded.” God I miss the days when an actual human answered the phone. When we visit various websites, algorithms track us. This is why we suddenly get a litany of ads and promos for whatever we look at in our email, social media pages, and any websites we visit.
Hackers are another problem. Our personal data can be stolen by criminals who can assume our identities as well as take all the money in our bank accounts which is why I don’t do online banking. Even the police can extract data and locate us by hacking into our smart phones as explained in this 2017 article.
But until recently, governments, corporations, and algorithms have only been able to hack into and monitor what we do externally, such as into where we go and who we interact with. Until now, our smart phones, bank accounts, and personal information could be hacked. But as Dr. Harari explained in the 60 Minutes interview: “The next phase is the surveillance going under our skin.”
In other words, humans can also be hacked. At the 2018 India Today Conlave, Dr. Harari explained:
“We are deciphering how the body works, how the brain works, how people make decisions, and very soon, governments and corporations might be in the position that they understand what’s happening inside us better than we understand and therefore they can manipulate us and control us and we won’t even realize it…if we are not careful this will lead to the creation of digital dictatorships, of total surveillance regimes, in which resistance is absolutely impossible, because if you just think about resisting they know.”
Examples: a dictator in some country might force everyone to wear a biometric bracelet that can monitor and track their emotions. Anyone who reacts negatively to the autocrat’s presence on TV or in person could be executed. Homophobic countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia could use AI to identify gay people and execute them. Religious dictatorships will know who doesn’t believe in God. An atheist dictatorship would know who does believe in God.
At the 2020 Davos meeting, Dr. Harari warned the wealthy elites that they would not be safe if AI falls into the hands of a 21st Century Stalin. Under Joseph Stalin (1878-1953) “the state monitored members of the Communist elite more than anyone else. The same will be true of future total surveillance regimes. The higher you are in the hierarchy the more closely you will be watched…so it’s in the interest of all humans including the elites to prevent the rise of such digital dictatorships.”
Last year, the United Nations called for a moratorium on AI technologies because of the danger they posed to human rights. The U.N. warned that Spyware like Pegasus “has been linked to the arrest, intimidation, and even killing of journalists and human rights defenders.”
Another way that global elitists want to control us is by creating a cashless world order. Naturally, the World Economic Forum is all for it as stated in this 2020 article on their website. Under this horrible system governments and corporations will know about every financial transaction that you make. And they will be able to deny you access to your money anytime you do something that they don’t like. Naturally, they will try to sell us on the idea that going cashless will be more convenient and prevent crimes like tax evasion. Don’t fall for it, warned this 2013 CNBC commentary. A cashless society will be a totalitarian society. It’s about control, not convenience.

Is There any Hope?

Our inalienable human rights are being drowned in a sea of trigger words, micro-aggressions, safe spaces, and self-righteous pontifications about what God says we ought to do. We have become a planet of whiny, easily offended nitpickers.
We have also become a planet of germophobic hypochondriacs which was exploited to the hilt with COVID-19. People wore the craziest stuff out of fear of a cold virus as shown is this article. But George Carlin (1937-2008) really nailed it in this 1999 comedy monologue on the fear of germs.
Being exposed to germs strengthens the immune system. In the same way, being exposed to different beliefs and ways of life strengthens the mind and the spirit by enabling personal growth. Censorship and intolerance lead to ignorance and stupidity. It stunts growth. The more open the mind, the more open is the heart. The more we accept ourselves, the more we will accept others.
Differences between the authoritarian left and the authoritarian right amount to issue positions—they are cosmetic. Both sides use the same tactics and psychology. Authoritarianism is about people who want power over others. They don’t know the meaning of freedom and are incapable of it. They pervert language and institutions. They are pirates and hijackers. They dangle God and science before the gullible masses like a piece of raw meat in front of a hungry lion.
A healthy society is a tolerant society. Making bigoted laws of any kind no matter how noble the intent creates a divided society. A-one-size-fits-all morality doesn’t work—all it does is breed hypocrisy and misery. A one-size-fits-all medical paradigm breeds illness and death. We can do without either.
It doesn’t matter if you’re black, white, yellow, or green. There is only one race: the human race. It doesn’t matter if you’re gay, bi, or straight. We are all sexual beings with a huge variety of fantasies and desires. It doesn’t matter if you were born male, female, or opted to be transsexual because we are all human and that’s what counts. We must stand together against this evil globalist agenda that seeks to rob us of our humanity.
My fellow humans, I beg you; I implore you: cast off your masks and your prejudices. Throw away your hand sanitizers, plexiglass screens, and moral absolutes. We need to stop being afraid of each other and what is different about each other. We need to stop hurting, judging, and punishing one another. We are human. We are one. And if we stand together, no power on Earth or anywhere else can take our humanity away from us. The most precious thing we have is ourselves and each other.

Yuval Noah Harari spills the beans: ‘We just don’t need the vast majority of the population’​

by tts-admin | Aug 16, 2022

Link: https://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=257468


Leo Hohmann – leohohmann.com Aug 15, 2022

Technology will ‘make it possible to replace the people’

Top World Economic Forum adviser Yuval Noah Harari has declared in a recent interview that the “vast majority” of the world’s 7.5 billion people are simply no longer needed due to technological advances in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioengineering.
In one sentence, Harari validated what we “conspiracy theorists” have been saying for years, that globalist power elites want to rid the world of people deemed “useless” in their eyes. That’s why we call them global predators.
“We just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” said Harari, who is a historian, futurist, popular author and, most importantly, the chief adviser to Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the extremely influential WEF.
Every year the WEF entertains thousands of devoted followers at its headquarters in Davos, Switzerland. These devotees include heads of state, congressmen, governors, top corporate CEOs, even Hollywood entertainers and stars from the sports and music world. They are being fed a full diet of propaganda cooked up by Luciferian-influenced intellectuals like Harari and Schwab.
I highly recommend listening to Harari’s interview with Chris Anderson (posted August 9), who is head of the TED media group. Let me know in the comments what you think of his statements and his worldview.

Harari repeats his previous predictions of a “useless class” of “unemployable” humans. In past statements Harari has said these useless people will need to be kept pacified by drugs and entertainment, otherwise we’ve got a problem on our hands. How do we get rid of billions of useless eaters?
Harari says the 20th century was marked by three big “stories” that human beings told themselves in order to explain the world: Fascism, Communism and Liberalism.
All three of these movements placed an emphasis on the “common man” in their propaganda messaging to the people, as opposed to earlier periods in history when kings and queens ruled by divine right and noblemen held ownership of the land, using the rest of the people as serfs.
Now, in the 21st century, people “are no longer part of the story of the future,” Harari says. They simply have no role. Humanity 1.0 is being phased out, and only those humans willing to make the TRANSition to Humanity 2.0 and join the all-new species of transhumans, will be welcomed in the emerging technocratic society.
“It’s much worse to feel you are useless than to feel you are exploited,” Harari says in the above interview.
It’s true that having no purpose in life is the ultimate downer.
But, as always, Harari is telling a half-truth while withholding the ultimate truth.
Regardless of where technology is leading the world, a believer in Jesus Christ always feels they have a purpose because they don’t derive their meaning in life from their jobs, their reputations or the acceptance of any person. We strive to please God and Him alone.
We get our meaning from the fact that we are made in God’s image, born with a free will to decide whether we will follow Him or follow the rest of the sheep who are following vain leaders, blind guides like Harari and Schwab, mere mortals who think they are smarter than everyone else when in fact they are pitiful human beings devoid of the discernment of God’s Holy Spirit. They are vacant souls, uttering silly human “hypotheses,” because they have no rudder to keep them on the path that leads to life, eternal life. All Harari can offer is hopelessness. Oh but he sounds so smart in delivering his dismal message.
While the three movements he speaks of – fascism, communism and liberalism – did indeed dominate the political and cultural landscape from the period roughly between 1800 and 2000, there is a fourth story, an eternal story with no beginning and no end, that trumps all of them. That story is the biblical story of an Almighty Creator God and His Christ, who created mankind in His image and gave them a set of rules to live by. He raises up and brings down all human kingdoms, whether they be based on royal lineage, fascism, communism, the current “liberal world order” or the emerging technocratic beast system that is engulfing the nations.
The book of Daniel explains in detail how a series of earthly kingdoms will rise and fall, with only one left standing in the end, that being the Kingdom of God and of His Christ.
Harari, being an atheist, overlooks the biggest “story” of all. He’s so caught up in the story of humanity, so self-absorbed, that he can’t see the overarching story of God in his explanation of where we’ve come from as human beings and where we are heading as things spiral further and further off the rails. Technology is not going to be our savior. Artificial intelligence cannot save us. In fact many who give themselves over to the AI-controlled beast system will lose their souls.
Harari can say that humans have been replaced by AI, machine learning, blockchain and bioengineering, and it’s true that these technologies are now driving the economies of the world as technocracy and globalism leads to a global end-times dystopian slave-state.
But technocracy is heading for the same fate as the other “stories” Harari mentions. And, I would posit, the technocratic beast system won’t even last as long as communism or liberalism before it’s relegated to the dust bin of history.
Harari hypothesizes that anxiety about being displaced by AI and a highly educated “tech” class is at the root of the world’s “disillusionment and backlash against the liberal order.”
“Part of what might be going [on] is people realize — and they’re correct in thinking that, ‘The future doesn’t need me. … Maybe if they are nice, they will throw some crumbs my way, like universal basic income.’
“Now, fast forward to the early 21st century when we just don’t need the vast majority of the population,” Harari continued, “because the future is about developing more and more sophisticated technology, like artificial intelligence and bioengineering.”
Harari added that “these technologies increasingly will make redundant” …“whatever people are still doing which is useful,” and will thus “make it possible to replace the people.”
While he conceded that technologies such as AI will open up new and “more interesting jobs,” Harari argued that “it’s not clear that many humans will be able to do them, because they will require high skills and a lot of education.”
This is where modern technocracy starts to resemble the old gnostic paganism where a certain elitist class of people have access to secret knowledge that the common folks just aren’t able to tap into.
It’s all just hopeless if you listen to Harari.
Harari is full of clever lies and half-truths. He is book smart but lacks the kind of true wisdom and discernment that comes from above. Thus, he can’t see that he is on a path to destruction. Or maybe he does see it but wants to believe that it’s only the common folk who will be destroyed.
Either way, he’s as lost as lost can be, and seems determined to take with him as many fellow humans as possible down the dark path to destruction.

CHIPS ACT Tainted by DEI Disease​

Jon Bowne
March 16th 2024, 4:41 pm

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/chips-act-tainted-by-dei-disease/

[see vid at site link, above]

Taiwan and American microchip manufacturers can’t take the CHIPS ACT seriously.

The radical left Marxists are having their cultural revolution in America, whether you are aware of it or not.
Following WW2, the infiltration of American higher education by the Frankfurt School and the rise of the radical left boomers lead us to Critical Race Theory and eventually institutionalizing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion or DEI.

Those gullible enough to swallow DEI have submitted to a “divided we fall” guilt-fueled racial class system manipulated by power mad politicians based on the generalized fantasy of bigoted privilege, intentionally fomenting a 21st Century Civil War. And as Google’s Frankenstein racist AI refuses to create white historical figures, states like Florida are eliminating DEI Anti American nonsense.
But their is no turning back from DEI for the self-sabotaging Biden Administration and its $39 billion DEI pork-filled CHIPS Act.
The Hill reported, “… Intel announced that it’s putting the brakes on its Columbus factory. The Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) has pushed back production at its second Arizona foundry. The remaining major chipmaker, Samsung, just delayed its first Texas fab.”
Taiwan and American microchip manufacturers can’t take the CHIPS ACT seriously. It is so overloaded with concocted DEI nonsense that the actual manufacturing of desperately needed advanced microchips takes a back seat.
Meanwhile, China threatens to annex Taiwan by 2027. These are serious times, for serious people, not puppets in a meaningless theater of division and lunacy.

‘The Battle for Your Brain’: Creepy WEF Video Shows How Globalists Plan To Use AI Mind Control​

April 20th 2024, 3:47 pm

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-...eo-shows-how-globalists-want-to-control-mind/

[see vids at site link, above]

Eerie presentation lays out how globalists want to use emerging technologies to map out brainwaves to manipulate behaviors.

An eerie video from the World Economic Forum’s annual Davos summit shows how the globalists plan to read and manipulate brainwaves to make it easier to control the workforce population.
A presentation by The Atlantic CEO Nicholas Thompson along with Duke University Science and Society Director Nita Farahny during the 2023 Davos summit features a creepy video outlining how emerging technologies may make it possible to monitor brain activity and thereby control behaviors.

The WEF is openly sharing their plans for the future of humanity. Time to wake up!

Digital IDs Simultaneously Implemented By Multiple Nations At Globalist Command​

by Kelen McBreen
May 17th 2024, 9:14 am

Link: https://www.infowars.com/posts/digi...ted-by-multiple-nations-at-globalist-command/

[see several vids at site link, above]

The control grid is being built around us

A social credit score is the admitted next step in this dystopian process

Infowars and others have warned for decades about the globalist agenda to create a digital database that tracks citizens and gives the ruling class more control.
Now, the digital identification phase of this Orwellian scheme is being rolled out in almost every nation that has signed on with the corrupt anti-human elite.

Groups like the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, United Nations, European Union and others have all planned on introducing this technology for many years, and the COVID-19 pandemic was instrumental in setting the precedent for the IDs.
The Australian Parliament passed digital ID laws on Thursday, the American Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) added digital IDs to its list of acceptable forms of identification two weeks ago, and the latest EU digital ID rules will begin being enforced on Monday.

Earlier this month, the Digital ID and Authentication Council of Canada (DIACC) certified its first digital ID verification platform for operation.
Taking cue directly from an April WEF digital ID report, the Biden Administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy Implementation Plan was updated this month.
The administration included digital identification via facial recognition biometrics to its updated agenda.

At least eleven U.S. states already allow digital driver’s licenses, and other states such as New Mexico are currently looking to do the same.
Australian Minister of Finance Katy Gallagher joined News Breakfast this week to assure citizens the nation’s new digital IDs will not be compulsory and that they won’t be used to track them.
Of course, as Wide Awake Media noted on X, “The EXACT same people who assured you the mRNA injections would be voluntary (and were “safe and effective”), are now assuring you digital ID will be voluntary, and won’t be used for any sinister purposes by the government. They are lying to you again.”
The IDs may not be compulsory now, but rest assured governments will create an excuse to mandate them as soon as possible.

India has served as the testing ground for the New World Order’s biometric surveillance scheme, with globalists like Bill Gates recently praising the country for allowing the World Bank to monitor its “digital public infrastructure (DPI).”
The United National Development Program (UNDP) “50-in-5” campaign launched last year has been used to test the digital IDs in 50 developing countries.
After the elite have used the Third World as test subjects they begin installing their draconian measures in the West, eventually creating a worldwide system.
Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts delivered an epic speech exposing the true nature of the digital ID rollout.

Watch some of Alex Jones’ early warnings of the technocracy he saw being built from a mile away.